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Trend:New Female (Somali) Singers - Are they flops or fantastic?

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Good lord our women are beautiful...this lady is gorgeous and a good singer..... the dude yellow shirt blinded me....


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as for the new comers, seriously they all sound alike and aside one or two songs from mrs foot iyo fiska, I would find it difficult to listen to any of these. This is between fiska and foot for me.

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^my sentiments exactly.


SHAMSO MOHAMED FOOT, while being a talent in her own right, has the added advantage afforded to late bloomers. (as the saying goes: better late than never)


I think most of us remember SHAMSO FOOT from the "QEYLODHAAN" track with jooqle and Co. but did the track burst her to the scene or did she pay her dues long before that memorable track? What's her story?


Paragon, I can't say I'm as well versed as you about the Somali Music scene but I appreciate your honesty about the habro, I feel the same way about odayaasha like Samatar, they give bad name to all musicians.(I never understood why pple like him, he sounds horrible, although I admit I cant understand what he is saying and he looks horrible)

I had no use for Somali singers, male or female alike until King Khalid aka the hit maker burst to the scene with his angelic voice and sang Najmaaay. I felt like he was singing to me, I didnt know what he was saying but I felt like he was speaking to me. King Khalid had me at hello and at that moment, a fan of Somali music was born.


King Khalid had the looks a.jpg, the voice. Thus, a generation of groupies were born, lol.


Seriously, my infatuation with King Khalid's voice let me to discover Somali Music and ofcourse it let me to l.jpg

I enjoy listening to Abdi Holland, terrible name but he is easy on the eyes, lol.

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S. M. Foot is simply delicious. And that's a compliment. :D


Layzie, lol @ infactuation, King Khaalid beribuu na qabsaday... with 'nin jacayl hayaa ma hargalee' line. He's had more luck than the original Canfari singer of Nagmaay. I actually happen to have a Kaban/qaraami version of the song with Khaalid doing a duet with the original singer... It's something to listen to if one wants to know its original singing, beautiful. Abdi holland is a good singer actually, I've briefly seen him sing live and he the voice needed to hold up a tune.


Now let me introduce you to just about the first Somali Techno song by Aar Maanta lol. It's called: Ani waa go'doomay' haha



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^ Urg. Give me slow qaraami anytime.


I don't know most of these new ladies, I'm hearing their music here for the first time. From the list I like Hodan Ali's voice the most, but who nicknamed her 'Magool'? I mean, she's good but she's a long way off from the original Magool (AUN).

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Suaal ma xumee horta and it's off topic. How do these artists make their money?There are no copy rights ( or Somalis dont follow even if there is one) as we all know, and I hardly see any original records sold on Somali malls. So do they just sing for the sake of it or they are in it for the money?


Inta Paragon soo dhejiyay waxaan ka maqlay Nimco Dareen and Kabayare, and they r aight...

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