Jiiroow Bakaal

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Everything posted by Jiiroow Bakaal

  1. Beer-Gaal;751779 wrote: Good news for reer Waamo , was working in Jubada hoose when Alshabaab qabsatay those areas, no one can imagine how much those people hated and wanted Alshabaab out of their Towns except view pa pets i knew! So you are one of the pirates who used to be majority in Kismaaayo but today are LOOMA OYAAN in the same city looooooooooooooooooooool
  2. Reer Garsoor should make their own adminstration from Galdogob to Garsoor
  3. Yaa madaxweyne ah Macalin Afcase mise Taksiile from Melbourne?
  4. BTW there are no TFG soldiers in south of Somalia but OG.Kenya vs OG.Ethiopia ********** from both sides who think the two contries will liberate for them Kismaayo just like MR were dreaming with their Barre Hiraale adeer looooooooooooool still living like prisoner in Dooloow
  5. Kenya cant even secure its own border and some people here they expect Kenya will help the so called TFG to conquer south of Somalia
  6. Haddi daawo bukooto maxaa lagu dabiibaa? Haddi dab dhaxamooda maxa lagu diirshaa? Haddi faroole burcad badeed doonaya xagge laga doonaa?
  7. Ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa DKMG ah oo duqeymo ku dilay dad rayid ah iyo Suuqa Xoolaha oo laga qaxayo Axad, Oktoobar 09, 2011 (HOL) — Ugu yaraan 10-qof oo shacab ah ayaa ku dhintay 15 kalena way ku dhaawacmeen, kaddib markii ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa DKMG ah ay xalay madaafiic culus ku duqeeyeen xaafadda Suuqa xoolaha ee degmada Huriwaa, halkaasoo ay weli gacanta ku hayso Al-shabaab. Madaafiicda ayaa waxay qaarkood agagaarka SOS, sarta miinada, shineemo Cabdi waayeel iyo goobo kale, iyadoo saddex qof oo ka mid ah dadka dhintay ay kasoo jeedeen qoys qura. Duqeymahan ayaa sababay inay dadkii ku noolaa xaafaddaas ay bilaabaan inay halkaas isaga barakacaan iyagoo ka baqdin qaba in dagaalladu ay soo gaaraan, balse waxaa jira dad iyagu doortay inay guryahooda iska joogaan. "Xaaladdu waa daggan tahay marka xalay loo eego, inkastoo dhawaqa madaafiicda maqlayno haddana ma jiraan wax kusoo dhacaya xaafaddeenna," ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah dadka ku nool xaafadda suuqa xoolaha oo saxaafadda la hadlay. Ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa DKMG ah ayaa waxay duqeynta billaabeen markii ay xoogagga Xarakada Al-shabaab ay xalay ku weerareen agagaarka qabuuraha Sheekh Cali Cabdulle oo duleedka bari ee degmada Kaaraan ku yaalla, halkaasoo ay shalay qabsadeen. Dhanka kale, xaaladda degmada Kaaraan oo uu shalay ka dhacay dagaal culus ayaa saakay daggan, iyadoo ciidamadii DKMG ah iyo kuwa AMISOM ay ku sugan yihiin goobihii ay shalay la wareegeen. Mazxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2011/Oct/wararka_maanta9-15299.htm
  8. Allow yaa ka dhiga reer Garsoor ama reer Galgala madaafiic iyo hub bey Garoowe ka diri lahaayeen laakin Siilaanyo Garoowe nacasha ka soo taabtey baqdin awgeed buu ina faroole qoraalkiisa dib ugu noqdey one thing is sure reer pirates are afried of reer aqoonsi raadis or Ethiopians told them to do so
  9. I hate xxx people because they dont feed us and dont give us shelter money etc.............. Beggars waliba xishooneyn
  10. One day not that far Somaliland will get its recognition Insha ALLAH
  11. I told you guys the leaders of so called TFG are incompetent, ignorants, who lack the knowledge of the world Turkey will soon leave Somalia after realizing this 3 Markab oo siday qalab kala duwan oo lagu dhisi lahaa dhamaan wadooyinka bur bursan iyo isbitaalada ayaa dhawaan ku soo xiranayo dekadaweyn ee magalada Muqdisho sidaan war bixintaan uga helnay masuul sare oo ka socdo dowlada Turkiga iyadoona sida uu sheegay ay xiligaan Muqdisho ku sugan yihiin boqol injineer oo loogu tala galay dhisamaha guud ee bur burka magaalada Muqdisho Masuulkaan ayaa aad ugu xumaaday is qab qabsiga ka dhax jira Soomaalida dooneyso qandaraska kuwaa oo masuuliyiinta dowlada ay ka qaadatay lacag waxuuna aad ugu xumaaday dhismo ay isbitaalka Dikfeer ka bilaabi lahayeen wali loo fulin layahay is qabqabsiga Soomaalida ka dhax jiro iyadoona masuulka sheegay in Soomaalida aysan aheen muwadiniin dalkooda u roon Kooxa qandars qatayaal ah oo hogaanka dalka Soomaaliya soo amreen ayaa koox koox isku heysta ayuu yiri iyadoona uu sheegay haday arinta sidaa