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Aqeedah Webinar ( Caqeedah Xalaqah)

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Caqiidah Xalaqah




Assalamu Calykum Walaalayaal:


Flying Still, Wardi, Lucky, Muslim Sis, Ilhaam, Serenity, Jawahir.


As I suggested before and as you have all confirmed your interest in launching a Aqeedah refresher Webinar on this forum, I will be facilitating this intensive Aqeedah online Webinar ( Seminar) on Somaliaonline, for you for a while ( I may be away from time to time depending on my free time, so make ducaa that I can continue, and in case I am not available, please keep the topic going, many viewers may be benefiting from your discusiion )


Alhamdulillah we've signed up enough interested participants to warrant a special session and a radical new way of learning an important aspect of what makes up our faith.


The reason I am very excited about this Webinar is the fact that I passionately want to introduce Aqeedah principles in a novel way that can be digested by the new Internet Nomads who unlike their ancestral Nomadic parents, do not congregate around water holes of the baraaktii reer Qurac, but rather around websites on the net, and in our case, Somaliaonline Islam Page, a turquoise blue oasis of soul quenching virtual congregation ( Xalaqatul Dhiker), may the Angels of Allah SWT shower us all with SERENITY and Mercy, Amen..




The Webinar:


Islamic Aqeedah , A Modern Perspective.


Objective: An Eye ( and Heart) Opener of Aqeedah in Islam.


Venue of Session: Webinar ( every participant will be required to research a topic and contribute, be ready)


Facilitator: Br. Nur .


Sources: Quraan and Sunnah based materials Only


Rules of Engagement:


1. No question is bad ( best Aqeedah lessons were triggered by a silly question)


2. No Cut and Paste from other websites ( please read and then put the idea down on your own words, that way you are actively learning and viewers appreciate your original thoughts)


3. Relax, We need SERENITY in order to be inspired (ILHAAM) to collect the jewels ( JAWAHIR) of any MUSLIM SIS thoughts, that way, with Allah's permission we shall FLY STILL to Rose Gardens ( WARDI) if we are indeed LUCKY group.




What is Aqeedah?




In the Arabic Language, Aqeedah comes from the root Masdar (CAQADA) meaning to tie a KNOT, in the legal perspective it means BELIEF, because in a sense we tie two entities together, we tie an abstract PRINCIPLE, with REALITY and then STORE that CAQEEDAH to be manifest in REALITY. This leads us to another pivotal term, which is the first topic of our Aqeedah Webinar, this term is called iimaan, but then, what does Imaan mean?



What does iimmaan mean anyway?



This question is up to you all to figure out but as usual, I am lowering a rope for you to climb up to understand the true meaning of iimaan as the SALAF, the first generation understood it, so try and figure out the following hint to decipher the true meaning of iimaan.






For those of you who use computers, or understand the basic make up of computers, a computer is a creature that executes commands that serve a purpose, so, it has in its memory a SOFTWARE that encodes logical steps for the operation and execution of commands, these commands are two type:


1. Imbedded commands ( Permanent Encoded Commands to GUIDE the computer to perform an operation)


2. Temporary User Commands ( configurable commands, with limited validity)


For the computer to perform well, it needs some sort of control in its input, for example, the input for commands must be a certain format, and from reliable authorized system users. Therefore, if the computer is performing within tolerances and according to manufacturers specs without any disruption from unauthorized users, InshaAllah it will deliver its objective, we call this system a SECURE system. On the other hand, if the system can be hacked by unauthorized users to perform tasks that are not in line with its manufacturers specifications, then that system is NOT SECURE system.


Likewise, iimaan comes from the root word amana, meaning to secure something, so in that context, out minds or hearts secure a set of information, and a set of orders.


There are two types of informatons and orders:


Permanent Set


1. Permanent Information srcripted on our soul, its known as Fitrah, The Wosrhip of Allah alone


2. Pemanent orders, which are necessary for the body to function like instincts of eating, breahing hearbeat breast sucking of child etc.


