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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    We would not allow that kind of gebberish. Boqolaal sano ka hor ayaa ama dhulka laga xorayn laha ama Somali asal ah looga dhigi lahaa.
  2. 2 points
    I think this is a day to remember those of you old enough to remember how we fought against all odds. Against the military junta of the late general afweyne. When our bravest generals and colonels did what most thought is impossible to fight a regime. Which gets 100 million dollars in military aid from the Pentagon Ronald reagon at that time. But we said we don't care if you are funded by gorbajov or Stalin or Ronald reagon. Afweyne will not rule our land. To all the fallen soldiers ilaahay ha idin naxariisto. For the next generation ogow Somaliland xoriyadeedu la iskamakeen siin cudud iyo dagaal iyo rasaas bay ku timi. Calanka maanta lahadhsanayo. Jamacadaha maanta laga qalinjabinayo. Ganacsiga sida xawliga usocda. Dharka quruxda badan eh la xidhanyahay. Daaraha dadku dhisteen wa mahad ilaahay.
  3. 1 point
    Oodweyne inagu we are more homogeneous culturally linguistically politically socially we are one family The koonfurians have bantu gallas ayrabs and also other refugees from buluchistan. Iyo bashtunti shabaabtu keentey. Iyo other gudhus sabaaxilis iyo cabiids. And biddas garanwaa ma inagaranayna Dadka walanweynta isku abuur manihin
  4. 1 point
    If he does not understand af Maay (which is not another language but just another dialect of Somali which anyone who pays close attention can actually understand), then he should learn it or request translation
  5. 1 point
    All he could have said was I don't understand af maay laakin inuu si jees jees ah ugu jawaabo ma ahan.
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