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Photographer's girlfriend pays loving tribute to her 'Timinator'

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^ I am talking to everyone in Sol..not just the individuals in this thread! just reminding them that this is an online forum at the end of the day with no names or faces attached to anyone...not something that should make us angry!..even in real life if someone called you names you should try to ignore it....sababto ah af caytamay ninkisa ku yaala! it only degrades that individual who said it!..I have myself disagreed with ppl over the years in Sol..and at times some ppl degraded themselves to calling me names..I just let it go sababto ah words that are typed on a forum cant hurt me in no way and im talking abt ppl who said names to me not people who made a comment of girls in general...! so ppl should just try to do that...nothing else to it!


habeen wacan o wanagsan ppl

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The Zack   

:D :D@ half aggah.


LOL@Bob teaching Che af Somaliga. Actually I am quite impressed with Che's Somali, MMA's lessons in Eastleigh must be helping :) Kidding I am.


Bob, Kafeegga Starbucks waa Waarikow on steroids. Qaxwadii ma xasuusataa marka qof laga shidayo mingiska loo karin jiray ee timirta iyo bac bac lagu ruugi jira?, Alaabtii weeye awoowgii la jannee. Dhinaca kale, gabadhan aad tilmaantay waa nooca aan raadin jiray laakiin inaan safar dheer u galo dhulkii hooyo mooyee (BTW I didn't know that GEEL arrived Bilis Qooqaani yet, lo' baan ku ogaa uun) si kale lagu waa' marka girlfriend-ta (Idil) inaan raadiyo dee halla yaabin. Midda kale at the end of the day, bilcaantu waa single haddee eegga.


DISCLAIMER: My version of "girlfriend" is , in no way, shape, or form , not equal to a wife with not marriage sida gaalada oo kale :eek:


P.s. Aaliyah made some valid points.

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After 14 pages what have we concluded ? Gaal ha raacdo ama Jinni ha raacdo what is 15 for us, really ?


Ninku wuu dhintay, ayadana kheyr baan u rajeynaynaa. BTW, his Oscar-nominated documentary is a must see!

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Zack, as usual Aliyah made attractive points and fell asleep. But I tell ya we need il madow shidan sida malina oon dhayal u seexan. *You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Aaliyyah again. *

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Kibir badana Somalina, She wants to force us to accept her version of things.

First of all I don't care what you think, I am not gonna come here and say I support some dumb xalimo who's is the Girl friend of Nin Gaal, why should I support her? just because of Somalinimo? We have a culture and dhaqan, If you don't like it too bad.


Clearly this is the affect of living in the west, we have people like Chimera and Co, advocating for gaalracnimo, khaanisnimo, atheism , etc. So I am not surprised at all.

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^Maxaa Akhas ah ? Would it be better if I told you she was of Somaliland ?



Let the woman be, please.

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^I've noticed the more you tell'em to leave her alone the more they continue to pick at her. Dadkan wa laga aamusa.


Damn this thread went down the hill really fast. Throwing around personal jabs left and right. How old are we now?

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Afternoon, afternoon, mi'comrades... how do you do....


Valenteenah.;715169 wrote:
That word, 'naag', shouldn't be coming from a man. Waanu ku jidhidhicoonaa. It's like a white person saying 'nigger'. Somalina's first instinct was right on the mark - after I saw your first couple of posts, I too was ready to break the legs from my chair and come at you all ninja-like, Paragon. Laakiin after that sheekadu wey xad-gudubtey oo unpleasant bey noqotey.


Respect begets respect my maryooley friends. Let's not forget ourselves and give in to silliness.


PS: Paragon, welcome back.

Hey, look who's here? Val, weli ma nooshahay horta? Maalin dhexdaas ah waxaa daawaday universal tv oo cisbitaal german ah laga xayaysiinayo, too yaroo adiga aan laga garaynaynin ayaan ku arkay...waxaan is iri taloow dadkii cyberka sol miyaa universal ku idlaadaye.... horta ma aduu ahaa mise waa naag kale? :D


Soo dhowaynta waad ku mahadsan tahay, val. Adigu laakiin naag ma tihidee la soco, inan baa tahay mise madaama aad xaas noqotay, ooryo ayaad jeceshahay mise marwo? Waraso iyada ka waran?


Bob, Che iyo The zack iyo akhyaarta kale waan idin salaamay. Nimanyahow meeshan indhahay isku haysataa ...maxaa la isku kulaaxayaa waanba garan la'ahayba. Ciddii xanaaqdo hadday cirka tiir inaga hayso ha soo dayso, qoraxduna dhulka baf ha ku tiraahdo. :D


Note about the term 'naag': its a beautiful somali word that cannot, nay, shall not be, exempted from use in daily Somali lingo. I have always used and shall continue to do so regardless of who or what boils into an inferno. As Sangub said, istubidh hadday caay tahay maxaa ingriisiga loogu daray?


Naag iyo naayaa haddii laga raran-gubyoonayo dee waa daniyo yeelkood... Isduuduub iyo afkuus iyo gafuurtaag toona kama shaqeeyaan halka. Haddaad iska ooyaysaan kolkii la hadlaba malaha guryaha hooyadiin muqabiyo ku ahaada... halkan waa madal af adad iyo af debacsanba loogu imanayo...without breaking the rules.


Remember...We've been using SOL since 2001 and we know what is allowed and what isnt. Marka, salka dhulka dhiga, yaa jaamacah! :D


PS: Naag gaal raacday dugaag raacday!

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salaam aleykum all. xoogaa waan maqnaa, being busy with the future daughters/warrior of naag-diid-brigade.


Koleyba juxa oo nabad doon ah waa aakhiro zamaan but then again here it goes


Paragon and Somalina, walaalayaalow hala iscafiyo and i say that also on behalf of BOB, who was so upset jiirkaan waarikoow ah meel la fariistay.


Idil is a shaqsi, diinteeda qofkeen wax ka og malahan baan filayaa, as such our religion dictates we should not presume and jump into conclusion.


Restraint my friends restraint of afka iyo adinkaba!

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Oo kaalay why is this place so touchy touchy. What happened to SOL since i've been away?


Meesha yaa is haysta oo yaa la kala celinayaa? Ma kaftankaygaa la dhabaystay? War illeen inagaa wax aragnay? Illaa xalay waxaaba ii muuqmuuqda nobadoono iyo maslaxa doon aanan ogayn maxkamada soo wakiilatay... lol.


Waa maxay xasaasiyada meesha taal ee aan anigu dareemi la'ahay? Waa iga daacad!

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