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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. *ANWAR*;971954 wrote: The funny thing is that you and your anti-Somali gang are long dead, before the Somali Conquest of Socotra begins... Every nation as its golden age and Somalia is not an exception haha, anti-somali kulahaa. I wonder if you even know where socotra is on the map.
  2. Cambuulo iyo bun;971950 wrote: wouldnt it be beautiful to see a united Somaliweyn. lets concentrate on Soomaaliyar first.
  3. Cambuulo iyo bun;971947 wrote: Free socotra,NFD,West Somalia and Djibouti :cool: looool Cambuulo, I would say free Somalia first. free dayniile and Huriwaa first. why you guys want to start another round of hate and wars with a muslim neighbour? Yemen hosts over a millions of your people.
  4. Alpha Blondy;971944 wrote: what's that supposed to mean you little doorfar? :mad: name calling hah. you'll be in serious trouble dude.
  5. Alpha Blondy;971942 wrote: Anwar, inaar, you seem to be on crack, Socotra belongs to the Yemenis. obviously you are anti Somali and try to distort Somali territorial sovereignty for your political gain. isku xishood. :mad: you should worry about liberating Gaashaamo, let Socotra be Yemeni for ever.
  6. *ANWAR*;971940 wrote: Socotra Island is a part of Somalia OR IS IT?? I can imagine a war between Somalia and Yemen over these islands, in the future [/img] that's plain stup!dity, you already have a country the size of 637,657 sq km and you can keep it in order, then you want to start useless wars, invade peaceful places and vandalize it, typical somali mentality. Adeer intaan heysano naga badan ee umadaha dariska ah nabad kula noolaada.Socotra is Yemeni and let it stay that way.
  7. Nin-Yaaban;971844 wrote: What do you guy's think of Somalia modeling its' system after that of the U.S? Good or Bad? Me personally, i'd love it, because its' very systematic and fair. What say you people? Nin Yaaban reminds me "why don't they eat cakes". how can you compare the USA, the richest and the most advanced to a failed state which most of it still at war and anarchy, even the peaceful parts have security, health, education and other gigantic priorities due to the collapse of the state economy.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;971857 wrote: President hassan should ignore faroole altogether and just focus on the southern part of Somalia. and you should do the same and concentrate on your enclave.
  9. what a beating he got, rough justice.
  10. Haatu;971794 wrote: And that is your oday? Kulaha Turkigana dhib weyn ayey ku haayaan Xamar! Walle jisaar anarchist ah iga dheh. No wonder Xamar doesn't have peace with elders like him. Haatu waligaa ma maqashay maahmaahda “Riibi Geed ma daaqo lagamana daaqo!”.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;971704 wrote: ..its never good to generalize entire communities .... What about the pirates?. hypocrisy has no limits for our xaaji.
  12. Samafal;971685 wrote: Last time I checked most of the Issims from that region were with Khatumo except one or two. in 2009 The SSC MPs propelled Farole into presidency when they voted him, this year he is relying on them again with some politically calculated moves he made last week when he nominated 2 SSC heavyweight ministers into vital positions.
  13. malistar2012;971677 wrote: The Point is Puntland And Somaliland implement their policy by force. You just exposed your ignorance on how power works in those places, if only power and force could make them rule then Farole would've done that in Qardho 3 weeks ago. without too much force if Tarzan had the hearts and minds of the people and elders they would've flushed out every rat hole in xamar within days making it a save place.
  14. Maaddeey;971674 wrote: ^ Weligaa, Xamar ma tagtay?. waan ku dhashay oo ku barbaaray, waa igu walaahi.
  15. Maaddeey;971658 wrote: ^^ Sida Xamar ama reer Xamarka uma reer magaalsana meelahaas aad sheegtay!. Oday dhaqameed loogama baahna meel maamul dawladeed ka jiro, sxb. war heedhe wax fahan, odey dhaqameedka howshiisu maha inuu maamulka faraha la galo, laakiin howshiisu waa inuu dadka wacyi galiyo, una sheego wixii xun oo dhib u keeni kara inay ka feejignaadaan, kana dhaadhacsiiyo dadkiisa inay maamulka ka danbeeyaan soona sheegaan wixii balaayo wada, dowladana kula taliyo wixii wanaagsan oo dan u ah, xamar dhibka kajira waa odayaashii oo double dealers u badan marna shabaab la shaaheeya marna xasan culusow la haasaawa, waad maqleyseen cali dheere inuu todobaadkii hore lahaa odayaal dhaqameedyo baa muqdisho naga soo waca iyagoo leh maxaa idin helay shabaabow maad ramadaanka kordhisaan qaraxyada iyo dilalka, ma garatay.
  16. malistar2012;971662 wrote: Somaliland its Clan entity and its run by Habro clans anyone dares to challenge their power will be crushed , Puntland is run by the pirates and they secure it with force . lol as if xamar was a multi tribal multi cultural city. a city where 16 out of the 17 districts have HAG governors, how can you call others clan entity is beyond me. Salad Cali Jeele?? another Xaayow comedian iga dheh.
  17. Maaddeey;971654 wrote: Xamar, waa Magaalo, reer magaalkana kama dambeeyaan Oday dhaqameed. Teeda kale oday dhaqameedyada waa inay Ixtiraam ka helaan siyaasiyiinta, kuma Xamar ixtiraanka ay Pl ama SL ka helaan ma helaan. oo Hargeysa magaalo maha miyaa, Bosaso magaala maha miyaa? mise reer magaalnimadu waa hala is barbar yaaco, what an excuse. war dadkani waa anarchist waa umadaan kala danbeyn aqoon, PL iyo SL waxaa mudnaanta la siiyaa oday dhaqameedyada, halka Galkacyo iyo wixii ka shisheeya siyaasiga lagu daba tukado.
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;971651 wrote: Oday dhaqmeedka xamar jooga isagi ba ciyaal xaafo ah goormu talo goyn oo gar niqi oo umad hogaamin. This is my favorite oday dhaqmeed of xamar Xaaji that is Odey Cabdulle the comedian.looooooool
  19. I heard the reason why Muqdisho residents don't inform security or catch assassins is because the next day the perpetrators will be bailed by red bearded odey ku sheeg and released. who can blame the poor residents of xamar? I believe he is right the blame is fuly on these odeyaal.
  20. Tarzan is right. Xaad & Diiriye intey odey dhaqameed yihiin Muqdisho waa magaalo gablantay.
  21. Dr_Osman;971635 wrote: ..An era where the old retire and the new blood take over. I think this will be the era of the youth.. new era?? you must be joking Dotore, Farole is already pressuring elders not to select new MPs,,he has the cash to buy another term as he did before, mark my word Farole will be back for another 5 yrs.
  22. Xaaji Xunjuf;971605 wrote: Thats a good point he should've compramised with the government that was the best way forward. But he is to proud, and does not want to give in. Godane's SOL spokesman in full spin. shame