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The right men for the job Abdulah Yusef president

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So he doesn't particularly qualify for being a lackey for Ethiopia, especially since he is not scared of criticising Ethiopia and get jailed for 6 years too. So gimme a break!


If you want to fanaticaly advocate for him, thats your prerogative, but get your facts straight. He was not jailed for criticising ethopia.


***Ruinous fate intrudes when a dimwit rules supreme***

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Aight guys enough bashing of this guy and his blind supporters lets see hear your for me it is, though he has not yet put his name in the hat it is Galleydh, and if not him then Abdirahman Jama barre, or Addow in that order.A/qasiim would have been in that list but he has failed previously.

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Saxardiid gacan ayaan kuu taagay!

Sxb I was just giving a little lesson about the crimes of A/Y to his diehard supports so they would know his dark history, something no one ever told them. ;)

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Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf oo isaguna isu heystay in uu yahay Atooraha kaliya ee Beesha ***** ay uga dambeyn doonto magacaabidda xubnaha baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa soo wajahday caqabad weyn oo uga timid dhinaca siyaasiyiin beeshaasi kala tirsan oo diidmo xooggan kala horyimid, waxayna taasi ku keentay korneelka in la aqbali waayo liis ay ku qoran yihiin xubno baarlamaan oo uu isagu soo xushay.

very interesting


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go get a life c/y is the man just because he is not your clan u do not need to hate him for that what are u talking about his dark history this man is a leader to 1/3 of our nation and people love him for that somalia is notthing with out him so get a grip what ever u do or say is not going to make a differens u are not the one who is voting so no one care what u think about him so stop wasting your breath


ps: what other history are u going to put out


this man saved somalia from u know what so have pa little respect or go home

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

^^ Jamatatu, I am afraid milk is not joking.


I respect folks like Horn and Rahima who have always been consistent on their absolute rejection of this dictator.


But here is a question for the nomads.


After all is said and done ... where do we go from here?


What if he is elected to be the president of the republic?

He wont be dont have high hopes

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What if he is elected to be the president of the republic?

I too doubt he will, let’s just say I can’t imagine any of the major warlords getting the top job.


However, if we speak hypothetically (I pray to Allah that this never comes true), then as an individual who wants peace more than anything, I will accept him just so long as we take more steps foreword than backwards (which I very doubt if we leave it in the hands of a killer).


The way I see it is, if the saxaaba could live with the tyranny of Xajaaj ibn yusuf, then I can live with CY for a couple of years. He is old anyway; I doubt he will remain on the political stage for long. I worry more about the young scum; they might be around for much longer.

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OFF TOPIC: I wonder who this "milk" character is. I am getting very suspicous again. Aaway odayaashii Baashi iyo Gediid oo wax analyze gareyn jiray. Mise AYOUB sheekh buu ahaa ninkii arimahan ku fiicnaa. ;)



Waryaa, Jamatatu, what is my hope inadeer? Wallee sidii inan yar oon qaan qaarin baad wax u qortay. Is yara deji oo iska ilaali inaad ku xad gudubtid forumka iyo dadka wax ku qoraba. Waana tallo wanaagsan baan u malaynayaa maandhow.



Rahima, the latest word from the conference is that Galeydh is doing very well interms of garnering support for his bid and he is likely to be a tough challenge for the artificial incumbents (Caddow and Abdullahi Yusuf). Galeydh is said to be getting the backing of many delegetes including those from Puntland lately. Abdullahi Yusuf also has many loyal delegates and I wouldn't count him out. As for Caddow, I don't know anything about him and his politics but I know he is one of the well known candidates who is likely to be elected.


The only problem is that Abdiqasim and Abdullahi Yusuf might leave the conference and that would practically end this whole process because of the consitituents they hold.

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

Waryaa, Jamatatu, what is my hope inadeer? Wallee sidii inan yar oon qaan qaarin baad wax u qortay. Is yara deji oo iska ilaali inaad ku xad gudubtid forumka iyo dadka wax ku qoraba. Waana tallo wanaagsan baan u malaynayaa maandhow.

Sxb LSA ma ihii nin xuman doon ah ee lakiin waxaan ley tusiin hadalka dahson ama sarbeban. Waxan ka jeclahey in uu qofka si toos ah uu cadeyo arrintiisa. Mida kale sxb waa kugu xaad gudub in aad nin ka weyn ku tirah 'mandhow' misse adiga waxaada waa "la jiifayana banan"..?

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KA waran hadii la dorto C/Y??


waa arin dhici kara,ogow barlamaanka dadka isugu tegay waxayba u badanyihiin dagaal ogayaal ama kuwa iyaga ka danbeeya!!!Laakin xidka kasta oo hore u dhaqaajisa arinka soomaliya, kana bedesha sida ay hada ku sogan tahay, anigu shaqsi ahaan waan soo dhowayn,Wuxuu DOono ha noqdo,, :(


la soco,, waaxaad sugtanba waa ayaamo,laakiin waxaan aaminsanahay in aan soomaliyi waalayn oo qof dhiigyacabnimo ku faana ayna xugun u dhiibanayn.



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Waar illen wax laa arag! If you dont chose CY he wil leave the conference! the same thing with Cabdiqasim! so what should the somali ppl do? Lets jail em all!



Maandhow you are still young and you dont know any thing about somali Politic! so dont slip of your toung, and say somthing you dont know any thing about!

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TO: Milk


Analyzing and examining the degree of loyalty that you have for C/hai Yusuf, you seem like a person who has been thoroughly brainwashed by tribalism. Considering the crimes that C/lahi commited he certainly does not deserve the over whelming support that you and others give him. It is sad and tragic to see a somali citizen like you who is a victim of tribalism, It seems like you don't use your mind and your intelligence when it comes to electing a national leader.An exaggerated tribalism is a mental set that is destructive and self-defeating and if you continue possessing this kind of mental set, you will pay the price at some point in life!

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