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Yuulka is in Puntland now.

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they all want Abdiweli to not reject the federal government. but niyoow Abdiweli has demands and if those demands are not met, nothing will change. this train is not stopping for anyone and it doesn't matter how many guys visit garowe. people of puntland don't want to have anything to do with the corrupt HAG junta in villa Somalia.



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In regards to his relationship to the President, the Prime Minister is not pushover.


So, would IC be witness if there's any new agreement between Pland and SFG?

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The talks will begin tomorrow and the outcome is anyone's guess, but Puntland has made the presense of the international community a prerequisite for any talks with the federal government.


However this does not mean that Xaaji Culusow has given his blessing to these talks. In fact, he downplayed the Prime Minister's trip to Puntland-- saying that, Yuulka is only in Puntland to take part in the National flag day celebrations and refrained from mentioning any of the things that Puntland and the federal government are at loggerheads about.


In any case, the talks have begun and we will await the outcome with bated breath.

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Che, are you kidding. The Mogadishu government already had all the money given to Somalia from the international community and Arabs. Now they want more money from Puntland?, No way. Puntland should demand it's share of the foreign aid.

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^It is said Puntland might get aid directly from IC instead of going through the Federal Government, a bit of give and take.


The Federal Government might also demand funds from Juba Admin,

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Tillamook, is it true Pland will have to contribute money to the federal budget as part of any negotiated deal?


Yes. If these talks lead to an agreement to faithfully implement the federal framework-- then revenue sharing between All the regional states and the federal government will occur.


However; before this can happen-- the leadership of the federal government must accept Puntland's demands that the federal constitution be fully implemented: Which means, respecting the "ONLY 2 or more provinces can form a regional member state" clause of the constitution. Which among other things also includes the creation of a free and fair judiciary branch of the federal government and the formation of an upper House of Parliament similar to the Senate of the United States, where direct representatives of the federal member states can debate and pass laws that will govern their respective states.


There is a lot on the table, but at the end of the day, the success of these talks will be determined by the willingness of President Culosow to fully support the federalization process, something I personally feel he is unwilling or unable to do because of his misplaced loyalties to damjadiid which is nothing more than Al Shabab dressed in suits!

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^Adigu xagee a PM and his head of state u kala wadaa?


However as long as we (Somalis) are talking, waa kheyr. Small, small, we'll master the art of sitting down and talking to find solutions to our problems.


Federal government should have a committee of enlightened individuals look into how this finance sharing should be developed. Come on! It's not rocket science.

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adigu head of state kuu yahay ee ii raaxayso niyoow I am not with you on that one. lol


if qoslaye had his way, Yuulka would not be visiting Puntland today. Qoslaye is stuck with Yuulka because he is having hard time firing this guy and the international community is watching. he can't fire every prime minister because he played his cards already. so Yuulka is enjoying little freedom but qoslaye is buring inside and is pissed as hell. talk with anyone.


having told you that, I don't think Yuulka means anything to Puntland anyways. he is just there to relax and get away from the HAG bombings and threats everyday. this goverment is desperate to start talks with Puntland but Puntland is drawing a sand in the line. All compalints must be addressed fully or they will stay persona non grata forever as far as Puntland is concerned.


We are moving ahead with development projects niyoow. this train is not stopping for anyone.

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