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Dayniile airstrip shutdown

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As for the last editing touch you gave your post; sxb do not personalise the issue. I swear on almighty Allah had Barre Hiiraale been an obstacle to the forming the Somali government, I would want anything and everything done to make him powerless and uninflutential. Close to port, the airstrip, etc; anything done to make sure his feels the burnt in his pockets and coffers. Are you of the same mind :confused:

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HornAfrique, A/Y would have taken the same anti-Xamar measures had the main airport functioned.. This is not about what kind of Airport works but who has differences with A/Y. The same current policies would have been introduced to punish Atto, Yalaxoow, Qanyare were they responsible for a functional main airport. Their failure as warlords can never be an excuse for another warlord to do as he pleases.


At the end of the day, what matters is who is getting affected by the tag of wars A/Y and others are waging on each other. If they can't agree on anything, surely, we will not accept anyone among them to be exalted above the other for such falsely exalted warlord to make policies that affect so many lives negatively. They were all given the opportunity to sit together and have what they loved most without the interference of the average person. If they failed to come to terms, The best solution for them is to go altogether and leave us alone. If not, A/Y can not wage a war of any kind, be it the kind he is engaged in right now or the other he hoped for but wouldn't materialize.



There is no feeling in Xamar that there is a national interest at stake for now. All they are worried about is how the city will be able to function businesswise and for people to have access to affordable commodities. National interest will have its day when those who are supposedly responsible for its revivial are not burying it.



Have I spoken in favour of main airport being closed? I mentioned it is out of service and can't be used. Normally, as you are aware of the events, you know what that meant. At the same token, A/Y would have done the same thing under the excuse of punishing men he doesn't agree with had such airport functioned. Naturally, the logical question for unbiased person should ask himself is, do people suffer because three men are to be punished, if the answer is yes, Nin waliba tiisa haka tashado, cause, obviously, the death of one doesn't concern the other. There, I lay to rest the national interest under my dirty boots.

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

A/Y is not offering an
to the people other than making their life difficult...This is
pure aggression
and people need to take a stand. [/QB]

I don't mean to pick on the brother XOOGSADE, but I wanted to make a couple of quick points. Firstly, the alternatives are Cisaley airstrip in Muqdisho suburbs (as was Dayniile airstrip) and No. 50 airstrip in Shabellaha Hoose. So, technically, there are two alternatives.


Secondly sxb, was it not pure aggression on a grand scale when Muqdisho's int'l airport was closed (permanently) in the mid-90s? I'm not saying you support its closure - however, Muqdisho leaders are paying the price for their past actions today.Ummada Soomaaliyeed bay isbaaro u dhigan jireen. Maantana ayagaa isbaaro-dhaqaleed iyo mid siyaasadeedba loo dhigay. What goes around comes around.


However, I do get your point: Col Yeey is a warlord, and its annoying when people try to portray him as something else. Sxb, so far, he's kept to his word by not engaging in a military confrontation, whilst his opponents in Xamar have been vocally militaristic. While remembering the evil men we're talking about, let's also remember to judge things on their merit. So far, its a diplomatic war. The people of Xamar who were dependent on Dayniile airstrip can use No 50 or Cisaley. Its not the end of the world. But its the beginning of cutting down other warlords' monetary support - the key to destroying their powerbase. One warlord dismantling all others - its strategy: either it builds you or destroys you. Reminds me of Greek history.




Sidee Shacabka Muqdisho u arkeen Xiritaankii Garoonnada Dayniile iyo Ceel Axmed?


Shacabka Kunool magaalada Muqdisho ee kusaabsan xiridda garoonka Dayniile iyo Ceel Axmed ayaa waxaa kasoo baxaya jawaabo cad cad oo lagu taageerayo in la xiro garoonadaasi.


Garoonka shaqadiisu aadka u badnayd waa garoonka Dayniile oo raysul wasaaraha Soomaaliya ku eedeeyey inuu yahay garoon sal u ah dhibta Soomaaliya ka jirta.


Caaqil Maxamuud Cali Jimcaale (Koogaar) oo kamid ah cuqaasha Muqdisho haatanse kusugan Jowhar ayaa sheegay in qorshahan uu soo dhawaynayo asagoo ku hadlaya magaca ururka uu madaxda u yahay ee isku xirka bulshada iyo dawladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya.


Xildhibaanka wuxuu tilmaamay in tallaabadani tahay middii ugu habbboonayd ee laga qaato hogaamiye kooxeedyada dawladdu ka socon la'adahay waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


Xildhibaan Koogaar wuxuu kaloo dhaliilay hadallo kasoo yeeray Muuse Suudi Yalaxow oo ku hanjabay in lasoo ridi doono diyaaradaha haddii aysan ku dagin garoomada laga mamnuucay.


Shacabka Kunool magaalada Muqdisho waxay sheegayaan in laqaban qaabinayo bannaan baxyo lagu taageerayo hadalka Raysulwasaare Geeddi.


Shacabka Magaalada Muqdisho oo ah dad u oomman inay ka baxaan afduubka ay ugu jiraan malleeshiyaadka hubaysan ayaa badidooda soo dhaweeyeen go'aamda ay wada qaateen dawladaha Kenya iyo Soomaaliya ee lagu xannibayo diyaaradihii ka dagi jiray Dayniile iyo Ceel Axmed.

