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Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Oo Ka Carooday Wafdiga Laga Soo Celiyay Kismaayo Una Yeeray Saraakiisha Ugu

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Abwaan;886699 wrote:
Gen. Axmed Madoobe iyo Gen. Indhocadde isku wakhti bay derejada qaateen, isku qaabna waa ku soo galeen siyaasadda (dhibaatada ex- Madaxweyne sharif ayaa ka tegey oo labadan derejo aysan u qalmin siiyey). I know inaysan isku mid ahayn laakiin waxyaabo dhawr ah ayey wadaagaan. I think by now SOLers should know that I am not a fan Indhacadde, balse waxaan la yaabay, waxa Indhacadena tuke cambaar leh ka dhigay Axmed Madoobena hoggaamiye khatar ah ka dhigay. Haddii la isku raacay in Indhacadde la aamusiyo oo aan weliba ka mid ahay dadka ugu horreeya ee aaminsan in Indhacadde uusan maamul degan iyo ciidan midna horboodin, sidoo kale waa in Axmed Madoobe jidkaas la mariyaa, hadii kale dhibaato ka culus ayuu keeni karaa.

So your best argument is, why don't the other clans get rid of their warlords before ours. It take a leader to take initiatives. Don't expect others to lead first.

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Wallee la isma qarin karo. At least hal magac ku ekoow intaad dhawr soo qaadaneysid. Waryaa don't twist my words, either Af-soomaaliga ayaa kugu yar amase xanuun kale ayaa ku haya. Maantana ma waxaad la soo istaagtey warlordka cidda la taaban maayo? Adiga un yeysan berri ku dhibin. Maba qabo inaad kuwaan wax kaga duwan tahay ee doc-ka-yeernimada ila dhaaf.

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Abwaan;886749 wrote:
Wallee la isma qarin karo. At least hal magac ku ekoow intaad dhawr soo qaadaneysid. Waryaa don't twist my words, either Af-soomaaliga ayaa kugu yar amase xanuun kale ayaa ku haya. Maantana ma waxaad la soo istaagtey warlordka cidda la taaban maayo? Adiga un yeysan berri ku dhibin. Maba qabo inaad kuwaan wax kaga duwan tahay ee doc-ka-yeernimada ila dhaaf.

LOL. Nin caytama asuu ku yaal afkiisa.

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Wafdi kasocday Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo AMISOM oo loo Diiday in ay Gudaha u Galaan Kismaayo

Arbaco, November 07, 2012 (HOL) —Wafdi kasocday dowladda Soomaaliya iyo AMISOM islamarkaasina kasoo kicitimay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa loo diiday in ay gudaha u galaan magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubada Hoose.


Wafdigan oo isugu jiray Saraakiil ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa AMISOM iyo saxafiyiin ayaa markii ay gaareen garoonka magaalada Kismaayo waxa u yimid saraakiil katirsan ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan garoonka Kismaayo, waxayna ku wargeliyeen in ay dib ugu laabtaan diyaaradihii keenay.


Mid kamid ah saxafiyiintii wafdiga la socotay oo warbaahinta lahadlay ayaa sheegay in diyaaradda ay markii hore keentay saxafiyiinta kadibna ay dib ulaabatay oo ay soo qaaday xubno isugu jira dowladda Soomaaliya iyo AMISOM, wuxuuna intaa ku daray in loo diiday in ay gudaha u galaan magaalada, kadib markii saraakiisha Kenya ay sheegeen in wafdiga uusan ahayn mid imaatinkiisa laga warqabay islamarkaasina aysan damaanad qaadi karin ammaankooda.


Wafdigan ayaa waxa kamid ah xubno madaxweeynaha Soomaaliya uu usoo magacaabay in ay qiimeyn kusoo sameeyaan xaaladda Kismaayo iyo weliba dhuxusha laga dhoofinayo dekedda.


Qaar kamid ah saxafiyiintii wafdiga la socday ayaa la sheegay in ilaa imika ay ku xayiranyihiin garoonka magaalada Kismaayo kadib markii ay ka buuxsantay diyaaraddii qaadi lahayd, waxayna saraakiisha Kenya ee garoonka ku sugan u sheegeen in aysan masuul ka ahayn ammaankooda.


Ilaa imika ma jiraan masuuliyiin katirsan maamulka Kismaayo iyo kan dowladda Soomaaliya oo faahfaahin ka bixiyay arinta la xiriirta wafdiga maanta dib looga celiyay garoonka Kismaayo.


