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Prime Minister Geedi Commits a Major Political Gaffe!

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So far, Mr Yusuf did not make any comments denouncing his Prime Minster’s blunder! How dare the hero of Sool and Sanag abandon his people in such a way? Do they really not matter to him anymore? Or have the glittering lights of the TFG made him forget his humble beginnings? Is he the type that would sell his own beloved Puntland to the highest bidder, if political necessity calls for it or is it merely Sool and Sanag that he would sell? Where does all of this leave the people of S&S?


I am, of course, being extra mischievous here. However, I can’t help wondering if, today, there are a few S&S people questioning their commitment and loyalty to Puntland (it were Yusuf that embraced them and it seems to be Yusuf that’s letting them down)! Regardless of what I say or any other opportunistic passers-by say, the paranoia has set in and the people of S&S shall not view Puntland the same way again. Time to setup a new republic to counter Somaliland and Puntland, methinks. What will they call it though, I wonder?


If tomorrow Riyaale changes his views toward Somaliland for example if says midnimade Somalia waa muqasas (you can expect politicians especially somlis, from anything like sifir Kulmiye’campaiagn manager) or Somaliland is clan state and awdal should independent


Would Say?!!!



What happen to Guulwade Riyaaleeee! How dare the hero of Somaliland abandon his people in such a way? Do they really not matter to him anymore? Or have the outside influence or presidency made him forget his humble beginnings? Is he the type that would sell his own beloved somaliland to the highest bidder, if political necessity calls for it or is it merely somaliland that he would sell? Where does all of this leave the people of somaliland?



How about if we assume that many somaliland people would question their commitment and loyalty to Somaliland (it was Riyaale that they believed will bring recognitio, it seems to be Yusuf that’s letting them down)! Somaliland people will not view somaliland the same way again. Time to get rid of unreal somalilanders(guulwade) and only to be trusted the leadership of somaliland to genuine somalilanders



1) Political entities represent people of their constituencies, and NOT individual or figure. We know Puntlands was made by people of northeastern somalia-sool sanaag, cayn, bari, nugaal, and mudug (ssdf and usp in 1998), and somaliland was made by people of northwest Somalia-Hergeysa-barbara-burco triangle (snm in London in 1980s)

2) Good try - Delusion, You suggesting people of sool sanaag and cayn should rise up against Puntland! It is like saying boosaaso qardho rise up Puntland (Garowe), and Borame, loyacade, burco, barbara should rise up against Somaliland (Hergeysa)

3) I believe, In 1998 when elders of (sool, sanaag, cayn, bari, nugaal, and mudug) established The Regoinal state of Puntland, they made for people of Puntland and not for Yusuf, As elders of (hergeysa-barbara-burco triangle) on 1991 established Somaliland for people of Somaliland and TUUR. You see, even if individual like TUUR abandon somaliland ideology, Somaliland continued to exist with the leadership of egal, riyaale and we will see who follows !!!! same is true with Puntland, certainly even if indivuduals like Yusuf abandon puntland ideology, Puntland will continue to exist and thrive with the leadership of Muuse cadde, Afqudhac(who already spoke strongly against Ghhedi’s irresponsible commewnts)and will see who follows!!! Did Tuur sold off somaliland down the river?!!! Remember Yusuf is not anymore the president of Puntland as Tuur! There is NEW leadership in Puntland! First Gheedi is not from Puntland or Sool sanaag and cayn! Even if Yusuf would have made Irresponsible remarks, it will not make diffrence , because he will not be the first disgraceful politician , what you have to say about sifir, buubaa, qaybe, kaluun, tuur, etc


I expect President Rayaale :confused: to make an announcement any minute now rejecting the comments of Prime Minster Geedi and reaffirming the independence of Somaliland. We don’t need any confirmation from Geedi or his boss to prove the existence of Somaliland, he will wildly say.

You putting too much faith on Guulwade Riyaale, don't you know that he was senior Siad Barre's spy. I am sure he does not have the same devotion or obsession for Somaliland like you.


