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Somali Bantus

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Cambuulo iyo bun;798270 wrote:
ma iyaga dhulka loogu yimid? I always thought that they emigrated hundreds of years ago from Tanzania and Mozambique,,

The vast majority were brought from places like Tanzania, Mozambique and Burundi. This idea in ayaga dhulka loogu yimi is not true, at all statements like that are pure doqonnimo... people read into your own history. Generally they are the latest groups to arive in Somalia e.g. 18/19 hundeds. Iskadaa goortay yimaadeen ee, Somalida were there long before and had kingdoms and empires as far back as the 12 century and city-states far earlier.


The Bantu expansion southwards and the Cushitic/Somali expansions southwards is smething you might want to read into. - though it is not related to the topic per se.

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More ignorant geeljire folks. So dissapointing. Ilaahay bilaash noomu itaxamin.


Ever thought of that you are talking about completely two diffrent groups of Somali Bantu's? Next to the Somali Bajuni's.


I really dont like this thread it shows how little we actually know about our own people and country. Even going as far as denying eachothers existence, idendity and Somalinimo.

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*Blessed;798299 wrote:

What has never settled well with me is that the larger groups tend claim that they trace their origins to great Arab sheikhs iyo wax lagu faano and yet the smaller Somali tribal groups across Somalia are said to be of unfavourable origin. Waxbaa gadfan!

Larger groups believe in fairytales...Amazing how they believe couple of Arab Sheikhs did the dance with local women and somehow manage to become major players in the Horn.

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^^ Lets say the Arabs came to Somalia, they found some women there, who were those women, where did they originated from, not from Arabia by the way, lets say they were African origins(lets say they were Bantu to satisfy few) for 2 minutes, ok, the Arabs did their thing, haweenkii uur bey qaadeen, yey dhaleen, anagey na dhaleen soo ma ahan, ma garacyo ayaan wada nahey kolkaa, the 2 minutes finished, now for those who claim we are Arabs, you actually saying Arab ayaa fuuley haweenkeena, kadibna na dhaleen.



marka ha la is jiro waxyaalaha qaarkood ee lagu hadlo.





Personally, xageen ka soo jeednaa, I know it, and I think I said it before, Soomaalidu waa qowmiyad xadaarad soo jireen ah laheed oo waligeed soo jirtey sida Hindiya, Shiinaha, Abysinia iyo Masar.



Marka taariikhdiina ku faantama oo dhaha qowmiyad gooni waligeed u taagneyd ayaan aheyn kana soo jeedin Carab iyo Afrikaanba, yes, we happen to have our country inside African continent.

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lool@fuuley, that just sounds wrong.


I guess people are allowed to wallow delusions, let them be Nuune. It;s not even statistically possible for two men to match the locals in terms number unless there was mass migration of Arab Sheikhs.

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wallaahay dhiigaa i karo markaan maqlo soomaali baa ka soo jeeda carab, bari dhaxdaas xataa mid baa intuu agteyda saas ku yiri ayaan feer u duubtey, waan dili lahaa ku kalaa iga celiyey inaan ku tuntaan rabey.



yes, carabtu dhaqan iyo diin waan wadaagnaa, so as the Irish too

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^LooL...remind me not to piss you off. That doesn't help that we don't have written history or that anyone did indepth scholarly research on Somalis.

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I don't think anyone else will write our history if we don't, and to wait for that is becoming more and more aan ka soo jeedno dad kale.


lol not to piss you off, only when it comes to Soomaalinimo, dhankan la igama maro, waxa kale waa iska caadi

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samjamaa;797873 wrote:


What's your thoughts?Are these people were originally from Mozambique, Tanzania and Malawi?

Sounds like you disagree with the Wiki page! :D


Blessed, Juxa and others inanta daaya. She lives in 'carabta' and does not have to worry about your guilt with regards to the mentioned Somalis. In fact, I myself (before reading the rest of the thread and seeing how defensive everyone got) wanted to ask Xaaji X if the Somali Bantu only lived in southern Somalia or can also be found in Somaliland. Wax fahma. :D



I agree with Bob though. We have to marry her off and I have the perfect man for her. YES, Carafaat. I mean, they both like starting three topics a day and they both love greater Somalia and they're both gurbojoog, etc, etc, etc....