Wafdigan ayaa marar badan ka baaqday safar uu ku imaan lahaa magaalada Kismaayo, arintaasoo loo aaneynayo khilaaf mudooyinkii u danbeeyay soo shaacbaxayay oo ka dhashay maamul u sameynta Jubooyinka oo u dhexeeya dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo maamulka KMG ee degmada Kismaayo.

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Somalia: Kismayo authorities deport unannounced Mogadishu delegation

7 Nov 7, 2012 - 11:32:35 PM


KISMAYO, Somalia Nov 7 2012 (Garowe Online) – A delegation consisting of Somali government and security authorities from Mogadishu who unexpectedly arrived in Kismayo were deported from airport, Garowe Online reports.


According to Kismayo authorities, an eight-member delegation that was sent by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud without notification was deported from Kismayo airport on Wednesday by Kismayo authorities.

The delegation included AMISOM Spokesman Col. Ismail Hamud former Jubba Valley Alliance (JVA) militia leader Col. Mohamed Roble Goobaale, and other officials.


Col. Goobaale, under the political leadership of Col. Barre Adan Hiraale and Col. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail, is alleged of committing war crimes during the seven-year when bloody clashes over control Kismayo occurred. In early 2007, the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) drove the JVA out of Kismayo.


According to government sources, the delegation was sent to Jubaland regions to investigate the resurging charcoal trade in Kismayo, which has been banned by the Somali government and UN Security Council resolutions.


A journalist delegation of 10 Somali and foreign journalists that accompanied the Mogadishu delegation was left stranded at Kismayo airport after they failed to get a return flight to Mogadishu.


Kismayo authorities stated that they were disappointed that neither the President nor his government notified authorities in Kismayo about the visit by the delegation, which President Hassan assigned earlier this week.


The delegation from Mogadishu was expected earlier this week but cancelled on two different occasions before arriving in Kismayo on Wednesday.


According to local sources, authorities in Kismayo did not welcome President Hassan’s nomination of former militia leaders – who are alleged to have committed war crimes in Kismayo in the past – as the investigating committee into the charcoal allegations.


Some Kismayo residents told local media that the local administration's decision to deport the Mogadishu delegaion was consistent with the local people's right and aspirations to form an inclusive state administration that is representative of local clans.


According to Kismayo authorities, the original delegation included Yusuf Mohamed Said Inda’ade a former warlord who has a record of brutalizing local populations in Lower Shabelle region in the early 2000s.


Government analysts, who spoke to GO on condition of anonmity, believe the issues that the Somali Federal Government has to tackle is larger than a return of the charcoal trade in Kismayo and local officials say the Somali government is intereferring in the local process to establish Jubaland administration, in line with the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia.


Analysts suggest that there is friction between President Hassan’s government and the Jubaland state process being led by Kismayo local leaders and facilitated by IGAD regional bloc that has also been supported by the Kenyan government.


“I believe that President Hassan desires to be very involved in the state formation of Jubaland and could be a blunder for his government if handled incorrectly,” said Mohamed Jama an analyst of Somali politics.


The Jubaland state process began during the Transitional Federal Government's (TFG) tenure months ago and was supported by Roadmap signatories who signed the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia promotes the formation of federated states such as Jubaland.

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Taleexi;886742 wrote:
What is the right thing the president should do to diffuse the tension, yaa Xaaji?.

The President should show his political muscle diplomatically and to a lesser extend militarily in order to have his influence all over central and southern Somalia.He should pass a law using the parliament of Somalia which will make tribal militias warlords outlaws in Somalia. The rule of law needs to return in Somalia and right now Somalia has a weak federal government with little power and its being discard by certain elements in Somalia. Who are against President hassan sheikhs form of nation building in the country. So he needs to step up his game and show what he is made of.

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Thanks XX for your feedback. So, are you saying he is only a president for central and south of Somalia not the entire nation?

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He is the President of the entire Somalia but he needs a power base and that is central and southern Somalia. We are talking about Somalia a country torn a part by tribal warfare by Islamic militant insurgency. He needs to start some where and move to other parts of Somalia in time as his government strengthens.

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Waa ayo waayeel, waa innaga oo aan is yeelyeelayn - Mar hadduu Somaliland iyo Puntland haysto ma power base baa ka maqan?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;886771 wrote:
The President should show his political muscle diplomatically and to a lesser extend militarily in order to have his influence all over central and southern Somalia.He should pass a law using the parliament of Somalia which will make tribal militias warlords outlaws in Somalia. The rule of law needs to return in Somalia and right now Somalia has a weak federal government with little power and its being discard by certain elements in Somalia. Who are against President hassan sheikhs form of nation building in the country. So he needs to step up his game and show what he is made of.

Like silaanyo camal, sow ma ahan xaaji?



