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Everything posted by Mooge

  1. i think maareeye is upset and tired with whole mogadishu politics. dahir calasoow went after the guys for many months and it was unfair and personal niyoow. i wouldn't stay in mogdishu if I went through that. we know calasoow doesn't speak for mogadishu people or the goverment but it still has effect on the person. maareeye could quit anytime.
  2. garowe will soon lead the way and become sufi capital of somalia. i am buying lots of tusbaxs and learning xadrada xerta.
  3. good video. best i seen so far of hargeisa. i think they used drone.
  4. somaliland should jail the guy. he doesn't deserve to be treated like a celebrity.
  5. goodluck to Biixi. wish him all the best and peaceful time. niyoow the biggest target of sayidka was puntlanders and many were killed as he roamed freely in nugal, bari and mudug valleys. there were whole clans in Eyl, Nugal he massacred. he never even saved little children. but you never see them hating on him or looking at his past conduct as anything but attempt to resist white colonialists. sayidka was hero. he mudered my own ancestors but i respect what he did overall. i admit he was drunk on power but his overall goal was noble niyoow.
  6. cmoon niyoow. give out some more info dee. is barkhad going to be rich after this niyoow? the guy didn't get paid well last time because tom hanks ripped him off.
  7. gooni, niyoow Ilhan is the first somali-american muslim woman to become a state legislator. she is from minnesota.
  8. Well done Ilhan and Ahmed for meeting in Minnesota.
  9. this garbage is written by puntland hater niyoow. puntland MPs visit their land all the time and go on working trips every few months. they are selected by respected Garads and if they were not good, the garads would not select them. the Garads are the traditional leaders of the land and their judgement is respected by the people. let us stop the fake news niyoow. this is the system we have now niyoow and it is working fine until we come up with something else.
  10. this is part of big battle between unuka and dayniile right now. kheyre wants to make it look the country was complete hell when he took over and now kheyre is making it better when we all know things are much worse and more people died after he came. kheyre is know to be a big BS guy who talks and brags alot so his words shouldn't be taken seriously niyoow. qoslaye left some money but he and his damjadiid people stole much more.
  11. this money should be forgiven by the bloodsuckers. we don't have any money niyoow and our country was destroyed thanks to the europeans colonizing, dividing, arming and aid-addicting somalia niyoow. somali government must not pay penny of this fake debt niyoow. there is nothing in the country that we can see niyoow to say the money did something.
  12. are you extra in the movie? tell us the minute niyoow.
  13. good people niyoow. let them voice their opinion and they should have right to do it. it shows they also want to make their city normal where nobody is afraid of shabab terrrorist and people can come out and demonstrate however they like. instead of running around city doing criminal things, a peaceful demo for something you believe strongly is good niyoow.
  14. niyoow alshabab terrorists are having hard time trusting each other and there is big infighting and fear of spies ever since Donald Trump started bombing them in Somalia. each one is afraid he may be taken out by the americans and there is big conflict between them. in Gedo they are fighting each otherh badly. the shabab socalled Amir is on the run hiding somewhere after Sheekh Fiidoow run aways with large number of shabab guys and weapons and he is daring shabab leader to do something about it. in shabelle regions they are fighting each other. in puntland they are on the run. the drones are killing them and everyone of them is afraid of the other guy for spying. i am loving it niyoow. this is good for somali people. this cancer must be eliminated.
  15. flynn knows trump used him so he will try to do everything to save himself and doesn't care about trump anymore.
  16. good start niyoow. we need more young somalis creating things like this. good for him.
  17. Guul Puntland. our boys went to Mogadishu and inshalah they will bring the trophy back.
  18. that is a piece of change for some of the rich guys there niyoow. walahi you'd be surprised how much some of the families in garowe have. they are multi-millionares. i know two families worth 5 million dollars each. they are my closest relatives and they are not close to being the top 10.
  19. Mr. warabe, your government already taxes khat dealers and they are supposed to take that money and provide services to people niyoow. if they are not doing that, then they are crooks so you need to address the real issue here which is corrupt politician stealing people's taxes without providing basic services such as health.
  20. niyoow that is what happens when you don't pay army enough money to live on. they will try to make money other ways. but still there are some corrupt people who would never be satisfied even if you give million dollars.