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Dalbaadaga Awdal State of Somalia, Ottawa Canada.

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Halkudhaga Xaflada Awdal State ee Ottawa: Awdal State Huunoy Wa Ayo??? Awdal State Huunoy waa inaga ...


May 20 - (alnuur) - Huunoy salaamu calaykum dhamaantiin. Waa caawa iyo xafladii Awdal State ee Ottawa. Wax walba hortii aan idiin sheego halkudhaga caawa iyo xaflada oo ah ereyo qaali ah oo lasoo xulay. Waxa uu yahay halkudhaga xaflada lagusoo gali doono laguna dhamayn doono laguna ciyaari doono sidan:


Awdal State Huunoy wa ayo?

Awdal State Huunoy waa inaga...

Marka xiga aan idiinsoo gudbiyo fariin aan ka sido gudida qabanqaabada xaflada Awdal State. Gudida qabanqaabada xaflada Awdal State waxay si huuno-nimo leh usoo dhawaynaysaa dhamaan xubnaha dagan Ottawa iyo hareeraheega ee muujiyay dareenkooda iyo damqashadooda iyo rabitaankooda ee kusoo qulqulaya magaalada Ottawa si ay uga soo qayb galaan xafladan caawa ka dhacaysa Ottawa ee reer Awdal State isku arkayaan een loo kala hadhin. Waxayna leeyihiin waa siday hadalka u dhigeene;


Huunoy tani waa teeniiye soo dhawoow. Cidhifkaaga qabso calankaaga oo isku sawir quruxdiisa. Muuji dareenkaaga oo dhunko calankaaga. Waa keeniiye dhinacaad doonto u jeedi oo rux quruxdiisa. Cadee rabitaankaaga oo diid dhiigmiiradka Hargeysa. Ku dhawaaq damiirkaaga oo walaalkaa/walaashaa ku salaan markaad soo gasho fagaarada caweyska;


Huunoy waa Ilaah mahadiiye, Awdal State huunoy waa inaga.


Xaflada oo albaabadu u furmi doonaan lixda galabnimo ayaa waxa laga codsanayaa ka qaybgalayaasha inay wakhtiga ilaaliyaan. Aniga oo xooga tafaasiil ah kasoo helay siday xafladu u dhici doonto, ayaa waxa I farxad galiyay sida hufan ee loosoo bandhigi doono taariikhda runta ah ee reer Adal ee qarniyada jirtay. Waa mid aan ka mabsuuday sida la iskugu duba riday ciyaaraha dabaaldaga, Gabayada, iyo buraanburka. Waxaan aad uga mabsuudey majaajilo loogu talagalay in lagu muujiyo mustaqbalka reer Adal dhankay ku haboontahay in loo jeediyo.


Waxaad moodaa in xooga la saaray sidii loo muujin lahaa ciyaaraha dhaqanka ee reer Adal tii oo ay ciyaari doonaan ciyaar yaqaanadii ku korey ciyaarta. Kuweena inta yar ka taqaana waa u fasax iney ku dhacaan oon dhididka iska tirno. Dabcan caruurteena xiiseysa dhaqankeena gamcahaan qabsan doonaa oon ciyaarta kuwada dhici doonaa. Han idiin sheego intaanan ka gudbin ereyada aansoo maqley ee ciyaartii dumarkeenu caamka ku ahaayeen oo caawa aan ka maqli doono caweyska;


Somaliland Huunoy wa ayo?

Somaliland Huunoy waa iyaga.


Awdal State Huunoy wa ayo?

Awdal State Huunoy waa inaga.


Maashaa Allaa, Ideeq Hadalkuye, Huunoy iigu celi.

Awdal Sate Huunoy waa inaga.


Maashaa Allaa, Huunoy iigu celi.

Huunoy waa inaga.

Huunoy waa inaga.

Huunoy waa inaga.Waa intaan kasoo maqley ee sii ogow si aad ula heesto dumarkeena.


Xaga Sayliciga, xoogaa yadana aan idiin sheego;


Sargaalkii SNM-tow, Sayid Siilaanyow Tawakal Calla laa....




Awdal baan dhisanee, Sayid Siilaanyow Tawakal Calla laa...




