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President Abdulahi Yusuf the president of somalia

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I personally am very, very disappointed at the result of this parliamentary vote. Laakiin for the sake of Soomaali midnimo and for the sake of plight of Soomaali people in and out of Soomaaliya, I personally accept Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed as a president, and may Allaah make an easy transition for him: Aamiin.

I think that this is the stance of most Somalis, because like them i too am tired. At this point, anyone will do, and we shall help him.


I'm excited at the prospect though, not because he is the leader, but because i have hope that this government will make changes. For me, that means the achievement of a life goal, to return permanently to my homeland, my country of birth, my beloved Somalia. Such a sweet dream, i can almost touch it.

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Originally posted by Saxardiid:

it was just simple calculation lets hope this time things will workout nicely for our peoples sake.. [/QB]

I'm sure things will work out soon so long as we're willing to give c/yusuf our full support and a chance and to see if he's the one who can bring peace and prosperity to somalia. the process of rebuilding somalia will probably take 5-10 years but who cares how long it takes, as long as we have law and order and the freedom to travel around the country without getting ambushed.




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I'm sure things will work out soon so long as we're willing to give c/yusuf our full support and a chance and to see if he's the one who can bring peace and prosperity to somalia. the process of rebuilding somalia will probably take 5-10 years but who cares how long it takes, as long as we have law and order and the freedom to travel around the country without getting ambushed.


sister lets give all the support he needs and hope he will do "the right thing".



I'm excited at the prospect though, not because he is the leader, but because i have hope that this government will make changes. For me, that means the achievement of a life goal, to return permanently to my homeland, my country of birth, my beloved Somalia. Such a sweet dream, i can almost touch it.


This is what I call OPTIMISM ;) We really need this.

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What would have been the scenario if, let us say, Cabdiraxman Jamac Barre , a high-level candidate had won the presidency? He was one of the presidential candidates. The ballot casting once veered in his favor before he decided to give his all votes to Abdilaahi Yusuf to strengthen his chance of winning the presidency?


There is a good rationale why A/Y was elected as the president of our country because of his records he is a man who has gateway to an overarching influence over the warlords, and Him now as the president of Somalia shall redound to his credit as once a colonel, president of regional administration, a man who had beaten the odds of being in a situation between life and death.


For over 14 years, a number of leaders from Mogadisho, jockeying for presidential position, had been tried, given the chance, and made redoubtable for their capacity to restore law and order, but they all failed either because of perfidious schemes or external sabotage.


It is not a complicated issue to understand why Mogadishu, our capital city, is still in feral disorder. We have a number of fiefdoms, each with war profiteering militia, so they aren't prepared yet to give up the country's booty. The more we wait the more the situation becomes more complex beyond our ken.

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connect the dots....


Madaxweynaha & ra’isul wasaaraha oo dhoolatus siyaasadeed ka dhigay Jowhar




Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah & ra’isul wasaarihiisa oo uu wehliyo sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan wasaarada arrimaha dibedda ee dalka Talyaaniga ayaa la sheegay ion muddo ku dhow hal saac ay ku dhex-lugeynayeen bartamaha magaalada Jowhar.


Labada nin ee dowladda federaalka KMG ah ee Jowhar ugu sareeya oo loo qaatay in socdaalkoodu uu ahaa dhoolatus siyaasaseed oo ay u bandhigayeen saaxiibka ugu weyn ee dowladda ee dowladaha caalamka ay ku leeyihiin oo ah dowladda Talyaaniga si ay u tusaan in nabadda taal Jowhar aaney oolin meel kale oo ka tirsan Soomaaliya ama xittaa dalalka waaweyn.


Labada mas’uul oo uu saddaxeeynayey sarkaal ka tirsan wasaarada arrimaha dibedda Talyaaniga ayaa farriistay maqaayad ka mid ah kuwa ay dadka wax ka cabaan oo ay ka dalbadeen Café, ayna joogeen ilaa 45 daqiiqo iyagoo markaa kadibna dib ugu lugeeyey waddada dheer ee tagta halka madaxtooyada u ah dowladda.


Lama faahfaahin ujeedada sarkaalkaasi ka socday dalka Talyaaniga & waxa ay kala hadleen midna waxaase cad in si diplomaasiyadeysan ugu muujiyeen in iyagoon la waardiyeyneyn ay mari karaan meel kasta oo ka mid ah magaalada Jowhar & in halka ay degeen ay tahay meel ay doorbidayaan in dowladda oo dhan ay wada degto oo aysan la mid aheyn magaalooyinka kale ee Soomaaliya oo aysan ku qaldaneyn degitaanka ay degeen halkaas.



