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Save Dr. Hawa Abdi!

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I think most of you would remember her from the Hiraan Oline's Dr. Hawa Abdi Person of the Year.




Iszubul Islam attacked her center and she spoke to the BBC Somali while she was in a barrage.

with a helpless tone of voices she said "dhimashadaan meeshaan iska sugaa" you could still hear the gun fire in the background.


here is the interview.

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Salad Idow Hassan (Xiis)

Hiiraan Online

Thursday, January 10, 2008



Dr. Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe and her two daughters, Dr. Amin and Dr. Deeqa


Meet Dr. Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe, a 60-year-old family doctor who has treated, often for no charge, thousands of poor women and children in Somalia for over quarter of a century. She runs the Dr. Hawa Abdi clinic, located between Mogadishu and Afgoye.



Trained in Ukraine, the former Soviet Union nation, Dr. Dhiblawe returned to Somalia in 1983 to open her own clinic in the outskirts of Mogadishu—a place that has not known any medical facility. She focused the treatment of women from non-urban areas.



Hiiraan Online recognizes Dr. Dhiblawe as the person of the year 2007 for her selfless campaign to treat disenfranchised women, and the welfare she provided for over 7,000 families who live in her compound, who were displaced from the restive capital Mogadishu.


For a quarter of century, Dr. Dhiblawe was the sole medical provider in the treacherous land between Mogadishu and Afgoye. Speaking to the Los Angeles Times earlier last year, Dr. Dhiblawe said she was shocked to learn the rise of the number of women who suffered from birth complications and defects as a result of the conflict in Somalia.


She treated over 1,111 women with such complications.


Remarkably, Dr. Abdi did this largely without any significant external financial support. An OB/GYN specialist, she recently received the support of MSF, which promised to provide food and clean water for the displaced family.


“Everyone in the Dr. Hawa Abdi hospital is a Somali—no clan affiliation is allowed here. If someone brings such affiliation, he or she will be expelled from here,” she recently told Hiiraan Online.


Joining Dr. Dhiblawe’s family clinic are her two young daughters, Dr. Amina Mohamed Abdi, and most recently, Dr. Deqa Mohamed Abdi. All three now work in the clinic.


Asked how she would explain her two daughters’ decision to become OB/GYN doctors, just like her, Dr. Dhiblawe said: “My daughters want to follow my roots, because they love their nation and their people. They are dedicated to help their people. Sometimes, when I told them to stay away from the medical profession, they declined, and decided to work for their people.”


‘Kill me first!’


Dr. Dhiblawe has seen all the troubles of Somalia, but she distinctly remembers one fateful day after the 1991 civil war that brought down the military regime. Her hospital was overflowing with injured men from one of the sides who were engaged in the war. Militiamen from the other side marched on her hospital and demanded to get access to the injured men of the opposite group, so that they can kill them.


Engrossed with deep respect for humanity, Dr. Dhiblawe told the attacking militiamen to “kill me first, before you can kill my patients.” It was a defining moment in her career. That stubbornness saved her patients.


Dr. Dhiblawe’s mother died when she was 12. As the eldest of her siblings, she had to help with family chores, but that didn’t stop her from pursuing her medical studies dream. The daughter of an educated father, she became a doctor at a very young age.


Giving up’


Though she is hesitant to use that word, Dr. Dhiblawe said she’s increasingly becoming pessimistic about the situation in Somalia, and often thinks about “giving up and leaving the whole country,” something she’s fully capable of. But, she added: “Then, I think about who is going to take care of my patients. If I could get a Green Card for all of my patients and all the displaced people here, I would ship them to the United States.”


Dr. Dhiblawe pleads with Somalis to respect and protect the people who work in the humanitarian field, especially in Puntland, where the kidnapping of foreign aid workers has been rampant in recent months.


Please join us in congratulating Dr. Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe for winning the “person of the year 2007” of Hiiraan Online for her relentless humanitarian work.



