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Shabaab o gudaha u galay Baydhabo

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Ciidamada Wilaayada Bay oo Xalay gudaha ugalay Baydhabo.


Wednesday, 21 March 2012 07:48


Hits: 215






amiirnuur.comWarar dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya dagaal culus oo xalay magaalada Baydhabo ku dhaxmaray ciidamada mujaahidiinta iyo kuwa Itoobiya ee xoogga ku jooga magaaladaasi.

Wararka nagasoo gaaraya Baydhabo waxay sheegayaan in khasaara xoogan uu ciidanka Itoobiya iyo maleeshiyaadka taabacsan uu kasoo gaaray dagaalkii xalay.


Dagaalka ugu culus wuxuu ka dhacay Afar irdoodka Baydhabo iyo xarunta ADC-da halkaasi oo lagu arkay ciidamada mujaahidiinta oo ka dagaalamaya.


Aadan Biit oo katirsan saraakiisha Murtadiinta ee Baydhabo ku sugan ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in weerar qorshaysan lagusoo qaaday ciidanka Itoobiya iyo kuwa Soomaaliya ayna iska difaaceen raggii weerarka soo qaaday sida uu hadalka u dhigay.


Ilo wareedyo Islaami ah ayaa xaqiijinaya in ciidanka mujaahidiinta ay xalay weerar Afar jihood ah ku qaadeen magaalada Baydhabo saacad kadibna ay dib ugasoo laabteen magaalada.


AmiirNuur Media


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Ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo howl galo ka wada Baydhabo, kadib qaraxyo is xigay

Ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya ayaa howl galo ka wada Xaafado ka tirsan Magaalada Baydhabo ee Xarunta Gobolka Baay, kadib qaraxyo bambaano is xigay oo shalay lagu weeraray Ciidamada dowladda.


Wararka laga helayo magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada ay gudaha ugu jiraan suuqa Sarifka iyo xaafadaha ku dhow dhow, halkaas oo Ciidamada shalay bambaanooyin lagu weeraray.


Al-Shabaab oo sheegatay mas'uuliyada qaraxaas ayaa tilmaamtay inay ku dishay tiro askar ah oo ka tirsan Ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya.


Xildhibaan Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade oo warbaahinta Muqdisho xalay la hadlay ayaa sheegay in qaraxaas askari ka mid ah ku dhaawacmay, gacantana lagu soo dhigay kooxihii weerarka ka dambeeyay.


Waxaa uu ku eedeeyay Shabaab inay mar walba waxyeelo u geysteen shacabka, isla markaana bambaanooyinka ay ka soo dhex tuuraan, isagoo xusay in aanay dagaal diyaar u aheyn.


Xalay ayaa waxaa bandow ku jiray Xaafadaha shalay Ciidamada qaraxyada lagu weeraray, iyadoo dad badan ay ciidamada xabsiga dhigeen, kuwaas oo lala xiriirinayo inay ka dambeeyeen weerarkii shalay.


Magaalada Baydhabo waxaa ku sugan wafdi uu hogaaminayo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan, iyadoo maalintii shalay ay Saraakiil ka tirsan AMISOM booqdeen magaalada.





Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed

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^Maya, sangue!

Faah Faahin Ku saabsan Qarax Xoogan oo Galabta Baydhabo ka dhacay


Wednesday, 21 March 2012 17:15


Hits: 581






amiirnuur.comFaah faahin dheeri ah ayaa kasoo baxday qarax weyn oo galabta magaalada Baydhabo lagula eegtay ciidan Itoobiyaan ah iyo maleeshiyaad Soomaali ah.

Wararka ka imaanaya Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in ciidan badan oo cadawga iskujirka ah ay dhimasho iyo dhaawac ku naqdeen qarax lagula eegtay bartamaha Baydhabo.


Qaraxa ayaa ka dhashay Bambaano nuuca gacanta lagatuura ah oo rag hubeysan ay la eegteen ciidanka kadibna goobta ayay si fudud uga baxsadeen sida ay sheegeen dadka deegaanka.


