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Bloomberg: Ethiopia to sign peace treaty with Somali rebels

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Ethiopian Government Plans to Sign Peace Deal With ****** Rebels Tomorrow

By William Davison - Jul 28, 2010 4:02 AM MDT Wed Jul 28 10:02:05 UTC 2010


Bloomberg: Ethiopia’s government will sign a peace deal with the United Western Somali Liberation Front, a rebel organization that has been fighting for independence in the ethnic Somali region in the east of the country.


The accord will be signed tomorrow in the capital, Addis Ababa, the Communication Ministry said in an e-mailed statement today.


The UWSLF is a rival of the ONLF, which also operates in the Somali region. Both groups are considered to be successors to the Western Somali Liberation Front that fought for independence for the region and assisted the army of neighboring Somalia in its ultimately unsuccessful invasion of the region in 1977-88.


In 2006, the UWSLF kidnapped Irish Red Cross Worker Donal O’Suilleabhain and an Ethiopian colleague Hadis Ahmed Samatar. Both were later released unharmed.


To contact the reporter on this story: William Davison in Addis Ababa via Johannesburg at

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UWSLF is not the big fish but they are being used for political reasons, ONLF seem to have most of the influence in the said region.

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It is not just UWSLF that made peace with Meles. A faction of ONLF has also chosen the peaceful path. The only holdout is Admiral Osman. I heard the Eritrean dictator threatened him not to dialogue with Meles. Unfortunately the poor lad can't even breath without Isayas Afewrki's permission.

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Wufuud ka tirsan UWSLF iyo culuma,udiin soo gaaray Adisababa(Daawo Masawirada)

Posted to the Web Jul 28, 15:00



AdisAbaba:-Wufuud ka mid ah wafdigii lagu casuumay shirka heshisika Ururka UWSLF iyo Dowladda Itoobiya ee ka dhici doona Magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa saaka ka soo dagay Madaarka Calaamiga ah ee Pole International waxaana Xubnaha Wafdigaa soo dhaweeyay mas’uuliyiin sar sare oo ka tirsan Ururka UWSLF.



Wafdigaa waxaa soo dhaweeyay xubno ay ka mid ahaayeen Madaxa Golaha Shuuradda ee Ururka UWSLF Axmed Nashaad, Gudoomiye ku Xigeenka guud ee Ururka C/raxmaan C/laahi Yuusuf “Cabdi yare” Axmed Cabdi Aadam, Axmed Haadi ,Maxamed AadanAflow iyo C/casiis Cabdi Barre.



Xubnahan ayaa ka koobnaa 4 Xubnood waxayna Magacydoodu kala ahaayeenn Siraaje Sheekh Maxamed,Mursal Axmed Xasan,Maxamed C/laahi Xasan iyo Maxamed Ibraahim Shakuul.



Wafdiga kadibmarkii ay madaarka ka soo dageen waxaa lo soo qaaday Hotelka loogu tala galay in ay dagaan inta ay ku sugan yihiin Magaalada Addis Ababa.



Xubnahan ayaa u yimid sidii ay shirkaa uga qeyb gali lahaayeen sidoo kale waxa ay Xubnahane Matalayaan Jaaliyaadka Reer Soomaaligalbeed ee ku dhaqan dalka dibadiisa .



Xubnaha ayaa maanta ka qeyb galay shir wada tashi ahaa oo uu yeeshay Ururka UWSLF oo ka dhacay Hotel ka mid ah Hotelada waa weyn ee Addis ababa waxaana kulankaa la isku waydaarsaday qaabka loo maarayn doono shirka guud ee lagu wado in uu bari ka dhoco Addis Ababa.



Maalmihii la soo dhaafay ayay ahayd markii ay magaalada Addis Ababa soo gaadheen Xubno tiro badan oo ka mid ahaa xubnihii lagu casuumay in ay ka qeyb galaan shirka ka dhici doona ,waxaana jirtay in xubno ka mid ah Xubnahaa ay u gudbeen 2 maalin ka hor Magaalada jigjiga si ay u soo eegaan muuqaalka deegaanka ka hor inta uusan shirku furmin.









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The Zack   

^This "agreement" will NOT change any thing on the ground. The itixaad's weren't the once that were fighting in all the 9 zones of the state. I know that, Melez knows that, he is just confusing the international community.

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The Zack   

^I agree. That will be the case when the Woyane regime feels the heat and agrees to give the people of Western Somalia to choose what they want.

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More gullible Sheikhs! The Ethiopians are just using them to turn public support against the ONLF's resistance, the same way the USA used Shariff against his allied groups.

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^So the fighting (and all it's side effects) should continue?


Both sides need a break. Thats all it probably be, a break.

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Originally posted by N.O.R.F:

^So the fighting (and all it's side effects) should continue?


Both sides need a break. Thats all it probably be, a break.

The resistance and all the effects of a people under occupation will continue-regardless of some thirty sheikhs and their 40 men accepting the Ethiopian constitution. Ethiopia recently slaughtered many elders near the somali "border" and it also took part in the masacre of buhodle. That is the point I was making( these men have little control or influence). Their will be a break if the strongest resistance group, the ONLF, signs a comprehensive(not a photo shoot) cessation of hostilities or a ceasfire, which I would support. ;)

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