
The Somalia-Somaliland talks Thread

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I am not sure about the Sheikh.

And speaking about impartial countries, all of them will favor one group over another, but that's the whole point of negotiations. I think Turkey, Kuwait, South Africa, Germany, and members of the Security Council would do.

Even if Somaliland was to become an independent country, giving a naval base and port to Ethiopia would still pose an existential threat to all Somalis. It doesn't matter if we live in one country or two.

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13 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

I am not sure about the Sheikh.

And speaking about impartial countries, all of them will favor one group over another, but that's the whole point of negotiations. I think Turkey, Kuwait, South Africa, Germany, and members of the Security Council would do.

Even if Somaliland was to become an independent country, giving a naval base and port to Ethiopia would still pose an existential threat to all Somalis. It doesn't matter if we live in one country or two.

As long Somali’s agreed to solve the Somaliland debacle, I don’t think anyone would consider having an Ethiopian naval base in the region and Ethiopia knows that. 

Keep in mind that Ethiopia hasted this initiative and deal immediately after hearing of the Djibouti meeting and agreement to restart the talks between Somalia and Somaliland, and rapidly organised for Muse to come to Addis Abeba to sign the deal. Ethiopians are smart and up to date, and perhaps even understand Somali’s current state and trajectory better than we understand ourselves, as we tend to be blinded by clan dynamics and distracted by clan based politics we loose track of real politics. 


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People are saying that the UAE was behind all of this  and is using it hand in the whole of  the Horn of Africa.


By the way Somalis seem to have the same language , but dont understand each other when they are talking how can two groups talk for over 12 years., And the only thing agree is to continue the talks ,  As oodweyne once put it the talks about talks. It seems  Somalis are losing edge.

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The above video is good  i like how the assesment was done.About the Somalia and Somaliland talks. Though we are reaching the very end of the talks. Because all points have been discussed rehashed. on the political level cooperation level. How ever there are a few things left  we can still agree on. Even if Somalia refuses Somaliland independence which is fine  We can still dicuss some issues which will be benefit to Somaliland how ever we need gurantors they will honer those deals. Somalia and Somaliland can agree ,that Somalia agrees that Somaliland joins FIFA and other sports federation and participates the same way England Scotland  which arent recognised nations like Somaliland. and if we are admitted Somaliland will allow Koonfurians to spread walanweynism and the cancerous  unionism inside Somaliland. Its a fair deal isnt it .

And Somalia allows Somaliland to sign investmemts deal with any other nation in the world. In exchange Somaliland will allow  Somalia officials to visit Somaliland including their president and their official.

I mean u win some u lose some. But its a good start , short of Full independence . How ever the kooonfurians shouldnt stall.  because its not in their benefit.

Any country that wants to hurt Somalia exploit Somalia. Will do it via Somaliland whether its Kenya or Ethiopia. or what ever other country. The guy in the video explained that point

Since now Somalia and Somaliland have official ties everything but full recognition. Somalia should be allowed to open a diplomatic office in Hargeisa and Somaliland should open a diplomatic office in Mogadishu.  Not embassy  because that would mean recognition. but diplomatic offices. I think we can agree on that. Untill we figure out arimaha maasiiriga. Eh ila imika lugu dhicii wayey,






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Xaaji, these are good points and I hope one will really speak more in-depth in to the issues at hand, and past the semantics, and atleast come with a few outcomes that are signs of reapproachment and give hope to mutually solve things. 


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Somaliland and Somalia agreed earlier this month they would restart the talks and develop a roadmap within 30 days.  They both need to return to that as agreed asap. 

Let not support from Ethiopia, Egypt, US and others distract us from our problems and issues at hand, which is that we need a way forward for the Somali people and that can only be resolved through dialogue and negotiations. 

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It’s very difficult to that if there are no real arbitrators Somalia is beating a dead horse ,


we have been talking for 12 years and no break through every time it gets serious. Somalia way dhuumata .i am not even saying that Somalia should agree to somaliland demands but atleast talk about it. Atleast then we can move forward , and also agree how to implement former agreements 

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Cabdikariin Guleed: Heshiiska Muuse Biixi iyo Abiy Axmed waa lagu fashilinayay wada hadaladii Jabuuti ka dhacay

Khamiis, January, 25, 2024 (HOL) - Ergayga gaarka ah ee wada hadalada dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland, ayaa sheegay heshiiskii dhexmaray Abiy Axmed iyo Muuse Biixi inuu ahaa mid lagu majo xaabinayay sii socoshada wada hadalada labada dhinac.

Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa sheegay dowladdu inay rajo wanaagsan ka qabtay  wada hadalada mar kale dib u bilowday iyo qodobadii kasoo baxay shirka ka dhacay dalka Jabuuti.

Hase ahaatee, heshiiska Ethiopia ay la gashay Somaliland ayuu sheegay inuu Soomaaliya ku noqday arrin laga fajaco oo aysan dowladdu marna filayn inay ka suurtowdo Somaliland.

“Waxaan aaminsanahay in heshiiska dhacay uu ahaa mid ay dowladda Ethiopia ku fashilinaysay isfahamkii labada dhinac, waana ayaan darro in arrintaas dhacdo,” ayuu yiri ergayga dowladda Soomaaliya u qaabilsan wada hadalada Somaliland.

Guuleed wuxuu sheegay, dowladda Soomaaliya inay qadarin weyn u hayso Somaliland ayna diyaar u tahay in mar walba laga shaqeeyo sidii ay wada hadaladu usii socon lahaayeen.

Wuxuuse sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya aysan raali ka ahaan doonin tallaabo kaste oo wax u dhimaysa  qaranimada Soomaaliyeed.

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8 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

^^I agree with him, too many jaajuus in SL gov circles

Iminka ma dareensana, laakinse maalinta Ehiopia kala dan la noqdo ayaa la arki doona awooda meesha ee ku leeyihiin. 

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