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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. Hawdian;984997 wrote: ^ The name sounds so somali jowhar . the name Jowhar (pearl) came later but it was formerly Villaggio Duca degli Abruzzi after it's Italian founder.
  2. More areal from Jowhar the city which literally translates into (pearl) Flood hit farms.
  3. Qaar ka mid ah Musharaxiinta Puntland oo ku baaqay in musharaxiinta ay dhistaan dalad mideysa BAAQ Annaga oo ah xubno ka mid ah murashaxiinta u tartamaya hoggaanka sare ee Puntland, ayaa maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 6/ 11/ 2013, waxaan kulan hor-dhac ah ku yeelaney magaalada Nairobi (Kenya). Waxaan kuqaadaa-dhigney duruufaha adag ee ku xeeran doorashada madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland ee dhicidoonta 8/ 1/ 2014, iyo habsami u socodka looga baahan yahay. Labadaas arimood oo ah kuwo aanan isu dheelli-tirneyn ayaau muuqatey dhamaan murashaxiintayada kulantey. Sidaa darteed waxaanu isla-garanay in ay lagama maarmaantahay in la helo qaab doorasho oo ku dhisan wadatashi dhammaan inta ay khuseyso sida Issimadda, Dowladda,musharixiinta, Iyo bulshada rayidka ah, taas oo suurta-gelin karta doorasho hufan oo caddaalad ku dhisan. Dooddheer iyo falanqeyn badan dabadeed, waxaanu isla-gaarney qodobadan hoos ku xusan: 1. Murashaxiintu markii ay dhamaantood gudihii dalka tagaan, in ay dhistaan dallad mideysa si iyaga oo wadajir ah ay u raadiyaan doorasho hufan oo is-beddel keenta. 2. Waxaan taageero buuxda siineynaa bayaankii Gaalkacyo ee ku taariikheysnaa 29/ 10/ 2013, kaas oo ay soo saareen qaar kamid ah murashaxiinta Puntland. Qodobadiisii lixda ahaa ayaanu u aragnaa in ay saldhig u yihiin doorasho hufan oo dad-weynaha Puntland ay ku kalsoonaan karaan. 3. Issimada Puntland waxaanu ugu baaqeynaa in ay gutaan xilka taariikhiga ah ee ka saaran wadajirka iyo nabadgelyada Puntland. Sidaas awgeed, murashaxiinta bayaankan saxiixay, waxay ku baaqayaaan qabsoomidda shirkii Isimmada ee uu gogoshiisa dhigay Qardho ku-simaha Boqorka, welina aan la laabin, si ay u turxaanbixiyaan mad-madowga soo kala dhex-galey beelaha walaalaha ah ee wada dhistay dowladda Puntland (1998). 4. Waxaan u mahad-celineynaa beesha caalamka dadaalka ay la garab-taagan tahay in doorashada Puntland ay u dhacdo si hufan, loona sii adkayn lahaa nabadgelyada Puntland, gaar ahaan caasimada Garoowe. Murashaxiinta bayaankan saxiixay, waxay ka codsanayaan Bulshada caalamka inay sii xoojiyaan la socoshada, ayna goob-jooge ka noqdaan hannaanka doorashada, si doorashadu ay u noqoto mid loo dhan yahay loona siman yahay. 5. Murashaxiinta bayaankan saxiixay, waxay soo jeedinayaan in doorashadu ku dhacdo wakhtigeeda oo ah 8/01/2014. Isla markaasna u dhacdo si nabad ah. 6. Qeybaha bulshada Puntland ee kala duwan, dhamaantood waxaanu ugu baaqeynaa in ay adkeeyaan nabadgelyada. Islamarkaas ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii doorashadu ay inoogu dhici lahayd qaab hufan, wanaag iyo hiraalna ku kordhisa aayaha wanaagsan ee shacabkayagu uu tiigsanayo. Murashaxiinta bayaankan soo saarey waa: 1. Xaaji Maxamad Yaasiin Ismaaciil 2. Mr. Maxamad Cabdi-Nuur Xirsi 3. Prof. Cabdi-weli Maxamad Cali-Gaas 4. Dr. Cali Xaaji Warsame 5. Dr. Saadiq Maxamad (Enow) Wa-billaahi Tawfiiq.