Temporal Set


1. Information sent down by Prophets

2. Orders sent down by Prophets



Like computers rolling out of assembly line, programmed with all necesary programs to function as desired, we humans are also born with what is known as INSTINCT, or in Arabic FITRA, we are all born while submitting to Allah figuraively in the fetus position, weak and helpless. We are born Muslims by deafault. Its later in life when our files are corrupted with pirated Satanic software that takes control of our lives away from its original design specifications. That is when we have no iimaan, because our lives has been tampered with, thus not secure.


The set of information gives us an abstract picture, while the set of orders translate these abstract concepts to executable commands like Salaat, prayer, Fasting, Kindness, respect of others, honesty in dealing, tolerance and steadfastness in follwing through the orders of Allah SWT.


So, if the actions are in line with the information, we say iimaan is complete, the minimum required iimaan by Allah necessary to save a person from punishment of Allah and admit that person in heaven, while the lack of a required actions or the committing of forbidden action exposes that person to punsihment, either in this lifetime, next or both depending on the severity of the violation of the orders of allah SWT.


So, if we have an imbedded code of iiman in our hearts, and we translate these codes to executable actions, we say we have secured the connection bewteen belief and action, thus we have iiman, in contrast, if our actions do not show connection with our declared values of imbedded codes and beliefs, then, the link that connects belief and action is not secure, and our safety is in turn not secure.


Therefore to be secure, we need to uphold justice, because, Justice is the best security system. Justice with fellow man, and justice with the maker;



Allah SWT says in Quraan:


( Alladiina Aamanuu wa lam yalbisuu iimaanahum bi dhulmin, ulaa'ika lahumul amnu wa hum muhtaduun"


( Those who ( Amanuu) and who did not COVER UP, their ( iimaan) with INJUSTICE, Those indeed deserve (AMN) and those are indeed GUIDED)












2003 NURTEL Communications


Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign

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Thanks Bro Nur.






I dont know what AMN & DHULM is, so maybe you could explain it and elaborate it on it a little?


Did you want each one of us to explain what IMAAN means to us? :confused:

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The term (AMN) in Arabic language means SECURITY, the Term (DHULM) in Arabic means INJUSTICE.


The term (iimaan) is a derivative of the term (AMN) which can roughly be translated in that linguistic context( not SHARCI legal context) as SECURING SOMETHING.



HINT # 2



When you turn a computer on, it's imbedded code checks out all of its components to see if it is all properly configured, and SECURE from unwanted commands.


Now imagine yourself as the computer, (ibaadah) as your purpose, (TAWHEED FITRAH) as your PRE-Programmed DEFAULT CODE, (QURAN ) as your latest Executable Command and (Sunnah ) as the Modelling reference for Executing the Quraan Commands.


I hope that I have elaborated a bit far short of answering the question in full.


Now, in the above parallels, what will (iimaan)mean to you?



Wishing you Luck




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Br. Libaax San Ka Taabte



Can you really pull the whiskers of a LION?



Let us apply this challenge to the concept of (iimaan)


Using your screen name as an example to explain (iimaan concept) to NOMADS who can relate more to LIONS and CAMELS instead of computers, here is an interesting story:


A Kenyan tour guide standing next to a LION is explaining to a Western tourist in Kenya's animal reserves " THIS LION is HARMLESS, HE DOES NOT ATTACK, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"






The tour guide has just given to the tourist:


1. Information that is expected to be BELIEVED

2. The action of the tourist will verify this BELIEF.



The Tour guide released the lion and the lion walks toward the tourist to be petted ( In sanka laga taabto).


The tourist panics, and runs away


The tour guide asks the tourist " Did I not tell you that "this LION is harmless", it will not attack?



The toursit responds, "yes , but did you tell the LION not to attack?"


The above joke and the tourist's action shows that the toutsit FAILED to believe the Tour guide, and therefore his action ( running away) showed that the information given to him did not settele in his head, in order for him to act on it.


So, in that Example , (iimaan) is two fold


1. Information to be believed

2. Actions that verify that the infromation was believed.



Whenever those two aspects of iimaaan are met, we say that is the proper iimaan which is required for a MUSLIM to have to eneter Paradise.





