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Why would anyone kill a doctor ?

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Carafaat;784020 wrote:
War isku xishoo. anaga hal magaalo haa no kala saarin. shalayna Suldaan ayaa lagu dilay xafada kale, maanta dhaqtar xagan. waxba isma dhaaman labaduba, hadii kale heerkaas mee gareen oo mid ayaa tanasul yeelan lahaa.

Ma maqashay waano abuuris baa ka horreysey? Magaaladan Gaalkacyo dagaal dad badani ku le'deen baa ka dhacay early 90s-kii, dad baad mooddaa inaysan weli ka dawoobin oo aan is dhihi karo qofkaan magaca Somalia nooga ciyaaraya inuu ugu horreeyo.

Yaa u sheega dadku waa is dilaa waana heshiiyaa, markii horena khalad baa dagaalladu u dheceen haddana inay Soo noqdaan Ilaah lagama baryo. Ma maqashay doqoni meeshii lagu dagaalay bay joogtey ee goobtii nabadda warba uma hayso"?

Koofur iyo Waqooyiba Gaalkacyo waa Gaalkacyo, dadka deggana waa isla mid ama Baraxleey hallagu sheego amase Karuurleey ha ahaadeen. Waana dad walaalo ah oo muslimiin Soomaali ah!

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Gaalkacyo dad badan baa ku dhinta, hadana subixii markaad soo kacdo waxaad moodaa inaysan waxba ka dhicin haday nabad fiican heshana siday ahaan jirtay shaneemadeeda xataa oodkac ama muqmad baad ka heli



Hada sida xaalku yahay waa laba maamul oon awood u lahayn inay xataa gacan ku dhiiglaha u baxsada dhanka kale isu soo qabtaan si ay labada dhinacba nabad loogu noolaado, waa is dhalnay macno samayn mayso aa baa loo kala duwan yahay wakhtiga hadda la joogo xataa isku si loogama adimo,qaybna waxay tiraahdaa allahu akbar qaybta kalana allahu ekbar,

allaha u naxariisto marxuumka

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Gooni, that is exactly my point. Ridiculous that murderers can just escape to the other area without prosecution. Magalo kasta dagaal wu ka dhacay, oo macaa qaar baa dadku ka wada qaxeen. Xalku maanta maha 2 ama 3 maamul oo bilaa awood ah.


Peace Action, check the thread on Western Puntland State.

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Carafat again stop insulting the people's intelligence. Galkacyu like I have stated before is a city that under attack by the enemies of Somalia. The suicide bombers and assassins are the hallmarks of your friend Godane and his group. Now that war is being fought on many fronts but there is no war between the people of he city no matter how much you wish.


Again stop wishing for admins or clans at war now that does not exist I'm Galkacyu.

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Waad ku saxantahay carafaadow in magaalo hal maamul yeelato hadii la waayana in wada shaqayn dhab ahi ka dhaxayso si dadka wax ku oolka ah loo badbaadiyo ilaahaybaa wax babaadiyee,shakina kuma jiro in magaaladu qabiil dartiis u kala oodan tahay

Hadii abwaan iyo oday dhaqameed dhanka shishe lagu dilay dhanka sokana waa in diktoor lagu dilaa waayo waa labo reeroo is dhalay


Generalku maadaama uu yahay siyaasi ruug cadaa ah ama general soo shaqeeyay waxaa laga yaabaa inuu u jeedo wax aan dadka caadiga ah u jeedin

Waan kula qabaa fikradaada ama meel waa laga muuqdaa ama waa laga maqnaadaa

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Generaalka ha la yaabin. Dagaal aan dhaamanin ayuu ku jiraa. Dagaaladi qabiiil wee dhamadeen, lama kala badin.


Caqli maha inaa maanta u doodna maamul sare oo Somali dhan ka wada shaqeyso, dhinaca kalena aanu ogolaano magaalo laba maamul leh. Oo waxa noogu daran hadii lagu daydo. Iminka Beletweyn dhoor maamul ayaa sheeganiya, ka waran yaga oo ku dayda Galkacyo?

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Carafaat, the problem is not the two admins and if today Galkio becomes under one admin nothing will change unless there's complete demobilisation of freelance miltias that roam in and around the city and tackling the root causes of the problem which is scarce resources. But it will become worse in my opinion due to the mistrust between those two communities.


Added to this, is the problem of Alshabab who wants to instigate clan war so as the place becomes lawless in order to become a launchpad for their misguided Jihad against Puntland, Galmudug, Ahlu Sunna wal Jama and even Somaliland.


