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Everything posted by Wiilo

  1. Alle-Ubaahne waxaan filayaa in aadan hadalkaagu uu kujeedin dad cudurka Qabiilka ah ee aanan marna arkayn danta guud waxa ay tahay balse u muuqato Qabiil iyo reer hebel baa reer hebel ka fiican. Waxaad ogaataa in ay jirayaan dad isla markiiba kuugu soo duula oo kula doodo ayaga xambaarsan cudurka Qabiilka ah, waxaan marka ku oran lahaa in aadan u bixi isla markaana ay waacin u jeedada aad forumkani u furtay... Guul sideedaba waxaa leh allah, ka sokowna waxaan leh raga maanta gobanimada u dagaalamaya insha allaah. Go figure:................
  2. Dabcan dad badan oo inaga mid ah ayaa waxaa u muuqda isla markaa aaminsan in yey iyo geedi ay sii heyn doonaan xilalka markii horeba ay Xabashida u dooratay, marka taa ayaa ka dhigtay ama u diiday in ay arkaan the bambardment of the regime in addis. Waxaase xaqiiqo ah oo aan marna meelmarayn in yey and his follows traitors inaysan sii sheeganayn waxa ay maanta sheeganayaan ee ah in ayagu yihiin masuuliyiin Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa markii horeba aheyd maangaabnimo in ay adeegsadaan xabashi maantana runtii xabashida ma caawin yey and follow traitors balse fursadii yaray ay ku sheeganayeen masuuliyad baaba meesha ka baxday. Ninka maanta ka qaba rajo in yey iyo xulufadiisa ay sii jirayaan waxaa la oran karaa wuxuu u baahan yahay caqli badan runtii. Go figure:.........................
  3. Those warlords in Bay region uma qalmaan in shacab Soomaaliyeed u dhintaan danahooda ayaga u gaarka ah wallaahi. Dhibaatada maanta taanay iyo Xabashida maanta Soomaali laynaysa waxay intaa u samaynayaa in the name of tng protaction, runtii waa wax aadlooga xumaado, may Allah grant them peace and victorty. Insha Allaah, tng and amxaaros will be defeated, elinimated and driven out of our homeland in this war and ummah Soomaalis will unite..
  4. Prospect of war with Somalia raises fears, questions in Ethiopia. (ADDIS ABABA) — Ethiopia is among the world’s poorest countries, suffering from political tension and natural disaster, and the memories of a devastating war remain fresh. Many here recoil at the thought of another war. But Ethiopia’s leaders are increasingly arguing this nation, with its population divided among Christians and Muslims, is being forced to fight by militant Muslim Somalis who have declared jihad. Friday, as fighting raised in neighboring Somalia between government forces backed by Ethiopia and Islamic militiamen, Ethiopia issued a statement accusing Somalia’s Islamic movement of "massive infiltration" into Ethiopia. "The situation in Somalia has turned from bad to worse," the statement said. "Ethiopia has been patient so far but their is a limit to this." In Ethiopia, much of the suspicion about the possibility of war springs from skepticism about Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. "Meles wants this war," said Abiye Fikre, a shopkeeper in the capital. "The problems are his own creation." Adds butcher Abebe Belayaneh: "If Meles has his way, we’ll make war all over the Horn." There are questions the war rhetoric is meant to get the West to overlook Meles’s poor human rights. U.S. troops attached to an anti-terror operation based in nearby Djibouti are working throughout the region, including in Ethiopia, and sightings of them here fuel rumors. The United States has accused Somalia’s Islamic movement of harboring al-Qaida suspects. Somali and Ethiopian officials allege senior positions within the Islamic forces are held by men wanted in connection with the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, attacks blamed on al-Qaida. The top U.S. diplomat for Africa, Jendayi Frazer, has called on Somalia’s Islamic leaders to turn over the suspects, but has also called on Ethiopia to practice restraint. The Ethiopian government has said it has deployed only several hundred military trainers, not a fighting force, to support Somalia’ transitional government against the Islamic movement. But the U.N. says as many as 8,000 Ethiopian troops may be in Somalia supporting its government. The U.N. also says Eritrea, Ethiopia’s longtime rival, has deployed 2,000 troops in support of an Islamic group that controls Somalia’s capital and much of its south. Eritrea denies it has interfered, but many fear Ethiopia will fight a proxy war in Somalia. Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993 after a 30-year guerrilla war, but their border was never settled. Their 2 1/2-year war that ended in December 2000 was disastrous for both impoverished countries. Beyene Petros, leader of the opposition United Ethiopian Democratic Forces, said his party was anti-war. "We have advised the prime minister against any confrontation, short of any circumstances involving an invasion of our territory," he said. Some fear the war rhetoric could inflame religious tension here. While the Ethiopian Orthodox Church estimates that up to 60 million of 77 million Ethiopians are Christian, independent experts say the population is almost evenly divided between Christians and Muslims. Clashes between Muslims and Christians in the west in October left 19 dead, according to the prime minister. Somali Islamic leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys has called Ethiopia a Christian nation in a Muslim region of the world. Bishop Eiustatwos Gebrekristos, one of the top leaders in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, accused Somalia’s Islamic movement of wanting "to convert the country to Islam." Ethiopians are suspicious all the talk of a foreign threat is meant to distract attention from problems at home. Meles led rebels who in 1991 toppled a brutal dictator, and was at first hailed as a reformer. In recent years, though, his democratic credentials have been questioned. Opposition parties allege rigging in May 2005 elections that gave Meles’s Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front control of nearly two-thirds of parliament. U.S. and European election observers said the vote had been marred by irregularities. In October, Ethiopia acknowledged that security forces killed 193 civilians protesting election fraud after the vote. Since the vote, more than 100 opposition leaders, journalists and aid workers were charged with treason and attempted genocide in connection with the postelection violence. Meles also faces a small-scale rebellion by an ethnic-Somali insurgency in eastern Ethiopia. The problems aren’t just political. Most Ethiopians get by on less than US$1 (less than A1) a day. Last year, they suffered drought, only to be hit this year by devastating floods. Not all in Ethiopia are anti-war. Every afternoon in Little Mogadishu, the Ethiopian capital’s enclave of ethnic Somalis, dozens of men gather at the Teza Cafe and listen to the news from Somalia. The Somali Islamic movement is the problem, said Osman Nuer, an elderly Somali who came to Ethiopia fleeing devastating clan violence in his country in the 1990s. "Ethiopia has been good to us." Source: AP
  5. Ethiopian warplanes begin air strikes on Somalia Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Ethiopian warplanes have for the first time started air strikes on Somali civilians in Hiran region of central Somalia, leaving many ordinary people dead, while ferocious war carries on central and southern Somalia regions. Reports from Hiran says the Ethiopian helicopters bombed Kalabeyr village some 25km from Beledweyn, the provincial capital of Hiran, as heavy fighting between the Islamic courts forces and the Ethiopian occupiers still keeping on the border. “Four warplanes of Ethiopian army are bombing here, they are using excessive power by eliminating civilians” Abdi Ahmed, a local resident told SMC by phone. Abdi said also the Ethiopian helicopters with guns firing the city, killing many people and left many others injured. He also pointed out that the Ethiopian warplanes also destructed many apartments in the city and cut roads to stop military aid towards the Islamists forces, warring on the border. On the border between Hiran and Ethiopian skirmishing between the Islamic forces and the Ethiopian troops still continuing, as many Somali life devotees are on their way to the border to take part the battle. Amin Da’ad, the local commander of the Islamic courts forces told they repelled attacks from the enemy, hoping that the upper hand will be with them. Sources said the Ethiopian troops took Jawil village and other villages in Hiran. But the Islamic courts officials are yet to confirm this report. Local residents say if the Ethiopian air strikes continue, they will take Beledweyn, the provincial capital, because of lack of power to put down their warplanes. The battle also is continuing in Banidiradley of Mudug region in central Somalia and Deynunay, near the seat of the western backed Somalia government. The international community goes on with ignoring the Ethiopian aggressive war on Somalia, saying only that the government and the Islamists must stop the war, while the fighting is between the Ethiopian occupiers and the Islamic courts. Source: http://www.somaliweyn.com/pages/news/Dec_06/24Dec20.html
  6. May Allah grant them victory for all wadaniyiins.
  7. Ugu yaraan 33 Qof ayaa Ku Dhintay iska-Hor-Imaad ka dhacay Caasimada Itoobiya ee Addis Ababa.... Tarjumadii SomaliTalk.com | Nov 2, 2005 Wararka ka imanaya dalka Itoobiya ayaa tibaaxay in ciidanka Booliska Itoobiya ay rasaas ku fureen isla markaasna bombaanooyin ku tuureen dad shacab ah si ay u aamusiyaan mudaharaadka labada maalmood ka socdey Caasimada dalkaasi ee Addis Ababa. Waxaana shacabku ka mudaharadaadayaan muranka weyn ee ka dhashay doorashadii baarlamaanka dalkaasi. Waxaa rasaastaas ku dhintay ugu yaraan 33 qof, waxaana dhaawacmay 150 qof oo ay ku jiraan carruur, sida ay weriyeen hay'adaha xuquuq Insaanku. Nin deggan Addis Ababa aya u sheegay hay'adda wararka ee AP, in boolisku ay soo galeen gurigiisii kaddibna waxay rasaasta u ridayeen si aan daymo