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The November 1 2005 is when the decree starts. If you dont pay tax you will be shutt down... Oh my


Juma, come on cousin admit it that this is getting interesting. Did you see how rabid Mr Qaynyare became. Wonderful..

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Dibadbax ka dhacay garoonka Dayniile ee duleedka magaalada Muqdisho


Mogadishu 29 Oct. 05 ( Sh.M.Network) Banaabax lagu diidan yahay joojinta diyaaradaha qaadka duulimaadyada ay ku yimaadaan garoonka Dayniile ayay maanta sameeyeen dadka ka beec mushtara qaadka oo dowladda Kenya ka codsaday in aaney wax isbadal ah ku sameyn ganacsiga qaadka Muqdisho yimaada iyo garoonka uu iminka ka soo dago.


Dadkan oo u badnaa dumar iyo Rag dhalinyaro ah ayaa basas ay la socdeen markii uu gaaray garoonka Dayniile waxa ay ku hor mudaahiraadeen duuliyeyaasha iyo shaqaalaha 6 diyaaradood oo qaad maanta keenay garoonka Deyniile, iyagoo ku qeylinaya " marabno in garoonka Dayniile laga badalo qaadka soo gaara Muqdisho".


Dadkan ayaa markii dambe kala dareeray, iyadoo aan cidna la hadlin, waxaana banaanbaxoodii ay ku badaleen iibka qaadkii ay soo doonteen, inkastoo ay muujiyeen walwalka ay ka qabaan garoon ka fog Dayniile qaadka ka soo daga iyo halista ka imaan karta isbaarooyinka ka sokeeya.


Xuseen Guutaale Raage oo ah maareeyaha garoonka Dayniile ayaa Shabelle u sheegay in aysan jirin wali wax amar ah oo soo gaaray garoonka oo lagu weecinayo duulimaadyada diyaaradaha qaadka ee garoonka yimaada, isagoo sheegay in arintaasi ay tahay mid wali ku kooban Ra'isulwasaare Geedi oo uu yiri waxa uu nagu eedeeyay warar la dhoodhoobay oo uu horey ugu dhawaaqi jirey Max'ed Dheere.


Maareeyaha garoonka Deyniile Xuseen Geedi Raage waxa uu ka waramay aayaha dambe ee garoonka Dayniile hadii la joojiyo duulimaadyada diyaaradaha qaadka ay ku yimaadaan garoonkaasi, isagoo sheegay in garoonka ganacsi badan uu ka sameynayo duulimaadyada diyaarado aan kuwa qaadka aheyn. cod...


Garoonka Dayniile oo mudo 5 sanadood ah laga joogo waqtigii uu howl bilaabay isla markaana ganacsatadu qaadku ay inta badan ugu xishaan udhawaashaha magaalada Muqdisho iyo amaanka ka jira wadada awgeed ayaa hada Ra'isulwasaare Geedi culeyska uu saaray duulimaadyada diyaaradaha qaadka keeni jirey garoonkaasi ay tahay mid fasiraadyo badan laga bixiyay oo ay ku jirto cuuryaamin dhinaca dhaqaalaha ah oo Ra'isulwasaaruhu ku ciaqaabayo raga ka soo horjeeda ee xukuumadiisa ka tirsan.


Shabelle Media Network, Mogadishu



Juma why are they demonstrating if the airport of Dayniile is still operating? It is because they know that the airport will be shut down in day's time inshallah.


Now enjoy the last day's of Duulimaadka airporka daayniile ka hartay.

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^^^ Good point Yonis, if it is still open, why the fuss???


As for targeting Mogadishu the Wind blowr made a good point for once. There are alternatives to Dayniile and Ceel Ahmed. So its not targeting the people but the warlords of Mogadishu.. Also lets se how many planes they shoot down..



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Douse any one really things this move by amxaro-somali will come in to bing? Another worthless attempt by amxaro somali to change things in there favor, it has now passed over one year what did they achieve so far?

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Wind.Talker, Number 50 is open because it belongs to Aidid.Jr's sub-clan, and because of his support to A/Y, THE PORT IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS :D But tomorrow, if he opposes A/Y, There are no guarantees are there? He will be another warlord who has fallen out of grace with the big boss.


You made good points although I am afraid, it is not the warlord that feels the brunt of the sanctions but people who used their Airstrips. As you well know, businesses are clan based and tribe oriented, the bad luck of some can cross over to others and before you know it, This could be a new era of economic warfare and the result is unpredictable. You could have more wars among the clans. A/Y doesn't care as long as he gets these morons to kill each other. Imagine Qanyare's tribe and Sawir Dheere's subtribe fighting?

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Qanyare with His Shariif has done most damages for the jowhar group. It is pay back time. not too late to negotiate. simply he do not needed to be the center. the late hereo has only few friend left.

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Expect within a short week Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Gaalkacyo oo la xiray or a serious digniin loo jeediye diyaaradaha kasoo dago. I am sure this very moment Cismaan Caato and his scorned cohorts are contemplating to that option. Warlords know one another, they know meesha ninba xanuuneyso, oo 15 sano ayee is rifaayeen.

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Originally posted by haruun:

Where will the final game take place, Mogadishu, Jowhar or Puntland?

The Game will start in the middle of Jowhar and Mogadishu, but the Final game will take place in Somaliland AKA Somalidiid.

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