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Housing boom in Puntland

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Dhisme boqol guri oo Boosaaso laga hirgelinayo



Khariidadda Soomaaliya waxay Boosaaso kaga taallaa dhinaca Woqooyi Bari, waana magaalada ugu weyn gobollada la isku yiraahdo Puntland



Munaasabad lagu soo bandhigayo mashruuc ku saabsan dhisme boqol guri oo laga hirgelinayo magaalad Bosaso kuwaasoo loogu tala galay hab ganacsi ah ayna fulinayso ganacsato Soomaliyeed ayaa lagu qabtay Hotel Panaraama ee Magaalada Boosaso.


Ganacsiga dhismeyaasha


Ganacsigan oo ah kii ugu horreeyay ee noociisa ah ee laga hirgeliyo gobollada Puntland waxa hirgelinaysa shirkad ganacsi oo la yiraahdo Hillaac oo ka shaqaysa ka ganacsiga waxyaabo kala duwan haatanse in muddo ah ku mashquulsan dhismaha guryahan.


Kulankan lagu soo bandhigay arrintan oo ay ka qaybgaleen masuuliyiin maamulka ka tirsan, Isimo, iyo dadwayne fara badan waxa warbixin ku saabsan hirgelinta guryahan cusub ka soo jeediyay maamulaha shirkaddan Bile Cabdullaahi Warsame iyo madaxa qaybta iibka ee shirkaddaas Fu'aad Maxamuud Xaaji Nuur.


Aragtida masuuliyiinta


Labada masuul waxay sheegeen in dhismaha guryahan ay ugu talo galeen inay dadwaynaha kaga iibiyaan qiima aad u jaban marka la barbar dhigo qiimaha ay ku kacaan marka guryaha si caadi ah loo dhisto ama loo iibsado.


Guryahan ayaa qaarkood waxa loogu tala galay inay noqdaan kuwo caadi ah halka kuwa kalana ay noqon doonaa kuwo hal dabaq ah iyadoo qiimahoodu kala sarrayn doono, waxana dhismaha guryahan ay ku kacayaan lacag gaaraysa 3-milyan oo doollarka Maraykanka ah sida uu sheegay maamulaha shirkadda Hillaac Bile Cabdullaahi.


Qorshaha mustaqbalka


Waxa kaloo uu sheegay maamuluhu in mustaqbalka ay doonayaan in qorshe noocan oo kale ah ay ka fulin doonaan meelo kale oo ka mid ah Puntland iyo Soomaaliya. Hirgelinta dhismayaasha loogu tala galay ganacsiga haba ugu badnaadeen kuwa hoteellada ayaa waayadan dambe aad ugu soo kordhayay magaalooyinka Puntland gaar ahaanna Bosaso, Garowe iyo Galkacyo.

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Hey Guys thats a nice design well done to Hiilac thats my kind of development.


But we need to get a construction company to build up the roads in the cities and pave the streets.


Well done, Samuria W bro post more pics.

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Originally posted by Cawralo:

I just have to ask ... who is Buur Madow??

Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud (Buur-Madow) is an traditional leader from Ceelafweyn, Sanaag. He was arrested in Hargeisa last month by Mr. Riyaale for attempting to make peace between Somaliland and Puntland and comments he made to a local newspaper(Jamhuriya). Last year Boqor (Buur-Madow) and Suldaan Saciid(also from Sanag), helped to re-establish peace in Puntland between C/Yusuf and Gen. Cadde Musse. There have been numerous calls for his release. To this day he is in Hargeisa Central Prison.




Here he is in May 2003 in Bossasso signing as a witness to the agreement.

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Here are some pics of Project Bosasso Nr.1 [Xaafadda New Bosasso] of Hillaac Real Estate and Construction, which has a partnership with the Amal Express Group. There are actually 91 houses instead of 100. More like these Real Estate projects of Hillaac are underway or have allready begun.

  • Bosasso 1 | 91 houses - almost completed
  • Bosasso 2 | 80 houses - started september 30 2005
  • Gaalkacyo 1 | 300 houses - started september 30 2005
  • Laascaanood | 250 houses - planned to start in 2005
  • Gaalkacyo 2 | 300 houses - planned to start in 2006
  • Garowe | 150 houses - planned to start in 2006
  • Carmo | 100 houses - planned to start in 2006


    These mini-villages will have a total of 1271 homes within a period of 3 to 4 years, excluding the shopping centres, mosques, schools etc. that come with the mini-villages. Half of it are going to be build in Gaalkacyo, where majority of Hillaac and Amal's shareholders come from.













As you can see waxaa keliya harey qurxinta iyo qalabeynta guryaha, like the tiles, aluminium windows, detailed painting etc.

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Wow, beautiful houses.


What Hilaac needs is a few landscape professionals who could plant drought tolerent trees and plants around the housing area to make it look more beautiful.


I've also noticed the lack of grass in those pictures. Perhaps they can import good grade soil and seeds from the west? Anything to make the place look more beautiful.


I'd recommend that the Puntland government installs diesel-fueled water pumps in all the wells, in order to moisten the ground. (That way more plants and trees can grow on the other-wise dry land) It only takes a few months of pumping water into the land to make it moist enough to farm on it.

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i reckon metal fences would complement the building styles more instead of the brick fences


BTW what are they gonna do about the roads....


and no garages? my STi wouldn't last a week in bosaso's deadly heat smile.gif

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Bosasso 1 | 91 houses - almost completed

Bosasso 2 | 80 houses - started september 30 2005

Gaalkacyo 1 | 300 houses - started september 30 2005

Laascaanood | 250 houses - planned to start in 2005

Gaalkacyo 2 | 300 houses - planned to start in 2006

Garowe | 150 houses - planned to start in 2006

Carmo | 100 houses - planned to start in 2006

Exellent projects, Hillaac is the leading construction company in Puntland


Really I am proud of the positive developments in our homeland

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Simplicity those are very good ideas, but beware money is definetily an issue for us Somalis. If its too expensive, than they'll even settle with a lone qurac somewhere in the neighbourhood.


Rokko, yes its pretty worrisome that there are no garages. Leave your STi in Australia.


Soo Maal, Hillaac is moving forward, but there are other construction companies that build very good-quality dreamhomes, such as Diriye, Guryosamo and even Mubarak, which has improved a lot since 2002. Did you know that Puntland is the best area for a construction company to invest in generally speaking. The building material can be imported for cheap in Bosasso port, the Bantu IDPs are skilled and very very cheap workers and the security and demand are there.

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If you don't know what you're talking about, than I suggest you keep your mouth shut. Zip those lips of yours. I mean those two lips on your face not your other two lips.

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Originally posted by A..J. Timacaddeh:

A couple of fancy huts here and there hardly accounts for a housing boom does it?

LOL You spoiling the fun. But you missed the bigger picture: USC "technicals" are a stonethrow away from those houses. Looks like a preview of the dreaded sequel, "The Second Xamar." ;)

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