2003 Nurtel Communications

Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign

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that was really simple to understand.

I'm gonna have to go and formulate my thoughts before I answer the imaan question.

I'll be back insha alaah.

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Salaams Br. Nur


This is a great way to teach us. Alhamdulilah am learning alot from the aqiidah webinar. Pls keep enlighining us with your talent, and may allah reward yuo for it.

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Flying Still ( waiting for your input)


Jazakumullahu Khairan for your comments, I appreciate it, but, what I would prefer most is an active participation from your part in this discussion. I do not know much about your leisure life, but if I come to a play ground, I like to join the fun, I am not a good spectator, and in this thread we can learn more if we engage every viewer to either:


1. Add to the discussion ( after research of course, or from experience)

2. To ask for clarification by way of a well thought out question, because like they say, a good question is half the answer.


The reason I am insisting on participatory foramat of learning is because the old school of teacher centered learning has expired upon the arrival of the hard disk as means of knowledge storage an retrieval, today we need individuals who can skim through heaps of information to build a knowledge by analyses, and this requires participation.


So, in order for our Aqeedah discussion to succeed, we need all seven research assistants who signed up for the webinar in addition to other brothers and sisters to stir the discussion with their insights. Consuder me as a facilitator, not a teacher, and that way, I can adda a lot of value and momentum by balancing different observations of the viewers.





2003 Nurtel Communications Syndicate

Think Different Today!

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Nurtel Old Editions


Iman and Sins Relationship Theory.


Developed while shopping at a supermarket.



I always look for a better way to explain the realtionship of iimaan with sins, sometimes I use analogy from the business world, sometimes from technology and science.



I once observed that our faith can be viewed like business profitability. To be profitable a busines has to:


1. Increase it's profit margin

2. Reduce it's costs

3. Sell more products or services


Today I will share with you my insights on how to reduce costs.


If Islam is our business, Hasanat are our profit margins, then sins are costs or liabilities that need to be reduced for a profitable business.


so yesterday, while day-dreaming between isles of a supermarket , I found the model of the relationship between iimaan and sins in order to control profitability of Islam as a business. Here is the model Alah SWT inspired me with:


Most readers would recognize the meaning of sins, but iimaan may be kinda difficult to define, so please refer to my old posts, or in case you can not find them let me know, I will repost them again inshaaAllah.



iimaan is inversely proportional to sins we commit, according to the following relationship:



iimaan = 1 / ( Total sins)



The higher your sins, the lower your iimaan reservoir gets.


The lesser your sins, the higher your iimaan reservoir gets.


Special case is when your sins are cleared on a daily basis by istighfaar and you have fractios left or decimals of sins in the denominator, then iimaan shoots up real high, so high, you begin to see concepts of iimaan much clearer like a soaring eagle.


Allah says:


" Inna Allaahu laa yahdii al qawmal faasiqiin"


So if you want to increase your iimaan, just reduce your sins, and enjoy the happiness of increased iimaan. A good business venture.


On the other hand, if your sins increase, they leave dark spots on your heart, your ( Truth Radar), Al BASEERAH, whose function is to help you see truth and follow it, and as they accumulate, they impair your judgement just like alcohol impairs your eye sight.



iimaan is also related to Hasanaat ( Good Deeds) by the following relationship.



iimaan = ( Ikhlaas coefficient) * hasanaat


iimaan is directly proportional to hasanaat times an ikhlaas coefficient ( Sincerity), the ikhlaas coefficient is a multiplier of the hasanat, the higher your level of ikhlaas, the higher yield on a given hasanaat action, for example, according to a hadith, a salat performed alone while travelling on the road can earn you 50 times hasanaat due to the ikhlaas factor, since no one is observing you perform this prayer.


So combining the two equations we have


iimaan = ((ikhlaas cooefficient)*Hasanaat) / ( Total Sins)



So, what happens when your sins and Hasanaat (good Deeds) are equal?



