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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. Mumina Ibrahim, a true brave, strong Somali woman. God bless her and what left from her children.
  2. A Kenyan court has sentenced a hotel resort worker to death after convicting him of being in a gang which murdered a British tourist and abducted his wife. The Met Police, which helped the Kenyan probe, said Ali Babitu Kololo, 27, was found guilty of robbery with violence. Kenya has not carried out a death sentence since 1987, and Kololo is expected to serve a prison term. He had been sacked from his job several months before he guided the kidnappers to the Tebbutts' villa at the remote resort on an island in Kenya's Lamu archipelago. He pleaded not guilty at his trial held in the town of Lamu, and said he had been acting under duress. The Met Police said a small team of counter-terrorism officers travelled to Kenya shortly after the murder and kidnap to support the local police investigation. The inquiry matched footprints found on the beach to the shoes worn by Kololo when he was arrested shortly after the incident. The Foreign Office confirmed the death penalty had been imposed, but said it was not expected to be carried out because of a moratorium in place since 1987. A spokesman said: "We welcome efforts by the Kenyan authorities to bring those responsible for the kidnap of Judith Tebbutt and the murder of her husband, David, to justice. Judith Tebbutt was held for more than six months in Somalia "Today's news that Ali Babitu Kololo has been found guilty of robbery with violence is a positive development, but the wider Kenya investigations continue." Writing on Twitter, the UK ambassador to Somalia, Neil Wigan, said: "Welcome conviction in Lamu today of Kololo for his role in Tebbutt kidnap and murder." The Tebbutts, from Bishop's Stortford, travelled to the resort, close to the Somalia border, after visiting the Masai Mara game reserve. In an interview with the BBC last week, Mrs Tebbutt, 58, said she felt uncomfortable after arriving at the beach resort for a two-week stay as she and her publisher husband were the only guests. She was awoken by the sounds of her husband struggling with someone in the dark. Then she was jabbed with the barrel of a rifle and dragged down to the beach. She revealed after her release she remained unaware that the gang had killed her husband for two weeks after she was kidnapped. Her release came after her family reportedly paid a ransom.
  3. Gar_maqaate;971223 wrote: ^^ It is not much of a mystery to see your opinions and criticism of Islam originate from. It is all in the name, Hobbesian_brute is it?. You parade around the forum as if you are an emancipated intellectual preaching to a herd of unfortunate, stupefied, brainwashed peasants who need rescuing from Islam. But nothing could be further from the truth. There is nothing logical or rational about your opinions, it is nothing more than a tedious repetitions of the lies propagated by a wacky and insane coalition of Christians zealots, racists bigots, atheists and recently enlightened Muslims like yourself. Let me state from the outset, there is nothing wrong with critiquing Islam but the criticisms have be valid and constructive and not a placket condemnation of Islam and muslims. So my advice to you Hobbesian_ brute, it takes a lot more than reading view books and blogs to be rational and logical, you need to stop with these repetitive slogans and anti Islam smears and to start thinking for yourself. We will then take your criticisms of Islam seriously. Garmaqaate, hala yaabin sxb, a self hating atheist will always be a self hater. They are being used by these neo-con fascists who propagate hate against muslims and Islam. Just presenting few facts in their face annoys them and they will try to provoke you into chimney sweepers dance. let them preach what they are preaching since the sun can not be blocked by a palm. I'll conclude my article with this verse from the holy Quran. [13:43] And those who were before them did also devise plans, but all effective devising of plans belongs to Allah. He knows what every soul earns; and the disbelievers shall soon know whose will be the final reward of this abode.
