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Somalis Announce Their Christianity

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*Blessed;741544 wrote:
"Islamification of !Britain".



Also checkout faith

Is 5,000 a year really that big a number? It would take 200 years for the number of conversions to reach a million. By the way, that asterisk on your username, does it mean you are a moderator? If so, could you please check why my posts aren't appearing on this thread? I got a message that said my posts will appear when a moderator approves, but they never appeared. Thanks in advance.

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Raamsade way ugu baxdaa sheekooyinka isqab qabsiga diinta.


Like the spent-skin of a giant amazonian anaconda, the old Raamasade gave way to the new Garnaqsi. Happy second birth!


Waxan ha inagu daalina. Qofkasta wuxuu rabo ha noqdo, laakin muran bilaa macni ah maxaa laga faa'iidi.


And what I don't like people like Raamsade, a.k.a Garnaqsi is they have a mission of vilifying one faith just because they don't subscribe to it. They are intolerant lot who curiously preach tolerance.

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Abtigiis loool waraa adiga horta wiligaa dagaal lee maa ku jiree? soobax Brazil national team aan ka sheekeysanee now since ee soo cesheen sxbkee Dinho loool TVna waa soo gatay waa la iisheegay oo Colour eh mise NORF warkiisa waa been lool....


lakum diinakum waliya diin baa la dhahay saaxiib... Somalida haduu laga roone ku jiro, maxaa ugu diidee gaal? lool


Abti baashaal yaaqee ee umadkaste soo dhawee hadii eesan dhib kuukeeneynin nooh...





Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Saaxiib, warkii waad dhameeysay. Somali cid walba way yeelanaysaa, Qofkii diida iyo kii ku farxa micno weyn ma samaynayaan.


War waan kuu xiisay Tuujiska. Brazil is weak now adays and calling a fat Ronaldinho is not going to solve anything. Aqoontaada football weynu ognahay oo waa waxaad ku tidhi John Mickael Obi ayaa best holding midfield ah. kkkkkkkkkk.


Anyway, baryahan aroos baan ahaa, xitaa hambalyo Universal Tv ahna waad igala bakhayshay. Ma saa ayaan saaxiib ku aheyn?

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^^^ Maya Maya!!! saaxiib dad tabar yar aan ka dhashay koow dheh, waa kutuugaa "gogol" shaan la sheego oo dadkiina banaanka sameeyaan ha iidhigan!! anag lacag kuus eh hadee meesha timaado goosmo aan shaqo ku leenahay....


Mabrook yaaqee! qofta yariis miyaa? baliil miyaa? Iqari,idad miyaa? farshaxan mid lagu qoray miyaa? warka isii abaa!!

Mise midoo aad TV kolor la'aan aad ka fiirsatay oo laguu soo xawilay waaye?


Sxb hadaan soo diraa hadiyadeeda luuqa lee iigu soo baaq nooh!! Norf camal dahabshiil wax masoo dhigo, accounts aan shaqo ku leeyahay.....


caadi waaye sxb baryahaan laacibiinta aduunka dhan waa cuslaadeen nuune xitaa waa u jeedaa uus uu la baxay!....




Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Abtigiis;741616 wrote:
And what I don't like people like Raamsade, a.k.a Garnaqsi is they have a mission of vilifying one faith just because they don't subscribe to it. They are intolerant lot who curiously preach tolerance.

I suggest you refrain from making mindless accusations.

I'm not vilifying any religion. I don't understand how anyone could reasonably conclude this from what I've written.

I'm not Raamsade - nor do I, in fact, happen to know anyone by that name. Feel free not to believe me, of course.

I'm in no way preaching intolerance. Could you quote the statement which you feel was preaching such a thing?

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1) You are insensitive to the feelings of forum members who are muslims and in the month of Ramadan. By saying things offensive to them, you are intentionally trying to provoke them. This is not vilification as I said before, but you are harrassing them.


2) Ok, I don't have to believe otherwise. You are not Ramsade. You are his son. I had my doubts, you look a little bit amteurish. It is the age, but you have your father's intellect.


3) You are intolerant not because of what you said here. But I can see living with the claims of religions is bothering you.


4) I have said what I thought of your views. I didn't throw mindless accusations.

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1) You are insensitive to the feelings of forum members who are muslims and in the month of Ramadan. By saying things offensive to them, you are intentionally trying to provoke them. This is not vilification as I said before, but you are harrassing them.

I don't think my skepticism towards claims to be the fastest-growing religion should really offend anyone. If you're referring to my insistence on the supplement of evidence for the claim by means of citation of research in which it's shown, then honestly that wasn't meant to be a harassment; it was more of a reaction to the identical demand towards my suggestion that this claim is admittedly popular across all faiths. As for your label of me as the amateurish son of Raamsade, don't patronise me please.

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*Blessed;741681 wrote:
I'm not a mod. There's a contact us button at the end of your page., try that...

Oh, sorry about that. I'll contact them there. Thank you.

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Sincere apologies about the Raamsade, son hogwash. I concede it was nasty. I was trying to bully you in a good way, but it is disrespectful nonetheless.


That said, I don't think your first comment about why more of what this thread is about should happen is music to the ears of the devout muslims. I know it will offend many. But again, you made your point and I can't fault you for doing that. I, however, object to any lengthy debate over matters of faith. I haven't seen people conceding ground and agreeing even after gruelling debates. I therefore think it is an exercise in futility.


I am sure you know this.

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Abtigiis, awoowe Ramadan Karim. Guurka aad sheegaysid iyo arooska waan kuugu duceeyey.


Ninyahow waa dhaweyd oon Nairobi Sophist ugu tegay, ninkii Hindiga u ekaa ee nasoo ag fariistay maaduu ahaa?

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Garnaqsi;741675 wrote:
I don't think my skepticism towards claims to be the fastest-growing religion should really offend anyone. If you're referring to my insistence on the supplement of evidence for the claim by means of citation of research in which it's shown, then honestly that wasn't meant to be a harassment; it was more of a reaction to the identical demand towards my suggestion that this claim is admittedly popular across all faiths. As for your label of me as the amateurish son of Raamsade, don't patronise me please.

You've the right to be a skeptic in regards to the claim I made. And I've no any objection to that.

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There's no complusion in religion but its a great shame that ppl would leave the worship of their creator and worship a human being.

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