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Seyoum Mesfin oo kabaxay saaxada siyaasada Ethiopia

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Not sure about the number, Duke. But the puppet-master Zenawi is destroying Ethio country in Tigre's name.


Muslim sounding characters are his puppets.

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HaileMariam Desalegn is a Wolaita, from SOuthnern nations region. Was former president of the region and a lecturer at Arba-Minch University. Was deposed five years ago accussed of corruption by Meles himself.


Xinnfanin, you are comparing that statistics with what baseline? True, some things are happening but did the friend also briefied you that there are over 11,000 inamtes in Jigjiga alone, more than 10,000 civillians killed in these years and the other human right violations going on. Any development indicators cannot be used to justify submission under tyranny. First things first. The rights issue comes before anything.

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Aw Tusbaxle,


I must admit the stats I heard from that briefing were much better than my originally assumed base line. In my mind, ****** was a land of misery and agony whose people are under harsh political oppression and military brutality where access to education, clean water, and health services (let alone research institutions and higher ed) was no wise possible.


When you utter words such as tyranny and refer to the lack of individual rights that exists in the region, you are appealing to my instincts. I tend to readily agree with such powerful arguments albeit emotionally. And I have asked very tough questions like the ONLF and its opposition to the said agreement. And my friends admit the fact that ONLF remains the biggest obstacle. It represents, they say, real challenge to whatever progress and break this agreement was designed to produce.


I gather you are not denying the existence of the stats I cited. You are just pointing out the fact that majority of ******s are living under tyranny and as a result are suffering.

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When extrajudicial killings, rape,gruesome maiming,detention without due process and the blanket impunity to kill stops then we can begin to talk of stats.I also have a hard-time accepting those numbers but there have been for the first time in the regions history actual pavement of roads and the construction of various schools and a university in Jigjiga Something very foreign to the region.This is great and I think because of the criticism Meles has recieved in regards to the lack of development across the region which have been highlighted previously he has begun to release the coffers to the Somali region to curb some criticism and use this this as a policy instrument to make refrence to when pressed.


I think its naive to believe ONLF is an obstacle to development when they have set out the requirements for a peace process to occur.Its clearly the TPLF regime which does not want to embrace peace.The peace deals I think have been established to be nothing short of bogus and it would be totally delusional to think that the so-called peace deal was an ingredient for the few development projects that are taking place around the region.They were groups that yielded no political or military strength and it was convenient for Meles to exploit them for his political purposes as he knew they were in no position to pressure him to change his policies in the Somali region.If that was the case, the organisation to talk to waits for his response to the proposition for a peace deal in a neutral country.


Political and Human rights are a pre-requisite to every societies peace and progress.If Ethiopia continues the brutal politics of Totalitarianism then the Somali region will not change for the better.

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The Zack   

Well said, Jabhad. One must be fully unfamiliar of what is Going on in that region to believe that the ONLF are obstacle to the development of the region. And as you all said, dignity and freedom come before peace!

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Aw Tusbaxle,


I must admit the stats I heard from that briefing were much better than my originally assumed base line. In my mind, ****** was a land of misery and agony whose people are under harsh political oppression and military brutality where access to education, clean water, and health services (let alone research institutions and higher ed) was no wise possible.


When you utter words such as tyranny and refer to the lack of individual rights that exists in the region, you are appealing to my instincts. I tend to readily agree with such powerful arguments albeit emotionally. And I have asked very tough questions like the ONLF and its opposition to the said agreement. And my friends admit the fact that ONLF remains the biggest obstacle. It represents, they say, real challenge to whatever progress and break this agreement was designed to produce.


I gather you are not denying the existence of the stats I cited. You are just pointing out the fact that majority of ******s are living under tyranny and as a result are suffering.

I can do nothing about your misconceptions. Jigjiga is a better place than Hargeisa and Garowe. And in terms of human capital development, way way superior. That is another story.


Don't get high on stats on development. We can discuss those in some perspective some other time. But why is the stats about the number of dead, raped and jailed not concerning you that much? Is it because you think it is a fabrication? And why have you concluded ONLF is the problem? There is a political problem in the region. The history is well known. ONLF and TPLF disagreed on how to run the region in 1994. A war broke out. It has to be resolved and that calls for readiness for serious discussions on both sides. That seriousness is not coming from Meles. And until such time he comes to his senses, the ONLF has no option but to hold onto the guns.


By the way, are you recommending what Sh.Ibrahim and Macow did? And you think such moves will bring peace?


I tell you you don't have any understanding of how the mentality of Tigre and Axmaaro work. So, don't be the jack of all trades. Sit back and learn. Kolba talo yar oo diciif ah oo wax ay ku saleesayntahay la gareeney meesha in lala yimaad ma aha. There is a plan on our side and we stick to it.


It is because of ONLF that Somali's get an equal share (at least on paper) in Ministerial allocation with Tigres. More and more rights will come if we remain patient and principled.


And we don't really ming false peace deals orchastrated by Iley and Meles. I personally think Iley is doing good job, in using those meaningless rituals as a ruse to free some prisoners. We want to second peace-makers in some batches on a periodic basis. But that the Tigre's aren't giving them anything should tell you something. They know where real peace can come from and who can deliver it.


Meles is requesting to meet Admiral Osman in person. That is all the detial I can give you. But unless a credible political deal is offered, which will address short-term concerns and long-term aspirations as well, no one will shake Meles's hand. We prefer the Tamil way, to be defeated militarily and let the dream live for another day, than take undiginified peace deals.


Taa ku seexo!

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A&T is right on this matter.. O-region of Ethiopia, people is lacking the basic human rights..Until that right is given to people, A&T’s stand is rightful.


BTW, A&T is embracing the Col. Saberay, Interesting! Odayga ma hoostaad kawada hadasheen?

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Aw Tusbaxle,



Meeshaan hannaan gobanimiyo haddiyad eegaayey

Haf miyaad la tiri xaydh sidaad haan ku dhayanayso


Adeer, hanjabaad aan macno badan lahayn baad la shir timid.


Maxaa ku jaban haddaan ixsaa iyaad ku weydiiyey…


Sh. Ibrahim took a risk in what he did. It may or may not work, but it is a change in how things were done since the beginning of the struggle. Although I appreciate the change in strategy, there are things in this agreement in which I disagree in principle.


ONLF is a very well established freedom fighting organization. It represented the struggle of Somalis in that region for a long time. Its name is synonymous with freedom for Somalis in Ethiopia. It has an appeal and emotional attachment to average Somali that transcends beyond usual tribal boundaries. All that is true.


But that does not mean ONLF is always right. It does not mean others cannot lead in finding a different solution to the problems in ******. The more you write, the more it becomes apparent that you reject the deal because some one other then the good admiral struck the agreement with Zenawi. I don’t like that awoowe.

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Arinkaan Culimadiiba kuheshiin wayday!


I heard a while that Sheikh Umal approved of the peace initiative, and only few days ago Sheikh Faruuq released a statement in support of ONLF's stance.

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