If you need to take part on Dr. Hawa Abdi's humanitarian work, please contact her at




Salad Idow Hassan (Xiis)

Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia



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MMA, Qoftaan waxay usoo joogtay Gaajadii iyo Macluushii horaantii sagaashanaadka, sidoo kale waxay usoo joogtay is-qonsigii qabyaaladda ku dhisnaa.


Dr. Xaawa Cabdi waa dhakhtarad u go’day in ay daryeesho dadla Somaaliyeed oo ku barakicay duullaankii Ethiopia iyo dagaallada hadda taagan.

Intaas oo dhan Dhakhtaradda waxay muujisay Dhabar adeeg, Sugnaasho, Mas'uuliyad.



Ilaahay ha adkeeyo Dhakhtaradda, dulmigana haka dulqaado dhamaan dadka Soomaaliyeed.

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Ururka Xisbul islam aya ka warbixiyay sababta ay ula wareegen Isbitaalka Drs.Xawa Cabdi.


Kadib dagaal saaka ku dhex maray ciidamada ka tirsan ururka Xisbul islam iyo ilaalada xarunta isbitaalka Cawa Cabdi ee deegan Lafoole ayaa dagaalkasi waxa ka warbixiyay madexa dacwadda ururka Xisbul islam Ee Deegan lafoole oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Cumar Maxamed waxa uuna sheegay in isku dhaca u ku yimid Kadib markii nin ka tirsan ilaalada Isbitaalka Xaawa Cabdi oo lagu lahay lacag dhan $800 dollar dacwad Oga timid dhanka Maxakamada islamiga ee maamulka Xisbul islam uu ka biya diiday taaso u ku lahay qof kale Oo Shacab ah oo isagu dacwada u gudbistay Maxkamada.


Waxaana intaasi u ku daray taliye Maxamed Cumar in ninkaasi markii u muujiyay amar diido ku aadaneyd in uu Hortago Maxkamada islamiga ee deeganka Lafoole in uu kula dhaqaaqay fal dil ah taliyahahii ciidamada Deeganka lafoole taaso uu sheegay in ay keentay in xarunta isbitaalka Xaawa Cabdi ay la wareegan Ciidamada amaanka maamulka Xisbul islam ee deegan lafoole markii ay ku amreen in ay isasoo dhiiban ilaalada isbitaalka Drs. Xaawa Cabdi oo dhaga adeegen sida hadal u i dhigay amarkaasi.


Kasakow la wareegida xarunta isbitaalka Xaawa Cabdi ay la wareegan ciidamada maamulka Xisbul islam ee Deegan la foole waxa kalo ay sheegan in gacantooda ay ku jiraan Drs. Xaawa Cabdi iyo ilaaladii xaruntaasi Maxakamadne ay soo saari doonan.


Deeganka Lafoole ayaa imika degan kadib dagaal maanta halkaasi ku dhex maray ciidamada maamulka Xisbul islam ee deeganka Lafoole iyo ciidamada amaanka xarunta isbitaalka Xaawa Cabdi. waxaane inta la Ogyahay ku naf waayay iska hor imaadkaasi laba qof oo uu ku jiro taliyihii ciidamada Xisbul-islam ee Deegaanka Xaawo cabdi.

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Haddii Xizbiga & Shabaab qori wax ku dilaan, Xaawo Cabdi Isbitaalkeeda ayey masaakiinkta dhiigga uga miirataa!, Islaan kasta oo xanuun mindhicir & waxaas sheegataba: 'MINKAA KU WAREEGAY ee $$$ soo daadi' baa u jawaab ah.


Dhacdada shalay & HOL's 'Person of the Year' maxaa isu keenay?, Shariif-ba 'Person of the Year' sow maaheyn? :D .