lahayn iyagoo raadinaya kuwa dhagaxa tuuraya. Qof dumar ah oo itoobiyan ah oo barooraneysa markii dhaawacii dadka la keenay cisbitaalka Blak Lion, Sawirka: AP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- War ku soo baxay jariidada USTODAY oo soo xiganeysey AP ayaa yiri "In la laayo dadka shicibka ah waxay dib u dhac ku tahay Ra'iisul wasare Meles Zenawi, kaas oo maamulka Bush ay u muujineen in uu yahay Afrikaan horusocd ah iyo in uu jaal kula yahay dagaalka Argagxisada. Codbixintii la qabtay bishii May 15keedii, taas oo siisay xisbaga EPRDF in uu xukumo baarlamaanka 60% , waxaa loo arkay in ay tahay tijaabinta in ay Meles ka go'antahay samayn isbedel iyo in kale. Xisbiyada mucaaradku waxay sheegeen in codbixintaas iyo sanduuqyadii codbixintaba ay hareeyey musuqmaasuq, cabsi gelin, iyo rabshado, waxana ay xisbiga talada haya ku eedeeyeen in uu is-daba-maryeeyey doorshada. Sawaxanka rasaasta iyo qaraxyayada hoobiyaha ayaa Arbacadii hareeyey caasimada Itoobiya. Gawaarida gaashaaman oo ay wataan ciidamo khaas ah ayaa xoog ku muquuniyey wadooyinka ay yaalaan taayirada gubanaya, laguna daadiyey jajabka dhalooyinka. Rabshaduhu waxa ay ku fideen magaalada Addis Ababa oo ay ku nool yihiin 3 million oo qof, waxaana rabshadahaasi qarka u saarmeen goobaha ay ku yaaliin safaaradaha British, French, Kenyan iyo Belgian - safaaradahaas oo dhammaantood ku kala yaal meelo kala duwan oo magaalada ah. Shaqaalaha xarunta UN-ka ee Addis Ababa waxaa loo sheegay in aysan ka bixin xafiisyadooda. Hay'adda AP waxa ay soo werisey in boolisku ay isku xaydaameen Cisbitaalka lagu magacaabo Zewditu Hospital, booliiskaas oo dadka jiidayey, xabsigana u taxaabayey dhallinyarada. Dad indhohooda arrimaha ka socda Addis Ababa ku soo arkay ayaa sheegay in ciidamadu ay xabsiga u taxaabayeen dadka dhallinta yar dhammaan daafaha magaalada. Booliska oo Adeegsadey Sunta Dadka kaga Ilamaysiisa, rasaas iyo Bombaanooyin Tigist Daniel, oo 16-jir ah, ayaa tiri waxaan cisbitaalka keenay hooyaday oo 50-jir ah kaddib markii ay boolisku caloosha ka toogteen. "Waxa keliya oo ay hooyaday samayneysey waxa ay ahayd in ay badbaadiso walaalkay oo dagaalku meel dhexe ku qabsaday. Wexey kasoo oroday guriga si ay isaga usoo qabato, markaas ayaa boolisku iyadii toogteen" ayey tiri gabadhaas 16-jirka ahi. "Qofkii guriga ka soo baxa waa tooganayeen". Abdul Fatal (Waa sida warka AP magaca u dhigaye) waxa uu sheegay in gabadhiisa oo 13-jir, Arabia, ay rasaas finiin ahi ka dhaawacday caloosha iyo lugaha. "Booliska oo raadinaay dadkii mudaharaadayey ayaa xoog kusoo galay aaga gurigayaga, kaddibna waxay rideen sunta dadka kaga ilmaysiisa, kaddibna bombaano" ayuu yiri Abdul oo 44-jir ah. "Kaddib boolisku waxay bilaabeen in ay rasaas furaan kuna soo ridaan aaganaga. gabadhaydu weligeed cid wax ma yeelin.". Urur madax banaan oo ah Itoobiyaan Xuquuqda aadamiga u dooda ayaa sheegay in ay tiriyeen meydkii 33 qof oo ah dadka meydkooda la keenay qaboojiyaasha meydka la dhigo ee cisbitaalada. Dhakhaatiirka shan cisbitaal-na waxa ay sheegeen in qaybta gargaarka degdega ah la keenay 27 qof oo meyd ah, iyo ugu yaraan 150 qof oo dhaawac ah, oo uu ku jiro wiil 7-sano-jir ah oo laga toogtey misigta. Dawlada Itoobiya iyadu waxa ay dhimashada ku sheegtay 11 qof oo shicib ah iyo hal sarkaal oo boolis ah, iyo in ay dhaawacmeen 54 sarkaal iyo 28 shicib ah. Hogaamiyaashii Mucaaradka oo la xirxiray Rabshadihii Arbacada waxaa ka horeeyey rabshado dhacay maalinta Talaadada kuwaas oo ay ku dhinteen sideed qof ayna ku dhaawacmeen 43 qof. Mudaharaadyadan socdaa waxay bilaabmeen kaddib markii maalintii Isniinta la xiray 30 taxi-wade oo ka qayb qaadnayey mudaharaad lagaga soo hor jeedey doorashoyinkii baarlamaanka. Mudaharaadkii maanta (Arcada) waxa uu bilowday saacado kaddib markii xabsiga loo taxaabay hogaamiyaashii mucaaridka. Dhammaan 15kii xubnood ee xisbiga "Coalition for Unity & Democracy" iyo 1,000 qof oo taageerayaashooda ah ayaa xabsiga la dhigay, sida uu cadeeyey qareen u hadlayey xisbiga mucaaridka, kaas oo arrimo ammaan awgeed weydiistey in aan la magacaabin. Mucaaradku waxa ay sheegeen in kumayaal qof oo taageerayaashood ah iyo xubnaha mucaaradka xabsiga loo taxaabay labadii bilood ee ugu dambeeyey. Ugu yaraan 42 qof ayaa boolisku dileen mudaharaadkii Bishii June, sida ay sheegeen hay'adaha xuquuqul insaanku. Afhayeenka mucaaradka oo magaciisa la yiraahdo Gizachew Shiferaw waxa uu booliska ku eedeeyey in ay isticmaaleen xoog xad dhaaf ah. Wakiilka Midowga Afrika, Alpha Oumar Konare, waxa uu cambaareeyey rabshadahan cirka isku shareeray iyo nafaha lagu waayey. Waxana uu labada dhinacba ugu baaqay in ay is xakameeyaan. Wasiirka warfafinta Itoobiya, Berhan Hailu, waxa uu yiri 'dawladu waa ka xuntahay, waana ka murugaysan tahay' rabshadaha, kuwaas oo uu ku eedeeyey xisbiga guud ee Mucaaradka.
  8. I agree, there is no best time to have children, just if you feel that you are financially ready and feel you can handle the responsibilities that comes with then go ahead and have children. Go figure:......................