  4. Very nice indeed. but Beledweyn gets my vote as the most spectacular city, with the river cutting through through, Hargeysa would've been a stunner if the dry river had water.
  5. I think Siilaanyo mixed up the phone numbers, he wanted to invite Turkey's leader but instead phoned the mayor of sleepy, ship building town of Turku.
  6. Dr_Osman;984069 wrote: they look more of performers than serious solders.
  7. Mahiigaan;984079 wrote: Oh no! So you wanna lease the fertile riverine low lands to foreigners?. Do you know the consequences of embarking such disasterous leasing of one's own productive lands?. That is one option we can seal with the Turks, do you know only about 18% of Somalia's fertile agriculture land is farmed, we have two rivers and we import almost every kind of food from abroad, so instead of the land just sitting there where no one is farming, why can't you lease it to the Gulf states and the Turks for 20, 25, or 30 years so they can bring their much needed expertise & market, feed the nation and bring much needed hard currency, everyone is a winner. but we Somalis are a paranoid nation and can not see what is good us.
  8. I am afraid this will change nothing, you guys are talking about only $100m, but American firms looted a whole country (Iraq) and still doing so, The oil of that country, its heritage of artifacts and hard currency was systematically looted in 2003 and the people who ordered that looting are still around and are receiving good pensions. a big chunk of the American economy is based on this type of daylight robberies.
  9. IsseRiyole;984039 wrote: Turks are known to be Sneaky go ask Greek they will tell you, I hope Mogadishu clan based to realize their land is being sold to the highest bidder and soon they will take an order from Turkey, but then these folks in Mogadishu don't care, they concern more in Raping, Stealing and Killings innocent Somalis. Mr Riyole go and ask the Ethios of what they think about us, go and ask the jews about what they thinks about the Palestinians. The Greeks are the staunch enemy of the Turks historically, so don't expect them to paint rosy picture about them. Come back to the topic, here is an up coming power house trying to help you recover from your mis-fortunes, what would you do? kick them out or grab the opportunity and say thank you. Yes the Turks have their interest at heart, but hey,, tell me a nation who hasn't got their interest at heart.. but the logical conclusion should be "guard my interest and I will guard yours" that is how the EU exists, that is how NATO and NAFTA exists and we should do the same, Mutual interest. look how Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya and many countries are leasing large areas of fertile land to the Gulf states which is bringing huge amount of income to these african countries and creating jobs, we should adopt these models when the country is stable enough to generate hard currency source.
  10. MoonLight1


    Jacaylbaro;984030 wrote: The madness of Somaliweyn dream ...... the current dream of Somaliyar is madder. Cadnaan1; Proof please mise meesha waxaad la timid sheekooyinkii fadhi ku dirirka, here is the oldman's version of what happened and how he delayed the Inqilaab, He (A.Lahi yusuf) managed his task as the commander of the southern divisions brilliantly and took over all the territories he was assigned to, but the northern armies of Harar and Diri dawa area could not pass the Cuban air bombardments and heavy artillery shells from the Russians, so get your facts right before you slander people.
  11. Somalis are the least grateful people on earth. if you ignore them like the arabs did, they will complain, if you give them too much attention like the Turks, they will complain, that is why the British intelligence in 1960 described the somali mentality as "volatile, un-predictable, and opportunistic".. I don't like Hassan Sheikh and his crew, but I whole heartedly support the Turks and what they are doing in my country.
