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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. swim in dirac lol ibti thats hilarious. How do they do it wa salaaaam
  2. Yeh hambalyo Zu,I was just kidding earlier, masha-allah the pic is fantastic caano iyo wiil .. Viking haa bariiski wuu naga halmaamay in u wax naga siiyo lol. wa salaam
  3. masha allah words wont sum up how proud I am. Way to go walaal a/salaaam. and here in toronto every otha day i am hearing mothers crying their head off, oh my 17 yrs old has just been taking to jail ..Lord. There is nothing better than raising kids either in Africa or carabta. wa salaaamu alaikum
  4. Zu lol glad to know this aint yr real pic...anyways it is haraam to put other ppls pics online ( as funny as it might look..skinny farah with a fat sista, typical somali couple).. wa salaam
  5. Horta hambalyo caano iyo wiil ..iyo cimir dheer ku waara ninkaas a shegasaan iyo xaskiisi. And may i ask is this their real pciture lol, for sum reason i just started laughing once i saw this pic subhanalaah. wa salaaam
  6. Mantra and ibtisaam I wonder why would any one want to be alone...or be content with being alone?? what is so bad about getting married and establishing a loving relationship with a husband? .... wa salaam
  7. I second that Allamagan, Allison and Ivan are great dancers, and they certainly do look good together as a couple that is .Anyways, on a serious note Mujahid take it easy lol. wa salaam
  8. che lol since I plan to marry a handsome farah, all ma kids will be nothing bt cute, bt u know what, in case i have ugly kids by chance she can have them all for free may I add. lol
  9. Giving birth isn't an easy thing , but u know ibtisaam sis that you will go through that sooner or later. wa salaaam
  10. Taliban u are right brother we certainly need to help ppl back home and i am proud to say that evne thou i only work p/t i send money back home, since i got sum relatives back there. but that deosnt mean we shouldnt buy what we want. Iphone might not be a need, something necessary, bt it is something we want to get, and i think whoeva wants it should go for it
  11. che lol @ in your arms.... since we are somalis we dont tend to walk side by side let alone hold hands from what i know they actually walk 2 feets apart since i have dun sum research on it ...so ye all that matters to me is having cute kids ..othawise i will give them up for adaption... wa salaaam
  12. I believe when looking for some one to spend the rest of your life with the next four points should suffice. 1-relegious 2-educated 3-some1 with a nice personality..othawise yr relationship will obvioustly nt last. 4- It would be a bonus if he is good looking that way we can have sum cute babies wa salaam
  13. I have seen this before . Wa wax laga qudrat qaado .Allahu akbar. wa salaamualaikum.
  14. I personally dont know why u guys making big issue outa of this. There is lota girls out there who wear hijaab with tight jeans, it might not be right, bt lets not forget that they are at least better than lota ppl out there. Besides, we shouldn't judge anyone, for its possible some one who deosnt dress islamically to be a whole lot better than one who wears niqaab. Walahi the other day i was @ the mosque and this lady with niqaab was talking shit ..subhanalaah. so lets leave every one to Allah swt, he will be the judge as allah said in ilayna iyabhum thuma ina calayna xisabahum. Alahu akbar. wa salaaamu alaikum
  15. Oo my gosh stioc this is hilarious...couldn't stop laughing ... wa salaam
  16. lol first of all this girl doesnt know how to shake it , bt that is beside the point, I wonder why would any one put themselves in " you tube" ..HOW CHEAP CAN SHE GET. WA SALAAM. p.s. may allah guide her aamin.
  17. lol I am wondering what u were doing with a married man for 5 years?? I'm speechless walahi. wa salaam
  18. Taliban God is merciful, If I was the judge I would certainly invest in a course or someway where we get to educate new immigrants, and show them the negetive aspect of engaging in such action. Instead of sentencing them for 10 years? Come one what did the brother do to be sentenced?... There was actually a recent story of two white guys racing cars, and they got this immigrant indian taxi driver killed, and I dont believe they have been charged…they probably came from sum rich white family, who probably hired the best lawyer or what not . Anyways, my point is he didnt do things outa of cruelty , it is simple culture..and some one just needs to educated this brother …Lord what do gaalos know about Justice??? Wa salaam
  19. Ibtisaam sis mothers do play a crucial and significant role, and without them I am nt sure where most of us would be .....this hadith shows how much they matter A man came to the Prophet Muhammad and said: “O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship?” The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said: “Then who?” The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked: “Then who?” The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again: “Then who?” The Prophet said: Then your father. That should show you sis how much mothers matter in one's life, and certainly they have a high status of their own.
  20. Mma lool didn't i already mention that u had crush on her.....u just proved it ..kulaha it didnt even occur to me to listen..and here u were trying to make everyone believe as if u were so proud of yr sista who was pursuing career in music industry.... wa salaam
  21. ibtisaam lol sis @ ciyaal of Sol ...waan u jeeda, but certainly some one needs to educate him . Well I am not going on details, bt obviously sex is not just for the sole purpose of having kids, there is more to it, and u need to enjoy it with yr husband/wive as it plays a crucial part of your relationship. Wa Salaaam.
  22. loool it is funny in a way I guess..bt being a mother isn't an easy Job and certainly we need to give our moms the credit they deserve.
  23. Zafir looooooool come on it was funny...u suppose to laugh, dont take everything u c seriously.Ya Alaah. Once in a while it is good to laugh yr head off. Wa salaamu alaykum
  24. Dev I didnt take Osap, my brother/father paid my tuition ....so I am all safe...guess i can do whateva I want with my 500 lol Wa salaaam