ku sii socoto ay dhib u keeni karto howlaha dowlada Turkiga ka wado Soomaaliya Dhanka kale masuulkan u hadlay dowlada Turkiga ayaa aad ula yaabay guryaha laga kireeyo iyadoona halkii filo oo lagu kireyn jiray 200 usd hada looga koreeyo 3000 USD taa buu yiri dhib ku ah iyadoo uu sheegay lacag dhidadkooda ay ka bixiyeen ay dad ku cawinayey loola dhaqmo sidii dad cadwo oo kale ah waxuuna sheegay in aysan lacagtaan ka keenin Basiin iyo dahab ay ii biyeen waxay ku keeneen ay tahay oo kaliya xoogooda marka waxuu yiri Soomaalida waa in ay fikiraan Si kasatba ahaatee Soomaalida ayaa ah dad dalka iyo dadkooda u rooneen qof walibana meeshowo masuulka ka yahay sidoow doono ugu tagri falo
  12. Nabad_dadaye;747177 wrote: Gedo waxaad leedahay Ethiopian ayaa kuu hayo Muqdishana Amisom,bal yaa adiga (alshabab ) kugu haya meesha , warshado hub ah ma lehid , afarta cadaanka ee rabo in soomaali sidaa sii ahaato oo eey ku gabadaan ayaa hubka lacagta aad ku gadato ku siiya , dhaqaalaha dibada kaaga yimaado in aan laga war heynin miyaad umaleysaa waxa laguugu fasaxayo waa in aad sii burburtaa (fikir daba gadisan) ,dad rafaadsan in lacag darteed aad uga faaideysato miyaad umaleyneysaa iney saxan tahay . dadka shabeelooyinka dagan in alshabab laga xoreeyo ayey qorshaha aheyd balse abaaraha dartii ayaa dib loogu dhigay ,waana tan dadkii gobalada aad sheegeyso joogay eey xamar naf kasoo raadsadeen ,yaase jooga gobolada aad leedahay alshabab ayaa ka taliso . Axmaq baa tahay who said i was member of them or you think any one who supported Libyan uprising was Senussi from Benghazi or anyone who like to see Palestinan state is a Palestinian having said that there are no TFG soldiers in Gedo but MR clan who were armied by Ethiopians even them are divided some who wanna go all the way to Kismaayo (WHO THINK THE GOOD OLD DAYS OF DOXADA JUBBA) and some who are being used like a security zone of. shabaab. In Kenya same there are no TFG but OG clands men who are being used like a security zone by Kenya in Mogadishu without AMISOM TFG wont survive a single day weliba every warlord who is part of it will start to bring back his isbaaro at the end of the day no one is better than al shabaab for you animals who live in the south
  13. Af lagaada la imaaneysa markaa jawaabi kari weydey Xage ka talisa maamulka aad taageersantahay aan ka ahayn..AMISOM intey kugu waardiyeyso???
  14. OBA man måste vara realistisk klanism är här för att stanna vi måste lära oss att leva med... att Somalia kommer att ha central regering är bara nånting som kommer aldrig att hända var och en måste sköta sitt och landet kommer att för bli fördelat i olika regioner med svag central regering och starka autonomous regioner
  15. Qajaca ahayd??? Hiiraan Jubbada Hoose Jubbada Dhaxe Bay Bakool Gedo///Bardheere (inta kale waxaa heysta Ethiopians ********** Shabeelaha Dhexe Shabeelaha Hose Galgaduud ______________________ Benaadir oo AMISOM IYO JAREER EY KUGU HAYAAN --maxa kaloo heysaa bal inta ey TFG ka taliso soo qor. Wudaayoow adigoo kale af elaayda ku hadlo Puntland Alshabaab bey ku shabdeysa Reer Somalilandna Bani aadm kuma arkaan marka dad aan ku rabin ha isku dhejin ee dhulkaaga NADIIFSO MISNA IIMAANSO begging time is OVER
  16. looooooooooooooool Hassan waqooyi is the best DJ in the town
  17. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;746735 wrote: Meeqo gobol horta wada heystaan? Hiiraan Shabeellaha Dhexe Shabeellaha Hoose Jubbada Dhexe Baay Bakool Intaas waa gobollada ay wada heystaan. Gobollada lala heysto waxaa kamid ah: Galgaduud Banaadir Gedo Jubbada Hoose Inta aynan heysana waxaa kamid ah: Mudug Nugaal Bari Sanaag Sool Togdheer Waqooyi Galbeed Awdal Now let him do the math. Somaliland iyo Puntland saaxib ka T A S H O oo koonfurtaada ku T A S H O
  18. Oba Ungdomarna härskar 75% av syd Somalia (jag räknar inte Somalialnd och Puntland eftersom tekniska sätt är de icke längre med i unionen. Somalia är gjord av klaner som kan icke kompromissa den enda sättet som lag och ordning kan återställas är genom att sättas hårt mot hårt. men att de bjuder laglösa anarkister och vill kriga hit och dit gör de bara terrorister och de kommer att misslyckas samt som de tappar folkets stöd. Det skulle bli bra om de skulle ta över inrikesministeriet för att dammsuga alla krigsherrar, väggsparrar utpressarna piraterna, ethiopiska marionetterna. utbrytar provinserna.