Now if you find yourself at threshhold, the twighlight zone, you'd hope for another cooefficient to prod you up a little, I call it the heavyside coefficient, it is soo heavy, if you have a grain of iimaan, it will tilt your accounts towards the positive side ( MIthqala Dharra).


The heavyside factor is : RAXMAH



Continuation of Derivation:



We derived the general equation of iimaan as a relationship of sins and hasanaat.



we said that:


iimaan = ((ikhlaas cooefficient)*Hasanaat) / ( Total Sins) (1)


we further postulated that when your hasanaat and sins are equal, you need the Raxmah factor to kick-in so you can save your soul.


so the new equation becomes:



iimaan = (((ikhlaas cooefficient)*Hasanaat) / ( Total Sins)) + Raxmah (2)



The Raxmah factor is NOT always active, ( we shall discuss what activates Raxmah later), that is why some people who may appear to you to be great Muslims may end up in hell, and vice versa. It is due to the Raxmah factor we are saved,not mere deeeds, because, without the Raxmah factor, no one will be saved.


Allah SWT says in suratul Faatir:


" Maa yursilillaahu linnaasi mir raxmatin falaa mumsika lahaa"



The Raxmah that Allah sends down to people can not be withheld by anyone"


It is with this Raxmah that everything good is possible, with Raxmah, our life becomes bearable, our worries reduced our good actions multiply and generally we become more successful witout apparent reason.


So how does the Raxmah factor play into this equation?


Whenever we do a good deed, it is due a Raxmah from Allah that we :


1. Remembered to do it in the first place.

2. Were provided by the material means to earn such a reward


The Raxmah factor is a gift from Allah SWT. It was reported that Messenger of Allah SAWS said no one enters Paradise with mere deeds, even him, unless Allah SWT encapsulates him ( YATAGHAMADUHU) with his RAXMAH.



Now let us look at (2)


iimaan is therefore a variable quantity, Allah SWT says in suurat Muxamad:


"Wa ladiina ihtadow, zaadahum hudan, wa aataahum taqwaahum"


"As for those who responded for the guidance (of Allah SWT), (Allah SWT) increased their (level) of guidnace in addition to providing them with a shield of protection from punishment (TAQWAA)"


Here we find an amplification and feedback effect, good deeds result in elevated level of imaan, and conversely, an elevated level of iimaan results in better deeds and actions. (3)


Likewise, bad deeds result in reduced level of iimaan, and reduced level of iimaan result in earning less hasanaat and more bad deeds. Allah SWT says about the companions who found themselves in distress during the famous Uxud battle after disobeying the orders of the prophet SAWS to stay their grounds:


"Innamaa istazzallahumul sheitaanu bi bacdi maa kasabuu, wa laqad cafaa Allahu canhum"


" Satan only caused them to sin due some of the bad deeds they have incurred, and Allah has forgiven them"



So in general, humans are born with an imbedded level of iiman in the subconscious, it is called Fitra or like I coined it on this forum ( Default State) iimaan quantity. If a person therefore carries out good deeds, and seeks his maker sincerely (ikhlaas), his good deeds will finally lead him to Islam. A good example of this is when a Bedoun asked the prophet SAWS:


O Messenger of Allah, before I became Muslim, I used to do good deeds, are these deeds counting for me? The Messenger of Allah SAWS answered him:


" Aslamta, bimaa aslafta" meaning "It was those good deeds that led you to Islam". So good deeds are a ticket to finding out truth and Islam.


In this thread we shall discuss, ways to decrease sins, increase hasanaat, and as a result increase iimaan, so that we can be guided to the straight path.


Your questions and contributions are encouraged to make this discussion a success.





2003 Nurtel Communications syndicate


At Nurtel we work harder on Concepts simplification, so you can say " IT IS SO SIMPLE".