Xigasho. Wargeyska Xog-ogaal.



Ku noqo beejka






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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:



364 days later of
i jiid aan ku jiido
wuxuu yiri, waxee tiri, waxee yiraahdeen...


What an accomplishment!

I'm quoting myself. After almost 728 days later of i jiid aan ku jiido iyo koox waalan meel ee kasoo baxeen la kaseynin joogo, our honourable president still wax uu dalka ka badalay ma jiro ka ahayn nafsadiisa in la gaado shirqool iyo qarax lala galo, qashqashaadii oo badatay iyo xaaladii siyaasada qalafsanayd oo sii dabadheeraatay, oo jiho loo raaco jirin.


1092 more unpredictible days to go.


Eebboow sahal dalka, oo u caga dhig dadkeena -- aamiin.

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The old man is still standing.

Qaynayre, Sudi, Mohamed Dheere, Sudi Yalaxow, and others are gone. Who is next?


3 more years to go, long live the republic.

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^Long live the republic huh? what republic, walle African wax ma bartaan. I am not suprised the fact that he was reelected,considering the other candidates, Qanyare AFrax, Yalaxow--lol.Do we even know where they are if they were elected?


This is the lowest of the lowest of the Somali politics, and for some to hold such high admirations for the TFG is beyond me.

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General Duke,


Muxuu Duqa madaalada Baydhabo uu ula hadli waayay umada Soomaaliyeed. Muxuu noola tashan waayay.


Dhibaatada waxaa keenaya dadkan u mooday in ay xaq ama xoog umada Somaaliyeed ku leeyihiin (gacan ku dhiigle, dagaal ooge). Booskan ummada Somaaliyeed ayaa u dhiibay A/Y, waxayna ugu dhiibeen sidii uu nabad iyo kala dambayn wadanka ugu soo celin lahaa. Imisa ayaa wakhtigii la siiyay dhaafay? Muxuuna qabtay? Siyaad Barre kolay hadal buu nugu maaweelin jiray, wax badanna wadanka wuu u qabtay.


A/Y af gaabmidiisa ayaa meeshan dhigtay. Aniga iilama eeka nin madaxbanaan oo toos ummada Soomaaliyeed ula hadli kara.


General Duke telefoonka qabso u sheeg A/Y inuu noo qudbadeeyo, uu nala hadlo. In uu noo sheego wuxuu ku maqanyahay. Meesha odayaasha in uu maaweeliyo miyuu u fadhiyaa? Mise inuu lacag uruursado? Mise inuu Soomaaliya hogaamiyo?


Aleylee rag baa rag hogaamiya. Axmed Guray, Sayd Maxamed iyo Siyaad Barre raganimo looma diidana. Ma umalaynaysaa in A/Y uu safkaas gali karo? Ma u malaynaysaa in uu yahay nin hogaamiye ah?


anima ME ahaan A/Y iilama eeka nin hogaamiye ah.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

I can immediately now recall the now infamous phrase declared by Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow on BBC in 2002:


Anaga waxaan leenahay nin walba kaba la'eg ha gishto!

C/laahi Yuusuf kabo ka waa weyn aas isku jimayhaa; kursiga madaxweynanimadana waxaa xaq u leh (Muuse Suudi's large confederate clan).


Waxaa jira dad badan oo damac ku jiro raba in ay qaataan kabo ka weyn.

C/laahi Yuusuf kuma taageersani wax uuna lahayn mana laha awoodeeda..."

Al Xaaji wa Muuse Al Suudi wal Yalaxoow, maanta intee jirtay?


One fact I dearly learned today is you can never predict and know about twisted Soomaali siyaasad.

:D Xagee buu Muuse Suudi joogaa indeed.



Originally posted by Rahima:

quote: I personally am very, very disappointed at the result of this parliamentary vote. Laakiin for the sake of Soomaali midnimo and for the sake of plight of Soomaali people in and out of Soomaaliya, I personally accept Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed as a president, and may Allaah make an easy transition for him: Aamiin.

I think that this is the stance of most Somalis, because like them i too am tired. At this point, anyone will do, and we shall help him.


I'm excited at the prospect though, not because he is the leader, but because i have hope that this government will make changes. For me, that means the achievement of a life goal, to return permanently to my homeland, my country of birth, my beloved Somalia. Such a sweet dream, i can almost touch it.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww how sweet a non-cynical Rahima. A hopeful Rahima. Were is she now? :D

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