Your arguments are meaningless and easily refutable




Personally, I believe only somalia, and I am not fan of clan-feifdoms of Somaliland, Puntland, etc

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Originally posted by SOO MAAL:

You putting too much faith on Guulwade Riyaale, don't you know that he was senior Siad Barre's spy. I am sure he does not have the same devotion or obsession for Somaliland like you.

Sxb I think it is you who is reading to much into Ngonge's obsession. which I doubt if he has one. The guy would not know Somaliland if it hit him in the forehead let alone aspiring for its existance. It is well documented when Ngonge was asked to pinpoint Somaliland in the World Atlas, he confidently pointed at New Zealand and hugging the Atlas showing his affection for his motherland.... :D

Back to the topic under discussion. I think we all agree that the 'patron' of 'our' TFG is Ethiopia. Thus anything Geedi says or does, or for this matter his boss President Yeey, is conditionally pre-commissioned, pre-approved and censored by the patron. Need I state the wishes of the patron for Somalia?

Having said that I still strongly believe my doubts whether Yeey would have endorsed the remarks made by Geedi on BBC. He let that slip in order to attain his short-term needs, in which he can achieve it with the help of the 'patron'.

It is politics after all, innit? :D

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^^^You do me disservice there, saaxib. It’s true I didn’t know what Somaliland looked like and mistook it for New Zealand, however, with time and constant use of SOL, the signatures of my fellow Nomads helped me learn about all the towns and areas of the Republic of Somalia (former). :D




I’m disappointed in you, saaxib. Most of my last post was just a joke. You really didn’t have to go on analysing it.


Still, if you insist on being serious, spare me the revised history lesson and go comment on this thread , saaxib.

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Mr. Ngonge, there is too much cantaro baqash in the article you referred to and frankly speaking your generalization is derived from a few loose canons and load mouths.. :D

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Bro Ngonge

I am sorry, if you thought I was serious, I was not serious, just teasing you, because I donot like clan-factions like Somaliland and puntland




Mr. Ngonge, there is too much cantaro baqash in the article you referred to and frankly speaking your generalization is derived from a few loose canons and load mouths..

True, thread is meaningless



Insha allaah, Allaah will help Somali people out of their crisis



Sxb I think it is you who is reading to much into Ngonge's obsession. which I doubt if he has one. The guy would not know Somaliland if it hit him in the forehead let alone aspiring for its existance. It is well documented when Ngonge was asked to pinpoint Somaliland in the World Atlas, he confidently pointed at New Zealand and hugging the Atlas showing his affection for his motherland....

Jamatatu, I believe you reading to much into my response which wasnot more than an answer to ngonge hypothical questions, it is fact that is ngonge is well known advocate of self-declered state of Somaliland, the reason he could find somaliland in the map, is because most maps donot have somaliland



Back to the topic under discussion. I think we all agree that the 'patron' of 'our' TFG is Ethiopia. Thus anything Geedi says or does, or for this matter his boss President Yeey, is conditionally pre-commissioned, pre-approved and censored by the patron. Need I state the wishes of the patron for Somalia?

I agree with you, all so-called Somali politicians are ethoipian puppets; they all receive their weapons from Ethoipia, from Abdulaahi, Riyaale, Muuse Suudi, Qanyare, Mohamed Dheere, Shaati Guduud, Haabsade, etc


True anything that ALL contemporary somali so-called politicians say or does is pre-approved from Ethoipia


Now western somalia, Somaliland, Puntland, Central/southern Somalia (hiiraan, jowher, mogadisho, baydhabo, kismayo) are all in the Ethoipian hands



Can we say Ethoipia outsmarted somali people?

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Can we say Ethoipia outsmarted somali people?

Unless we prove otherwise the answer of your question will be a BIG YES.. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH:

And which Somalilanders are we talking about here?
Secessionists or unionists?

Baashi Mr Roble did not distinguish between Ethiopia Somalis when he gave them the advice I quoted and I don't expect him start now. If and when they (Somalis in Ethiopia) get the opportunity to decide their future, will it be done as a block or the way you wish to be for Somaliland. Let remind you even the Somaliweyn flag has five edges, and not five edges and Buhootle. smile.gif

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Remember Ayoub Somalis in Ethiopia are not part of Somalia (not yet). They have never come under Somali state. And there is no quarrel within their ranks on the question of self-determination. You are comparing apples and oranges here sxb.