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nuune;799032 wrote:
^^ Lets say the Arabs came to Somalia, they found some women there, who were those women, where did they originated from, not from Arabia by the way, lets say they were African origins(lets say they were Bantu to satisfy few) for 2 minutes, ok, the Arabs did their thing, haweenkii uur bey qaadeen, yey dhaleen, anagey na dhaleen soo ma ahan, ma garacyo ayaan wada nahey kolkaa, the 2 minutes finished, now for those who claim we are Arabs, you actually saying Arab ayaa fuuley haweenkeena, kadibna na dhaleen.



marka ha la is jiro waxyaalaha qaarkood ee lagu hadlo.





Personally, xageen ka soo jeednaa, I know it, and I think I said it before, Soomaalidu waa qowmiyad xadaarad soo jireen ah laheed oo waligeed soo jirtey sida Hindiya, Shiinaha, Abysinia iyo Masar.



Marka taariikhdiina ku faantama oo dhaha qowmiyad gooni waligeed u taagneyd ayaan aheyn kana soo jeedin Carab iyo Afrikaanba, yes, we happen to have our country inside African continent.

Even if one of our ancestors was arab, he married a non-arab, his children married non-arabs, his grand-children married non-arabs. If you continue like this, we have a small and irrelevent percentage of arab blood. This is confirmed by DNA studies, were a small percentage is Euroasian blood, we haven even 5% of DNA corresponding with persons from sub-sahara africa(Bantu?).

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My posts aren't motivated by guilt, I feel none, should I? As I said in numerous other threads, I honestly find the stories about minority clans and qabil origins in general to be laughable. The stories of the origines of minority clans in SL are more or less similar and just as silly. I do find the counter bashing of the majority clans to be just as bigotted and also don't buy into the language / ethinic purity claims some make, not because I'm a liberal (puhlease) but because I firmly believe in the evolutions of languages. cultures and ethinic identities.

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Ngonge, send me more info on Samjamee through PM.



Blessed, absolutely agree. And there are economic motives as well. For example, minorities engage mostly in production of certain specific products while larger tribes mostly have livestock. So imagine 1 guy producing metal or leather products and 20 livestock owners wanting to buy it. In a normal situation the power would be always with the seller and he can determine the price of his goods. But if all 20 livestock owners agree on a kartel or pact how to deal with metalworker and nobody breaks that kartel, they would be able to gain more marketpower and can determine the price.


For example, In Hargeysa a haircut costs like 025 dollarcent. While in Muqdisho it's almost a dollar, 4 times the price. Now in which city is hair cut by minorities? Hargeysa. The same goed for example for construction workers, in Muqdishu its done by minorities and they get paid much less then the 3 dollars a day in Hargeysa.


I think it has often an economic motive rather then cultural.

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^^ You know how much a haircut costs and the daily wage of a construction worker in both H Town & Muqadishu? Cajiib!

Blessed, I know, I know.......

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Somali Bantus <============ First and foremost that’s absolutely wrong and downright disgusting as it’s a blatant discrimination. Why can't they just be a Somali like any other maryooleey which they are. it's embarrassing to see how ignorant some of you are about the other somalis from outside of your regions...qaar baa waxay doonaan iska qoray oo aan warba ka hayn waxa meesha ka jira. Waxaa wanaagsan in qofku siduusuba uusan ka hadlin wax uusan aqoon u lahayn. Dadkaa SOOMAALIYEED ee walaalaha aan nahay waxaan ka galnay dambi wayn sheekooyinka qaarkood oo aan maqlayna waa wax aad iyo aad looga naxo marka Allah halaga cabsado ee dulmiga aan waddanka ku gubnay oo aan xaafad xaafad isugu kala saarnay yaan caruurra yar yar lagu abuurin after all nowadays meesha young adults oo aan waxaas la socon baa ka buuxa.






Peace, Love & Unity.

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