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Reer Daynille pay $90,000 for Sanaagian Mursal Omar which they murdered in Xamar

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Beesha Reer Daynille oo diyo 90-kun oo Dollar ka bixisay dilkii loo geystay Xoghayihii Maxkamada sare Mursal Aw-Cumar Cusmaan.



Odayaal Iyo Waxgarad Heshiis Ka Gaadhay Dilkii Loo Gaystay Xoghayihii Maxakamada Sare Ee Somaaliya

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That crime was premeditated crime. Which means he planned prior to the crime. In the western justice system , it is called first degree murder.


Because of his position and power, the government should have dealt this crime according to the justice system. I have no issues if the victims agreed to accept blood money, but why would people pay money for a crime that was premeditated?.


It is a bad system. First you have to imprison him and try the case in the courts. This crime was committed against the state by murdering innocent person, so he must be prosecuted to the full powers of the state. After the verdict of the court, the relatives of the murderer and the victim could negotiate, but first, justice must be served.


Now If this case was dealt without the intervention of the state , other cases must follow similar rules. WE see every day soldiers who committed similar crimes shot to death by the courts without debate.


The soldier who shot minister Siraj must be also be dealt in similar fashion. That soldier's actions although reckless , could be described as manslaughter or what under Islamic rules proscribed as " defensive" .


I saw one of the fake generals claiming that the soldier used the gun in a peaceful place around Villa-Somalia which is debatable. Of course he was acting with impunity and recklessness, but no just court could find him for the death penalty.


This is the kind of moves that create different justice for different groups. " Gaafow ayuu dirawal u ahaa kama siideynayso sharciga.

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The question that need to be asked, but these naive media guys are not asking is: where is the source of that money? I bet, it is from the coffers of the same state, which the victim was serving. The state lost both a high ranking civil servent, and over inflated 90k blood money. These old men handling the situation are tricky conartists.


The parallel Gadhcas justice is the one to blame for this stubidity. There is either a court system, or bush system as the law of the land. To mix the two is the root cause of all injustices and the chaos we see today.


You either have a court that relies on police investigation and witnesses, or illiterate old men with big hat messing around, and looking to be relevant in this 21st century.


Markii ay socotay xulida baarlamaanka ayaa waxa laga sheegay siyaasi inuu ku yiri odayaal diidanaa tirada dumarka loo qoondeeyey. Kuligiin waxa aad gadhka kusoo caseysateen $100 oo ay gabar idiin soo dirtay. Haddana waxa aad iila timaadeen, dumar laguma dari karo baarlamaanka.

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Dawladaha dadkoodu beelo ahaan u dhaqmaan oo muslinka ah, labada sharci way isku wadaan baaritaankooduna waa baaritaan dawladeed oo xoog badan.


soomaalidu runtii dawlad ahaan iyo

dhaqan ahaan labada way u burburtay.


Odoyaasha qaabka ay wax u xaliyaan wuxuu u baahan yahay in update lagu sameeyo waa dhaqan daxalaystay ama gaboobay lamana jaan qaadi karo wakhtiga la joogo.


sideedaba diyo lagama qaato qof kas qof kale u dilay mana banaana diin ahaan iyo sharaf ahaanba.


Diyada waxaa laga qaataa dilka kama ah siduu doono haku yimaado ama aan ula kac ahayn xataa dhakhtar si khaldan wax u qalay haku ahaadee


waxaa ka horeeya baaritaan la hubo oo lagu kalsoon karo, markay cadaato inuu kama ama ula kac ahaa yaa go'aanka la qaataa


kiiskaan xaqiiqda waxba kalama socono siday wax u dhaceen, sidaa darteed wixii reerkiisu ku qancay saxna way noqon karaan,khaladna wuu noqon karaa


iska mala awaalka kiiskaan jagada uu hayay oo xasaasiya darteed way keeni kartaa shaki balse xaqiiqda allaa og qaadigii xukumay iyo dambi baarihii labaduba waa luquntooda ilaa maalinta xisaabta runtaa la gaaro, waxay ka run sheegeen ama ka been sheegeen labadaba.


Diyada waxaa ku qayila qabiilkoo dhan qofkii reerkiisa wax usoo bartayna agoon iyo faqri yaa laysugu daraa ciyaalkiisa


Runtii waa dhaqan aad looga yaqyaqsado,waana arinta keenta inaysan dakanadu dhamaan,waayo reerkii aabana ma leh diyana ma leh.




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It is really shameful. Since Farmaajo has always been considered to be adopted son of reer dayniile (his wife, the PM he chose, etc), it is obvious this injustice was orchestrated from the top. 90K is not enough, plus the killer should have been brought to justice.

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It is extremely bad, first, 90K is alot of money, boqol halaad weeye, ,one camel, today cost, around $1000 and victims family seems happy to take it, but sends a very bad image, and is injustice. Blood money should only be considered during accidents , manslaughter, not First Degree murder.


This means if you have money, you can kill with impunity. Waxaa dhici marka ay dhafoorka ka toogtaan, in Check lagu dul qora..


Waa arin aad u ful xun, and this should NOT be the case, the killer, whatever money he has, and whatever the victim's family want, should not matter, waa State crime, and you do the crime, you pay for it.


There was a similar problem in Hargeisa, were rapists, were forced to marry the rapee!! as solution!!! very bizzare, and all under GAD casta, , waa ku raacsanahay GOONI, odayadan waqtigoodii waa dhamaatey.

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For your information, one camel for Diyah costs 400-500 USD in Somalia. Given the recent drought, and generl devaluation of the livestocks, it is no more than $400 in today's market valuation.


90k is done for a reason beyond blood money.

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