  9. The similarities between claims the U.S. assistant Secretary of State for African affairs, Jendayi Frazier, is currently making about Somalia and the o­nes the former Secretary of State Colin Powell made about Iraq are eerie. Below is a summary of the similarities of the claims before the war in Iraq and the impending war in Somalia and the possible similar outcomes. Before The War: IRAQ SOMALIA 1. US accused Iraq of having Al Qaeda ties and being a sanctuary for Al Qaeda. US accused Somalia of having Al Qaeda ties and being a sanctuary for Al Qaeda. 2. The US presented Documents to prove Iraq tried to get Yellow Cake from Niger. The US presented Documents to prove Somalia was going to attack Kenya and Ethiopia with Suicide Attacks. 3. Iraq offered the US and UN to verify all allegations against it and the US rejected the offer. Somalia offered the US and UN to verify all allegations against it and the US rejected the offer. 4. European Union and UN told the US war in Iraq will cause instability in the region and terrorism. European Union and UN told the US war in Somalia will cause instability in the region and terrorism. 5. US said the Iraq war was going to be a Cakewalk. US believes the Somalia war is going to be a Cakewalk. 6. US officials claimed the cost of the war in Iraq would be small. US officials believe the cost of the war in Somalia will be small i.e. outsource it to Ethiopia. 7. American Politicians both Republicans and Democrats enthusiastically supported the Iraq war. American Politicians both Republicans and Democrats are going to enthusiastically support the Somalia war (see Senator Russ Feingold’s support for any action against Somalia). 8. A man (Ahmed Chalabi) with the dream of becoming Iraq's President provided false information to harness American might. A man (Abdullahi Yusuf) with the dream of becoming Somalia's President provided false information to harness American might. After The War: IRAQ SOMALIA 1. Al Qaeda developed strong presence in Iraq. Al Qaeda will develop strong presence in Somalia. 2. Documents presented to prove Iraq tried to get Yellow Cake from Niger are confirmed to be forgeries. Documents presented to prove Somalia was going to attack Kenya and Ethiopia with Suicide Attacks will be found to be forgeries. 3. The US finds all allegations against Iraq were false. The US will find all allegations against Somalia were false. 4. Iraq became a quagmire, destabilizing the region. Somalia will become a quagmire, destabilizing the region. 5. The cost of the war in Iraq is anything but small. The cost of the war in Somalia will be anything but small. 6. American politicians now blame the Iraqis for not defending the “freedom” the International Community gave them. American politicians will blame the Somalis for not defending their “freedom” the International Community gave them. 7. The goals of the invasion of Iraq have not been achieved and Ahmed Chalabi is not Iraq’s President. The goals of the invasion of Somalia will not be achieved and Abdullahi Yusuf will not be Somalia’s President (He is currently the President of a government in exile for and by the warlords). source: http://www.ayaamaha.net/The%20similarities%20between%20claims.htm
  10. Maxkamadaha Oo Manaas Qabsaday Wararka aanu ka helayno caawa fiidkii aaga hore ee dagaalka ayaa sheegaya in ciidanka Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ay la wareegeen deegaanka Manaas ee ahayd xarunta ugu wayn ee Difaaca u ahayd ciidanka Itoobiya. Dagaalka ayaa wararku sheegayaan inuu ahaa dagaalkii ugu kululaa ee maalmihii lasoo dhaafay dhaca. Maxkamadaha ayaa saakay aroortii qabsaday War weyn oo biyaha laga cabo halkaasoo labada ciidan hadaf u ahayd. Ciidanka Itoobiya ayaa wararku sheegayaan in ay 4 afar jeer soo weerareen War biyoodka, iyadoo ay maxkamaduhu afarta jeerba ay iska caabiyeen. Magaalda Baydhabo ayaa iyadu si wayn u kacsan kadib markii ay soo food saartay xaalada dhiilo oo aad u wayn, iyadoo saacadba saacadda ka danbayso lasoo geliyaa in Maxkamihii lay soo galeen ama lagu arkay gudaha Baydhabo. Dad badan oo isku deyey in ay ka baxaan magaalda ayey arrintaasi u suura galin. Dhinaca kale, wararka ka imaanayaa Doolow iyo Luuq ayaa sheegaya in xuduuda ay soo gudbeen ciidankii ugu badnaa ee Itoobiyan ee soo gala gudaha Soomaaliya. Khasaaraha dagaalka Maxkamadaha ayaa la sheegay in shalay uu khasaare xoogaan soo garay iyadoo ay ka dhinteen in kabadan labaatan ruux maadaama ay iyagu weerar ahaayeen, laakiin maanta ayuu khasaarahoodu aad u yaraa maadama ay difaac ahaayeen. Dhinaca dawlada iyo Itoobiyaanka ayaa laga dilay 205 askari iyadoo laga qabsaday 15 Tikniko.
