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Cabdullahi Sheik and the Ethiopian conspiracy

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This Abdullahi Sheik guy is quite the story-teller. EXCERPT of Hiiraan Online's coverage of the Mogadishu press conference:


"C/llaahi Sh. Xasan wuxuu shirkiisa ku soo bandhigay Kaarto magaceedu yahay Mogadishu Area Operation, taasoo uu caddeeyay in uu diyaariyay Jen. Cusmaan Shiikh Badmaceeye, wuxuuna isagoo sharaxaya kaartadaas uu yiri "Sida aad u jeedaan waxay tilmaameysaa kaartadaan weerar ku soo socda Gobollada Banaadir, Shabeelaha Hoose iyo Jubbooyinka, weerarkaasoo ay soo qaadayaan ciidamo 11 kun gaaraya oo ay leedahay Dowladda Itoobiya, waxaana u qorsheysan in ay gobolladaas kala gooyaan, kadibna ay Gobolka Banaadir ka soo galaan labo waddo oo ah tan Afgooye iyo tan Balcad oo ka kala tirsan gobollada Shabeelaha Dhexe iyo Shabeelaha Hoose."


Full coverage at:


This guy does not sound credible. Seems like he had a terrible experience during his visit in Puntland. But, from the interview, he was supposed to help the fact-finding mission in Muqdisho ONLY. Why go to Beledweyne and then on to Galkacyo/Garoowe? His answer is vague and seems forced.




"Kadib waxaa la gaaray xiligii ay wafdiga Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ka degayeen Garowe, waxaana noo yimid mid ka mid ah Wasiirrada maamulka Puntland, kaasi oo nagu wargeliyay in aan ka baxno Hotellka aan ku jirno oo aan Madaxweynaha wax ka soo dhaweynayo, waxaanse u sheegay in aan howl u joogno Garowe, soo dhaweyna aysan howsheena ahayn, kadib wuxuu igu yiri ma adigoo Puntland jooga ayaad sidaas u hadleysaa, anna waxaan mar kale ugu jawaabay Madaxweynuhuba xalay wuxuu joogay Jowhar, dhulkiisana ma ahayn" ayuuna yiri ."


What? :confused:

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Tolstoy – or shall I call you Mr Oodweyne – what is so singular of southern Somalia, may I ask? Perhaps, the argument is so appealing that you missed a footing in the boogie, or is this a new trend of courtship? Firstly, if one was to make a case on the ground of Ethiopia being a land-locked country, thusly requiring port access, fact remains Ethiopia to this date relishes unmitigated access and use of Somali territories from Zeylac to Gara’d to Berbera to Hafun to Hobyo to Bosaso which makes up 2/3rds of the country. Secondly, if one were tempted to depart sound judgment and bring in the Nile waters contention for irrigation and political purposes in the region, thusly Ethiopia’s aspiration to take hold of Juba and Shabelle waters, one must be reminded of the rivers’ source origination; therefore the less perverse mind would inquire as to why? Scare mongering in the green minds and tension rising in the less conversant persons spring to mind, and remains the sole rationale for such line of argument.


Care to elaborate and make a case for it, if you dare, other than the crude conspiracy hypothesis of the darling son of the hour, Mr Hassan. And then perhaps, the Somali Patriots could do the honours in debating the validity of the claims put forth.


As for the gentleman in question, a Somali whistle blower eh, how fastidious – never thought Somalis had it in them. Whilst I still denounce his arrest, for nothing warrants depriving one of one’s civil liberties, and having read HIS account of what transpired during his stay in Puntland, I must admit two areas of concern arise:


Firstly, the gentleman in question was not, despite the media classifying him as such, an official member of the fact-finding troupe, rather a trekker rented for his services similar to that of tourists in rare destinations; thusly his being classified as one is rather erroneous and misleading. His divulging of the details of the mission and team’s assignment, provided one believes his story of Mogadishu being on the brink of being invaded, smacks “twat†on his forehead for his story would have been more credible had he remained more tactful, and thorough in his dispatch. Further, the following hardly adds up: If his possessions had been confiscated during his interrogations i.e. telephone, funds and the like, and never returned as highlighted, how did he manage to hang on to the maps exhibited for the world to see – remember he discovered the “maps†whilst in Jawhar, and all his belongings had been removed in Garowe?