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;983969 wrote: Xassan needs to double check the people he hires who knows this woman just wants to harm his goverment and spread lies. you know there are many parts of Somalia who want to stop the money flow into the Somali goverment. This woman could be an agent working for other groups. Hassan needs to appoint people he can truly trust bank chairman is not an easy job Waryaahee Xunjuf, you must be the only Somali who hates what Yusur did, shame on you. you seem to be the corrupt agent who wishes corruption, killings and un stability in "Koonfuria".
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;983966 wrote: Doesn't faroole have the big Garaads in his pocket garaad selebaan garaad mashqare and those garaads who were closely affiliated to Puntland and faroole. I know he even will get 2 garaad from Buhoodle. I believe some segments of the garaad clan would reject Abdisamad still i think Abdisamad can pull it off i also money will play a role in this. These Garaads are whole heartedly with PL, but for them to dis-mental and disband what is left of Ali Khaliif's failed khaatumo project they don't want to see the status-quo, an Abdiwali or Awaare win will definitely justify mass defection to PL.
  14. Xaaji Sool MPs are like the swing states of US elections, they always make presidents of Puntland, this time they are angry and feel betrayed, although A.samad is in Taleex and trying to twist arms, but I don't think a wise khaatumite MP will vote for Farole this time.
  15. Maya xajiga ma aha qolyaha Gabiley, Xaajigu waa qolyihii Xaqsoor ee ciidda la cunsiiyay ee shabaabka wada noqday;) Faroole seedi fiican buu nimanka u ahaa weyna ku naalloodeen, khaatumo MPs might not be duped this time like 2009.
  16. This woman represents an endangered species, In my life time I never heard a Somali resigning to pre-empt corroption. Well done YUSUR. Allah yaxayiik
  17. xiinfaniin;983931 wrote: Faroole. It is an easy call. This one is. The man shares my vision for Somalia Xiin look beyond that vision, yes Faroole is a big hitter when it comes to his no nonsense policy with Xamar, but beyond that you have a trail of bad economy, whole regions lost to SL, al-shabab infiltration in Galgala area. another 5 years of Faroole will be a repeat of disasters and pain.
  18. MoonLight1


    xiinfaniin;983905 wrote: ... But it also shows that he was genuine in his desire to see greater and united Somalia. .. some analysts believe the opposite, the whole point of the war was to shrink this giant army which put Siyaad Barre such un-ease since this was at the peak era of african coups, but what ever the intentions, this was un necessary and drained the young republic men and resource, we were alone fighting this war except Iraq who stood by us heroically, but the other side had the backing of the two great powers, the Warsaw block, even many arab nations such as Libya, South Yemen, and the PLO backed the Ethios. The WSLF guerrillas were doing great job by giving the Ethios a bloody nose and Siyad Barre should've continued supporting them until they captured the whole ****** region.
  19. Haatu;981241 wrote: Five stadiums while this region has no University of its own. pathetic.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;983875 wrote: Thanks Moonlight i believe faroole has a big chance coming back as winner , the reason i say this is faroole has the state resources which will favor him. Gen Abdisamad will bring the 17 Garaad clan MPS , although we must admit there is allot of opposition to faroole. Where is the detoore so that he can tell us about General Siciid Samtar is he favored by the Bosaaso communities. There is a god fearing Sheikh also running i have seen he also ran for Somalia presidency is he liked, and does he have the money to bribe the MPS. i mean Sheikhs have a big wallet. By the way are all the candidates from the ssdf families no one from Goldogob maakhir or the garaad clan is running? This seems to be a two horse race, Farole against Gaas, but I heard Omar Sharmake could crash the party at later stage and throw his hat in, that will make it a thrilling election to watch, but don't rule out the ex-Golis CEO Ali Haji (pictured below), as we know Golis is the wealthiest company in PL and this guy has alot of reserve cash, maybe he has less chance when it comes to the Geo-politics in the region since he is an Islamist, but this guy could give uncle Finger and Odey Gaas a run for their money.