  11. Many in Ethiopia See Premier's Talk of War As Ploy to Tighten Grip By Stephanie McCrummen Washington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, December 20, 2006; A18 ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia -- War or no war with Somalia, Mulunesh Abebayhu wants out. Out of her teaching job, where Ethiopian security forces constantly harass her because of her political views. Out of this city, where hundreds of protesters were killed by police bullets after disputed elections last year. And, if she can manage, out of this country that she believes has plunged into the abyss of dictatorship at the hands of its prime minister, Meles Zenawi, a staunch ally of the United States in the vulnerable Horn of Africa. "He confuses the Westerners so that he can keep ruling," said Abebayhu, 54, an opposition member arrested along with an estimated 30,000 others in the sweeping post-election crackdown last year. "Our party does not believe in this war. Our priority is to eradicate poverty, not go to war. Meles knows this war is a way for his system to survive." As Ethiopia and Somalia's Islamic Courts movement inch closer each day to all-out conflict, a widespread view among people here in the capital is that Meles is using the conflict to distract people from a vast array of internal problems and to justify further repression of opposition groups, including ethnic Somalis in Ethiopia. In particular, opponents of war say he is playing up the claim that there are al-Qaeda operatives within the Islamic Courts in order to maintain the support of the U.S. government, which relies on a steady flow of Ethiopian intelligence that some regional analysts say is of dubious value. A recent attempt by Congress to sanction the Ethiopian government for widespread human rights violations failed after former Republican House leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.), lobbying on behalf of the Ethiopian government, argued that the United States needs Ethiopia in order to fight terrorism. "We don't know why the Americans let them get away with it," said Abebayhu, who was denied her request for a U.S. visa and who said she receives death threats regularly. Meanwhile, Meles has become so disliked in the city that people compare him unfavorably to the former dictator known as "the Butcher of Addis Ababa," Mengistu Haile Mariam, who was convicted last week of genocide after a trial lasting 12 years. Around Victory Square, one of many roundabouts in this city of a thousand cafes and tin-patch markets, passersby offered opinions similar to that of Nemera Bersisa, 35, a record-keeper on his way home from work. "I believe the Dergue regime is better than this one, even if they killed people," he said, referring to Mengistu's rule. "This regime is democratic only in words. They kill people without any law, and they arrest people without a reason. This government is trying to stay in power by using different mechanisms, like claiming the Somalis are invading. But this is not the case. Meles is trying to externalize his problems." And those problems are vast. After 12 years in power, Meles presides over a nation that still does not produce enough food to feed its own people, relying on the U.N. World Food Program to supplement struggling farmers. The number of people infected with HIV is rising every year: At least 500,000 Ethiopians are living with the virus now, according to government figures. At least half of the population lives on less than $1 a day, which is not enough to buy a single meal. A smattering of new skyscrapers have gone up in Addis Ababa lately, and in recent years, the gaudy Sheraton Hotel was built, a fortified palace of marble and brass and $100 Scotch set amid a rusting neighborhood of leaning, one-room shacks. Locals call it Paradise in Hell. Last year's elections began with high hopes and degenerated into a bloodbath. Opposition groups, who made significant gains but did not win a majority according to the national election board, accused the government of rigging the tally and flooded the streets to challenge the results. During the rallies in May and November last year, unarmed protesters were sprayed with bullets while others were hunted down, killed inside their homes and in their gardens, in front of children and neighbors. Though the official government report released in October listed 197 demonstrators killed, some members of the government's own commission and human rights groups have estimated that the number could be as high as 600. Seven police officers were killed. Since then, the mood around the capital has been grim. "After the elections, the government is ruling Ethiopia by military force and propaganda, we all know that," Bersisa said. "We're dead after the election." While most of the 30,000 prisoners taken after the election have been released, several hundred opposition leaders remain in jail, including the elected mayor of Addis Ababa, Birhanu Nega, who was a professor in the United States, and Haile Miriam Yacob, who served on the U.N. commission settling a border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Four private newspapers have been shut down. A reporter for the Associated Press was expelled. And random arrests on the streets of Addis Ababa continue daily, people say. Residents of a largely Ethiopian Somali neighborhood called Rwanda say that government security forces have been rounding up people who refuse to swear allegiance to Meles' ruling party, a charge the government denied. "Their main target is Ethiopian Somalis," said Reagan Dawale, 30, who left his home in the Somali region of Ethiopia because of the tense atmosphere there, only to find a similar situation in the capital. In a recent interview, Meles, a former Marxist guerrilla who shed his fatigues for tailored suits when he took power in a 1991 coup, referred to the opposition as leading an "insurrection" intent on overthrowing the government by violent means, a charge opposition leaders deny. Meles has introduced a few words into the Ethiopian vocabulary. Someone who is out of line is a "fendata." Dissatisfied, unemployed workers who must be controlled are the "adegnabozene." A "bichameberat" is a person who has crossed into the danger zone. Meles said he retains U.S. support when it comes to defending Ethiopia against the Islamic Courts movement, which now controls much of Somalia, including Mogadishu, the capital. Meles said the Islamic Courts have already attacked Ethiopia by arming secessionist Ethiopian Somali groups in the ****** region along the Somali border, a claim opposition leaders believe is both exaggerated and hardly a justification for war. "Our argument is that all the governments we've known since 1960 say they want the ******," said Beyene Petros, leader of the main opposition group, the Coalition for Unity and Democracy, referring to Somalia. The Islamic Courts say it is the Ethiopians that have invaded Somalia. While Meles has repeatedly denied having troops there, the United Nations and regional diplomats estimate that at least 8,000 Ethiopian soldiers are in Somalia, backing the weak and divided transitional government. Petros said Meles is poised to make precisely the same miscalculation in the Horn of Africa that critics say the United States made in invading Iraq: that a vastly superior military force can crush an ideologically driven guerrilla campaign. "We should defend our borders, but I don't believe in a hot-pursuit campaign inside of Somalia," Petros said. "And I don't think this war is going to change the hearts of the Ethiopian people."
