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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland troops clash with pirate forces in eastern sool.

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Thankful;700084 wrote:
So you actually believe that the rebels aren't in Puntland and were not involved with the skirmish with your militia? Come on, for the rebels to get to Puntland they need to cross Sool or go through Ethiopia.


But if you want to believe that the rebels are just staying in Cayn, without Crossing through Sool, than fine.

The rebels get arrested most of the time in Puntland so i dont see the link

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XX arresting civilians will not get you recognition, it will only alienate people of SSC more, and the last few days your so called SL supporters could not hide their real motive by calling people of Sool hanmbadi afwayne and F3qash., and believe me SL militia will leave LA soon, your so called president started clan war and because of that people in these regions are more united today than ever. It seems both you and him underestimated daraawshiista.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;700087 wrote:
The rebels get arrested most of the time in Puntland so i dont see the link

Ok, fair enough. Your government and ministers are liars then! Because they have implicated Puntland for these attacks numerous times. So if as you say the rebels and Puntland are not linked you should notify your regional government to stop making things up!

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Can anyone define the word "Rebel" ? From the dictionary, I found this definition:

"opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler" By this difintion, neither s/l nor ssc falling into this difintion. S/L isn't government or ruler, and ssc isn't opposing to an existing ruler/gov. So, Adeer XXudhuf stop misusing the words/terms. The scenerio here is one somali clan is against another clan for invading their land as it happened many parts of Somalia like General Caydiid time when he occupied Baydhabo. So tell me if that can be called as RR was rebel group against Caydiid's gov..

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Thankful Somaliland fights the rebels on one front in the buhoodle district and we fight the pirate state and their troops in eastern sool and we will continue that war till we clean the outsiders from our territory.


Bilan walaal the civilians of laascanood and sool are our people no one will harm them and they have the same rights as every other citizen in Somaliland they are allowed to demonstrate in their Towns and cities. Bilan president Siilaanyo did not start a clan war he was only fighting the nabadiids in the buhoodle district.

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A_Khadar you're right, they are not rebels, thanks for informing us!!


Xaaji, please, your government has specifically blamed Puntland for what the SSC freedom fighters have done. Your regional government has blamed Puntland for assisting them!

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War yarka Xaaji ha la ii daayo. Horaa loo yiri ilaa wan weyn la gawraco indhihiisu cirka ma arkaan. PL bay Xaaji kaga dhigtay, habar dhali weyday aleelo ku waalatay.... D block inuu dhinto oo dhulkiisa xoraysto diyaar buu u yahay intaa ka dibna derisnimo wanaag idinkula noolaado balse hadda xabad uun baa inaga dhexaysa.

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Xukuumada Somaliland Oo Sheegtay Inay Puntland Ka Qabteen 7 Maxbuus Iyo Tikniko

March 7th, 2011


Hargeysa(Somaliland.Org)- Wasiirka Wasaarada Warfaafinta iyo wacyi gelinta Somaliland Md. Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade ayaa caawa ka hadlay dagaalka maanta ka dhacay deegaanka gabadha 0 30km dhinaca bari ka xigta magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool, waxaanu maamul goboleedka Puntland ku eedeeyay masuuliyada dagaalkaasi.


Md. Xaabsade wuxuu sheegay in ay ciidamada qaranku ay jawaabtii ku haboonayd ka bixiyeen dagaalkaasi waxaanu ku dooday inay ka adkaadeen maleeshiyadii maamul goboleedka Puntland.


“Waxaan beesha caalamka u sheegaynaa in Puntland ay leedahay masuuliyada dagaalka ka dhacay gabadha oo ay soo weerareen ciidamada qaranka ee Somaliland. Dagaalkani wuxuu ka dambeeyay hadalkii ka soo yeedhayay maalmahanba Madaxweynaha maamul goboleedkaasi oo sheegayay inay weerarayaan Somaliland,”ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Warfaafintu, waxaanu intaasi ku daray “Waxa hanjabaada Puntland u dambeeyay hadalkii maanta uu BBC-da ka sheegay wasiirkii warfaafinta oo yidhi waanu difaacaynaa oo Somaliland ayaanu ka celinaynaa dadka reer Laascaanood. Waxaanu caalamka u sheegaynaa in weerarkii ay sheegi jireen ay maanta soo qaadeen.”


Wasiirka oo u waramayay BBC-du wuxuu sheegay inay Puntland ka qabteen 7 maxbuus iyo laba baabuur oo tikniko ah.

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Laascaanood,(Lasanod Online)- Taliyihii Sirdoonka Gobolka Sool, Asad Maxamed ayaa goor dhowayd lagu dilay bartamaha magaalada laascaanood, iyadoo kooxo..


hubaysani ay weerar ku qaaday taliyaha oo uu ku sugnaa goob makhaayayad lagu caweeyo.

Rasaas xoogan ayaa goobta ka dhacday, waxaana markii dambe soo gaadhay ciidamo tira badan oo ka tirsan booliiska, waxaana halkaas laga maqlayay rasaas xoogan oo la isweydaarsanayay.

Waxaa isna goobtaas lagu dhaawacay taliye ku xigeenka sirdoonka gobolka sool iyo qof haweenay ah oo ka agdhawayd goobtii lagu weeray saraakiishan maamulka Somaliland.

Kala socda LASANOD ONLINE, wixii wara ee kasoo kordha dilkan.

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Jacaylbaro;700152 wrote:
Marka la eryaday yidhaahdaan anaga may ahayn ,,,,,,,,,


Interesting that Garowe Online is on a news blackout about the incident. Kind of gives you a hint on which way the skirmishes between the two ended up. It's Deja Vu all over again...

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Taleexi;700111 wrote:
War yarka Xaaji ha la ii daayo. Horaa loo yiri
ilaa wan weyn la gawraco indhihiisu cirka ma arkaan
. PL bay Xaaji kaga dhigtay, habar dhali weyday aleelo ku waalatay.... D block inuu dhinto oo dhulkiisa xoraysto diyaar buu u yahay intaa ka dibna derisnimo wanaag idinkula noolaado balse hadda xabad uun baa inaga dhexaysa.

Lol. Mujaahid, daris wanaagu yey dani ugu jirtaa? Waa su'aal xambaarsan in ka badan kun su'aalood oo kale.

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Thankful;700102 wrote:
A_Khadar you're right, they are not rebels, thanks for informing us!!


Xaaji, please, your government has specifically blamed Puntland for what the SSC freedom fighters have done. Your regional government has blamed Puntland for assisting them!

You dont' want to be associated with the "ssc-freedom fighters"? That's actually good PR stuff for puntland if you ask me..I don't know what the big fuss is about.

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Mintid Farayar;700160 wrote:

Interesting that Garowe Online is on a news blackout about the incident. Kind of gives you a hint on which way the skirmishes between the two ended up. It's Deja Vu all over again...

Oh please, Garoweonline is run by President Faroole's son, and ever since their father became president the site is rarely updated timely.


I am thinking that this fight was a result of flip-flopper Haabsade's threat of taking the battle to Garoowe and Bosasso.


With that being said, the NW and NE of Somalia is the most peaceful, hopefully the secessionists from Hargeysa, Burco, Bebera will cease their hostilities and realize that any skirmishes and violence will only give concrete evidence that breaking up Somalia will cause instability as it is now!

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