Secondly, provided inaYusuf is a stooge and as vengeful as being portrayed, why would Gedi, Mohamed Dhere, Gacmadhere amongst others of Mogadishu in their right mind approve of any mission that would bring the beloved capital under assault? Either they are obtuse, which I think not, or the gentleman in question had watched too many Hollywood movies ala Arnie – more likely than not.


I for one am glad he does not claim to have been tortured whilst in custody. Or does the story have multiple twists and turns – awaiting the forthcoming episode, then. Nonetheless, it negates not the fact that his detention was objectionable. Let us wait how Farole and inaQorsheel explain this one out.


All yours mi son ...

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You two sound like constipated old hags. :D


Jokes aside, Tolstoy's point of Ethiopia's ill intentions towards Somalis and Somalia (whether North or South) cannot be dismissed.


However, I didn't open this thread so we can discuss Ethiopia's imperialist agendas for Somalia/land. Its about this guy (Abdullahi Sheik) and his claims of holding maps etc. about Ethiopia's plan to "invade" Somalia.


Ethiopian PM Meles Zenawi today said: "The bottom line is our offer is still on the table, but we are not going to impose ourselves on Somalia ," Meles told a joint news conference with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the capital, Addis Ababa. "It is up to the Somali government and the Somali people."


I think the bigger issue of Abdullahi Sheik's press conference is to spread Muqdisho (and its environs) with facinating stories of an impending Ethiopian invasion, so as to manipulate the local population by making them believe the TFG - in collaboration with Ethiopian troops - will invade and take over the Capital. This "Ethiopia is coming" bandwagon is ultimately designed to turn the Somali people - especially the ever-important residents of the Capital - against this TFG leadership.

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Is all about the money!!!



Gen. Bad Maceeye oo ku gacan seyray eedeymaha loo soo jeediyey.


March 02, 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


Xasan Sheekh Axmed Cadde. Muqdisho, Soomaaliya.


Gen. Bad Maceeye oo caawa wareysi gaar ah siiyey HornAfrik ayaa waxa uu shaaca ka qaadey in xayiraadii Cabdulaahi Sheekh Xasan ee magaalada Garoowe ay aheyd mid ay og yihiin Madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya Cabdulaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi, isagoo sidoo kale beeniyey shaxdii la sheegay inuu isaga ka danbeeyey ee maanta la soo bandhigay.


Gen. Cismaan Shiikh Bad Maceeye oo ka mid ahaa guddigii xaqiiqo raadinta ee kormeerada ku sameynayey qaar ka mid ah gobolada dalka Soomaaliya, ayaa markii uu gaarey magaalada Nairobi waxa uu sheegay iney soo ururinayeen xogta qeybihii kala duwanaa ee ay la kulmeen.

Waxaa kaloo uu sheegay iney jireen laba sargaal oo uu isagu ka mid ahaa, oo midkii hore markii la siiyey sida uu sheegay waxoogaagii uu xaqa u lahaa uu ku harey magaalada Muqdisho, balse Cabdulaahi Sheekh Xasan uusan taa ku qancin oo uu wafdiga u raacey qeybihii kala duwanaa ee dalka.


Waxaa kaloo Cismaan Shiikh Bad Maceeye uu intaasi ku darey inaaney waxba ka jirin

shaxda uu Cabdulaahi Sheekh Xasan uu maanta ku soo bandhigay magaalada Muqdisho.





Jen. Badmeceeye oo ka Jawaabay eedeyntii loo jeediyey ee ku wajahneyd in uu diyaariyey Kaartadii lagu soo weerari Muqdisho




“Damiirkeyga wadaniyadeed i siin maayo in aan dalka ku soo hogaamiyo ciidamo shisheeye, waxaana anigu ka mid ahaa saraakiishii ciidamadda xooga dalka ee ka diriray xuduudaha, sidey buu damiirkeygu igu siin karaa in aan dadkeyga ku soo hogaamiyo Itoobiya oo aan si kulul ula diriray†ayuu yiri Jen. Badmaceeye oo magaciisa oo saddexan, kuna qoran af-carabi uu shalay ku saxiixnaa kaartadii uu soo bandhigay C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan, wuxuuna Jananku sheegay in warkaasi uu yahay war aanan sal & raad toona laheyn.



