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SSC Rebels Attack Somaliland Military Base at Kalshaale

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Eight killed in disputed Somali village



Fighting broke out Monday in a village on the disputed border between Somalia's northern breakaway states of Puntland and Somaliland, killing eight, officials and witnesses said.


According to the Somaliland defence ministry, clan militias from Puntland attacked a Somaliland army base in Kalshale village.


"It is a pity that the clan militias from Buhodle district broke their promise to end the conflict in the region," Somaliland defence minister Ahmed Ali Adami told reporters in the regional capital Hargeysa.


"They attacked the Somaliland armed forces in Kalshale village but the army responded and inflicted casualties on the enemy. We cannot provide further details on casualties at this time," he said.


An elder in the Buhodle district, which lies on the southern end of the disputed border and near Ethiopia, said that the attackers had lost five of their men in the operation.


"We are getting information that the armed militants lost five combatants in the fighting while witnesses sid three Somaliland soldiers also died in the battle," Mohamed Jibril told AFP by phone.


He said the fighting lasted several hours and that tension remained high in the entire area.


"The toll can rise but so far residents are reporting eight killed in the clashes and 18 others injured, including civilians," said Mustafa Idris, another local elder.


"The Somaliland forces currently control the village," he said.


The Somaliland authorities have repeatedly accused the administration in neighbouring Puntland of being behind clan violence in the disputed area.


Puntland declared itself autonomous in 1998 but long retained close ties to the central administration in Mogadishu while Somaliland, which broke away soon after Somalia began its descent into chaos in 1991, is more peaceful than the rest of the country and is seeking international recognition.

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"It is a pity that the clan militias from Buhodle district broke their promise to end the conflict in the region," Somaliland defence minister Ahmed Ali Adami told reporters in the regional capital Hargeysa.


"They attacked the Somaliland armed forces in Kalshale village but the army responded and inflicted casualties on the enemy. We cannot provide further details on casualties at this time," he said.


An elder in the Buhodle district, which lies on the southern end of the disputed border and near Ethiopia, said that the attackers had lost five of their men in the operation.

What a professional sounding "defence minister."


On that note, I am amazed at how organized the SSC are and how they are not on the defensive but offensive.


Hopefully fighting will cease as they only people that will suffer are civilians.

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Jacaylbaro;693369 wrote:
One thing u have to know is that
...................... SSC milita are local and the problem there will be addressed as such.

JB, seems you are wrong once again!

According to the Somaliland defence ministry, clan militias from Puntland attacked a Somaliland army base in Kalshale village.

So I guess "we are not out of this" as you tried to but in black bold letters in order to misinform! Your own so-called defence ministry as even accused Puntland! <--Yahoo

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Apparently Al-Shabaab was part of the fighting. Waxii xun Xaawe leh sheekada.


But in all seriousness, these people couldn't have picked the wrong to wage war. Somalia is in the amidst of worst drought in ages, the last thing people need is war. I hope cooler heads will prevail.

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waxa lasheegayaa in dagaal ki u dhexeeyey reer buuhoodle iyo somaliland u geystsy khasaare baahsan oo naf iyo maal ba leh, taasna ma aha wax loo bahan yahay waayo somalia 20 sano ayey dagaal iyo dhib iyo qaxar kujirtey marka anigu waxan illahay kabaryaya in uu illahay kala qaboojiyo somalida islayneysa.

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dagaal culus oo saakay ka qarxay deegaanka kalshaale ayaa waxaa uu gaystay khasaare baahsan dhinacyada halkaasi ku dagaalamaya ayaa waxaa ay ahaayen ciidamada soomaliland iyo beesha bariga burco dhinaca kale waxaa halkaasi kula dagaalamayay dadka deeganka buuhoodle oo ah yagu kuwo dhulkooda difaacaya dhulkaasi oo ay duulan ku yihiin beesha bariga burco,


hadaba dagaalkas ayaa waxaa uu ahaa mid khasaarro badan gaystay khasaarahas oo labada dhinacba dhina beeesha buuhoodle waxaa halkaasi kaga dhintay dad tiradooda ay gaarayso 13 qof halka dhaawacuna uu yahay 18 ruux dhinaca kale ee ciidamada soomaliland ayaa khasaarahodu waxaa uu yahay midan lasoo koobi kari,


tirada illaa iyo hada la ogyahay waxa weeye 35 ruux oo yagu dhimasha ah halka inta dhaawacuna yahay tiro intaasi kabada oo qiyaastii gaaraysa 40 sidoo kale waxaa ciidamada soomaliland kaga yaacen baliga hagoogane maydad farabadan oo ilaayo hada goobtaasi dhooban ayna soo ay aruuriyen ciidamad reer buuhoodle,


