
Ethiopian community in Hargeisa giving their opinions on the DP world deal.

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You are finding Ethiopian peoples nationalities very confusing. What ever you read conflicts to what you have been told in the past.

Ask yourself this question. How come the Hareri in the middle of Somali country have language closest to the Tigray and same root language with Tigray? So much so that the Hareri tried to use latin alphabets, but found it not economical, not easy to make spelling discipline and not satisfying sounds after so many years went back to Geez (as latin for europeans)?

As per Oromo its themselves that took short cut disregarding what they agreed or what is right. not much to it.

Your bias is that Tigray in current edition are makers of Somaliland. It could not be further from truth. Both areas have suffered tremendeously in the 80s. Tigray lost million people to famine with regime in Ethiopia preventing access trying to make them kneel down. Experience shapes peoples thoughts more than histrionics that most can be invented for moments.

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Iayaab maleh nin beertuu abuurtay guranaya.

itoobiyaanku xidid iyo xigtaba way ku leeyihiin hargaysa.

Cadawga kaliya, ay leeyihiin waa walaalahooda koonfureed waana mabd'a loogu tala galay inay snm ku adeegto.

Sayid abdulle xasan wuxuu ka degay berbara,waxaana la waydiiyay canshuur,wuxuuna ku jawaabay adinkay canshuurtu idinku waajibtay, oo dalka sharci daro ku jooga waa qarni fog markay wadaad waalan u bixiyeen.

Siduu duufaan sheegay asaaska nolosha waa shaqooyinka nolosha dhisa, sida xashiish guridda timo-jarka iwm.

Waxay ku wareejiyeen itoobiyaan aysan ka maarmi karin la'aantoodna noloshu qiimo lahayn.

Dhalintoodii waxay ku wacyi geliyeen  inaysa shaqooyinkaas qaban, ceebna tahay, loona baahan yahay inaysan meel ugaga dhicin hogomiyaasha sare oo ay isku hayb yihiin.

Taa badelkeedana ay soo shaxaadaan arlada ama tahriibaan.

Airport'ka snm maamusho, allaha idin karaameeyee suuliga waji-dhaqa ninka jooga is afgaran maysaan, hadana waa muwaadin aan aqoonsi wadan oo meeshuu doona geli kara.

waxaaba shaki iiga jiraa, haddii aan midnimadeenii  helno idinka alle, meesha dad loogu tagi doono!.


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5 hours ago, gooni said:

Sayid abdulle xasan wuxuu ka degay berbara,waxaana la waydiiyay canshuur,wuxuuna ku jawaabay adinkay canshuurtu idinku waajibtay, oo dalka sharci daro ku jooga waa qarni fog markay wadaad waalan u bixiyeen.

Sheeko baralaydii adeero Afwayne kugu shubtay wali miyaad run u haysataa? Wax kale la kaalay khiyaaliga dumarka loogu sheekeeyo ragga lalama hor yimaado. Waa talo. :D


5 hours ago, gooni said:

Siduu duufaan sheegay asaaska nolosha waa shaqooyinka nolosha dhisa, sida xashiish guridda timo-jarka iwm.

Waligeedba shaqooyinka waa la kala lahaa.  

Nimanka Western businesses ayaa China u tagay cheap labour... imika China ayaa Africa u taga Cheap labour... Wax wayn maha hadii shaqadii ay la waregeen Ethiopian, waa suuqa xorta ah ee Cheap labour.  


5 hours ago, gooni said:

waxaaba shaki iiga jiraa, haddii aan midnimadeenii  helno idinka alle, meesha dad loogu tagi doono!.

Aniga waxa shaki igaga jira, inaad ku dhimandoontid qurbaha iyo in kale. Kolay sida aad midnimo u sugaysid rag badan ayaa naftu ka baxday oo Minnesotta barafka lagu dhex aasay. Intii ilaahay cimriga u raajiyay facebook iyo youtube ka wada dhex qaylinayaan sida Maama Malyuun iyo Dabacaseer.



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What is so surprising? What is so shocking? What is so depressing?


Let alone neighbours, aren't most of you in far away lands, learning the language, taking citizenship where ever allowed, and even joining armies of those countries to defend them or being police to keep order?

Once a Xabeshi lives in Somali kilil he can live anywhere among Somalis. The good thing is most Ethiopians do learn local languages wherever they go. That way are polite and respectful generally speaking. 6 months in Jigjiga and they can hold conversation in Somali.


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