  12. Minnesota Monitor a paper? Minnesota Monitor is not a paper but it is online thing. This guy is also Hiiraan online editor, you can find he articles on hiiraan.com and you can also find his own blog on twin cities daily planet.net He is probably first Somalian Journalist on cable network. http://www.tcdailyplanet.net/?q= http://www.minnesotamonitor.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=980
  13. Dagaal qaraar oo caawa ka socda guriga Xuseen Caydiid aktiisa. Posted on Wednesday, December 20 @ 17:20:17 EST by editor 21,Dec,Onkod,baydhabo: Waxa uu Caawa dagaal ka socdaa meel u dhaw Guriga xuseen caydiid(waa banaanka baydhabo) oo ku yaalo xaafada suuqa xoolaha ee magaalada Baydhbao sida uu hada noo xaqiijiyya wariye ku sugan Goobtaasi waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in uu dagaalka uu caawa ku sii fido magaalada baydhabo wararkan oo aanu ka helnay Xildhibanao dagan Magaalada baydhabo iyo qaar ka mid ah waeriyaal ayaa waxa ay noo xaqiijiyeen in uu dagaal qarara uu caawa socdo iyadoo ciidamada maxaakiimta ay ku gacan sareeyaan dagaalka caaw a Dhinaca kale waxaa magaalada ka baxay wasiiradii uugu tunka waynaa oo uu ka mid yahya Cali maxad geedi, Xuseen caydiid, Salaad cali jeele iyo ku wakle waxa laga cabsi qabaa in caawa ay maxaakiimtu ay la wareegaan Magaalada hadaba la soco waxii ka soo kordha
  14. B] Ciidamda Golaha Maxaakimta oo si toos ah ula wareegay Daynuunaay iyadoo Dhanka Manaas-na ay kasocoto Dagaal xooggan. Buurhakaba, 20-December-06 Ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ayaa si rasmi ah ula wareegay deegaanka Deynuunaay oo indhaweydba fariisin u ahayd ciidamada Tikreega ee xooga ku jooga qeybo ka mid ah dalka Soomaaliya kadib markii halkaasi uu ku dhex maray ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga iyo kuwa tikreega. La wareegista deegaanka Deynuunaay ayaa soo afjaraya dhibaatadii ciidamada Tikreega ay ka wadeen deegaankaasi oo isugu jiray dil, kufsi, dhac iyo barakacinta dadka rayidka ah. Warar xog ogaal ah oo aanu ka helnay jiida hore ee dagaalka ayaa xaqiijinaya in ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga ay la wareegeen deegaanka Deynuunaay kadib markii uu halkaasi ka dhacay dagaal dhex maray ciidamada Tikreega iyo kuwa maxkamadaha islaamiga,kaasoo lagaga itaal roonaaday kuwii Tikreega. Dagaalka ayaa haatan ka socoda daafaha deegaanka Deynuunaay,ayadoo lagu sii siqayo ciidamada Tikreega iyo kuwa la socda,waxa uuna dagaalka ku sii fidiya goobo hor leh sida uu sheegay guddoomiyaha maxkamada islaamiga Albayaan Sheekh Maxamed Ibraahim Bilaal. Sheekh Bilaal ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii saakey ka socday hareeraha Iidaale uu haatan ku soo fiday hareeraha xerada Manaas kadib markii la soo jabiyay ciidamada Tikreega ee halkaasi ka dagaalamayay,waxa ayna ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga ay bacsanayaan ciidamada Tikreega oo daba jeedshay. Guushan ay gaareen mujaahidiinta maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed kuna timid qadarka Alle ayaa ka danbeysay kadib markii dadka deegaanka ay gacan weyn ay ka gaysteen sidii ay isaga xoreyn lahaayeen ciidamada cadawga ee dhulkooda ka dhigtay goob looga soo duulo umadda Soomaaliyeed ee islaamka ah.
  15. Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee dagaalkii maanta ka dhex qarxay maxkamadaha & dowladda federaalka & ciidamada Itoobiya oo dhinac ah. Wednesday, December 20, 2006 Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan, Muqdisho, Somalia Email: Cabdishakuur48@hotmail.com Sida uu sheegay Xasan-Buulow oo ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidamada maxkamadaha ee ku sugan jiidaha hore ee u dhexeeya magaalooyinka Buur-hakaba iyo Baydhabo ciidamada maxkamadaha ayaa la wareegay gacan ku heynta xerada ciidamada Daynuunay oo ku taala duleedka koonfureed ee magaalada Baydhabo ka dib dagaal saacado socday oo halkaasi ku dhexmaray ciidamada maxkamadaha iyo dowladda federaalka oo kaashanaya ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah. Buulow ayaa intaa ku daray in ciidamadoodu ay haatan baacsanayaan wax uu ku tilmaamay haraadigii ciidamada dowladda ee ka firxaday xeradaasi, ayna ka qabsadeen labo gaari oo kuwa dagaalka ah, isagoo tilmaamay iney ay haatan ciidamada maxkamaduhu ku sugan yihiin xeradaasi, isla markaana ay haatan ku sii siqayaan magaalada Baydhabo, mana jiro ilaa hadda warar madax banaan oo xaqiijinaya arintaasi iyo qasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalkaasi intaba. Dhinaca kale, ka dib dagaalo qaraar oo muddo labo maalmood ah ka socday deegaanka Iidaale ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in haatan ciidamada maxkamaduhu ay la wareegeen gacan ku heynta tuuladaasi, waxayna wararku sheegayaan in halkaasi uu ka dhacay qasaare lixaad leh oo dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh, waxaana arintaasi beeniyey wasiirka ku-xigeenka gaashaandhiga Salaad Cali Jeelle oo isna dhinaciisa sheegtay iney guulo ka soo hoyeen dagaalkaasi, wuxuuna sheegay in iney ciidamada maxkamadaha ka dileen ilaa 10 nin sida uu hadalka u dhigay, ayna ku jebiyeen tuuladaasi. Dagaaladan ayaa ku soo beegmay xili maanta uu magaalooyinka Baydhabo iyo Muqdisho booqasho ku marayo Luis Micheal oo ah sarkaalka ugu sareeya ee deeqaha iyo bani aadam nimada u qaabilsan midowga Yurub, isagoio isku dayaya labada dhinac inuu kla dhaadhiciyo sidii loo qaboojin lahaa xiisada dagaal ee u dhexeeya. QARANIMO ONLINE
  16. Many in Ethiopia See Premier's Talk of War As Ploy to Tighten Grip By Stephanie McCrummen Washington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, December 20, 2006; A18 ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia -- War or no war with Somalia, Mulunesh Abebayhu wants out. Out of her teaching job, where Ethiopian security forces constantly harass her because of her political views. Out of this city, where hundreds of protesters were killed by police bullets after disputed elections last year. And, if she can manage, out of this country that she believes has plunged into the abyss of dictatorship at the hands of its prime minister, Meles Zenawi, a staunch ally of the United States in the vulnerable Horn of Africa. "He confuses the Westerners so that he can keep ruling," said Abebayhu, 54, an opposition member arrested along with an estimated 30,000 others in the sweeping post-election crackdown last year. "Our party does not believe in this war. Our priority is to eradicate poverty, not go to war. Meles knows this war is a way for his system to