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oba hiloowlow;880072 wrote:
'' Jareer'' is a wrong term many somalis do have jareer hair maxe yihiin?

I see that my point was lost on u. Bro, the meaning and usage of terms are constantly evolving and rarely remain stagnant. Jareer taken in a literal sense does mean kinky hair, which many ethnic Somalis themselves have like you've correctly but needlessly pointed out, but the term now denotes a segment of the Somali population who inhabit large swathes of southern Somalia.

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It does, but that doesn't matter. They are called beesha jareerwayne, and its ok to call them that. They use the term themselves.

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Jareer are ethnic minority who are Somali citizens. Yes they are Somali. Please refer to the definition of citizenship in Somali constitution. I don't understand where the xenophobia is stemming from!

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oba hiloowlow;880079 wrote:
lol it doesn't make sense for a ethnic somali with timo adag to call other ppl ''jareer''

So going by your logic then Somalis with chinky eyes cannot call east asians indhoyar. Nor can light skin Somalis call Arabs dhago-cas. Your taking the term jareer too literally. I already told you it has evolved to denote the ethnic minority of bantu extraction living in southern Somalia. Stop restricting it's usage to texture of hair.

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Jreerka waa soomaali dhab ah minority maahan sidaan qabo tanzania kama iman, waa dadkii noo bixiyay soomaali ama soo mare, sidaan hadba geel u jiirsiinaynay.


Waa dad shaqo badan dalkuna isugu mid yahay hadba meshay tagaana ku noolaada tuulana gaar u samaysayn,xoogooda iyo dhaqaalahoodana laga faa'iido kuna iibsada kaliya inay nabad galyo helaan


Meelo badan oon laga aqoon jirin ama wabi lahayn oo mudug ugu horayso wey tageen si tartiib ah ayayna u dhex galeen ayagoo ka bilaabay dumarka qaylada badan iyo kuwa loo taag waayay,waana loo duceeyay markii la arkay marwooyin tartiib u socda.


Timo jilicsan soomaali laguma noqdo dadkana lama naco, dad kama daro waa sababta gaaladu idiin qaaday adinkoo kaba kala gedisan wata

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Leezu;880054 wrote:
How many Jareers live in Somalia nowadays.


I want a 99% ethnic Somali state. Not a country that will eventually have problems and might even become minority in its own country because of the black peoples
reproducing speed

I don't think anyone is capable of outdoing Somalis in that respect.


I think we can actually learn a lot from Somali Bantus. They have managed to miraculously avoid rampant slaughter and tend to work rather hard. We need to focus solely on them at this critical stage, so that we may study this abhorrent 'civilized' behavior. Using this newly gained knowledge, we can avoid the terrible fate that is peace.


P.S. If being a multi-ethnic country will cause problems in the future, I can make an educated guess as to which ethnic group will be the cause of them (Hint: they look like you).

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i will only say what lafoole already said


Hadaad kala qabweeyntoo

qabyaaladina wacantahey


Bal qooyskiinii soo hadhaa

ha xukumo qabuuraha

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Waan la yaabaa Somalida jareer hoos u eega the Jareer nations hormarka ay gaadheen hadaad arki lahayd shame on u. Somalis and their fake superiority complex. Somalidu wax ay dunida ku so kordhiyaan ma jirto aan qaxooti ahayn.


As for the Somali jareer Qabiil they are Somalis like very one else and Somalia is their country meelna ma tagayaan

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OdaySomali;880059 wrote:
Sleezy, no element of the Somali people are going anywhere, but YOU are by all means free to leave the Somali republic


Will a mod lock or better delete this thread that is targetting a specific element of the Somali people and offensive to us all. Mahadsanid.



p.s. Obvious troll is obvious.

I Just reported this thread. it should be removed together with Leezu.

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oba hiloowlow


"Look at this fool I do see them as Somalis, Somali by nationality but the are not ethnic Somalis and that doesn't mean they dont have the same rights"


Are you an ethnic somali? It was rumoured that Block came to Somalia 500 years ago, so it is up to you to prove when you came and if that makes you an ethnic somali? As a puntlander my ancestor came 1000 years ago, does that make me an ethnic somali? I remember the joke in the 90's that Block used to say, That Block aren't real Somalis and we should drive them back to Arabia. This is not an attack on anyone. My guestion is if I came 1000 thousand years ago I am enthnic Somali but if I came say 200 years ago I am not ethnic somali? Then what number of years must my ancestars came to Somalia to make me an ethnic Somalia? 200 or 300 or 500 or 1000 or 5000 years. This clearly shows the absurdity of your position and you have the balls to call someone a "fool". I can call you everyname in the book but I can't afford the sin. As for my position on Minoraties, Jacpher said it best




"Now I m no longer considered ethnic Somali? WTH man.


This small minority group you are trying to demonize have built the country, held their head high, served their community and have not taken part of the ugly civil war. Don't demonize my good hard working people. I have not seen more patriotic Somalis."

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