Ninba waa wixiisee Sayid Siilaanyow Awdal waa waxeygii



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good pics and celebration but it's time to walk the walk, Personaly I wouldn't mind funding a mujahidin group.

We need our own Myrmidons. God bless Awdal State of Somalia.

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G.O.E.T.I.A;721831 wrote:
good pics and celebration but it's time to walk the walk, Personaly I wouldn't mind funding a mujahidin group.

We need our own Myrmidons. God bless Awdal State of Somalia.

yes indeed, good idea

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G.O.E.T.I.A;721831 wrote:
Personaly I wouldn't mind funding a mujahidin group.

We need our own Myrmidons.

loool Somalis really do love war don't they. Every penny you send for someone to be killed you will be held accountable on Qiyamah.

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Soon I will also claim my home town is part of Somalia and start collect funds from the diaspora to fund mujahiids. Now I just need a flag and two elderly looking guys then I'm good to go to my first party.

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*Ibtisam;721840 wrote:
Soon I will also claim my home town is part of Somalia and start collect funds from the diaspora to fund mujahiids. Now I just need a flag and two elderly looking guys then I'm good to go to my first party.

We are not claimning inaabti but we are part of Somalia

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^^ I see I hit a nerve, listen guys, you Somalilanders consider your anti-siad bare Clan militia fighters to be mujahidiins and the godfathers of your (unrecognized?) nation. Why shouldn't we? I will not pay for the killings of human beings but Im willing to draw a line in the sand. This is my part and you won't dictate us.

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OO yaa kugu heesta if you want to fund what you like, I just think it might be better for them and you if you invested in their future development, give them the tools they need to survive in life, rather than fundraiser for gun and violence.


If you look back to my 2005-7 posts I have always advocated for 5mini Somali states, I dont care if one is called Awadl or SSC. But these western based parties and war drum beating is a shame.

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I have two questions for the so called Awdal State supporters, some please help to answer them.


1. Adwal is in the far end of west of somaliland, it next Djubuti and in the west and on its easter side is Somaliland area where the" I" clan are the majority. So how can Adwal connect with the rest of somalia if a huge area of land between them is Pro-Somaliland. In the case of SSC the are closer to somalia distance wise and Puntland but not for Adwal. So will the Adwal group that support a state on their own build a big bridge over somaliland to Somalia proper or will they have to pay few or charges for crossing.


2. Second point is that unlike SSC the clan elder support Somaliland, the bussiness community supports somaliland, political leaders of Adwal support Somaliland, People of Adwal of inter married with people in Hargisa and so forth, 20 years of development of peace as come to this area how is reconnecting with Somalia which currently disfunctional inter fighting with each other good for Adwal. Is it not supporters of Somalia mocked former president from your region as killer and murder. How in a TFG forumla will your people be represented will you allow your people to be the .5 forumula. Dont forget they are througing many other clans under the *** clan who claim they are not ***.


In clossing while some people may have issue with how the current government is spreading power among the clans, the current government is aware and will be dealing with the issue, development projects are happening in Adwal and people in the West that are screaming of a state of their own will see in the long runn it would not be wise for their people. I doubt Ethiopia would want to see issue spreading to Somaliland, with the already issue of SSC and people seriously do you think the TFG will support it, lol they are trying their best to keep Somaliland within Somalia anything that can further push somalilanders in wanting out they will.


In closing i am a die hard somalilander, if Adwal wants to go then go is my stance our three cities that you lot always claim and population in them is eough for somaliland to survice. We have a port, areas that can grow food, a growing bussiness sector with live stock, oil off berbera, natural gas. So i have the question for you lots areas that fully support Somaliland will you lots say somaliland should be free or will you still say Somaliland is part of Somalia. Answer me this please.

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Mashallah wishing them success. Alle hala qabto..


listen guys, you Somalilanders consider your anti-siad bare Clan militia fighters to be mujahidiins and the godfathers of your (unrecognized?) nation. Why shouldn't we? I will not pay for the killings of human beings but Im willing to draw a line in the sand. This is my part and you won't dictate us.

Well put. It is funny how some people are double standard.



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