survive." As Ethiopia and Somalia's Islamic Courts movement inch closer each day to all-out conflict, a widespread view among people here in the capital is that Meles is using the conflict to distract people from a vast array of internal problems and to justify further repression of opposition groups, including ethnic Somalis in Ethiopia. In particular, opponents of war say he is playing up the claim that there are al-Qaeda operatives within the Islamic Courts in order to maintain the support of the U.S. government, which relies on a steady flow of Ethiopian intelligence that some regional analysts say is of dubious value. A recent attempt by Congress to sanction the Ethiopian government for widespread human rights violations failed after former Republican House leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.), lobbying on behalf of the Ethiopian government, argued that the United States needs Ethiopia in order to fight terrorism. "We don't know why the Americans let them get away with it," said Abebayhu, who was denied her request for a U.S. visa and who said she receives death threats regularly. Meanwhile, Meles has become so disliked in the city that people compare him unfavorably to the former dictator known as "the Butcher of Addis Ababa," Mengistu Haile Mariam, who was convicted last week of genocide after a trial lasting 12 years. Around Victory Square, one of many roundabouts in this city of a thousand cafes and tin-patch markets, passersby offered opinions similar to that of Nemera Bersisa, 35, a record-keeper on his way home from work. "I believe the Dergue regime is better than this one, even if they killed people," he said, referring to Mengistu's rule. "This regime is democratic only in words. They kill people without any law, and they arrest people without a reason. This government is trying to stay in power by using different mechanisms, like claiming the Somalis are invading. But this is not the case. Meles is trying to externalize his problems." And those problems are vast. After 12 years in power, Meles presides over a nation that still does not produce enough food to feed its own people, relying on the U.N. World Food Program to supplement struggling farmers. The number of people infected with HIV is rising every year: At least 500,000 Ethiopians are living with the virus now, according to government figures. At least half of the population lives on less than $1 a day, which is not enough to buy a single meal. A smattering of new skyscrapers have gone up in Addis Ababa lately, and in recent years, the gaudy Sheraton Hotel was built, a fortified palace of marble and brass and $100 Scotch set amid a rusting neighborhood of leaning, one-room shacks. Locals call it Paradise in Hell. Last year's elections began with high hopes and degenerated into a bloodbath. Opposition groups, who made significant gains but did not win a majority according to the national election board, accused the government of rigging the tally and flooded the streets to challenge the results. During the rallies in May and November last year, unarmed protesters were sprayed with bullets while others were hunted down, killed inside their homes and in their gardens, in front of children and neighbors. Though the official government report released in October listed 197 demonstrators killed, some members of the government's own commission and human rights groups have estimated that the number could be as high as 600. Seven police officers were killed. Since then, the mood around the capital has been grim. "After the elections, the government is ruling Ethiopia by military force and propaganda, we all know that," Bersisa said. "We're dead after the election." While most of the 30,000 prisoners taken after the election have been released, several hundred opposition leaders remain in jail, including the elected mayor of Addis Ababa, Birhanu Nega, who was a professor in the United States, and Haile Miriam Yacob, who served on the U.N. commission settling a border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Four private newspapers have been shut down. A reporter for the Associated Press was expelled. And random arrests on the streets of Addis Ababa continue daily, people say. Residents of a largely Ethiopian Somali neighborhood called Rwanda say that government security forces have been rounding up people who refuse to swear allegiance to Meles' ruling party, a charge the government denied. "Their main target is Ethiopian Somalis," said Reagan Dawale, 30, who left his home in the Somali region of Ethiopia because of the tense atmosphere there, only to find a similar situation in the capital. In a recent interview, Meles, a former Marxist guerrilla who shed his fatigues for tailored suits when he took power in a 1991 coup, referred to the opposition as leading an "insurrection" intent on overthrowing the government by violent means, a charge opposition leaders deny. Meles has introduced a few words into the Ethiopian vocabulary. Someone who is out of line is a "fendata." Dissatisfied, unemployed workers who must be controlled are the "adegnabozene." A "bichameberat" is a person who has crossed into the danger zone. Meles said he retains U.S. support when it comes to defending Ethiopia against the Islamic Courts movement, which now controls much of Somalia, including Mogadishu, the capital. Meles said the Islamic Courts have already attacked Ethiopia by arming secessionist Ethiopian Somali groups in the ****** region along the Somali border, a claim opposition leaders believe is both exaggerated and hardly a justification for war. "Our argument is that all the governments we've known since 1960 say they want the ******," said Beyene Petros, leader of the main opposition group, the Coalition for Unity and Democracy, referring to Somalia. The Islamic Courts say it is the Ethiopians that have invaded Somalia. While Meles has repeatedly denied having troops there, the United Nations and regional diplomats estimate that at least 8,000 Ethiopian soldiers are in Somalia, backing the weak and divided transitional government. Petros said Meles is poised to make precisely the same miscalculation in the Horn of Africa that critics say the United States made in invading Iraq: that a vastly superior military force can crush an ideologically driven guerrilla campaign. "We should defend our borders, but I don't believe in a hot-pursuit campaign inside of Somalia," Petros said. "And I don't think this war is going to change the hearts of the Ethiopian people."