  21. Xaaji Xunjuf;983869 wrote: ^^ The Puntlanders dont vote and you have no voting rights in that region the MPS in Puntland vote The Great XX is back with a big Bang;) welcome back. I heard most clans just re-nominated their old MPs which means Faroole could have an easy yes vote, plus Abdisamad is in Taleex whipping the Garaad clans to vote for Faroole, lets wait and see, I believe PL needs a fresh blood and a new vision, I don't know if Gaas is the man, but Faroole? NO way.
  22. So far we have 10 official candidates 1. Gen. Cabdullahi Siciid Samantar 2. Dr. Maxamad Cali Yuusuf 3. Dr. Yaasiin Faarax Cartan 4. Eng. Cali Xaaji Cabdulle Dhegoole 5. Prof. Cabdi Weli Maxamad Cali (Gaas) 6. Dr. Saadiq Eenow 7. Cali Cabdi Awaare 8. Prof. Axmad Cabbaas Axmad (Gacma Gaab) 9) the incumbent president Abdirahman Farole 10) Alxaaji Maxammed Yaasiin.
  23. (Sawirro) Madexweynw Faroole oo kala diray Baarlamaanka Puntland. Garowe( Madexweynaha dawlada Puntland mudane C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa maanta kala diray xildhibaanada golaha Baarlamaanka ee Puntland. Madexweynaha ayaa baarlamaanka kala diray kadib Kalfadhigoodii 10-aad oo maanta furmay oo uu kala qaybgalay, wuxuuna khudbad dheer oo uu ka jeediyay xarunta Baarlamaanka Puntland ku amaanay Baarlamaankani mudadii 5-ta sano ahayd ee uu jiray iyo wax qabadkii wanaagsan ee ay muujiyeen. Madexweynaha dawlada Puntland ayaa sheegay in Baarlamankani lagu xasuusan doono shuruucdii iyo xeerarkii kala duwanaa ee ay meel mariyeen iyo dadaalkii ay uga qayb qaateen Nidaamkii Dimoqraadiyada puntland ee hakadka galay. Madexweynaha dawlada Puntland mudane C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole wuxuu sheegay in taariikhda puntland ay xusi doonto wixii ay qabteen iyo hogaankii wanagsaa ee xilkasnimadu ay ku dheehnayd ee ay muujiyeen xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Puntland, wuxuuna u rajeeyay in ay dib u soo noqdaan oo ay ka mid noqdaan xildhibaanada baaralamaanka cusub. Madexweyne Faroole wuxuu kaloo sheegay in xilligan oo kale mar walba ay caadi tahay in baarlamaanka la kala diro si ay ugu tartamaan ka mid noqoshada baarlamaanka cusub, wuxuuna sheegay in baarlamaankani waxyaabaha lagu xasuusan doono ay ka mid tahay ansixiinta dastuurka Puntland ay hada ku dhaqmayso. Munaasibada Baarlamaankan Puntland lagu kala dirayay waxaa soo xaadiray xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka, Gudoomiyaha iyo guddoomiye ku xigeenada Baarlamaanka, madaxwaynaha Puntland, qaar ka mid ah golaha wasiiradda Puntland iyo saraakiisha Ciidamada. Habeenimada caawa ah ayaa waxaa la filayaa in Madexweynuhu uu casho sagootin ah u sameeyo xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Puntland, taas oo ka dhici doonta xarunta madextooyada Puntland ee magaalada Garowe. Madexweynuhu wuxuu kaloo ka hadlay xiriirka puntland iyo Federaalka wuxuuna ku booriyay dawlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya in ay soo celiso xiriirkii wanaagsanaa ee Puntland si Puntland ay u hesho qaybtii ay ku lahayd Federaalka ee deeqaha iyo Horumarinta. Kala dirida Baaralamaanka Puntland waxay ku soo aaday xilli gobollada Puntladn oo dhan ay ka socoto xulida xildhibaanada cusub ee baarlamaanka soo socda hawshan oo ay ku mashquulsan yihiin hogaanka dhaqanka Puntland.