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Everything posted by Mooge

  1. Land is very expensive in garowe niyoow. I was there few months ago and the city is booming with more buyers than sellers. there are people just taking land everywhere and saying it belongs to them. all the way to badiye and the country side people are hording up niyoow. for a big house with comfortable space, you are looking at 40,000 dollars just for the land. forget about getting a good deal in the center of the city. i know a friend who sold his place in central growe for 700,000 dollars and the house wasn't even big niyoow. it was ok, but the good thing was that it was on on one of the main roads so it was good business area.
  2. woow. that's a good picture niyoow. a picture is worth thousand words.
  3. Xouthies are on a rampage niyoow. how do they think they can rule normal country by just being so stupid. they didn't have to kill the guy niyoow. now they will have another group in yemen fully against them. but the Xouthies are extremists religious shia guys so they don't care. lool.
  4. niyoow that meeting was Puntlanders, Juballanders, Gedoans and all other D-block mps getting together to support Farmaajo's struggling goverment. There is big HAG opposition building up in Mogadisho against Farmaajo because HAG never likes to lose the presidency and the last few months have been really hard for them to accept Farmaajo. You see Farmaajo was brought on by a group of HAG lobbyist who built a brilliant profile for him as the quintessential nationalist who gives Siyad Barre a run for his money. but we all know Farmajo is no Siyad Bare. Farmajo's supporters got positions after he won but the rest of HAG got nothing. niyoow Farmajo fell into the tight hands of Dayniile community which is his wife's family (PM Kheyre's family) and there was always big competition between Unuka, Galmudug and Dayniile families. one thing that really made unuka family upset is that farmaajo is worse on security than qoslaye was and their guy got a bad reputation because of it. D-block community is arguing that security is bad because unuka and Galmudug branch of the HAG family are behind all the qarax and insecurity helping Alshabab terrorists becuase they want Farmaajo to fail so that they can take over presidency again. it is a complicated clan chess game niyoow.
  5. lool. niyoow salax wa mixnad yar. today dozens organized demo against UAE embassy in London. while Muse Bixi is getting ready for a big party, Saalax is busy niyoow. keep up the good work.
  6. haha. the kheyre guys is a playboy. lol niyoow we need to fight this cancer called alshabab ee party hanoo dambeyo marka hore. kheyre should get off his behind and get ready for war. who cares if some politicians are against government. they are spending too much worrying about what others are saying about them.
  7. after the success of the Bender Beyla water dam, Puntland will start another one in Sool region. Today the ministry of environment and its officials met with locals to start project. guul iyo gobanimo.
  8. Beautiful and breathtaking land. May Allah bless the land and its people.
  9. Extreme Expedition to Xaafuun, Gardafui
  10. niyoow the masliq (snake eaters) boys will be taking the battle to Alshabab terrorists. They need a leader to lead them. Puntland wants to see what farmaajo can do to fight alshabab. if he is sincere and ready to fight the terrible terrorists, Puntland will send more troops to mogadishu. farmaajo hasn't proven he is capable of anything so far, but Puntland thinks he should be given a chance. if he shows leadership and takes the fight to alshabab, people will get behind him. the terrorist enemy must be defeated all Somali people must join together to defeat them. time will tell. for now we pray for these well trained energetic boys. Hafidulaah tacaal. come back home safe inshalah. guul iyo gobanimo.
  11. Puntland ayaa ku wareejisay dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya 2,400 oo askeri, kuwaasi oo ka tirsanaa ciidanka difaaca Puntland -Soomaaliya. Ciidamadan ayaa qeyb ka noqonaya heshiis madaxda Qaranka iyo maamul goboleedyada ku gaareen magaalada Muqdisho, heshiiskaasi oo ahaa in ciidamada la isku dhafo maamul walbana uu keeno ciidan dhan 3000, oo askeri. Xafladda wareejinta ciidanka ayaa ka dhacday xerada 54-aad ee magaalada Garowe ee caasimadda Puntland, waxaana ka soo qeyb galay madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland, wasiiru dowlaha wasaaradda gaashaandhigga ee dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo saraakiil ka kala socotay Puntland iyo dowladda Soomaaliya. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Injineer Cabdixakiin Xaaji Cumar Camey oo goobta ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya ay ku wareejiyeen 2, 400 oo askeri oo ka tirsan ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland, kuwaasi oo ka mid noqon doona ciidan xoogga Qaranka Soomaalieed, ..Maanta ujeedadu waxa weeye in caalamku u sheegno in ciidanka ka socday Puntland in aan ku wareejinay dowladda Soomaaliya oo wakiil ka yahay wasiiru dowlaha gaashaandhigga, howshan muddo badan ayey soo socotay, waxaan ku faraxsanay in maanta la soo geba-gabeeyo, waxaan wasiirka u sheegayaa maanta laga bilaawo xuquuqda ciidankaasi loo raacayo dowladda Soomaaliya ayuu yiri Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Injineer Cabdixakiin Xaaji Cumar Camey Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland ayaa ah ciidamo ka qeyb qaata difaaca Puntland iyo la dagaalanka kooxda Al-Shabaab
  12. maakhiri we agree whether renovate or build a new one, institutions are needed. what matters is to give people a sense of governing and help them build governmental institutions. it is easy to keep things in status quo but with all the big projects going on in Maakhir right now, it helps if local police can be empowered to help themselves. it is a step in the right direction and should never be seen as negative. there are those already saying the stations will never be built like Cali Xaraare, or why do we need them, etc. but i disagree with the brother. people can have opinions but those are not facts necessarily niyoow. Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil Cawl is doing a great job niyoow. May Allah bless him and keep him focused on building good things. inshalah kheyr niyoow. guul iyo gobanimo u rajaynayaa all corners of puntland.
  13. niyoow Big Beard family should join puntland. with makhir university well underway and ElDahir highway from Bosaso to Badhan under construction today, niyoow Puntland will have a very proud community of Big Bearders as part of its citizens if that community decides to join its brothers in Puntland. your future lies in the North East not in the Gebiley-Caynaba unholy alliance with Makhiri , Garad and Gahayle family strong in Ceribago, Puntlanders already have blood links there that will bind us together forever so it is time for Big Beard family in ceerigabo to reject Gebiley-Caynaba unholy alliance and games and decide its future for the better.
  14. niyoow this article was interesting. i didn't know other clans were complaining of injustice in decision making by judges. niyoow i wonder how these judges tackle cases relating to somaliland. lol.
  15. we are all waiting for the grand return of oodweyne. his hometown has given 99.99% of its vote to cirro. the unprecedented message of love for wadani.