  4. Hobbesian_Brute;971198 wrote: your not even a real Muslim but what V.S Naipaul referred to as " converted peoples ". your too uppity for a non Arab Muslim, pump your brakes. Islam can be the fastest growing and largest population, but that doesn't equal progress, strength or prosperity, its overpopulation as consequence of their backwardness and ignorance of contraception. if tiny israel of 7 million keeps at bay close to half a billion arabs, that shows numerical superiority amounts to nothing. Islam is salvation, death is life, war is peace, poverty is prosperity; what is wrong with these lines ?? :cool: I like when first year uni kids come with their book one confused atheism philosophy to SOL thinking they have something new and tangible story to tell us. I like the way you are backtracking from the notion of "Islam is in decline" to "yeah its not in decline" population wise at least, not realising the next world wars will be about three things, water, energy, and population. look at china, it's becoming "the" world's first superpower" thanks to its economic growth and population power. while the west is dying of old age, muslims are experiencing a young population explosion which will be a plus for future developments. wakeup guys, it's not only simple Indian peasants, or humble African tribal people converting, but well educated blue eyed westerns who saw the truth and are a big asset for this Ummah. Hobbesian_Brute;971198 wrote: if tiny israel of 7 million keeps at bay close to half a billion arabs, that shows numerical superiority amounts to nothing. oh yeah, give us a break man, don't insult our intelligence, without US and Nato's logistical, financial, and moral support, Israel wouldn't last a week, just read what the western intellectuals wrote about the 2006 war with Hezbollah and I believe your too young or too naive to read about the 1973 arab war, I would advice you to read Kissinger's biography where you'll learn who won the war for Israel.
  5. Allyourbase;971153 wrote: Where today has the flower of Islam blossomed into a modern society that both adheres to strict fundamental laws of Islam and yet functions as an example of this brave 'shin sekai' new world? Tell me about the technological dominance of Afghanistan? The military supremacy of Saudi Arabia? The thought factory that is the Islamic Republic of Mauritania? I would love to hear about all that! Funnily enough the islamists in Egypt won the elections carrying banners that said just that, with chants of islam is the salvation but look what happened to them! They could not deliver on their promise. Where you see a change in the landscape for islamists I point you to this current chain of events in this very thread my friend! What happened to the islamists of Egypt? Where is the dear leader, Mohamed Mursi Al Ayaat? Deaf, dumb and blind - so they will not return [to the right path]. Yes your right, the current Muslim world is not an example of technological advance and modernity thanks to the dictators you and the west support, those dictators who's sole goal was to fill their pockets and pass the heir to their sons after their demise, those dictators promised us modernity if we sideline Islam, but we had an imitating modernity which made us leave our religion and not become "moderns", Muslim states which sucessfuly implemented real modernity & technological advances without side-lining Islam are Malaysia, and Turkey which are Today's world power houses. The notion of "Islam is the salvation" is not an empty slogan, it has been tested, practised and proven in the past, muslims dominated the world for many centuries in terms of technological advance and modernity, when Cordoba, Damascus and Baghdad had street lamps and libraries Paris and London were plunged into darkness and plagues, So my point is, Islam has been proven to be adaptable to modernity and encourages technological advance but with its values and boundaries, today's extremism does not reflect on real Islam which has been hijacked by a group of reactionary groups. Allyourbase;971153 wrote: What happened to the islamists of Egypt? Where is the dear leader, Mohamed Mursi Al Ayaat? Are you serious? first of all Morsy never had the time and the authority to implement his policies, as one western commentator said "he was a president who had power, but no authority", this is true, the entire Egyptian organs of governing institutions such as the High court, the lower court, the army, the police ranks, the intelligence service, the Cairo stock exchange, even the Egyptian state tv &radio were out of his authority and could not touch them to reform since they were in the hands of Mubarakites and Seculars, in simpler terms, this guy was a toothless president who could not even change governors without the army and media harassments, plus, the daily barrages of protests he endured from these seculars and the negative effects this had on the Egyptian economy and tourism made many simple people who depended on these trades turn against and denounce him. with all these negative impacts on his presidency let me ask you a question, tell me a government in this world which achieved miracles in 360 days? bury in mind Morsy inherited a 60 years old economical mess, infrastructure decline and a patient-less young generation.
  6. The Brits are the most civil when it comes to ethnic minorities, they had MPs, ministers, and high ranking civil servants, and national football team players since 1970s. The southern & Eastern Europe are much behind when it comes to minorities. I heard these days in Greece you might be lynched just by walking down the street if you have African features.