  19. BTW dont mess with the TURKS trust me if they wanna go to Al shabaab held (which is 75% of Somalia)they will no thieves can stop them
  20. The head of an international medical charity has called on aid agencies to stop presenting a misleading picture of the famine in Somalia and admit that helping the worst-affected people is almost impossible". "The international president of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Dr Unni Karunakara, returned from Somalia last week. He condemned other organisations and the media for "glossing over" the reality in order to convince people that simply giving money for food was the answer". The Somali government position of: "Let the foreign aid workers hand over the relief food to the local NGOs, which can deliver to the drought victims in al Shabaab areas. The government is responsible for the security of foreign aid workers. We do not want them to be harmed. Why risk their lives?" This translates as, give all the aid to us and we can distribute it! How THEY distribute it is also reported: "International officials have long expected some of the food aid pouring into Somalia to go missing. But the sheer scale of the theft taking place calls into question aid groups' ability to reach the starving. It also raises concerns about the willingness of aid agencies and the Somali government to fight corruption, and whether diverted aid is fuelling Somalia's 20-year-civil war." "Vast piles of food sacks with stamps on them from the World Food Programme, the US government aid arm USAID and the Japanese government are for sale in Mogadishu markets"
  21. Its getting worse http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/09/new-american-ally-in-somalia-butcher-warlord/ New American Ally in Somalia: ‘Butcher’ Warlord If you thought it was bad that Washington is paying a shady French mercenary to do its dirty work in Somalia, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait to you see our latest ally: an admirer of Osama bin Laden with a gory past. Richard Rouget, a notorious gun-for-hire who uses American funds to train African Union soldiers fighting in the ruins of Mogadishu, has been mentioned in connection with at least one murder. But U.S.-backed Somali government general Yusuf Mohamed Siad, a.k.a. “Indha Adde,” a.k.a, “The Butcher,” once ruled an entire region of Somalia with a bloody fist. The U.S.-led international intervention in civil war-torn Somalia is unlike any of America’s other wars. Where the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are fought by tens of thousands of U.S. troops, in Somalia Washington pays others to do most of the fighting. These proxies include merc firms, regional bodies such as the A.U. and local allies including the nascent federal government. That means less direct danger to American lives. But in another sense it means more danger. The more that the U.S. relies on proxy armies to do its fighting, the more it risks those proxies usurping American support and directing it towards their own dubious ends. That’s the subject of ace reporter Jeremy Scahill’s latest piece in The Nation and also of my own feature for The Diplomat. “As one of the main warlords who divided and destroyed Somalia during the civil war that raged through the 1990s, he brutally took control of the Lower Shabelle region,” Scahill wrote about Siad. “There are allegations that he ran drug and weapons trafficking operations from the Merca port.” Siad also readily admits providing protection to al-Qaida operatives and speaks fondly of the late Osama bin Laden. Mind you, this is one of the top generals in the army of one of our closest allies in Somalia. For years, Siad resisted CIA efforts to lure him and his hundreds of militiamen to the American side. It took a lot of sweet-talking plus seismic shifts in Somali politics and U.S. strategy to draw in Siad. In 2008, Washington backed Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, a moderate Islamist and former ally of Siad’s, for Somali president. Just two years prior, Ahmed had been co-leader of the Islamic Courts Union, an Islamic group that birthed al-Shabab, pictured, a terrorist and insurgent group and today the main threat in Somalia. Ahmed and Siad both changed sides as Al Shabab grew more extreme and foreign governments organized to destroy it. For the moment, the U.S. and its shady Somali allies share a common enemy. It’s not clear how long the alliance will last — or how strong it is even today. “Ahmed claims that Indha Adde [a.k.a., Siad] and other warlords have sworn allegiance to the government,” Scahill wrote, “but it is abundantly clear from traveling extensively through Mogadishu with Indha Adde that his men are loyal to him above all else.” “The warlords being backed by you [America] have only a conflict of interest with the Shabab, not of ideology,” another former warlord told Scahill. “That’s why [arming and supporting them] is a dangerous game.” With Al Shabab on the run following relentless international attacks from the ground, air and sea, Washington soon could find itself in an uneasy relationship with U.S.-armed Somalis who, just a few years ago, were its enemies — and who no longer have a greater enemy to focus on. What happens after that is anybody’s guess.
  22. Kuwaan hadey dhab ka tahay Morgan iyo Gaani oo Nairobi jooga ayay wax ku sameyn lahaayeen....laakin intey marqaamaan bey waxaa dacweyneynaa la soo shirtagayaan .......CAJIIB