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Defection of two true sons of Somalia from secessionist camp!

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Two military officials have defected from Hargeisa Municipal Council to ICU to partake in the defense of the country, religion and people against the invading Tigre militia. Their story confirms what every rational Somali knows whether they are the countable patriotic among us or they are those who know what is good for the country but are overpowered by clanisitc emotions and outbursts.


These two true sons of Somalia were members of Riyaale’s militia who had the opportunity to be trained in Ethiopia. But luckily for us, they are valuable witnesses to the inner thinking of the regime in Addis and conspiracies it is plotting against the people of Somalia. They are unambiguously telling the world that in the military training manuals used by the Tigrean teachers, there are many compulsory chapters the whole purpose of which is to create perpetual enmity amongst Somali people. For example, they were continually taught why the people of northeastern and central Somalia are the natural enemies of the people in northwest. They were brainwashed in the lie that unless they defeat their other Somali enemies, the recognition for Hargeisa Municipal Council as sovereignty in the international arena will never be materialized.



Saraakiil kasoo baxsatay Maamulka Somaliland oo soo gaartay Magaalada Muqdisho horeyna loogu soo tababaray Dalka Itoobiya






Muqdisho, 03-December-06 (

Cabdi Cali Ducaale Abu Bakar iyo maxamed C/llaahi Cusman oo ka mid ah saraakiil ka tirsanaan jirtay ciidamada maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland ayaa soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho,ayagoo ka warbixiyay sababaha ku xanbaaray in ay ka soo goostaan maamulkaasi.



Ka Daawo Halkani Sawirada Saraakiishii ka timid Somaliland iyo Shirka Jaraa'id ee Abuu Mansuur iyo Sh.Fu'aad.

Labadan Sarkaal ee ka soo baxsaday maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland ayaa ka soo qalin jabiyay dugsi tawabar oo ku yaal magaalada Hawas ee dalka Ethiopia. Maxamed C/llaahi oo ah sarkaal ka tirsan difaaca cirka ayaa ka mid ahaa ciidamadii joogay Arri cadeeye, halka Cabdi Cali Ducaale oo ah sarkaal qaabilsan madaafiicda goobta uu joogay Aaga bari ee deegaanka Sirta.


Maxamed C/llaahi Cusman oo sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamada cirka ayaa saxaafada u sheegay in saraakiishii Tikreega ahayd ee tawabari jirtay ay u sheegi jirtay in cadawgooda 1aad uu yahay maamul goboleedka Puntland,isagoo xusay in ay ku caraadin jireen walaalahooda reer Puntland si aaney labada dhinac waligood u heshiinin.


Maxamed C/llaahi waxa uu tilmaamay sababaha ay u soo baxsadeen in ay tahay sidii ay uga qeyb qaadan lahaayeen difaacida diinta iyo dalka ee ka socota gobollada koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya,isagoo caddeeyay in naftooda ay u huri doonaan sidii jihad ay kaga hortagi lahaayeen ciidamada Tikreega ee ku soo duulay dalka Soomaaliya.


Waxa uu uga baaqay saraakiisha Somaliland iyo guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed in ay ka qeyb qaataan jihaadka iyo sidii loo daafici lahaa diinta iyo dalka oo ay isugu soo habar wacdeen Gaalada oo dhan.

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What political goals are you talking about? Abdirahman Tuur, Alle ha u naxariistee, was CEO of a fly-by-night enterprise destined to shipwreck. The soon he had realized that dismemberment of the Somali Republic can not fly, the sooner he abandoned the wreckage. And who knows better the inner workings of an enterprise than its own mastermind. Time has been the best testament of the good foresight of Mr. Tuur. For 15 years, what do you have except an empty slogan?


The defection of the two high ranking offices who were stationed at AddiCaddeeye is clear evidence how bad is the moral of Riyaale’s militia and I wouldn’t be surprised if more officers desert the silly idea of secession and join the rewarding campaign of the defense of the country, religion and people shoulder to shoulder with the UIC true mujahidiins...

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Nayruus,could you not distort the story brother,


In reality we all want to defend one another from the Tigray regime,these two soldiers may be back to where they left once they complete their mission which was to help out their brethrens in the South fight the Tigray regime,we should all be doing that right now,however,keep your rehetroics down bro,


However,with all due respect you may not praise the facist regime of Somalia then at the same time blame Somaliland and in turn support the ICU,these things don't go together.


If you are true Muslim don't praise Siyad Barre and the facist regime of the former,then may be we can see where you are coming from.

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Originally posted by Nayruus:

What political goals are you talking about?

The one that is making your blood boil.


If my “empty Slogan” is making you that sick than we must be doing something right. Don’t you agree, my friend?

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Claacal badanaa!


Red Sea, its time to choose sides man, the enemy wants to see us divided. Side with us! Side with Unity and Brotherhood. Division only weakens us, choose the path of those two brothers, it takes courage to do the right thing. Don't let hate cloud ur judgements.


Jaylaani, jabuuti hadaad ku soo kortay Somalia maxaad ka taqaanaa? You see things Black and white, Somalia is all shades of grey, be careful man, Somalia is quicks and for people liek you, who don't know where loyalties lie. Don't let folks like Red Sea fool you, they know what they are talking about, they know that Somalia will always be one and will never be divided.

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Originally posted by me:

Claacal badanaa!


Red Sea, its time to choose sides man, the enemy wants to see us divided. Side with us! Side with Unity and Brotherhood. Division only weakens us, choose the path of those two brothers, it takes courage to do the right thing. Don't let hate cloud ur judgements. always be one and will never be divided.

Nac nac badanaa!


There is not one thing that irritates me more than one this dude of so called Mr.Me claims he is for the better of the people and unity,maybe Mr.'me' you should stop worrying about Red Sea's stands and stick to your Siadist agenda sir.


I know you and your likes very well,you support the ICU for a hatred you have for particular people,in fact you would love to have the old man come back to live and rule again wouldn' ya,how can I stand with such..I think you are talking to the wrong guy here, so laydha iibanee adoo raali ah Jaale.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lol. Somaliland with this and the Burco incident seems to be in trouble.

the Burco incident is eternal,it will be handle in civilized manner Insha Allah as for the two soldiers,they went there in order to help out their brothers in the South,just like Hargeysawis got together in order to donate money to the flood victimis in the south...I don't see anything wrong with that.


Unlike your uncle who dragged Tigray troops into Somalia to kill other Somalis,they (two soldiers) actually were trained by Ethiopians and will use that training to fight against their trainees those which your uncle brought,the term Muslinimo and Somalinimo is true in their book while you and your likes hide behind the banner, so think about this for a second, a "seccesionist" is helping his fellow brothers in the South while you and your likes support those who would kill them,the Axmara....that is low.

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^^Xanaaq badanaa!


Cudurka iska dawee aboowe. These mental scarrs will not heal unless u deal with them. My advice to you is see a docter or talk to people, this hate will effect your head, it might cause mental illnesses.

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iska daa niicda yaa oo orod oo xabaalihii Aabow Siyad booqo,ana doctor waan utagi laakin waan hubaa in aanay wax xanuuna ihayn ,waxaa hubaal ah,nin leh Aabow Siyad in aanu hagaagsanayn.

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