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Everything posted by Xalimopatra

  1. I'm transfering to go to maraykanka.Hopefully all my course credits couple with the extra ones from back in my A-Level days will take at least a year and a half off and I will graduate there earlier,then off to grad school Insha'Allah. Mantra what course is it may I ask?
  2. Crystal can I ask,Did you move out because of school or work?Mise just cause?
  3. I'm gonna have a think and get back to you walaashiis.Lakiin in the meantime lemme just wish you and yours well,Insha'Allah khayr ya ibti!
  4. Lily,I wouldn't be surprised if you recognised me.I got a msg from someone I knew back when I went to dugsi as a young Xalimo a couple days ago!Small world.. West London brap,brap gunshots,nacnac and all the rest of the istubidh balaayo
  5. I know Loool even the finger twirling to the sky and the chest stroking....Loool
  6. Che Small world indeed.I dont know the guy you mentioned(Safari) parents probably do. Do you know Baaci(watch my spelling)?Dude is a joker!He took us around downtown that night with the Cinema and Ihop.Crazy driver!!! :eek:
  7. I'm gonna have a ciyaal moment. T.I. impersonation by some comedian guy.Wallahi I couldn't stop laughing. Some caution before you view it(A little cay)
  8. NGONGE you look like you've found the light in that pic...*Cue angels with harps....* Rokko Masha'Allah you seem like a happy person,who would've thought?Ha I'm kiddin'...
  9. Originally posted by Azmaya: I think people on sol are fake. No spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, writing academic essays what the heck is going ? Tkae taht bakc shawty :mad:
  10. Che&Blue Hefner I was in Boston in early Sept for a weekend before we went back to DC.My adeers (Ashoor brothers)own and run the main Somali restaurant(Cant remember the name,not the balanbaalis cafe one)The one next to the housing complexes?With odayaasha standing at the front with toothpicks perched in the lower corner of their mouths?Lol,Behind the main road? We stayed at one of my adeer's house in Roxbury and the restaurant was like down the road to it. Boston was jokes tho.We went to the movie theater downtown,the Lowes one or whatever it's called....and Ihop after that at 1am.The streets were full of students.I loved it!Insha'Allah me and the girls are going back this summer.I'm sure I will spot you with the huge fanax from a mile off!
  11. Lol Devil everyone is on facebook(Well almost everyone)I doubt anyone will post their pic here apart from the few that did in the early pages of this thread. Lol@Che's pic...Never had him down as a Tamil taxi driver!
  12. Lol@Australasia being placed as North Korea.... That guy was funny tho.....He didn't flinch amidst all the nacasnimo...Anigu waan qosli lahaa.
  13. Che' why dont you sign up? J-Lee why did you leave the grp girl?
  14. Lol @ "This is unacceptable" Socod Badne where is your pic may I ask? STOIC I posted again on the wall.In case you dont see it I just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't allow it.The group,that is.
  15. Lol NGONGE Masha'Allah never knew you were a daddy Mujahid-Waan ku arkey niyow Habeen wanaagsan people,I'm off.
  16. Thanks Pacifist,I got there in the end.12 members..Pretty impressive for 2 days work STOIC lol. Why does all the fun happen whilst I'm away?Fun being pics and all....
  17. STOIC-No such luck,tried all diff combos to no avail.Anyways browsing through some clubs ...Aint browsed through here in a while! I'd ask for a link but you cant do it that way unless logged in or what have you.Ah well.
  18. P.s-Zafir thanks for the compliment walaal.I look nothing like that now...Rather the ol' hag now!
  19. STOIC it's not showing up? "I've got nothing for you" ku yeh.
  20. AAliyah I want to do cast spells over them ,that's what.Lol I'm playing lakiin it's not that you want to meet them so you want to check out their pic b4 hand or the like. Curiousity and abit of harmless fun more then anything walaashiis
  21. Here's a pic of me aged 2.I dont know what's more hilarious...The pose I struck?or that serious shagpile?!Lol ------------------------
  22. MMA-Thanks walaal.I didn't expect anyone to do it.Gacan baan ku taagay walaal. Myspace is cool.I've found loads of folk I lost contact with from ions ago(High school even dugsi!).As someone said earlier you can set your profile to private. "I don't think anyone would post their pic in public,because it may change the way they are approached here or talked to here" Mujahid-Lol so if they chick/dude is kuluul as hell the dudes/chicks will ignore the fact that their posts suck and will mercilessly chase them because they are easy looking on the eye?Goodness what a vain bunch! Edit; NGONGE is it mating season already?Lol the girl looks like she could be the next poster thing for Sheeba cat food....Rrrrr!