Jen. Badmaceeye wuxuu sheegay in guddigu ay uruurinayeen fikradaha ay ka qabaan dadka ku dhaqan gobolada Soomaaliya marka laga hadlayo ciidamo shisheeye in dalka la keeno, wuxuuna tilmaamay in dadka si weyn u soo dhoweynayeen dalabka ciidamada shisheeye, markii ay sii weydiiyaanna inta badan dadku ay qabaan in ciidamadaasi aanan loo kala saarin safka hore & safka dhexe.



Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho



“Dadka diidan ciidamada dalalka safka hore waa dad lagu qiyaasay in ay yihiin 1%†ayuu yiri Jen. Badmeceeye.

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After you read WIIL_DUCO's post, do you still think this character (Cabdullahi Sheik) is credible?


He was arrested in Garoowe, his stuff (spy cellphone, documents etc) was confiscated, yet he managed to escape with this magical 'map' that draws out Ethiopia's invasion of Muqdisho and Shabelle/Jubba Valleys.


Such damning evidence but Puntland police put him on a safe plane back to Muqdisho so he can share the secrets he found with world.


Meles Zenawi must be really dissappointed. Oh, my secrets have been revealed!


SXB, argue about the issue (Ethiopian troops) but don't defend a spying moryaan like Cabdullahi Sheik.

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Saraakiisha ciidamadii xogga soomaaliya ee ku sugan kismaayo oo ku tilmaamay hadal ka soo yeeray Generaal Galaal mid uu Dano gaar ah ka leeyahay


GEDONET.COM ---- Saacado ka dib markii Generaal Maxamed Nuur galaal oo ka tirsanaa ciidankii xooga soomaaliyeed uu shaaca ka qaaday siyaasad ay dawlad itoobiya ku qabsanayso Dekada kismaayo mustqabalka dhawna ay ku xirayso biyaha wabiyada Jubba iyo shabeele ayaa waxaa hadlkaas mid aan sal lahayn ku tilmaamay saraakiisha kale ee ku sugan kismaayo.


Warbixinta Generaal Galaal ayaa waxaa ku saabsanayd khariirad ay marka ugu horaysa ku qabsanayaan dekada kismaayo ee xarunta gobolada jubbooyinka iyo mid kale oo ay dhuumaha shidaal kaga qaadayso degmada Shilaabo ee ismaamulka soomaalida laguna gaynayo dekada dabiiciga ah ee xarardheere taas oo ah heshiis ay wada galeen C/laahi yuusuf sida uu yiri.


Warbixinta generaalka ayaa waxaa ay intaas ku dartay in dawlada yeman ay shan maraakibta dagaalka u soo dirayso koonfurta dalka kuwaas oo go,doominaya dhaqdhaqaaqaq gaadiidka badda ee muqdishu yimaada.


Hadalada ka soo yeeray Generaalka rug cadaaga ah ayaa waxaa ay u badnaayeen kuwa uu aad uga sheekeeyay magaalada kismaayo iyo sida ay itoobiyaanku ugu guntanayaan in ay gacanta ku dhigaan hadaba saraakiisha kismaayo ku dhaqan ayaa sheegay in Generaalku uu warkaas kaga dan lahaa arimo u gaar ah. Col: Geele Faarax Shakad oo ka mid ah golaha hogaaminta ee isbahaysiga dooxada jubba ayaa sheegay in hadii itoobiyaanku ay rabaan in ay soomaaliya xoog ku qabsadaan ay samayn kareen 14kii sano ee dawlad la,aanta balse maanta taas aysan suurtagal ahayn waxaana uu ku sheegay hadalka Generaalka mid uu ratigiisa ku kacsanayo.


Col: Ibraahim yuusuf Xoday oo loo yaqaan rodman ayaa isna muujiyay sida aysan iminka suurtaglka u ahayn in istiraatiiji ahaan ay itoobiyaanku ay xoog ku soo galaan dhulka aad uga fog ee kismayo waxaana uu carrabka ku dhuftay in aqoon badan isu leeyihiin Generaal galaal oo aysan la yaab ahayn in uu noqdo ninkii ugu horeeyay ee dawlada teegeera hadana uu ka soo horjeesto.


Col: Axmed Shire warsame ayaa isna qiray in itoobiyaanku ay dano gaar ah ka leeyihiin soomaaliya hase yeeshee waxaa uu Kornaylku diiday marnaba suurtagalnimada warbixinta generaalka oo uu sheegay in aysan siyaasad iyo ka baaran deg huwanayn.