You said you hate Galkio? I love Galkio is one of the best places to live in Somalia, try it. Besides people who say there are alot of people killed in Galkio have no information about the city. Galkio was peaceful in the last 19 years of Somalia's civil war, except few skirmishes that happen here and there compared to Mogadishu, Kismayo and Beletweyne. It was only in the last 2 years there has been ocassional killings and disruptions.

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Carafaat;784458 wrote:
Gooni, that is exactly my point. Ridiculous that murderers can just escape to the other area without prosecution. Magalo kasta dagaal wu ka dhacay, oo macaa qaar baa dadku ka wada qaxeen. Xalku maanta maha 2 ama 3 maamul oo bilaa awood ah.


Peace Action, check the thread on Western Puntland State.

Waxaan ila tahay inay xaqiiq tahay in dadka degaanku wada shaqeeyaan in loo baahan yahay si ay dhibaata kasta oo soo wejahda ay isku meel uga soo wada jeestaan. Is-eedayn iyo annagaa kuwaas ka fiican meesha waa laga arkaa qolaba u haysato kuwa kale inay ka wanaagsan yihiin, kana xaq badan yihiin haba la kala darnaadee. Cid ka fadli badan cid kale ma leh, xitaa dadka degaanka u soo guurey oo ka yimid degaanno kale oo Soomaali ah xuquuq waa inay ku yeeshaan meesha haddii kale magaalo ma ahaanayso!

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Samafal;784506 wrote:
Carafaat, the problem is not the two admins and if today Galkio becomes under one admin nothing will change unless there's complete demobilisation of freelance miltias that roam in and around the city and tackling the root causes of the problem which is scarce resources. But it will become worse in my opinion due to the mistrust between those two communities.


Added to this, is the problem of Alshabab who wants to instigate clan war so as the place becomes lawless in order to become a launchpad for their misguided Jihad against Puntland, Galmudug, Ahlu Sunna wal Jama and even Somaliland.


You said you hate Galkio? I love Galkio is one of the best places to live in Somalia, try it. Besides people who say there are alot of people killed in Galkio have no information about the city. Galkio was peaceful in the last 19 years of Somalia's civil war, except few skirmishes that happen here and there compared to Mogadishu, Kismayo and Beletweyne. It was only in the last 2 years there has been ocassional killings and disruptions.

Samafal, you are justifying the current status quo of separate admins in One City with the argument, that it will create mistrust to create one admin. Sxb, the intention of creating one admin is to cooperate, to build trust and to unite on a common goal. Therefor your argument is invalid.

Little Resources? There is more trade going on in Gallkacyo then most other cities, that can't be an argument not to unite.


Abwaan, I agree.

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Gaal kacyo waa magaalo somaaliyoo dhan laga helo labo maamulna kama jiree ilaa shan maamul baa ka jira sadex curdan ah iyo labo uniform xiran

Dagaal lama jecli bugcad soomaaliya ka mida hadaan heli karo,waa meel u baahan wax ka qabad dhab ah siday hadda ku socotana si maahan


Qoraxda sacab laguma qarin karo nin labisan dharka ciidank ayaa nabadoon toogtay lamana hayo iyo dhakhtar naag dhalaysaa u jiifto ayaa saaka xafiiskiisa lagu toogtay labada maamulna waxay isu qaban qaabinayaan shirka ka dhacaya london

Adeer waxaas maamul laguma sheego waxaa la yiraahdaa laandheere.

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Somalina;784839 wrote:
Carafaat, Abwaan wuxuu yiri iyo Jeneraalka wuxuu yiri waa isku mid ogoow. Mise Soomaali ayaad ku fahantaa warka?...


Somalina, dee anigu af somali ayaan u qaatay inu leeyahay hal maamul oo dadku u siman yihiin ha la sameeyo. Mise Af-mudugian ayuu wax igu hoos dhigay?

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Carafaat;784789 wrote:
Samafal, you are justifying the current status quo of separate admins in One City with the argument, that it will create mistrust to create one admin. Sxb, the intention of creating one admin is to cooperate, to build trust and to unite on a common goal. Therefor your argument is invalid.

Little Resources? There is more trade going on in Gallkacyo then most other cities, that can't be an argument not to unite.


Abwaan, I agree.

I'm not justifying anything sxb, I'm just telling you facts. I would love to see Galkio that is not divided on clan lines but that's against the reality on the ground. What i'm saying to you is due to the the reality on the ground and lack of disarmament of freelance miltias on both sides is a barrier to a peaceful co-existence of the two communities and having one admin can not bring the solution without facing the root causes of the problem. The problem is every time the two admins and elders agree on anything, there comes unruly miltias that provoke the other side and causes mayhem and mistrust.


Galkio needs a period whereby the two admins there restrict and disarm their militias and become the sole rulers of their own areas, free from gangs and armed clansmen. Only then they can talk about having one working adminstration.

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