Ugu yaraan 9 Askari oo Somaali iyo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa dhimatay 12 kalane dhaawacyo halis ah ayaa soo gaaray, dhiig xinjira ah ayaa ku daatay Jidcadaha suuqa Sarifka magaalada Baydhabo.


Xaaladda Baydhabo ayaa caawa kacsan waxaana magaalada soo buux dhaafiyay ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah.


Shacabka tirada yar ee Baydhabo ku haray waxay soo sheegayaan in ciidanka Itoobiya oo lugeynaya ay rasaas ku furayaan wadada laamiga ah ee marta bartamaha Baydhabo.


Cadawga Baydhabo ku sugan ayaa qaati ka taagan qaraxyada iyo weerarada uga imaanaya dhanka muslimiinta.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;808121 wrote:
Didn't they lose xudur today how are they fighting in baydhabo

They come and go as they wish-wouldn't make sense to engage mechanized force.

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True but this is worse guerrilla attacks what does this mean no war no peace this is bad news for the residents of baydhabo they want peace when shabaab was there there was one admin now the TFG are there with the assistance of the Ethiopians how long will this continue the residents of baydhabo need to be secured from the daily attacks,between shabaab and the TFG. Somalida kooxaha is haysta wa inay shacabka u tudhaan.

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Che Guevara we need practical solutions for Somalia in particularly baydhabo and to save guard our Somali people from becoming refugees in their own country.Things need to change for the better how long can people fight inside baydhabo and throw grenades with continues guerrilla attacks how will this solve the situation in baydhabo. Not saying the Ethiopians are the key solutions to the problems Ethiopian intervention should never be endorsed in Somalia but what is next will the fighting continue till the Somali residents of baydhabo are forced to flee into Ethiopia it self and Kenya is there not another alternative how long will the people of baydhabo suffer since they are caught in between shabaab and the TFG and Ethiopians fighting in their territory.

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Mogadishu — Officials from the African Union peacekeepers in Somalia have on Wednesday arrived in the town of Baidoa which is just 250 Km away from Somali capital, Mogadishu, just weeks after Al-shabab pulled out.


Shabelle Media correspondent in the town says at least 7 AU officers from Uganda and Burundi contingents with small plane from Mogadishu landed in the main airport of Baidoa, where is now under the full control of Somalia government troops aided by the Ethiopians.


The AU officials have held talks with Somalia and Ethiopia army commanders in the presidential place of Baidoa town, discussing a range of issues about the improving security of the city since taking over by TFG.


Jenerel Yuhanis, one of the touring AMISOM officials told reporters in Baidoa for the main agenda of their arrival in the town, saying, "We are assessing the situation and AU's plan to send peacekeeping forces to the areas liberated from Al-shabab in Bay and Bakol regions."

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Xaaji Xunjuf;808140 wrote:
Che Guevara we need practical solutions for Somalia in particularly baydhabo and to save guard our Somali people from becoming refugees in their own country.Things need to change for the better how long can people fight inside baydhabo and throw grenades with continues guerrilla attacks how will this solve the situation in baydhabo. Not saying the Ethiopians are the key solutions to the problems Ethiopian intervention should never be endorsed in Somalia but what is next will the fighting continue till the Somali residents of baydhabo are forced to flee into Ethiopia it self and Kenya is there not another alternative how long will the people of baydhabo suffer since they are caught in between shabaab and the TFG and Ethiopians fighting in their territory.

Before we do anything, we need to dispel the notion that neighboring countries and the world community is interested in bringing peace to Somalia. Makes no sense to invite the very forces that continuously destabilize (before AS and after) our country and bombed Xamar to bits and the idea that somehow Ugandans and Burundi would do any better cuz they don't share borders with Somalia.


If one is sincere about defeating AS, one would imagine building Somali army which be only thing that could defeat AS given the right support but world is not interested in building Somali army or any other institution. Dependency and chaos is all that interested. And the fact remains once Ethios depart and they will eventually, TFG can't hold on to Baydhabo.


We rather support disciplined militia that could guaranteed peace no matter how imperfect than incompetent organization who owes its existence to enemies of the Somali and who will not be allowed to evolve into viable proper government.

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