Deeq A.

Somali men flock to Hargeisa to join Qatari army

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Deeq A.   



Dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo Ciidan ahaan u qoraneyso Dowladda Qadar ayaa maalmaha soo socda ka baxaya dalka,waxaana dhalinyaradaan oo tiradooda aan la qiyaasi karin ka baxayaan magaalada Hargeysa halkaasi oo diyaarad Qadar leedahay ka qaadeyso.  Qaar ka mid ah dhalinyarada oo ka baxay magaalada Muqdisho oo aan la hadalnay ayaa inoo sheegay iney ku sii jeedaan magaalada Hargeysa oo ay kaga sii gudbayaan dalka Qadar oo tababar ciidan ay u aadayaan. Waxay sheegeen dhalinyaradaan in lacagta ay ku tagayaan magaalada Hargeysa ay iyaga iska dhiibayaan, balse maalmo ka dib halkaasi ay ka qaadi doonto diyaarad laga soo dirayo dalka Qadar. Hanaankaan Ciidan qorista ayaa Dowladda Qadar u soo martay mas’uuliyiin caan ah oo Soomaaliiyeed oo qaarkood Dowladda hadda ku jira, waxaana loo qeybsaday hanaanka qabiliga ee 4.5.

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2 hours ago, Deeq A. said:



Dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo Ciidan ahaan u qoraneyso Dowladda Qadar ayaa maalmaha soo socda ka baxaya dalka,waxaana dhalinyaradaan oo tiradooda aan la qiyaasi karin ka baxayaan magaalada Hargeysa halkaasi oo diyaarad Qadar leedahay ka qaadeyso.  Qaar ka mid ah dhalinyarada oo ka baxay magaalada Muqdisho oo aan la hadalnay ayaa inoo sheegay iney ku sii jeedaan magaalada Hargeysa oo ay kaga sii gudbayaan dalka Qadar oo tababar ciidan ay u aadayaan. Waxay sheegeen dhalinyaradaan in lacagta ay ku tagayaan magaalada Hargeysa ay iyaga iska dhiibayaan, balse maalmo ka dib halkaasi ay ka qaadi doonto diyaarad laga soo dirayo dalka Qadar. Hanaankaan Ciidan qorista ayaa Dowladda Qadar u soo martay mas’uuliyiin caan ah oo Soomaaliiyeed oo qaarkood Dowladda hadda ku jira, waxaana loo qeybsaday hanaanka qabiliga ee 4.5.


I remember @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaarin another post was alluding Hargeisa youth going to Mogadishu. Like always, MMA and his other like minded folks pull things from their own back side. It is no surprise at all. 


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3 hours ago, Suldaanka said:


I remember @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaarin another post was alluding Hargeisa youth going to Mogadishu. Like always, MMA and his other like minded folks pull things from their own back side. It is no surprise at all. 



Once again nice try ignoring the relevant facts in the very article you quoted. It says the following sentence:



Hanaankaan Ciidan qorista ayaa Dowladda Qadar u soo martay mas’uuliyiin caan ah oo Soomaaliiyeed oo qaarkood dowladda hadda ku jira, waxaana loo qeybsaday hanaanka qabiliga ee 4.5.


Whether the Soomaali citizens fly from Boosaaso or Baydhabo or Burco or Baraawe or Berbera or Baardheere is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is they are using and flying with recognized Soomaali documents issued by dowladda dhexe based in Xamar. Also dowladda Qadar got permission from dowladda dhexe.


By the way, whatever happened to the 'banning' airlines owned by Qadar from Waqooyi airspace? Is someone on this thread trying to ignore this as well? Nice try.

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43 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:


Once again nice try ignoring the relevant facts in the very article you quoted. It says the following sentence:



Whether the Soomaali citizens fly from Boosaaso or Baydhabo or Burco or Baraawe or Berbera or Baardheere is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is they are using and flying with recognized Soomaali documents issued by dowladda dhexe based in Xamar. Also dowladda Qadar got permission from dowladda dhexe.


By the way, whatever happened to the 'banning' airlines owned by Qadar from Waqooyi airspace? Is someone on this thread trying to ignore this as well? Nice try.


You are really giving a lot of slack to the useless phantom gov't in Villa Somalia. Maxay wax ogolataa ayadii aya ogolaansho cid kale u dabo fadhida. :D


The thing with Passports.. it is an individual decision. Besides, we all know it is a Somali nature to collect all kinds of papers or passports including useless ones like the one from Mogadishu. :D


The Qatar Airline ban is a symbolic gesture.  We have nothing against Qatar or the Qataris. In fact, Qatar hosts one of the oldest Somaliland diaspora community in the Gulf. 

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This needs to be encouraged. Pretty soon you can have a Somali running the show.

These regimes hire from Bangladish, west frica etc so that there would not be a coup or foreign influence, but still these soldiers can take their families get few more work permits for relatives and soon multiplies.



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