  8. Hobbesian_Brute;971108 wrote: islam is facing a foe it hasn't faced in its 1400 yrs of existence and that is MODERNITY . its ill equipped to deal with the modern world; no work ethic, no independent thought is encouraged but inflexible conformity to dogmas. the rest of the world is rapidly pulling away and muslim societies are falling ever more into decay and stagnation, they are at the bottom of the heap. Everywhere despised, mistrusted and looked down upon. all they are reduced to is boasting of medieval glories to massage their bruised egos. they don't understand that the arrow of time always moves forward and to succeed you must change with the times. you seem to be a man filled with hatred and anger towards this religion but i will only say to you and your likes "...they bite the tips of their fingers at you in rage. Say: "Perish in your rage. Certainly, Allah knows what is in the hearts"[3:119] your telling us Islam is in decline while everyone knows Islam is in the rise and in less than 30 years will overtake Christianity as the worlds first religion,, in other words it's a world wide established fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and if you need evidence here is some. So Mr Brute you are fighting a hopeless battle, yes muslims are down and wounded, but not out yet, since Muslims live in the most strategic places in the world with its natural resources and important world crossing passages they have been the most oppressed and harassed by the imperial powers helped my their cloned dictators making the muslim world the most western military concentrated area, but the late chain of events and the Arab spring are changing the landscape and slowly but surely people are realising Islam is the salvation, there are setbacks and upheavals but hey tell me a revolution which did not face upheavals.
  9. hobbesian_brute;971073 wrote: soon the whole world will be on one side against this enemies of humanity. brute sxb that is not new, for 1400 years this religion has been harrased, fought against, and hated by infidels, read the history of the crusaders wars, the mongolian tatars who invaded baghdad, the colonial wars and lately the soviet & american wars but what is the result? Islam stayed and they all gone. So if empires could not bring down this religion, the likes of brute, rushdie or ayan hersi are like an ant fighting an elephant. The more you fight muslims the stronger their faith gets, that's the nature of this faith, so you are fighting a losing battle my friend.
  10. but remember Erdugan is keeping a very aggressive opposition at bay,just, these secular parties are looking for the slightest excuse to come out and protest against Erdugan, seeing images of their sons blown to bits will give them enough material to attack the AK party and its PM, I believe if more lives lost they will abandon their mission fearing a backlash from seculars.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;971001 wrote: Need to withdraw their support from the SFG how is it possible that 2 Militia who are both on the same side are fighting each other communities of the Habr gangster clan attacked the water malians, who also wore SFG military uniform. This is unacceptable i wonder how a federal state can be established, if people do not even agree who owns what land? What can the government do actually about this the best thing if the goverment wants to be taken serious Amisom African union troops need to be stationed there and keep the peace. xaaji when will the D!r of the north help their brethren. Siilaanyo should send aircraft carriers to Merka. on a serious note the Galguduud folks conquered this fertile land which is the most productive region in Somalia for too long until they thought it was theirs.
  12. I fear if things keep getting as they are and more Turks die there will be pressure for Erdugan at home to pull out, and that will be a big loss for Somalia.
