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What grinds your gears?

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2gearsopt.gif You know what really grinds my gears? People that litter, I mean I already had a short fuss for that mess, but Yesterday during my lunch break really confirmed for me how much it annoys me. I was driving behind what seemed to be two sane individuals when all of a sudden in the middle of this street they damn near dumped out everything in their car all willy nilly like my sexy self was not behind them watching... :mad: I was mortified, and since I was in a furious rage I pulled up and said every curse word possible in three languages. Then the reality of living in a redneck town hit me and I sped off, before they exercised their rights to bare arms. Why are people so lazy uff!!! What grinds your gears solers?

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Scentric u r so funny!! thnx for chuckle. Marx i know who u talking about. I just rec'd your brain wi-fi. lol


Now who in sol would dresses like this?? lol


may be Mr. Somalia. what do u think?

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^My hair is similar to theirs, but i don't wear leather or those cowboy shoes.


what grinds me??


A person walking in front of me mimicking my every move


I go left the person goes left

I go right the person goes right

Person: 'oh i'm sorry'

Me: 'no problem'


I hate that, unless it's a hot girl, because then it's meant to be.

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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

^My hair is similar to theirs

Ohhhh, how cute...Please tell me you have cute cheeks to go with it? :D


I am reminded of musalsal Soomaaliya kasoo galijiray nin ku jiro oo ladhihi jiray Bulbul...He was skinny as hell though..


You know what really grinds my gears?


- Ignorant fools who think they have the world figured out!!! :mad: redface.gif


- Grown a$$ men who still live at home...Their excuse: Lacag baan save gareysaneenaa! Here's the funny part: MASHAQEYSTAAN!!! Alow yaa baasiin iyo taraq iigu dhiibo kuwaas... :D

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People who moan about being overweight yet do nothing to lose it.


Good looking girls AVATARS on msn and they dont even look nothing like the picture,hhhhhhmmm.

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Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

People who moan about being overweight yet do nothing to lose it.

Can you please tell me how can I get abs? icon_razz.gif War we will complain till the sky turns pink, aan wilibo anagoo baasto alaforno cuneynoo oo mango shake isga dajineyno aan cabaadeenaa... :D



Waves @Sayid...

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^^^LOOOL @ Pasta and mango shake, so true!


Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

People who moan about being overweight yet do nothing to lose it.


Good looking girls AVATARS on msn and they dont even look nothing like the picture,hhhhhhmmm.

MAc sonkoor, why are you still shopping on MSN, I hope they send you fake model pictures too :D


I hate needy people and people with low self esteem, people seeking approval from others, and followers. Uuuf makes me wanna beat them.

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Oh GOD, I forgot to mention, I HATE (WITH PASSION) PEOPLE WHO GOOGLE EVERY DAMN LITTLE THING! And and and, make it seem waxa ineyba horey uyaqaaneen...AKHAS CALEEK!

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Looooooool@ibtisaam cyber romance can be both great and, uh, a bit surprising. ...laakin the funny part is I've noticed a lot of girls on MSN that use fake pics and say its them Maxeey sawir qurxoon oo been laisku diray smile.gif

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