Deeq A.

Somaliland's own GERD dam project (Xumbo Weyne) ends in failure

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These key questions should be asked:

1. Where is the money? 

2. What is their plan B? 

3. Why did they not conduct proper survey and research before the project started years ago? 

4. What were they doing all these years? 

5. Who will take responsibility for the failure and face the consequences? 

6. What lessons will be learned from this fiasco? 

7. Why did they tell so much lies to the people about this project? 

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It is very good that at least this official is honest, and still not trying to lie to people.


Talaabo, there is no accountability, and mostly  SOMALIS will  forget and the next project may even face  same  faith.





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"waar odaygii doonoo duco ugu dara waad na dubateene"


Galbeedi's concerns about this water project were often dismissed as nonsense. Time to find him and loo duceeyo. :) It is shocking that 370 million dollars are missing. Where is all that money? 



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  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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Oodweyne I feel sorry for you niyohow.  Expecting  a government led by uneducated drug addicts to do

a review on previous corruption and to be clean from present corruption. My guess is the gov led by drug addict Muuse Bixi will be even worse than the previous Silanyo government. 

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8 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Corruption is Somali-wide problem. It goes on because people tolerate it.

It is world problem. Its just that when it happens on the poor countries its more visible and our corrupts:

1. don't just skeem they take the whole bag.

2. So arrogant and ignorant don't hide they carry the bag openly

3. Never use it for investment but womens jewelery, houses, all useless things that last only one generation



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4 hours ago, Old_Observer said:

It is world problem. Its just that when it happens on the poor countries its more visible and our corrupts:

1. don't just skeem they take the whole bag.

2. So arrogant and ignorant don't hide they carry the bag openly

3. Never use it for investment but womens jewelery, houses, all useless things that last only one generation



Indeed they (the corrupt scumbags) are so shameless and arrogant they don't bother to hide their loot from the public. Shalay kii caato darteed dabayshu qaadaysay ayaa maanta calool wayni darteen fadhiga inuu ka kaco ku adagtay. 

They are also so ignorant to understand that it is themselves, their children, and grandchildren who would have benefited from those investments. What is the point of building an expensive villa in a city with no building plans, no paved streets, no pedestrian pavements, no bridges, no traffic rules, no running water, no sewage and drainage system, no rubbish collection, no playgrounds for kids, no libraries, and no trees for shade from the scorching sun? 

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^ Oh did I forget that there are no proper hospitals and schools either!! And no quality control which resulted in the sale of expired food and drugs. No wonder why the mortality rate in Hargeisa is so high including among those who are thieving the public purse. 

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