  17. 1) The Islamic courts eradicated the warlords and leaches that had dragged the country to a state of total anarchy 2) Security in the Provinces the ICU has improved dramatically. 3) Business is booming in regions under their control (totally refutes the Taliban argument) 4) Most importantly they rule by the law of Allah 5) They have agreed to go in dialogue with any Somali, whether it TFG, Somaliland, Puntland and those in the Diaspora 6) They declared that property should be distributed back to the right full owners under pre 19991 civil war 7) They have stated that they respect their neighbours and would nurture the goodwill. 8) They have invited all Somali intellectuals to take part in the reconstruction of their land 9)They are for an economically prosperous Somalia who can defend itself and is independent in influence. 10) They have united people under the banner of faith, gradually eradicating the deeply embedded tribal issue 11) They have banned the substances that made Somali men idle. 12) They have recognised the TFG and want power sharing as they are the real representatives of the people of the south. Waxay mudan yihiin in loo mahad celiyo for doing these and more for the Somalis, unlike the traitors in Baydhabo. Bal maanta ha sheegaan wax la taaban karo oo ay qabteeyn other than letting mele's troops in our country, and please they don't tell me they are the elected officials for the country, 'cause we know who elected them and who they are. I was listening to Geedi's nac nac on online, i was disgusted on what he was saying and how he was saying it too. None of what he said what something that is in the insterest of the somalis. Buullllshiiiddd.....waa disgusted traitors all of them runtii. Seefahiinna hala soo boodina 'cause it is all true..... Go figure:...........
  18. Don't Fight Somalia. Princeton Lyman - Somalia edges closer to war each day. Ethiopia and the Council of Islamic Courts (CIC) have positioned troops just a few miles from each other inside Somalia. Ethiopia and the United States have meanwhile staked out increasingly belligerent positions toward the CIC. Ethiopia's Prime Minister has scoffed at moderation as only encouraging "terrorists." The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Jendayi Frazer has charged that the CIC is now controlled by Al Qaeda cell individuals. American intelligence personnel are seen increasingly in Addis Ababa, suggesting the U.S. will back an Ethiopian military action. A war in Somalia would easily spread throughout the Horn, with refugees streaming into Kenya and Djibouti. War could once again erupt between Ethiopia and Eritrea. http://blog.washingtonpost.com/postglobal/needtoknow/2006/12/dont_fight_somalia.html
  19. **************************************** What a cheap shot. Grow up... They are beautiful pictures runtii, thank Allah and the UIC for that little neecow..... Go figure:.............. [ December 19, 2006, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  20. 2 ruux oo ku geeriyootay rasaas ay Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah huwiyeen gaari rakaab ah oo shil la galay mid kamid ah gawaaridooda. December 16, 2006 Markacadeey Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ee gardarada ku jooga magaalada Baydhabo ayaa dilay 2 qof oo rayid ah halka laba kalena ay dhaawacmeen kadib markii gaarigii dadkaasi ay saarnaayeen uu shil la galay gaari ay wateen ciidamada Itoobiyaanka. 2-da ruux ee geeriyootay ayaa la sheegay in ay kamid ahaayeen rakaabkii gaariga,waxaana la sheegayaa in gaarigaasi uu kusii jeedaa deegaano ku yaalla gobolka bay. Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ayaa dhacdadaasi mar marsiimo kaga dhigtay in ay ka shakiyeen gaariga,hayeeshee dadka deegaanka ayaa ku waramay in markii shilka uu dhacay kadib ay cidamada Itoobiyaanka falkaasi geysteen. Ciidamo ka socday Dawladda Federaalka ayaa durbadiiba gaaray goobta dhibaatadu ka dhacday oo ku dhaw Isha Baydhabo,iyadoo haatan baaritaan ay ku hayaan qaabkii dilkaasi uu ku dhacay. Ciidamada Dawladda waxaa sidoo kale ay su'aalo weydiinayaan darawalki gaariga waday,kaasi oo isaugu ka badbaaday shilkaasi dhacay,waxaana la sheegayaa in haatan gaariga isagoo rogman uu yaalo Buundada magaalada Baydhabo. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo ciidamada Itoobiyaanka fal kaasi oo kala ah ay ka geystaan deegaanada ay ka joogaan Ciida Somaliya,waxana jira dhacdooyin dhowr ah oo ay ku xasuuqeen dad badan oo rayid ah iyo kuwo kale oo kufsi ay ku geysteen. Maxamed Carab Xafiiska markacadeey Muqdisho
  21. Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan Baydhabo oo dil iyo dhaawac ka gaystay. Wararka naga soo gaaraya Baydhabo, waxay sheegayaan in Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan Baydhabo ay gaysteen dil iyo dhaawac kaddib markii ay rasaas ku fureen Gaari xamuul ahaa oo ku soo dhawaaday meel ay ku sugnaayeen, gaar ahaan halka lagu magacaabo Isha Baydhabo. Waxaa halkaasi ku dhintay hal qof, waxaana ku dhaawacmay saddex kale, waxayna Ciidamada Itoobiya ku andacoodeen in uu Gaarigu uu siday waxyaabo qarxa, hase yeeshee markii la baaray waxaa la ogaaday in gaarigu uu ahaa gaari xamuul ah oo ku soo jeediyey Baydhabo. Dhibkaan ay gaystay Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa waxaa si weyn uga xumaaday dadweynaha Baydhabo oo ay shucuurtoodu aad u kacsan tahay waxayna sheegeen in falkaasi ay Ciidamada Itoobiya mar un ka aarsan doonaan, hase yeeshee waxaa markii dambe arrinta galay Dowladda Federaalka oo ku guuleysatay inay qaboojiso.