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Posts posted by STOIC

  1. We are seeing things a bit differently...When Silanyo and Riyalle crosses the isle I'll call them worse things than a flipflopper..for now everyone was a Somaliweyn back then I can't hold against them..I will poke fun at Silanyo pot-belly if he does some shaddy stuff and double-talk with his principles....For the sijui part I think I was just pointitng out to you my folks have no power in Kenya, so you can't blame me for what Kenyan government does to the Somalis there

  2. Horta Kenyatti madaaxaa igaama istaagiin reer ahaan wayoo reerka ann kuuabtirsaatho are up there in Somaliland (take that for all who think I fall off from the sky).Maybe that comment will be appropriate to Somalis with a good sizable community in Kenya or who are in Kenyan government....Now be that as it maybe, I don't think Somalilanders will be coming back to the union (besides Allah's Qadr) for they have moved far with the secesionist idea.Now do I think they have a chance to secede and be a functioning government with all the problems they have? A rare chance with them forcing people Like Khatumo...Now without imperceptively degenerating her excellency position into something you guys may take offence lets say Fowzia did what every failed Somaliland politician do best and that is cross the isle and find a lucarative position...She came across to me as a self-promoting megalomaniac with that kind of short time flipflopping.

  3. I think I have been cool about the Sijui thing and never took it personal, but it always comes across as a way of people to get out of an argument. Now for this lady she is a flipflopper and one that is a study in contradiction.A clue may lie where she was before being appointed to her excellency position and how she responded to the fumbled she made after loosing the ball in her hometown...

  4. ^ I don't need to know that she was one time a Somali government official to rake her over the coal...She is a government official and free for all ridicule....and ohh I think I'm a Sijui and shouldn't tame any errant Somali politician....NOT

  5. ^ If you read my comments I didn't insult you.I only commented about the lady, but you took upon yourself to question my identity...Like I told another regular poster everytime you guys resort to those sort of comments it only makes you guy looks like ditz

  6. ^Obviously you misunderstood Nuune's comment, but I'll let him answer what he meant. If you want some tidbits to gnaw while you waiting for his response you can read it slowly and maybe it may sink in that what he meant is that they didn't get the job like my neighbor, but they were professionals who wanted to join their Somaliweyn.


    PS As for your slobbering history of her excellency Fouzia Xaaji, she is still a flipflopper who had no principle in her convictions.Abdirahman Tuur was the founding father of Somaliland, but still cross the aisle to the other side one time too...

  7. Somalilander Iga reeb..Xaaji Xanduf will disown me the moment he gets recognition..Oba and his crew will feed me to the whales of Mogadishu for poking fun at their government.Xiin and his Imam will be suspicious of my movement..Markaa I'm a man with no land since I flushed my passport in my flight to America...

  8. Nuune, Those might have got the job different way, but the storyline is not far from the guy who lived in my neighbourhood...Just make sure you are wearing a tie and glasses in your picture


    Edit: Malika those are just words..don't read too much into it...I just tell stuff the way I see it.

  9. This is a true story from a guy that lived in my side of the USA (DMV area)..He was from my Clan and Join Sheikh Shareef government...Now read this The secret of getting a Somali governmental job if you are Reer Waqoyi (I.D.O.o.R specifically) is this; Start a blog to praise the president and his government.Once in a while post a column in Hiiraan Online and let your name be known...Distance yourself from all the secesionist get-togethers (or May 18th celebrations)..Post your pictures and status on facebook how you are meeting with ambassadors from different countries..and when the Shiiiit hits the fan comeback to your Xamaali...