  13. Raysalwasaaraha dalka Turkiga Tayyib Erdogan ayaa weerarkii shalay ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ee lala beegsaday xarunta ay degen yihiin shaqaalaha safaarada Turkiga ee Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in weerarkaasi geysteen dad sheeganaya inay yihiin Muslim. Erdogan oo si toos ah khudbadiisa warbaahinta xalay looga siidaayey ayaa sheegay in Turkiga waxa kaliya oo ay dalka Soomaaliya u joogaan ay tahay inay caawiyaan Walaalahooda Muslimiinta ah, wuxuuna la yaab ku tilmaamay kooxaha sheeganaya muslimnimada ee burburka iyo dagaalka ku haya dadkooda iyo dowladooda. Weerarkii shalay lagu qaaday xarunta ay degen yihiin shaqaalaha Turkiga ee ku taal nawaaxiga KM4 ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay ku dhinteen 3 qof oo uu ku jiro mid kamid ah illaalada Turkida ah ee xaruntaasi ku sugnaa. Weerarkan ayaa loo adeegsaday Gaari waxyaabaha qarxa lasoo saaray kaasi oo la sheegay inuu ka faa’iideystay inuu irida xaruntaasi isku qarxiyo xili gaari kale oo ay Turkida leeyihiin irida laga furayey si uu halkaasi u galo. Ugu yaraan 3 qof ayaa ku dhimatay weerarkaasi halka dhaawaca uu gaarayo 9 qof. Kooxda Al Shabaab ayaa bartooda Twitterka ku sheegtay weerarkii lagu qaaday xarunta Turkida, iyagoo ku eedeeyey dowlada Turkiga inay xubin ka tahay Isbaheysiga NATO oo ay sheegeen inay cadow ku yihiin Muslimiinta. Dhinaca kale Afhayeenka Kooxda Al Shabaab Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) ayaa war bishaaroleh ku tilmaamay weerarkii lagu qaaday xarunta ay ku sugnaayeen diblumaasiyiinta Turkida. Cali Dheera ayaa weerarkan ku sheegay inay geysteen ciidamadooda oo halkaasi galay kadibna si nabadleh uga baxay isagoo sheegay in Turkida ay cadow ku yihiin muslimiinta, isagoo qiil u raadiyey weerarkan oo u sheegay in Turkida ay gacan siinayeen gaalada kusoo duulay Muslimiinta, ayuu yiri. Weerarkan ay Al Shabaab ka fulisay Muqdisho ayaa qeyb ka ah weeraro is xig xigay oo ay kooxdan ka geysaneysay bilihii lasoo dhaafay magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo ay muuqato in kooxdaasi ay weli awood uleedahay in weeraradooda sii wadaan kadib markii la sheegay in dowlada ciidamadeeda iyo kuwa AMISOM ay baaritaano ka sameeyeen inta badan xaafadaha Muqdisho. Horseed Media
  14. Haatu;970899 wrote: How can you put Men that openly claim to be Muslims (Qadafi etc.) on the same level as open enemies of Allah and his religion (Abu Lahab)? Don't let your anger fall you into sin sxb. As for the point you made, have you read up on the rule of Hajjaaj the tyrant? Look it up and see the views of the scholars towards him. Another example in history for you is the story of Ahmed bin Hanbal (the imam of the Hambali madhab and a great scholar). During his time the rulers were persecuting and torturing people for refusing to believe the qur'an was created . The imam himself was tortured along with many Muslims and this continued for many years. At many times people came to him seeking his permission to rebel and you know what he said to them even though Muslims are being persecuted for their beliefs in a Muslim state? He commanded them to hear and obey. Now compare this to the Muslim rulers of today who only want to continue to rule and don't punish the people of their beliefs: And what is a Muslim to do when Allah tests him with a bad ruler? So you see sxb, I am not misusing the words of our Prophet SCW but rather I only show to you how they were understood and acted upon by the great scholars of Islam and the Rightly Guided Predecessors. As for you the bit about "minor issues", compare what the ruler did in the time of Imam Ahmad to what you accuse of our current leaders. I leave you with the words of our prophet SCW: -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I am not asking for the tyrants/bad rulers back. Allah has removed their hardship from the Muslims. I am only clarifying what the position of a Muslim should be towards his [Muslim] ruler. I hope your not putting Hajaj bin yousif and Qadafi in the same league, if you read Hajja's history he was certainly an oppressor and a killer, but at the same time he was doing good things including diffending the state from enemies and he run sharia on the land, but Qadafi was on his own league when it comes to ridiculing Islam and blasphemy, just go to youtube and dig some of his sermons you'll be gob smacked. And what is your solution to these dictators? just wait and see? that is not how you change things, you have to work for it and sometimes pay a heavy price for it and that is what the people of Egypt, Libya and Syria did, bury in mind their protests started peacefully asking for political reform, but these dictators sent their ruthless dogs of army and police and did what they did. and by the way, are you on Salafia jadiida?
  15. Arab armies showing their true colors, they massacre their innocent civilians while they fear Israel and can not put a tank on the Sinai peninsula.
