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Somalilanders fascination with 50,000

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So, John Major and Tony Blair are direct descendants of Sheikh Somaliland! This (video) notable somaliland historian is claiming that is the case. He is also claiming that 50,000 somalilanders died defending the British empire against Germany and other enemies. We all know that Slanders also say they lost 50,000 in the war against Fa.q.ash. Could it be that they just like how this figure sounds when pronounced? I have a four year son who smashes windows if you do not agree he is 7. He just loves this number. I see some similarity here!


Ngonge's cousins are really funny. We know nations are about tangibiles- people,rivers,buildings, but also about intangibles:myths, heroes, trumph,setback etc! That is why everywhere you visit you find narratives of heroism and heroes. Nations who do not have heroes must invent some to consummate nationhood. But Slanders have really taken this requisite invention of myths and heroes to a whole new level. That is why koodbuur, a nobody, has to be a hero. That is why this great grandfather of oodweyne (see the video) is rewritting somali and british history to knit a functional narrative that fits the political hallucination of this profoundly confused secessionist clan!



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^Lool :D :D



But truth be said, there is some clear fascination with number dropping, especially the 50,000, its a common number, I heard so many times.

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By virtue of this logic of fascination with some arithmetic figures, we can safely deduce that the SL militia killed 50,000 in Las Anod and Buuhoodle! :D

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The fascination is about how it sounds....Fiifti tawsand... Easy to spell but with Dramatic effect on emotions....


History is all lies, the better liars always provide more accurate history. Somalilanders were left behind long time ago in this field but now they are catching up, Everyone lies; Khatumites have exaggerated the Mad mullah, Koonfurians believe in Xaawa taako, Xalane and Dhagax tuur, Puntlanders are Euphoric about Questionable Suldans they Call Boqors...Long foot families always bragging with Cigaal shiidaad and Raage ugaas..Long foot neighbors with the Legends of Wiilwaal....etc..Examples are infinite Just like the Number of Camels owned by Djiboutian natives in Ethiopia....


Kudos to Landers, They made us believe about Genocide (Xasuuqii Somalilander-ska), They even went the extra mile and created Their own heroes (Ibrahim Koodbuur, Axmed dhagax iyo qaar kaloo badan AUN) ... Mujaahidiintii/Mushaahidiintii....


We are in Era in which Somali History is being Written, If you fail in this stage, continuing to exist and matter will be a place of dispute...

A man of my village once said in the mid 20th century...

"Wixii la qoraa, Quruumo hadhee Muxuu hadal qiimo leeyahay"

And I say

"Wixii La Yidhee, Youtube-ka galaa, dunidu yaboohini, yuhuuduna rumaysan?!" ......

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oba hiloowlow;826913 wrote:
Beentu waa xaaraan sxbayaal xasuuq inuu ka dhacay waqooyiga Soomaaliya maa maanta xaqireysaan.

Puntland iyo Gobolada dhexe Xasuuq kama dhicin miyaa.....Mida kale Muqdisho 1991 wixii ka dhacay dhaanto may ahaayeen....Maxaa ku koobay mushkilada meel qudha...

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Laakin dee coofle waxaad tiri "they made us believe in genocide" which did happen oo video baa la wada arkay moorgan oo amraya in gantaalo culus lagu garaaco meel populated waliba the 2nd caasimad ah

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oba hiloowlow;826930 wrote:
Soomaliya dhan qabiil kasta waala xasuuqay in someway..

Wixii dhacay way dhaceene, In la is cafiyo oo New page la bilaabo saw ma haboona,,,Only lessons ha inoo noqdaan, si aan dib loo celin....Taliskii siyaadna cid uu u roonaa oo maanta waan ku aflaxay odhanaysaa ma jirto....

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