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ONLF a failure of a community

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ONLF a failure of a community


The rebel movement for the liberation of the Somali state which is part of Ethiopia have failed thus far in their quest to get independence. Aside from a few hit and run attacks, this groups major achievement has been to create clan as well as religious tensions within the stable regions of the Somali republic notably Puntland & Somaliland.


Who’s fault is it that their leaders are unknown, their mission misunderstood and that a large segment of their population and clan are supporting the “occupation” and are members of the Ethiopian state?


In my humble opinion this group much like our brothers in the south of Somalia have failed because there is no coherent strategy aimed at bettering the lives of the ordinary person in the region.


Its time for this comunity to stop waving flags, singing songs and holding concerts in the Diaspoara and start an honest dialogue towards unity.


Should they be part of Ethiopia and take their share of the pie disarm these groups and integrate them into the local police and security forces?


Should they all become rebels and fight? Its time to stop blaming others for the complete failure of leadership of this group.

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why is it that when somalis strugle to win somali galbeed its freedom was at its strongest few decades ago and the current so called ONLF strugle have nothing in common how come when people talk about ONLF these days its in tribal light and nothing to do with the somalinimo they preach


somalis feel the ONLF are not nationals movement that represent all those somalis that live in somali galbeed under ethopian occupation, but rather tribal organisation that excludes everyone else that that live in somali Galbeed that are not of particuler clan and even target those somalis.


is it suprise then that with ONLF it always boils down to clan politics and they practice what they accuse others of.

there is nothing different here its tribal polics MASQUERADING as NATIONALISM

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DUKE onlf ethepia waxay u ogalaatay ismaauml gobal waxaa laga kari in ay samaystaan madax waxay ku meeraysteen in magaca ******ya aan la badli karin siyaasadoodu wax direction ah maleh marba meel bay u cararaan

waxay ila tahay

1)in ay joojiyaan riyada ah in ay ka go aan ethopia (way imaan doontaa laakin hada waa adag tahy)

2) in ay iska ilaaliyaan kooxa islaamiga ah ee soomaaliya ka jira in ay wax ku darsadaan sababtoo ah kuwaas wax ay u tarayaan oo badan ma jirto in ay isticmaalaan mooyee


3) in siyaasiyiin cusub soo baxaanleh hadaf ah gobalad ethopia ee somaliya joojiyaan magacaan og sababtoo ah dadkalaa la dega gobalka

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The Zack   

GDUke, it is none of your freaking business if ONLF is a failure or not. Focus on your own desert and get your own sh*$ together.

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Zack don't be angry brother, Duke is starting a discussion for the betterment of Somalis in the Somali region of Ethiopia. What is the bet strategy to move the Somali people forward towards better future.


What I will add to the discussion is Ethiopia's population is 60% muslim and growing. I was told in Addis Ababa there are more muslims than ever and Friday prayers overflow to the streets, a situation unimaginable in the time of Haile Selasi. What is wrong with stoping armed struggle and becoming better citizens of Ethiopia? AT&T can you forcast the long term implications of such a strategy?

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^^In these times lads,its a crime to remain a simple man and before any one of you criticizes and spews,i would like to remind you that your brothers (ONLF) are poor and weak and their adversary is Ethiopia with all its might and cruelty. This is not the time to hold ill feelings for them,its time to aid them.And if not by action,then by words and if not so,atleast make dua for them.


As for nationalism,it is evil just as what it stands for is evil.It is the source of all things wicked and rotten that you see every where in the Muslim world.



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The ONLF must be destroyed:


The ONLF is an organization created and funded by Addis Ababa to help sow discord and confusion in the occupied Somali communities of Western Somalia. The ONLF is a Xabashi proxy, and anyone who truly cares for the struggles of the occupied peoples of our Somali region must see to it that it is destroyed.


War is deceptive. And therefore we need an effective new strategy that will overcome the set backs of the Amxara occupation and it's foot soldiers, the ONLF. I believe guerrilla warfare is not always good. And retreating is not always weak. In fact, in these moments of danger or trouble in kilil 5, refusing to fight the xabasha armies is the best strategy in my view. By disengaging from the enemy, we will loose nothing that is valuable in the long run. And in fact, we will gain time to turn inward, to rethink our plan of action and strategy. Time will become our ally. By doing nothing outwardly aggressive to the Amxara, will gain the inner strengths to re-organize our liberation forces and economic resources which will translate into tremendous success later when it is time to act.


Saaxiibyaal, when you fight someone more powerful than you are. You loose more than your possessions and position. You loose your ability to think straight. We must keep ourselves focused. We must not become infected with the emotions and the violence of the aggressor. It is better to live today to fight tomorrow and use the time we buy through disengagement, to turn inward. Let the enemy enjoy his short lived gains, and we will recover and turn the tables when the time comes and our strength is unstoppable. Disengagement must not be an end in itself-- it must be temporal. At some point, we have to turn around and fight. Disengagement should only be used to refocus our objectives and goals in kilil 5.


This strategy I advocate is nothing new. The Chinese have used it for thousands of years. They call it Wu wei. And it is because of this strategy that they thrive today, even though their country has endured endless periods of foreign occupation throughout their 5000 yr old civilization.


Wu wei, is the idea of action through inaction; Of controlling a situation by not trying to control it. Of ruling by abdicating rule; It involves the belief that by reacting and fighting against circumstances-- by constantly struggling in life-- you actually set yourself back, creating more turbulence in your path and difficulties for yourself. Sometimes it is best to lie low, to do nothing and let the difficult winter pass. In such moments you can collect yourself and strengthen your identity.


War is deceptive. War requires a good strategy. Charging madly like a mad Rhino is often not wise. You may think that you're strong and you are making advances against an enemy. But time will show, you are marching into great danger and your objectives are doomed to suffer great setbacks.

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I disagree with you. I don't care if the Ethiopians are direct descendants of the Prophet and ALL devout Muslims. All Somali lands must be liberated from ALL foreigners, Muslim or not.

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Originally posted by Peace Action:

The only common interest should be to get justice and live peacefully with your fellow citizens.

Justice is not likely in this case, centuries of highlanders' oppression of southern peoples is testament.There must be self determination before citizens can decide they want to live together.


Ironically, the constitution gives the states the right to self determination, all in theory of course.

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Jabhadaan did not fail, won't fail either. Eebbe ha u garabgalo. Xabashi ain't nothing, dagaalkii '77 ayaa noo tusaalo ah haddaan isku duubnaano, not to mention Axmed Gurey's era.


The failure, the miserable failure is only those Soomaalida sheegto at the same time Xabashi u sacabtumo. It is them ku ciyaaray magaca Soomaalida, midnimada Soomaaliyeedna hoos u dhigay. Now damiirnimada Soomaaliyeed rabaan inay baaba'iyaan.


The least a Soomaali can and could do is in uu afka ka taageero jabhadaan dhulkeen xaqa ah Soomaaliyeed u dagaalameyso. Otherwise ka aamusa if one can't support gareyn karin afka ugu yar. Deeq iyo waxaas lagaama rabee, ii dagaalan lagumana lahee ee shib iskaga dhaha, that is the least one can do.

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If the Somalis were organized and united when the Tigray came to power, they would have accomplished a lot by now. They could have build strong institutions and become one of the dominant groups in Ethiopia and would have the option to seek independance at some point in the future if necessary. The problem for Somalis even in Somalia is that a house divided against itself can not stand.

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