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Posts posted by STOIC

  1. Xiin,It is right that nowadays you are all over the place from the halls of Kismayo to Somaliland..hhaha..You do have alot of energy!


    Looking at Somaliland today, one can not help but notice that these are people that are way far beyond being presured into union whether economical or political isolation. These are people that have already expanded and defined their stand far beyond imagination of any obsevant of Somali politics.The emerging energies and the excited affection for secesion is all in the open for the world to see. They have gained equal footing with any formed Somalia government since the collapse of the last dictotarial regime. How did Somaliland gain this you might ask, obviously this was not achieved overnight. In a remarkable way they have achieved this with reconcillation and a clear position of thier goals. It is this same goal that is being discused and this is a big deal or else they could have been ignored if they were NOT important.The growth they have achieved the last two decades will sure sustain them if they ever get isolated.I'm just afraid of Silanyo easilly giving in to South Somalia (and it is a legitimate concern)

  2. Somaliland citizens convictions that Somaliland is a serparate country is real and NOT fiction.Somaliland is a region that existed beyond the Somali civil war and it will exist longer. I can bet (rarely bet on Somali politics unless you are crazy) Somaliland may not get recognition, but will never join Somalia anytime soon.Sooner we accept that the better.Silanyo will be ***** to waste the dynamics of political influence that was achieved since the collapse of that dictotarial regime. At a time when Somalia is still widely viewed as a political disaster, it is significant that Silanyo adminstration be careful not to turn the clock back...Somalia has long way to go before Somalilanders can trust them.People demand must be respected.If Silanyo wants to attend London meeting he can just do a public opinion poll and see how that turns out, but blindly attending London when they just said they will not attend just prooves lack of integrity on their part.

  3. He is one of my favorite politician out of NEP next to the likes of the late Khalif! He can walk the talk and talk the talk too with some actions..He has been gutsy and defiant early on way before other NEP politicians got up from napping in the backbench of the parlaiment

  4. Che, Got is just that this forums sometimes we do like to jump quickly to conclusion.No matter how politically fragmented Somalia is today I think all sensible people agree that properties should be returned.I'm sure the government ineffectiveness to implement any rights of return right now complicates things.From all evidences, it appears that majority of Somalis would love to see properties returned to rightful owners.Like the brother said up their a justice system that implies a set of goals for public life that cover such matters needs to be put in place by the current administration.

  5. Carafaat, back in 1997 there was bluebird aviation (owned by Somalis) that used to go to Mandera and Wajir.I don't know if they still around.Garissa is close to Nairobi I doubt there is any benefit businesswise to start a route there...


    MM, Sakajaamiintaa matatu walii maa music qaracaan..Their music used to be defening.I know it was hip and impresionable when you are young, but damn that thing kills your ears...Poliska igaa waraan..Aniiga iyo iyaagaa waxbaa nakalaa haysta markaan basaborr Mareykaan tusoww afkoothaana

  6. Xaaji,


    You sure about Some company investing 100million dollars in Somaliland? You are not pulling my leg, right? Most of the world shy away from recognizing Somaliland because of lack of interest in dismembering some small poor African country! They will rather take the easy road of keeping this volatile nation together than dividing it up.We can't be exploiting the piracy tag and forget that we ourselves are not immune to terorism.




    See I just said stuff as I see it and the reality is that Somalia is not yet clean from civil war wounds.I never said Somaliland is perfect and that they are immune to clan politics.One of the many errors of the Mogadishu adminstartion is what the good profesor Samatar put it in a youtube clip-the double standard of calling onself unionist in the interest of the clan in Mogadihsu only! As someone who deeply appreaciates all thing Somali, I puzzle over the politics of hostility and animosity between the Southern Somalis.

  7. It is a tough Spot Somaliland is finding itself Xaaji.All this chatter about Somaliland is Muqadis is pointless when Somaliland and Somalia start playing hard ball.And don’t even goad me into the oil thing lest we end up like our brothers from Puntland.This is beyond Somaliland ambition and ego. This is something that involves all Somalis and it is going to take a big Convincing to separate from Somalia.