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Aleykumu salaam sister Nafisa


Welcome aboard, our JAWAHIR tray needs a center Jewel ( NAFISA), inshAllah you will be adding a lot of contributions, ideas, questions, clarifications, comments and special insights. One advice though, make a lot of Dhiker of Allah SWT if you want the following:


1. Soften up your heart ( cleans out rust, so your heart can shine better than Hubble Telescope mirrors to see farther than the constellations and reflect truth from any angle)

2. Begin to Appreciate and love Allah SWT

3. Reduce your worries and liabilities (sins)

4. Be remembered by Allah SWT ( You need a friend in a HIGH PLACE)



Walaal, as a participant, after reading this thread, let us know about your thoughts.




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Nurtel Wordcrafts Creations


Old Posts Presents:


The Qiyaamah Position Finder Calculator



I am sure that you use a CALCULATOR for computing numbers, formulas etc. Many disciplies have developd their own calculators, for example, real estate professionals have their quick calculators for computing the amount of Ribaa you have to pay for the next 30 years. Every industry has developed a similar one, and I thought why not one for the next life.


I Call it the Qiyaama calculator. It will tell you with precision of your whereabouts in a day that no one has a zip code, A tribe, a nation, A president, a King or a Warlord.


That day we would only worry about saving our little rear ends from hot temperatures, and painful torments ( if you have ever sat in a parked car in Berbera, Djibouti, or Kismayo in hot season you can get the idea, 50+ is not rear end friendly).


But, how about a calculator for our future worth, I mean, after death, any thoughts bro/Sis?


Well I have the calculator for you, it is easy to compute, after entering couple of facts, you will immeidately see your place in the next life. Because you are still here, you can use the UNDO button of this calculator and reset it so that you are on the right track again. It is like traveling to the future, coming back and correcting your mistakes.


First Function : To calculate your location in the day of judgement :


1. Enter the ten top important things to you in this life.


2. Answer: Your location in the day of judgement is relative to where you have placed Allah in your list of important things. For example, if in the calculator you have entered Allah in # 7, in the day of judgement, your location will be # 7, relative to other people who placed Allah as # 1., fair enough.


If Allah's demands was not in your list of important things, then, your calculator will show ERROR, because Zero in the denominator generates error.



Second Function: Path Simulation.


You see, your compliance with Allah's commandments is called SIRAADUL MUSTAQEEM. ( The Straight Path) meaning the shortest path that will take you to Allah SWT.


There is another Path in the day of Judgement, it is called ( AL SIRAAD) The Path.


In the day of judgement, all of mankind will walk on this path toward their final hmoe or jail.


Walking on this path is not easy, for starters, it is razor sharp, below the path is balzing fires of hell, hanging on its sides are hooks proportional to your sins committed in this life, so whenever you commit a sin, an error record is generated on your record and a corresponding hook which is proportional to that sin is placed along the path of the day of judgment, that hook will have your name written all over it, and if you do not repent from that specific sin, it will catch up with you when you least expect it and throw you in the pit of fire.


So you need a lot of ballance as you walk along this thin and sharp path, so


1. If you were balanced in this life's Path, you will be balanced on that Path in the day of judgement,


2. If you were firm on following the commandments of Allah in this lifes path, Your feet will be firm on that path in the day of judgment, you will not slip and slide away.


3. If you were responsive to the demands of Allah SWT in this Life, The Path will be responsive to your movement, you will move on it like a lightening, on the other hand, if you were reluctant or hesitant to respond to Allah's demands in this life, you will crawl like a beetle on the Path of the day of judgement and good people will be passing you right and left.



How much is this calculator you may ask.


This calculator is absolutely free.


This calculator is handy, easy to use, and it guaranteed to work for you,


I have enough quantities to ship, but you may not have enough time to live, so I advice you order your copy today, if you have an interest in a better life than the current one.


If you are satisfied with current life and do not see the point in thinking about life after death, you need no order, just stay chill'n.


Please submit your order on this thread, the calculator will be shipped to you as soon as I hear from you.




Nurtel Old Editions,

All rights NOT reserved

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Thanks Nur

I understand what you are saying. I thought the caLcuLator you were taLking about was a refLection of our Life right now-to see if we are happy or unhappy as to the choices we made and the things we did and those we did not.


I wiLL take one.

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