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Xenophobia (Ajaaniib nacayb ) ka qaraxday Puntland

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Published: 15 December 2009


KN: Boqolaal qof oo dhagxaan ku tuuraha oo burburinaya goobaha ganacsiga ee ay leeyihiin dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ajaaniibta ku ah Puntland ayaa maanta banaanbaxyo rabshado wata ka dhigey Puntland.


Babaanbaxyadani ayaa waxa ay biloow u yihiin rabshadihii ugu horeeyey ee waxa loo yaqaano Xenophobia ama ajaaniib nacayb, hase yeeshee lala beegsanayo Soomaalida kasoo jeeda gobolada koonfureed iyo kuwa Galbeed.


Dad ayaa watay boorar ay ku qoranyihiin halku dhagyo ka dhan ah dadka la bartilmaameedsanayo ee kasoo jeeda koonfurta iyo galbeedka, waxaana ka mid ahaa kuwa lagu dalbanayo in ay Puntland isaga baxaan.


Dalabkani waa kii rasmiga ahaa ee maamulka uu muddo bilooyin ahba watay oo haatan loo heley taageero shacab sida muuqata, waxayna tani ka dhigantahay qorshe si rasmi ah loogu yeeri karo mid ay wada wataan shacab iyo dowladba.


Arrintani waxay argagax galisey Soomaalida inteeda kale meel kastooy joogtaba, waxaana loo arkay mid fadeexad iyo bahdil ku ah jinsiga Soomaaliyeed.


Boqolaal qof oo koonfurta iyo galbeedka kasoo jeeda ayaa haatan bilaabay in ay isaga qaxaan Puntland, iyadoo laga cabsi qabo in rasbashada ay faraha ka baxaan oo ay xabd tagto.



Madaxweynaha Puntland, wasiir dowladiisa ka tirsan iyo waliba gudoomiyaha gobolka mudug ayaa illaa haatan ah madaxda sida rasmiga ah looga hayo in dalbadeen in dadka koonfurta ka yimaada ay amaan daro ku hayaan Puntland.


Dadka banaanbaxayay ayaa waxay banaanbaxooda ku sheegeen mid ay kaga soo horjeedaan falalka amaan daro ee ka jira Puntland, kuwaasooy u saarinayaan dadka konfurta iyo galbeedka ka yimid.

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I heard this from friends 2... hundreds are killed in this incident. Middle-finger thugs attached these people since the refugees were blamed for the ills of mafia-land. RIP


Same shyte happened to so called reer xamar refugees in Hargesysa when the bomb exploded last time 2. Many lost lifes and their lively hoods to local thugs and govt-hoods then.


Imagine A Somali can BE an AJAANIB in SOMALIA these days!! Whadda a wild world.

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Faroole and the authorities pointed accusatory fingers to refugees and IDPs whenever an act of insecurity occurred in their region. That has affected the psyche of the people and I am afraid we are only seeing the start of a massive Xenophobia.


If Alshabab comes to Puntland, it will be because some Puntlanders are working with it. It is not fair to blame all on IDPs.


The solution will be to step up your security and policing capacity, not to blame particular groups. If the PIS and other security bodies take some time off from the lucrative 'ONLF' hunt, they can address the real threats to PL's security.

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how can u have security when civil servants are not paid for months on end, which is happening on all of these sillylands.


These warlords and their familes ayaa u kala tartama lacaqta gargaarka iyo maliyda.

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there are some rogue elements who are disguising as IDPs to destabilize puntland but they will be dealt accordingly , and the people are protesting against those behind this bombings and assassinations not against IPDs .

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The Zack   

Uztad, no the demonstrators were very clear on their message, they were saying they want the IDP's specially the southerners OUT of their region.

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In all fairness, this is a natural reaction on the part of Puntlanders. Suicide bombings and other forms of bombings have been alien in the recent and far past to this region. When these occur and threaten the social contract among the inhabitants, it's natural in any region to suspect outsiders.


Then it becomes time for the elites to either dampen the dangerous mob mentality or encourage it, depending on where the political leadership sees advantage.


It's a phenomena repeated all across the world...

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In all fairness, this is a natural reaction on the part of Puntlanders. Suicide bombings and other forms of bombings have been alien in the recent and far past to this region. When these occur and threaten the social contract among the inhabitants, it's natural in any region to suspect outsiders.


Then it becomes time for the elites to either dampen the dangerous mob mentality or encourage it, depending on where the political leadership sees advantage.


Good point. The governor of Bari and the Bosaso Mayer already spoke about the need for people not to escape goat the IDPs. In addition, the IDPs have become an integral part of the economy of Bosaso.

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We expected nothing from the clannish, selfish and hateful political opportunists and their mass supporters in Northeastern Somalia.


The Northeastern region will become another anti-Somalinimo state like the Northwestern region.



PS: Change the topic's long as Northeastern Somalia is part of the Somali Republic no Somali will be called ''ajaanabi''

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^^^So you are the pro Somalinimo, lovers of the faith, defenders of the Earth?


Why is your regions in a right mess, then ?

Dont open your mouth lad, you are no more than a little hostage to Al Shabaab, why are there so many IDP's from the south in Puntland? ;)

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Originally posted by General Duke:

why are there so many IDP's from the south in Puntland?

To cross the ocean into Yemen.


Certainly not to sunbath in Bosaso


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^^^LOOL Mr. M society adeer isnt about time you handle your bussiness than blaming others. I know how dispicable some of the actions Buntland is taking are, but it's not neccasary for you to lay the blame on Somaliland. Trust me Somaliland doesn't need to cause any further trouble to any member of "M" society while they are down. Kala baro dadka, niiqle uun lama noqdee.

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Meiji adeer, so its the location you blame now? Yes Puntland is situated in a strategic region of the country. However that does not explain the hundreds of thousands who have made it their home, why?


Anyhow keep dreaming adeer, your arguments have been debunked months ago, you are not even brave just like your uncle Xasan Dahir your obstinate behavior wont get you far.

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