    I’m not a fan of Mogadishu administration and the clan divisions they have down there, but we are still at their mercy! While Somalia will never be in a position to project its power to Somaliland, they still hold the key to our secession.We can hire all of K-street and still not be able to win the secession agenda.The world has a vital role in keeping Somalia together and it is highly unlikely that they will support our goal.The bed-wetting unionist in Mogadishu if they have an iota of patriotism they would have started winning the hearts of all Somalis by creating a clean slate administration with no clan chatter, but it is hardly unlikely they will get their act together any time soon.


    We will be isolated unless by the grace of God we somehow become strategically placed between some conflicting interests of the super powers. Mogadishi represents greatest danger and greatest hope of all Somalis.It is unfortunate reality and we have to deal with them.Somaliland greatest strength and lies in the energy and determination of its people to keep on moving and minding their business with or without recognition for now.We shall keep on striving to be modern and democratics as we are and maybe who knows the world will recognize the beacon of hope we are building there.


    It is obviously in our interest to pray they get their acts together in the South and hopefully we can sort this things out in a clean way. Idealogy should be the best weapon of all to wade off anything that can challenge Somaliland.Silanyo should keep playing hard ball and people should not lose hope. This should be the message and not a false promises.Its is the loyalty and the patriotism of Somalilanders on our side that have kept Somaliland keep on moving on and it should now. Historical pride and patrotism will take the people far.

  8. Somaliland is a reality in Somali world today.You will be ignorant or blinded by lack of objectivity to deny that Somaliland exists today.This is unrecognized corner of Somalia that began by a concerted mobilisation of political forces against the Siyad regime and it succeeded to establish unrecognized State after a violent upheaval of the Somalia civil war.


    Twenty years after the formation of Somaliland I’m sure a a new generation of public intellectuals, political and social leaders, human and civil rights activists must have emerged from the very bosom of this unrecognized state. I’m sure they are all keeping an eye on Silanyo administration and wishing to correct the course of the nation as it fits.


    Silanyo and his administration should realize they need to sharpen their knives as Somalia’s dawn of new beginning is upon us. They will not win Secession by getting red-carpet treatment in Some foreign countries. They will only succeed when they convince Somalia that nothing is left for them in Old Somalia.It will take people with love for their country to keep the wheel moving.Keep on keeping on Silanyo!!!!

  9. Nuune,


    I doubt I have time to go to Mombasa.I will save that trip for next time (as they say once you go to Africa one time you sure bet will come back again)...Actually it would have been a good trip since my closest friend is the head of Sarova Hotels and the chairman of the Kenyan Tourism..I will save that trip for the Wifey..haha to impress her with the beauty of the Coast....

  10. MM, haha @ the latest I-phones..I wish they knew how expensive those stuff are down here..They will be disapointed if they looking for I-phones and apple computers...They be lucky if they get a Pollo shirts from me....I will act dumb and technologically handicapped...haha

  11. Blessed, Insha-Allah we will definately give you some tips. For now I'm getting my tips from MM since he is more familair with the place.For some reason even though I'm familair with the place, language and the culture I'm still being warned by friends that it will be a shock first week.Even though I'm leaving in a month or so I have already started doing some little shopping and Still don't know what to get everyone plus rememeber I have big family on both my Mom and Dad side that lives there. I think I will just hand over Polo shirts to everyone haha..I know they will grill me for not bringing more or giving money to everyone, but who can satisfy awhole families lol....

  12. Haatu, I have a friend that flies one of those flights to NEP so yeah definately I'll visit there, but only by flying lol..I can't stomach the bus ride . I will check out the Andalus and hopefully the Sheikhs will be more welcoming of Qurbajoog.I definately will not be chasing any skirts in nairobi since I'm a married man so Carafaat warning of the place doesn't affect me So much hahaa.....