Col: cabdi Ashkir jaamac ayaa isugu ku eedeeyay Generaal galaal in uu faafinayo warbxino ka dhan dawlada isagoo ahaa sargaalkii ugu horeeyay ee ciidan u diyaariya oo xamar ku gaardisiiya waxaana uu taas ku micneeyay Col: cabdi Ashkir in generaalku uu danahiisa ka dhex arki waayay dawlada ama ballanqaad looga baxay.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee warka ka soo yeeray Generaal Maxamed Nuur galaal ayaa saamayn ku yeeshay magaalada kismaayo iyadoo hadal haynta ugu balaaran ee goobaha dadku uu ku badan yahay ay ahayd suurtagalnimada khariirada uu soo bandhigay mid ka mid ah Generaalada ugu waayo aragsan ragga militariga ku xeeldheer ee ku nool dhulka soomaalida.


Nasteex daahir faarax


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^^ Like I've said before Libaax, there are some who took that map seriously. I think I posted a couple of days a news article alleging Col Hiiraale was calling all the former military officers of Somalia to Kismayo. I see they have arrived. But I don't understand why these military officers are hushing up Gen. Galaal? Could he possibly have "blabbed" out some information he wasn't supposed to, therefore leading these military officers to downplay his public announcement...


From various news I'm hearing, the SRRC equivalent of Abdulahi Yusuf is springing up.

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^^^ I found the whole story about the map confusing, parts of it are in Arabic and it looks like some one scribled on it. Also Galaal story goes like Yemen and Ethiopea will isolate Mogadishu and attack Kismayu, why Yemen? and how will blockading Mogadishu help the government?

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Also Galaal story goes like Yemen and Ethiopea will isolate Mogadishu and attack Kismayu, why Yemen?

You are forgetting Egypt's well established place in Somali politics. Her mysterious disappearance will be arising soon. Pray what position will she take...

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The most decisive difficulty for this gov. is the coming forth of new pundits of political fear mongering who are well too versed with their militant tactics. Ooh, are they more than busy working to squeeze A/Y further into a more brittle side-wall waiting to be shattered.



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What is so refreshingly radical is the magnificent assurance with which the pundits of the politics of “fear†predict, upon the arrival of 2000 Ethiopian troops, a whole new devastation of a nation where so long a period of savagery had already given its people such a disheartening result as far as the Somali psyche of today is concerned. Be it so the top proponent of such "doomsday" politics or a loquacious babbler merrily tagging along, it is always fundamental to use logic and reason as tools to decipher arguments. For if it matters not to whom I pose question, allow me to humbly undertake the mammoth task of situating our house scholar-Tolstoy, on the receiving end of my lone inquiry.


Is Ethiopia as a nation truly capable of, be it financial or military, keeping the chaotic fragments of the individualistic Somali sub clans under its sway, by proxy or not, for an extended period of time?

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Hello Folks

This was indeed a serious and very much eye-opening discussion; particularly, in so far as the issue of how much of the
nefarious agenda towards
was then known by all account.

Who are you telling this? Mela Zenawi succeeded controlling the SNM gang in Hargeisa without one drop of blood.


Somehow or the other, I must of have been somewhere else; for in dear life of me, I can not account for as to how I have missed this discussion by a mile, to say the least; without me taking part in it's well-crafted discourse, with, what would of have amounted then, no doubt about it, a hefy dose of serious effort on my part, to say the least....
:D are so important that SOL will dry up if it misses u!!!


But, be that as it may, I have a feeling, that what I could of have said it in here have already been said it, by that estimable fellow by the name of
Mr. Tolstoy

..and predicted what?


By-the-by, I wonder where is he nowdays; for surely as a day follows a night, we could of do with his sense of
balance political wisdom
around here; not to say nothing of his ever untiring version of detailing a political thesis of most worthy sort in here, on a daily basis, particularly to all comers...

Last time I checked, after he graduated from Moscow U, he realized that no way he can no long share values with a punch of gangs engaged in sabotage activities to destory the fabric of their nation by using cheap tactics which, by the way, have not worked for them for the last 17 years.