tirada gaadiidka goobta saaka ilaa duhurkii lagaga gubay ciidamada soomaliland waxa ay tiradoodu gaarayusaa 6 gaari oo aha nooca looyaqaano tiknikada ah dagaalkan oo ah mid laysu adeegsaday hubka culus eee looyaqaano madaafiicda ah oo goobtaasi ka gaystay xasuuq ban an dhankakale ciidamada soomaliland ayaa waxaa ay walacaa wayn kamuujiyen hubka culus ee ka soo dhacay dhinaca buuhoodle,




dagaalkan oo todobaadyadanba socanayay ayaa waxaa uu uegyahay mid aan soo afjarmayn maadama ay dadka reer buuhoodle khastigoodu yahay kalshaale iyo ciidan oo la kiciyo iyo ciidamada somaliland oo walaac xoogan kamuujiyay xaalada adag ee ka hortimi,

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Ciidamo aad u hubeysan oo taabacsan SSC oo kasoo kala baxay Buuhoodle iyo Laas-caanood iyo xaalada oo kacsan


Ciidamo xoogan oo taabacsan maamulka la-magac baxay SSC ayaa waxay kasoo kala baxeen magaalooyinka Laas-caanood iyo Buuhoodle, iyagoo afka soo aadiyay deegaanka Kalshaale oo dhaca duleedka magaaladda Buuhoodle.


Dagaal-yahanadaan oo qeybaha kala duwan ee hubka ku hubeysan ayaa waxay kaabiga soo saareen deegaanka Kalshaale oo ay ku wada sugan yihiin ciidamo kala taabacsan Somaliland iyo SSC, kuwaa oo shalay dagaalo xoogan iskaga hor yimid.


Ciidamadaan ayaa waxaa la-sheegay in’ay hor kacayaan laba saraakiil oo ka tirsaneed dowladdii uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa Jaalle Maxamed Siyaad Barre, waa sida ay soo sheegayaan ilo wareedyo ku sugan deeganadaasi.


Wararka ayaa waxay intaasi ku darayaan in ciidamadaani kasoo kala baxay magaalooyinka Laas-caanood iyo Buuhoodle ay doonayaan in’ay kabaan ciidamadda kale ee SSC ee aagaga culus kaga jira deegaanka Kalshaale ee duleedka magaaladda Buuhoodle.


Deegaanka Kalshaale ayaa wuxuu u muuqdaa deegaan saxmad ciidan ah, bacdamaa ay halkaasi iskugu yimaadeen boqolaal dagaal-yahano ah, isla-markaana waxaa daqiiqad kasta laga cabsi qabaa in’ay halkaasi ka qarxaan dagaalo aad u xoogan.


Sidoo kale ciidamadda SSC ayaa waxaa kaloo taabacsan dad reer miyi ah, kuwaa oo dhulka kasoo fakay hub fara-badan oo u aas-naa, waxayna doonayaan in’ay dagaalo xoogan la-gallaan xukuumadda la-magac baxday Somaliland.


Inkastoo xukuumadda Soomaaliya iyo beesha caalamka ay ku wada baaqeen in dagaaladaasi la-joojiyo, ayaa waxaa hadana mooddaa in labada dhinac ay taasi dhagaha ka fureysanayaan, waxaana la-dhihi karaa SSC si iskumid ah ayay markani uga soo horjeedaan maamulka madaxweyne Siilaanyo.

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scroll down to interview with keyse cabdi yusuf to understand the ssc stand.


Also, to understand who attacked who one must first look at where the fighting is happening. For example if American soldiers are attacked in Iraq, does it mean that Iraqis are attacking them. Just an idea.

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allaha u naxariisto dhalinyaradaas somaaliyeed wali dad caqli fiican hargaysa waa joogaan.

maahan inta dhalinyarada lasoo khaldo in hadana maydkooda laga cararo.

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lacaqaha iyo kharashdakan fara badan ee lagu bixinayo dagaladan somaliland iyo ssc may ku bixiyaan dadka abarahaa waxy yeelan ee meesha degan.people need water and food assistance,many cattles are dying from the lack of water.there is huge crisis

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Dhinaca kale ilo aanu ka helay deegaanka Buhoodle ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in dagaalkaasi ay Maleeshiyada Nabad-diidka Buhoodle ay soo qaaday uu ka mid ahaa saraakiishii hogaaminayey
Abokor Sulub Dhabdhable oo ahaa muddo Dheer Taliyihii hore ee Ciidanka ilaalada Madaxtooyada Somaliland
oo la sheegay inuu ka dhex muuqday isaga iyo dirawalkiisii oo lagu magacaabo Cismaan Caato.


Xigasho Haatuf


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