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Why isnt Puntland fighting Al Shabaab?

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Somalia is involved in a deadly battle against Al Shabaab. Somali's are fighting Al Shabaab in all corners of Somalia.


The Gedo folks are fighting Al Shabaab and drove them out from most districts, in the Jubba's Azanians are fighting a leatle battle alongside Kenya, Muqdishu folks are marching towards Jowhar, ASWJ has been fighting al Shabaab for years now, even the Minister of Defense (who is from Somaliland) is in the frontline of the battle right now in Gedo.


Now the questions is, why isnt Puntland taking part in the struggle for Somalia's liberation? And why isn't Puntland fighting Al Shabaab? Puntlanders are holding the PM seat, get a lot of support and funding from TFG, even the TFG's Police and Marine training centre are based in Puntland and still they are not involved in the fighting, not sending their sons to the battlefield, not taking part in the struggle to liberate Al Shabaab from Somalia for once and all?

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Gheelle, I seem to have touched a sensitive issue as you are reacting so emotional.


But still its a legitime questions. Can you give an answer?


A_Khadar, Somaliland doesnt consider itself to be part of Somalia. But Puntland does, it even holds the PM seat and Puntland even gets a lio share of the TFG's resources.

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Your obsession with all that is PL is noted. You don't bring any legitimate discussion on board awoowe. All you do is open a thread with rhetorical nonsense about PL. Bring something tangible to discuss about or at least be honest of your motives. Do not hide behind "why they" and Not them nonsense.

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Carafaat;755619 wrote:
Gheelle, I seem to have touched a sensitive issue as you are reacting so emotional.


But still its a legitime questions. Can you give an answer?


A_Khadar, Somaliland doesnt consider itself to be part of Somalia. But Puntland does, it even holds the PM seat and Puntland even gets a lio share of the TFG's resources.

Yet the Defense Minister is from s/l how rediculous is that.. Make no sense..

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hahaha, ive never seen somebody get hated on so much for starting a thread. I think the answer to you question is,

they simply don't have the resources.

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Omar12, that could be legitime reason only if it were true. But Puntland has earned hundred of millions on Piracy money and hostage money. And the Puntland authorities earned money on contract with foreign companies for fisheries rights in Somali waters and oil exploration.

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The defence minister is not in the frontlines saxib.He went to kampala with sheikh shariff.Why go to the frontlines when he can fly to world capitals free of charge.

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Wasiirka gaashaandhiga dowlada KMG Soomaaliya iyo wefdi uu horkacayo ayaa ku wajahan gobolada Jubbooyinka

Raisalwasaare xigaha ahna wasiirka difaaca dowlada KMG Soomaaliya Xuseen Carab Ciise iyo wefdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa kusii jeedo gobolada Jubbooyinka gaar ahaan deegaanadii dhawaantan lagala wareegay Xarakada Alshabaab.


Wasiirka gaashaandhiga ayaa socdaalkiisa waxaa ku weheliyo saraakiil ciidan oo uu kamid yahay taliyaha ciidamada khalabka sida ee Soomaaliyeed Jeneraal C/qaadir Sheekh Cali Diini, wefdiga uu wasiirku horkacayo ayaa waxa ay booqan doonaan deegaano ay kamid yihiin Taabta, Qooqaani, Buurhowdle iyo deegaano u dhow magaalada Afmadow oo ay ku suganyihiin ciidamada dowlada KMG Soomaaliya, kuwa Kenya iyo weliba ciidamada Raaskambooni oo is garabsanaya.


Raisalwasaare kuxigeenka ahna wasiirka gaashaandhiga dowlada KMG Soomaaliaya iyo wefdiga la socda ayaa waxa ay qayb ka ahaayeen wefdi ballaaran oo uu hogaaminayay raisalwasaaraha xukuumada KMG Dr. C/weki Maxamed oo dhawaantan safar ugu amba baxay dalka Kenya heshiisna kulasoo saxiixday magaalada Nairobi dowlada Kenya.


Booqashada wasiirka gaashaandhiga Soomaaliya ayaa u muuqato mid ay dowlada KMG ku muujineyso inay ayada hormuud u tahay dagaalada Jubbooyinka ka socdo balse waxaa la ogsoonyahay in dowlada Kenya ay ciidamo badan oo ku hubeysan diyaaradaha dagaalka iyo gaadiidka milatariga soo gelisay deegaanada gobolada Jubbooyinka iyo weliba deegaano katisan gobolka Gedo oo ku dherersan xuduuda labada dal.

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It's true the garowe Clan enclave has done little in the fight against Alshabaab or other Militants in the south. The Garowe Clan enclave has done more damage to the TFG than success the Majority of the Politicians in the Garowe Clan enclave just see the TFG as a legal political institution they can use for their own political gains it's just an opportunity they don't want to let go.The Moment the TFG goes against the interest of the Garowe Clan enclave they will drop all support for the TFG just like faroole did previously.


Other than Fighting Local Maakhirian clans in the galgala region whom they accused they had links with Alqaeda and Alshabaab.No fighting occurred against alshabaab other than saying they are with sharif and the TFG in hearts and mind but than again the Puntlanders are known for not fighting their own battles let alone fighting another Mans Battle. They let others fight their battle's The Ethiopians saracen and now faroole is inviting in Amisom so that they can secure the Galkacyo region for him.

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^^ Of course Puntlanders aren't known for fighting, we call that being civilised, something we are willing to export at a cheap price adjusted to inflation.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;755646 wrote:
It's true the garowe Clan enclave has done little in the fight against Alshabaab or other Militants in the south. The Garowe Clan enclave has done more damage to the TFG than success the Majority of the Politicians in the Garowe Clan enclave just see the TFG as a legal political institution they can use for their own political gains it's just an opportunity they don't want to let go.The Moment the TFG goes against the interest of the Garowe Clan enclave they will drop all support for the TFG just like faroole did previously.


Other than Fighting Local Maakhirian clans in the galgala region whom they accused they had links with Alqaeda and Alshabaab.No fighting occurred against alshabaab other than saying they are with sharif and the TFG in hearts and mind but than again the Puntlanders are known for not fighting their own battles let alone fighting another Mans Battle. They let others fight their battle's The Ethiopians saracen and now faroole is inviting in Amisom so that they can secure the Galkacyo region for him.


Xaaji, you have point there. Therefor its not logic for the TFG to let it be dictated by Puntland or a Prime MInister from Puntland leading the Goverment, who doesnt care about whats is going on and leaves the country for the Hajj at the most crucial moment of Somalia.

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