Now, all in all, this discussion, reminds of me, all of those heated debate that used to take place around here of
; which used to be akin to that hillarious scene of a man arguing over-and-over-again with another chap who is determined to keep his head deeply burried in the sand at best; or failing that a sort of fellow, who is essentially repeating himself with a
la-la song-and-dance
; and therefore, anything you say to him in return will seemed to be bypassing him effortlessly, without so much of conscious troubled in his part, at worst.

I have to give you this. U are good at describing youself. Helloooo, instead of running around headless like chicken just slaughtered in your la-la stuff, listen to what the world is saying to you. It is saying to you and to the few you represent come up with a defined area you rule in Somalia before you declare independence. Otherwise stay in your mirqaan situation untill the Somalis solve their differences and form a solid regime which will make sure to put you back in place.


And that was essentially the conduct of the supporters of this discredited
even then of early
; who were always every ready to excuse the ill-intention of the
Ethiopian's agenda
, to the point of going out of their way in rubishing any hint that can easily foretold that the
Ethiopian's Army
are gearing up for their long expected and much delayed invasion towards

Have you realized that your dreams can go nowhere and in vain? why don't you confine yourself with the breakaway stuff? Get out of Somali affairs and TFG politics. Did you forget that you are a "breakaway"?


And all they are waiting for, was that little matter of squaring
their political agenda
, such as the said invasion with
Uncle Sam's political calculation
; in the sense of getting his
political approval
for that dastardly plan.

So you did predict "the dastardly plan". Did Mele Zenawi and his american friend trust you with secrets that they had plans to invade Somalia? Or you have just realized that now?


And once that
tacit and implicit approval
is recieved and is obtained in
, given that such a political
will be purchased through the method of informing the
that a
deady Jihadist
are on the loose in
; which will frighten them no end, particularly the
Neo-Conservative political apparatchiks

That is not news. Even five-year olds know that America is at war with Islamists and Jahadists whereever they area and with no cap on the budget to fight their enemy.


Consequently, if
Uncle Sam
wants that specter of a
a new
Islamic Political State
in the
to be stop or at least to be snipped at it's roots; then in that case
- i.e.,
Uncle Sam
- ought to change their
political tune
, along with their previous appointed
who is also responsible for
), namely the previous ambassador
Mr. William Bellamy

[qb]Given that
was the
political Author
that was responsible for much of the
US's State Department Policy
in regards to
policy of
Somalia's Internal Affairs
, at least by the neighbouring States.

hooh..are you saying that the SNM gang was better equipped to help America fight their enmeies better than TFG? You value yourself highly :D , no, no that is called jealousness (masayr). You can not fire Mr. William Bellamy for that. Oops, perhaps, you can with the help of your friends in British House of lords.


And Therefore,
shall see to it, to end, this prohibition towards
when it comes to her long planned invasion towards

so do what next?


Which is the policy of the
US's government
from the then
which was when this
come to existence,
that is; till at least the summer of
, which was when the then
bursted into commanding height of the then Somali political scene; particularly in-and-around



which which which..keep whiching!!


And more over assist her with
both human and signal
) as well as
Other Incentivising Military Hardware
that can make that soon-to-be-launch
Ethiopian's Invasion
something that is akin to a more brilliant political outcome, at least in it's execution.


Particularly in so far as
US's policy
Jihadist Containment
is concern; be it in the military theatre that is in the
, or be it anywhere else in the world.

We know US hepled Mele Zenawi. So, what? How is your plan doing to team up with Eritrea against US, Mele Zenawi and TFG?





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Who are you telling this? Mela Zenawi succeeded controlling the SNM gang in Hargeisa without one drop of blood.

Dad baa xanuun SNM la yidhaahdo la liita :D ... we need doctors and emergency staff here.



We all know where Melez fully controlls .... waxba indhaha ha isku qaban sxb.

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So, you do not agree with “DUNBULUQ FEDERAL STATE OF SOMALIA”, the name I have suggested for our Hargeisa-Burao-Barbara Triangle region of the Somali Republic, and your preference is, instead, DAAMI FEDERAL STATE OF SOMALIA. I am a man of consensus, not an extremist like you. But the writing of the application is on you. Write the petition to the TFG and let us wait for the approval from his Excellence President Abdulahi Yusuf and his MP Ali Geed.

Make sure to spell DAAMI in Somali script correctly.


If the SNM gangs do not go along with us, our deal is over. I will only accept either “DUNBULUQ or DAAMI”, no other name for our state. How about that? Do we have a deal?

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