  16. MoonLight1;970880 wrote: ..I say good riddance of these monster... read my lips.
  17. Haatu do not misuse the prophet's (SAW) teachings, he was telling us, if our leaders withhold the fundamentals of Islam but fail on minor issues we should abbey them in the interest of peace and stability, but hey you can not apply that to these monsters such as Mubarak, Qadafi, Abideyn and Assad, these guys are in the league of Abi Jahal and Abi Lahab who were hell bent on keeping this ummah backward for ever, and if muslims just waited them to die and disappear their mini me's were on the wait to enslave us for another 40,50,and 60 years and after that it was their time to pass it to their sons and the legacy would've kept going on and on and on for God knows how long. I say good riddance of these monsters, but all revolutions has setbacks and problems, just read the history of the French revolution and the American civil war, then look at their outcome today.
  18. Cambuulo iyo bun;970863 wrote: im talking bout this. Jubbooyinka consists of Jubadda Hoose and Jubbada dhexe, sida ulaa sooco aryaahee, xeyraankaa tahay maxaan dhahaa!! loooooooooool. Cambuulo sxb did you hear this Qowdhan who came to Holland to claim asylum and he lied to the immigration authorities that he was from xamar, the immigration officer interviewed him and asked him where does the river cut through Xamar, he replied (without hesitation) "in the middle of the city" and added, "and I come from the west bank".
  19. Afhayeenka Al Shabaab Cali Maxamuud Raage (Dheere) ayaa waxa uu sheegay inay madaxda dawlada Federaalka Somaliya yihiin kuwo lagu shaqeysanayo oo aysan xal raadin dalka ah ujoogin. Cali Dheere ayaa si gaar ah usheegay Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh iyo Ra’iisalwasaare Saacid kuwo maqaar saar ah sida uu sheegayna ay beesha caalamka ku adeegato. Isagoo Afhayeenka guud ee Shabaabka hadalkaan ka jeedinayey Salaadii Khudbada Jimco ee shalay kadib masjid salaada lagu tukaday ayaa dadka aan dagaalka geli karin ka codsaday inay taageero afka ah umuujiyaan. Sidoo kale waxa uu Cali dheere sheegay inay isaga si gaar ah ula soo xiriireen odayaal iyo waxgarad kasoo jeeda Beelaha ****** ee deggan Muqdisho kana dalbadeen in weerarada Ramadaanka sidii la filayey aysan ahayn Shabaabka ka codsadeen in lala jibaaro weeraradii ay soo qaadi jireen. halkan ka dhageyso.
  20. IsseRiyole;970819 wrote: That is what happens when they spend too much time in looking jealously Puntland, Jubaland,Somaliland and failing miserably to control the elements that is fighting within..... Puntland executes killers while Muqdisho's killers are released by tribal elders. Puntland hunts Alshabab while they walk freely in xamar. The SFG should learn few tricks from Puntland admin on how to tackle these killers and should not shy away to ask Puntland for logistical and training help, The Carmo training academy which is one of the largest with modern facilities can train thousands of police and intelligence every year. Carmo Academy, Puntland.
  21. Dr_Osman;970756 wrote: Somalia things are going ok in Puntland. Not much pictures out there lately. Anyways looking forward to the big one five. The great yearly bash is upon us. I think the theme to this year celebration should be Puntland maturing. Dotoore it's actually a good idea to wash your teeth and clothes at one stop shop Garowe. keep the good work reer Garowe.
  22. Gabadhan waxay sheegayso waxbaa ka jira. 1) we know most of the SFG and NGOs salaries are paid through Dahabshiil but we have never seen or heard any of their workers being killed by Alshabaab considering the number of civil servants and journalists killed in xamar. 2) Alshabaab kills, assassinates and maims only in south somalia and Puntland, why is SL exempt, is it an islamic state? or is it tolka's state since Godane is the leader?.
  23. The hadeeth is authenticated by Imam Bukhari. the hadeeth simply means if a muslim is being oppressed you should help him and protect him in anyway you can, Also if a muslim is the oppressor you should hold his hand and tell him to stop.
  24. “Assist your Muslim brother, whether he be an oppressor or oppressed. "Bu how shall we do it when he is an oppressor?" enquired a companion. Prophet Muhammad replied, "Assisting an oppressor by withholding him from oppression.” Quote from Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
  25. "The strong person is not the good wrestler. Rather,the strong person is the one who controls himself when he is angry.” Quote from Prophet Muhammad PBUH. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 73, #135)