Laakiin Cawaaloow, sow kulama aha inaad highlight-gareeyso qodobkan:

Waxaana intaasi u ku daray taliye (Madaxa Dacwada oo Taliye loogu yeeraayo
) Maxamed Cumar in
ninkaasi markii u muujiyay amar diido ku aadaneyd in uu Hortago Maxkamada islamiga ee deeganka Lafoole in uu kula dhaqaaqay fal dil ah taliyahahii ciidamada Deeganka lafoole

U fiirso yaaah, waxaan ka hadleynaa Taliyihii dhamaa ee Deegaanka Lafoole!!

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Maaddeey sxb, Salaan kadib. what relations does the abduction of Hawa has with the above highlighted lines? or even better question what evidence do you have that the Doctor violated her ethics principles? that is big accusation you are making my brother.


Ma aqaani haddaad la socotid iyo haddii kale waxaa jiray kiis dhaqtar ka howl gala SOS oo hadda ka hor gabar minka ka saaray si uu nafteeda u badbaadiyo, dabcan ogolaashaha ninkeeda kadib.


Arintaas waxay sababtay in gabarti familkeeda/qabiilkeeda ay dhaqtarkii weeraraan!


Marka ma waxaad i leedahay intaas oo sano Dr. Xaawo dhiigya cab ayay aheed indhaheeda sidii Cali dheere uma guduudanin?

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JB, haddaad si fiican u aqrisid ereyada Maaddeey adigoo maanka ku haya ereyaddii ay Xaawo tiri maanta markii lasoo weeraray iyo warbixinta xisbiga iyo maxkamadeynta la hadal hayo Xaawo ilaahay ayaa u maqan sxb!.

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Cawaaloow, salaanta waan kaa qaaday. 'iyadoo gacanta ii laabantahay :D '.


Relationka hadaad garaneyn, inaad waxan soo qortaba maaheyn!, Ninkii dacwada loo heystay ayaa Taliyihii dilay, kadib-na Dagaal bey ilaaladii kala hortageen, 'sax-sax mina Nawm, yaa Beeh'.


Tan aan sheegaayo sxb, anaa u soo joogay 'LAA TAS'AL GHAYRII' ;)

Marka ma waxaad i leedahay intaas oo sano Dr. Xaawo dhiigya cab ayay aheed indhaheeda sidii Cali dheere uma guduudanin?

Meelo kale iney ka gaduudatay maxaa ka ogtahay? :D

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Xaawo Cabdi Isbitaalkeeda ayey masaakiinkta dhiigga uga miirataa!

Exactly how the Shabaab reward people ...... all those years she was helping and you call her "dhiig miirato" ,,,,, :mad:

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Subxanallah. Dr. Hawa is one of the few people in this Somali mess, who is a true Somali and has stayed to help maskiin people when everyone else fled.


May Allah help her.


Poster what can we do for her? Unless you are trying to reason with people who fund or have links with those who attack her. :(

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Maaddeey, ku noqo sxb suaasha waa dul martay!.


Ninkii dacwada loo heystay haddii la qabtay dhakhtarada maxaa maxkamad lagu soo taagay?

Isbtalkase maxaa lagula wareegay?


Markale, ma ogi in aad la socotid iyo in kale laakin Dr.xaawo goor here aya laga dalbaday in ay isu dhiibto maamulka XI.


Laa ta'al gheyri ama cid aan aniga ahayn ha waydiin waa tan xaaladda maanta meesha ay joogto gaarsiisay sxb.


Waxan xusuusta adigo so quote- gareynaayo aayada qur'aanka ah "فـــوق كـــل ذي علــــم عليــــــم"


Ma u maleyhaayi in ay daruuri tahay in aan kaaga digo "waxaa la yiri" waxaad u muuqataa nin wax badan usoo jogay ;)

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Ibti, people who have links with the people who abducted her has no functioning mind walaalo, hence there is no such a thing as reasoning with them.


To answer your question i think there is little we can do right now. i being trying to find where i can contact her laakin wali waxba ma helin.

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