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^^If what you say is correct, the plight of those Somalis would be very different. I think disunity among them as bad if not worse than Somalia.


Btw, according to your respected opinion my dear Sage Baashi, how will the Somalis in Ethiopia eventually decide their destiny? Will be a majority rules? smile.gif

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^Very smart move :D The Answer to that question is YES.


As to the disunity among Somalis in Ethiopia is as bad if not worse as Somalia no that does not sound right. Again remember there will always be friction among interest groups within any polity.

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salams, I hope all of you are in good faith.


I want tell you gusy that somaliweyn was a dream built upon love between the somalis, it was honestlty a dream of "wanaag" as we call in it somali.


I myself is not from Somaliland, But If they want to be a part of somaliweyn what can we do? We cant force them. And what would it be good for if they are a part of somaliweyn when they really dont want. I strongly belive that somaliland should be recognised, They are truly suffering becouse of us. Maybe, After they have become indpendent,And the south have become a "nation" maybe then we'll start loving each other join unity with each other just as we did in 1960, an era full of love and wanaag.


15 years is a lot of time, We have one of the deadlist civil wars in the world, We are worse then the afghani civil war becouse we have become so disintegrated. It's sad really.


Nabbada gurida waa Nabada dunida (peace at home, peace in the world)

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GURMAD: Gabay ku socda R/Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi


Gabay waanigii daayay oo gaabso doorbidaye


Godolkiisii waayadan ma libin iyo ganuunkiise


Aan gorfeeyo waataan ahaa gogol dhiggiisiiye




Cali geeddiyoow xaajadaad goobta kala yeedhay


Gacalloow malaayiin daday gaadhay qayladiye


Gocashiyo xusuustii qalbigu ila guhaadoowye




Soomaaliland goosta tiri garashadaadiiye


Garabyadii maqnaa tiri amxaar haydin guursado’e


Ma gabbaatibaa ciiddu waa dhaxal ma guuraane




Walaalow gef waa laga ordaa godobta qaarkeede


Gashi iyo mag waa laga baxshaa aano goonniyahe

Kala geynta qaran waa midaan gari ahaanaynee



Gabtay oo hoggaankii caloow waakan gaasiraye


Xilkii giiji lagu yidhi haddaad gudo aqoon weydey

ma geydide u dhiib shacabkii way kugu gedoodeene




Afartaa garsooraye mid kale gocanayaa mooyi


Nin gujaa murtida lagu yiqiin waan ka gaagaxaye


Aan giraangirshee mawlahaan iga gulaalayne




Hal gawdiidda gubadkoo harraad gooha ololaysa


Oo gabannadeedii l’edeen gaajo kala qaartay


Gacan midigle kuma aammineen inuu la guulaaye




Gunta hadalku madaxweynuhuu gaar u sii yahaye


Garoommada inuu kaa dhigaan talo ku gaadhsiine


Goolaaftan maahee runtaan geedka ka caddayne




Weli guul kamaad hoyn xilkaa guudka kuu sudhane


Indha gabadhsi bay kuu ahayd maalin gelinkeede


In lagaa gabbaanayday adaa goob xunta is dhigaye




Guclahaagii kama badan inaad nacab garbaysaaye


Gadhwadeen Zinaawaa tihiyo goosatiyo tuuge


Adigiyo intii kula guntani waad ku geleysaane




Goblamaan ka diirayn dhibtaa guriga noo taale


Galaayuuska maatada kolkaad gawda maqashiisay


Guullaa u maqan Fahad horuu kuugu guud maraye




Afartaana ganay oo horaan uga gudabaayaaye


Gobol aan tilmaan ugu noqdaan kugu garwaaqsiine


Caliyoow garaadkaa kolley gob’odu waa meele




Geyigaa aad kala geyn rag baw go’ay daraaddiise


Gubniyaa godka u galay markii laysu soo galaye


Gurey iyo darwiishkii u hure gebi naftoodiiye




Geeridiisi xalanaan ilmada gob’o ka siiyaaye


Gabayguu tirshey timacaddaan gama’ la diidaaye


Geddii faarax uun baan niyada gocanayaa mooyi




Waxaan gole ka maagiyo afkaan gawsaha u giijay


Gorod rogadka socodkayga iyo gaanannimadaydu


Gunnimaan ka fiigaa inaan laygu gooddiyine




Waxa geesi lagu gawracee iilka lagu gaabshey


Ee lagu gembiyey ciidda ee aakhira u gooshay


Ee godolka maandeeq ka qaday gocanayaa mooyi




Galda’aagii caliyoow haddaan gaadh lagaa qabanin


Gar loo gubay haddii aanay noqon gubiyo xaalkeeda


Is gunaanad gobanimiyo sharaf ma aha gaankaaye!




Maxamuud Axmed Cabdalla





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I think Geedi’s shortcoming imputes fairly on inexperience and incapacity to leadership. In many ways, President Abdilahi Yusuf has a referent power over his position, which speculates to it that he is not a prime minister to the public more so than he is to Abdilahi Yusuf.


So brothers, it is not only that our President intends to betray his people but it was a political gaffe as Faisal put it in his article and deleterious mistake to the cohesiveness of our people in reconstituting a legitimate government. Sadly, Geedi downplayed an important issue and a marginal one to his government’s success on the restoration of a peaceful country. Practically speaking, most of the TFG’s support comes from Puntland. So what If the secessionists obtain recognition from the International community? Will his fragile government exiled in a small town Jowhar show willingness to collaborate what is required of it as in the case of drawing a new demarcation line that should slash the country into two unequal entity? Of course, the International Community, in this case, is alert to the corollary to this and is impressed upon the history and the cause of self-determination of the secessionists in the former English protectorate---inconclusive claims based on internal colonization. (refer to Dr. Jama Elmi’s recent article “Somalis Federalism and Self-Determinationâ€)


I also think Geedi’s shortcoming imputes on his attempt to negotiate with the secessionists. Two important goals must first be considered: substance and relationship goals as evidence to political negotiation. The relationship part obviously points to the declaration of a lobbyist and consultant of “somalilandâ€, Iqbal Jhazbay at an “informational session†hosted by the U.S State Department in SA that Geedi’s government will boost and support Somaliland if the World recognizes it. And the subsequent confirmation of Geedi himself on BBC radio reaffirmed the declaration of the lobbyist. Two things is now left for the substance part or “content issues†of this negotiation to buoyancy. The confirmation of the President and committing everything said and done into writing---a gross violation of the constitution of TFG , which in turn renders their positions and authority ineffective.


It is mostly believed if not entirely of our President as a leader who is highly backed by Ethiopia. We may deduce a lot from the degree to which Addis Ababa plays a significant role in Somalia’s politics and the relative advantage of economic interest. The new trade deal between Addis Ababa and the secessionists for the access of Berbera port, had the TFG commented, it would have underlined that Ethiopia was running the gauntlet of the TFG about its meddling in the affairs of the country without direct consultation or permission from the federal government. So to downsize the scenario, I highly believe Abdilaahi Yuusuf issued his directives on the issue and asked the Prime Minister to give legitimacy to the claim of the secessionist. This is in part to create a picture on how far the government looks at the issue of dismembering the country, and in part is an “exit strategy†of the trade deal to distance itself from involvement.


Federalism is viewed by many, including me, as the source of Somalia’s hope or for that matter a system model that can be articulated and defended against a charge of total failure in the future. Yet, it carries multi-faceted objective that would derail the hope of “Greater Somalia†in its entirety. Dividing the country into five or six political units could have the implications of weakening the strength of collective power and thus provide a coordinated approach to control Somalia by an external force—Ethiopia. Sure, Ethiopia has its internal divisions and courts the danger of strife, but it has the wherewithal of huge population and land in the Horn, which attracts a strategic support on this matter from U.S and EU.



Hornafrique thanks for the link.



Toohe Jr. a.k.a Mansa Munsa, you have have said a lot about why the decay in our nation is progressing. I couldn't agree more than it.



SOO MAAL. thanks for the articles and comments.



NGONGE AND TOLSTOY, AND BAASHI and all of you, thanks for the contribution.

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