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Jubbaland Should only Cooperate with SFG When Mogadishu Recognizes it

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Not even SL is that unresonable and they control their area. You really think this isolation strategy is gonna work for raskamboni who is Kismayo by the grace of KDF? I smell a political checkmate is on the horizon in favour of SFG..:)

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xiinfaniin;954101 wrote:
That is the strategy forward ...

Xiin what happend to the peace bandwagon ?:D. Never expected that you would say that the doors of dialogue should be shut. Those behind the Jubba project should sit and discuss with the recognized Somali government and find a peaceful solution.

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For once, we have to put a stop to the ugly politics of extreme polarization. No one has to lose life or limb on this crisis. We must use every iota of intellect to make sure that Somalia rises from ashes of the phoenix; talk must be the only tool that we use to settle our difference. It doesn’t mean that we have to disregard the PFC but any dispute on the interpretation of particular article must be sorted out by a parliamentary committee aided by members of original stakeholders.

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This policy has been adopted by the Jubbaland administration. The Mogadishu delegation has been turned back and they are currently staying at the airport.


Jubbaland administration are playing hard ball now. Hassan has overstepped and we shall see how what he reaps from his insistence on aborting the wishes of Jubbaland people.


This is my guess : Hassan in few months will beg Ethiopian and Kenya (two countries he has been implicitly accusing being behind Jubbaland) to mediate between him and Ahmed Madoobe :D

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Xiinfaniin has been wrong about a lot of things here on SoL (Abdiwelli becoming a president, lifting of the arms embargo, OIL in Puntland). And the sad thing is, he just might be jinxing (bringing bad luck) to whateva he seems to care about.


Xiinfaniin, how about you just stay quiet or keep out about issues that effect people? :)

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^^Qabiil baad daacaysaa awoowe, xiinfaniin supported the presidency of Sharif but not Cabdiweil. If I was wrong may be I was wrong on betting on Sharif :D


As of being quite , that is just childish , don't you think? Midda kale xiinfaniin dad badan baa habeenkii ku riyooda ee ogow waa online persona , nothing more :D

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xiinfaniin;955316 wrote:
^^Qabiil baad daacaysaa awoowe, xiinfaniin supported the presidency of Sharif but not Cabdiweil. If I was wrong may be I was wrong on betting on Sharif


As of being quite , that is just childish , don't you think? Midda kale xiinfaniin dad badan baa habeenkii ku riyooda ee ogow waa online persona , nothing more

SMH, i guess it's all lost in you nin yahow. I dunno where you got 'Qabiil, Dacaayad' IWM. But I guess everything is about you (Xiinfaniin) and trying to prove everyone else wrong. Nin yahow, whateva you write here on SoL wont make any different in what happens in Somalia. Adiga waxaan ku oron la'haa, nin yahow, marar badan ayaa waxaad SoL ku qortid been noqodeen, ee 'inoo yari kaadi dee'. :)


Siyaasad aan soconeen ayaad wadaa sxbkeey, just how long would you keep this 'Mucaarid nimo' just to prove the other side or everyone else wrong? Take a break from 'Siyaad/bolitics' for a while and just let the chips fall wherever they might. No need to fight the the inevitable. :)

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^^Adeer caawa xaggee lagaa qaniinay :D ?


If you don't like what xiinfaniin posts (which seems to be the gist of your spleen here), you have the option not to read it, :D .


The rest of 'been' baa la sheegay waa caqli Nin-Yaaban :D. So relax awoowe, it is not healthy to hold grudges , free yourself

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xiinfaniin;955318 wrote:
^^Adeer caawa xaggee lagaa qaniinay


If you don't like what xiinfaniin posts (which seems to be the gist of your spleen here), you have the option not to read it,


The rest of 'been' baa la sheegay waa caqli Nin-Yaaban
. So relax it awoowe, it is not healthy to hold grudges , free yourself

Nin Yahow waa runtaa. Consider this my last response to you on SoL. Waxaan kuu rajeynayaa Kheyr iyo wax fiican. :)

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This strategy is working quite effectively:


Hassan Sheekh's immature politics will be humbled. His ministers are holed up in containers in Kismayo airport. His delegates inside the city accepted the 'maamulka' Kismayo and were taught to practice its courtesy . The huffing and puffing of this USC president did buy him very little ...with all the speeches and dramatics attacks of neighboring countries whose protection he so crucially relies, the story of Jubbaland remains a political calculus he is ill-equipped to solve .

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Xildhibaan Cabdiraxmaan Xoosh oo ka warbixiyay kulan Maanta dhexmaray Guddiga dowladda iyo Maamulka Kismaayo


Talaado, May 28, 2013 (HOL) — Xildhibaan Xoosh Jibriil oo kamid ah guddi ka koobnaa 16 xubnood ee ay dowladda Soomaaliya usoo xilsaartay arimaha Jubbooyinka ayaa ka warbixiyay kulan ay maanta la qaateen mas'uuliyiinta maamulka Kismaayo.


Xildhibaan Xoosh oo warfidiyeenada kula hadlay Hotel Cas-caseey ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegay in kulankii ay maanta la qaateen maamulka Kismaayo ay uga wadahadleen arrimo dhowr ah, wuxuuna intaa ku daray in ay isku afgarteen dhammaan qodobbadii ay ka wadahadleen.


Mas'uulkan ayaa sheegay in arimaha ugu muhiimsan ee ay isku afgarteen ay kamid ahayd in lawada ilaaliyo nabadda iyo xasiloonida dalka iyo in la taageero go’aamadii kasoo baxay shirkii IGAD islamarkaasina laga qeybgalo shirka ka dhici doona magaalada Muqdisho.


“Waxyaalo badan baan meel isla dhignay oo ay kamid tahay in aan isku wada raacnay amarkii kasoo baxay IGAD inaan u wada hogaansanno iyo shirarka lagu xusay go’aamadii kasoo baxay IGAD shirarka lagu qaban doono xamarna inaan wada fududeeyno siduu u dhici lahaa kadib waxaanu ku ballannay inaanu isu soo noqonno oo waxyaalo cad cad isku raacno maalmaha soo socdo,” ayuu masuulkani hadalkiisii raaciyay.


Xildhibaan Xoosh ayaa sheegay in maamulka Kismaayo gaar ahaan garabka uu hogaamiyo Sheekh Axmed Madoobe ay u cadeeyeen in ay taageersanyihiin dowladda Soomaaliya islamarkaasina ay diyaar u yihiin in si nabad ah xal looga gaaro khilaafaadka u dhexeeya maamulka iyo dowladda Soomaaliya.


Kulanka ay isugu yimaadeen xildhibaanada dowladda Soomaaliya iyo maamulka Kismaayo ayaa imaanaya iyadoo garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Kismaayo ay ku suganyihiin wafdigii wasiirada ahaa ee uu hogaaminayay wasiirka gaashaandhigga xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane C/xakiin Max’uud Xaaji Fiqi.


Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online

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Jubbaland admin is insisting on three conditions for participating any reconciliation


1) They will go as an elected leadership of Jubbaland federal state


2) The conflict is between them and SFG


3) Mogadishu is not neutral place for resolving the Jubbaland issue i.e. it is where Odey Xaad leads the assembly of Mogadishu elders :D


I think there is a room for compromise on #2, and # 3, but no compromise is possible on # 1.

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