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xiinfaniin;886765 wrote:
So there is some truth to the story after all.


Abwaan, what say you awoowe? This is very interesting development

Xiin, I think Axmed Madoobe is digging his own Adna malaha intaas baad rabtaa oo waad sii waalaysaa....Sababta aan taas u leeyahay waxay tahay, you know President Obama is re-elected and his office emphazised on inay tallaabo cad ka qaadayaan ciddii lagu arko inay ku lug leedahay arrimaha dhuxusha. Soomaalidu iyada un baa isku jeedda oo qabiil iyo maalayacni ku mashquulsan laakiin adduunyadu wax kale bay ka fekereysaa. Aniga Xasan Sh. Haddaan ahay Kismaayo dhib gaar ah iguma hayseen, samaynta maamul hufan, talo-bixinta, Safiirro, wasaaradaha iyo taliyeyaasha ciidammada iyo la dagaallanka Al-Shabaab ayaan ku mashquuli lahaa. Mar dhow waxaa la arki lahaa Axmed Madoobe iyo kuwa ku-xigeennada u ah oo dhuxusha dhexdooda uga dagaalaya. Waxani wax cusub ma ahan. Sheekada Warlord-nimadana kuwo ka khatarsan oo awood badan bay u socon weysey oo dowlado shisheeye taageereen ma u malaynayo hadda oo waddanku dowlad rasmi ah yeeshay inay cidna u shaqaynayso, ama maamul-goboleed ha lagu hoos qariyo ama qabiil hallagu kor dhabee.:D

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lets face it, the reality is that the new president under the guidance from the remnants of the old JVA such as the former president abdiqasin Salaad and NGO collegues considers Juballand a threat which he feels must be neutralised.. The team he sent was hastily arranged and was intended to countrer a planned international delegation that was coming to the region in the next few days.This delegation would have come over for fact finding and see the will and wishes of the local population in as far as setting up an administration is concerned. once this delegation came, no doubt they would have seen a very strong will by the locals to set up their admin themselves as the Constitution states..


This in turn would have meant the following;

1- Kismayo with it's port and abundant natural resources includinh oil, farms livestock etc would be very powerful economically and they wanted that in their hands.

2- Being an NGO Government, they knew that the funds earmarked for Juballand had been going straight to Mogadishu the past 4 years and a Jubballand admin would see those funds diverted to the region and will be their loss.


In order to stop this from happening he sent in a delegation consisting of Djiboutians(in order to call it an international team), and individuals that have no connection to the region. This issue has nothing to do with Governance or Sovereignty for that matter, but rather pure GREED.


The people of this region deserve to govern themselves at a local level and set up an admin that speaks for them as others in the country have done.The president and his team should start acting responsibly and abide by the constitution they swore to upheld, or maybe I am expecting too much?

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So President Xasan wants to consolidate power through clan politics, but sending a delegation led by indha'ade to Kismaayo that is upping the game and won’t fly. Jeremy Scahill of Nation discussing el duce indha’ade:


Yusuf Mohamed Siad was not always known just as
Indha Adde
. As one of the main warlords who divided and destroyed Somalia during the civil war that raged through the 1990s, he brutally took control of the Lower Shabelle region, which was overwhelmingly populated by a rival clan, earning him the moniker “
The Butcher.”


There are allegations that he ran drug and weapons trafficking operations from the Merca port. Then, as the religious and political winds began to shift in Somalia after 9/11, he remade himself into an Islamic sheik of sorts in the mid-2000s and vowed to fight foreign invaders, including rival warlords funded and directed by the CIA.

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Apophis;886793 wrote:
^^very well put.

Apo:D Sug bal before you say that. War meeshan wax kale ayaa ka socda. Ma anigaa waalan mise Cadan baa laga heesayaa? Odey Said C/Qaasim baa advisor u ah madaxweynaha....Do you have proof? Mise waxii la rabo ayaa dadka loo sheegayaa oo sheekada in lagu quruxsado ayaa la rabaa? I did not hear meel Indho-cadde Dowladdu shaqo u xilsaaratay aan ka ahayn waxa wiilashan SOL loo soo diray ay qorayaan.

A name calling has already started...NGO government....blah blah blah...War nimanyahow talo fiican baan idin siinayaa ee haddii Damu-Jadiid siyaasaddii idiinka dheereeyeen iska Samra for 4 years and Accept the defeat that even Romney did....otherwise meelaha iska qayliya sidii Donald Trump.:D I know inaad some emotion halkan ku soo qortay oo aad Xamar joogtey xilligii Dastuurka. Xaggee wax iska beddeleen Odey?

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