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Great article by Isse.





By Abdirahman Sheikh Isse

June 13, 2010


Most Somalis around the world have joyously watched FIFA's World cup Kick off where the Somali singer, Keynaan Abdi Warsame, known as K’naan, has opened the musical concert with his worldwide famous song "Waving the Flag." K’naan was holding, higher-and-higher, the Somali Flag, our beloved Blugley.


Somalia is soon approaching its 50th anniversary of independence, it would have been a significant milestone, if it wouldn’t be for the tears and toils that our people have endured undeserving in the past two decades, a painful humiliation inflicted by its own sons. To add an insult to the injury, the shameful invasion of Ethiopia and the subsequent occupation of Mogadishu, the capital city, left an awful stain on the annals of Somali history.


After the long and persistent outcry of the Somali flag to her sons and daughters fell onto deaf ears, the scream for resurrection and the destiny- call of the quasi-moribund flag, our “Blugley,” was finally answered by an unexpected brave young man called K’naan. K’naan, unfortunately was pushed out of his country of birth at early age, as such, he did not experience the opportunity to enjoy the fervor and passion that many of us from the older generation have enjoyed. Yet, because of his multilayered identity and intellectual reach, he understood the thirst of his people, thus he answered the momentous call of history. That is why at the opening of FIFA's World Cup K’nan using his iconic position he lifted up the “Somali flag” in unison with the whole world.


K’naan, God bless him, has given all of us a lull from the pain of the “Reign of Terror,” even if it was just for a moment. He allowed our people whether they live inside Somalia or in the Diaspora a sense of pride and nationhood.  He also reminded us and, the entire world, that Somalia, notwithstanding its failed state label, WE AS PEOPLE still exist.


Likewise, K’naan’s
tacit message
has eloquently conveyed to all Somalis, the hope  they aspire and the self-determination is still recoverable , and more importantly he underscored that our
“Blue Flag,”
is still the symbol of our collective and imagined nationhood, as well as, the carrier of our identity and history. Thus, our flag is and will remain the single most powerful weapon that can rally patriot Somalis as a whole. Many Somalis still believe that in spite of the confusion and crisis of identity that has befallen on us, yet we Somalis are still fascinated by the power, intensity and the meaning of our Somali flag.  Hence, if we will be able to focus on our similarities and common denominator, as our fathers did during the struggle for independence, we will be able to finish this
“genealogy of hate,”
called  tribalism that has imprisoned our people in a cage, and gave our enemies the force to manipulate us and keep or contain Somalia under its knees. In my view, one of the invincible weapons available to us, right now, is our common identity and of course our flag is the one symbol that can command that very authority and motivate our people to stand as one.


Because our flag and its intrinsic meaning carry with it the muscle that can win against those lukewarm child-soldiers, who naively and maybe unsuspectingly wave, in vain, that “black flag” while being drunk with the ideology of slaughter and the utopia of their perceived religion. As we approach the 50th Anniversary of our statehood and the
“Kanna-Siib-Kanna –Saar,
Somali unity, let us hope that K’naan’s waving the flag song may trigger a new wave of emotions that will unchain all people of good will and those rusted patriots who are intimidated, encircled and suffocated by the ocean of tribalist, turncoat-opportunist and profiteers, and pave the way to a
“Somali Renaissance.”
At this juncture, most Somalis are really fed up with the status-quo, but will they be able to say enough is enough, and stand for their rights and be in words and deeds part of the change they want to see?


If we can dream for a moment, and make our dreams our goal and act upon.

If, we can force our heart and mind and as a generation we decide in unison to stand for our right, for our self-respect and self-determination, then we can also dare to take our own destiny and historical responsibility for change.

If we will be able to imagine a Somali Renaissance, for a moment and realize the meaning and achievability of what most Somalis are longing deep down in their heart, then we can take the first step and reach the 1000 miles journey.


Abdirahman Sheikh Isse

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Waving a flag will not build you a nation or a country, or will not bring law and order back in Somalia. How many times did sh dalxis wave that flag , or Yey or salad Boy. Or Ali naafto. Knaan Song waving flag has a nice rhythm , and every county will wave its flag. But just today Islamist killed locals for watching the world cup, and that flag is supposed to represent them.

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Oodweyne do these people like nafaqo. Yo Yo the flag has been raised , Somalia will be fixed African union troops will turn into xooga dalka , and shabaab will assist them as true angels of Somalia. And their foreign fighters will be ambassadors, to the waving flag country


And miraclesly the pirates from the clan enclave will operate as the Somali navy , thanks to wave the flag. And sh dalxiis would for the first time fly with the Somali airlines if he is leaving Mogadishu, for a foreign country , waving flag indeed

And the donkeys in Mogadishu stadium will sing waving flag


waving flag it is :D

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What you are objecting, ya Oodweyne, is not the emotional reaction, which Keynaan’s judicious event brought into play, what you are objecting is the symbolism you hate and its emblematic value it so beautifully represents to Somalia and her sons and daughters.


Go call Oodweyne settlement for a proper response for the below verses :D



Keynaanka soo caanbixiyo calanka uu saaray

Eebahay cizeeyoow markuu caalamka uu dhiibey

Ee loo camiray goobta oow curadnimow heesay

Cuqdad iyo ninkii ciilqabaa cay la gooniyahe

Inta kale Cawaaley hayyaan oo calaqayaane


Caqligaa kabiir laga noqdaa oo la citibaaraaye

Waxaan caarid gelin baa jiroo laga cabsoonayne

Ciza sharefle weeyoo ninragi ku camaloodaaye

Cajamigu wakaa caashaqoo loo ciyaartumaye'e


Inkastooy cakirantahay dawladnimo oo ciirsantahay jeerkan

Waa calan jamhuuroo, dunida la citirafaaye'e

Caan weeye taariikhdii uu caalamkan yimide

Sayidkii cukaashaha ahaa markuu caabis diriraayey

Timacade codkiisii markuu calanka saaraayey

Ee uu kii kufriga caayey ee ciida gelinaayey

Cawaalihii sameeyeyiyo raggii caalamkan kifaaxay

Ee curiyey oo dhaliyey baa ciriq wadaagtaane'e


Cimrigaa jir oo khaatimaan kuu codsadnayaaye'e

Curudkii Magoolow eebahay ku callimi diinta


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Superbly crafted lyrics however, without an action from us, K’naan’s waving flag song would be a futile exercise.

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Xaji iyo Oodweyne,


Is this bitterness and cynicalism about the 'flag' ama wax kale aad kaa gubaneeysaan?


20yrs of the illusive recognition perhaps?




sidii aad bitter uu dex dabalaneyseen you have lost any sense of humility? [dead inside?]


You can mock,joke and poke fun at what that moment meant to people - despite what the realities on the ground are,it offered folks a sense of re awakening.


As for the reality on the ground this includes SL,it's a part and parcel of Somalia..still! ;)icon_razz.gif

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You can mock,joke and poke fun at what that moment meant to people - despite what the realities on the ground are,it offered folks a sense of re awakening.


As for the reality on the ground this includes SL,it's a part and parcel of Somalia..still! [Wink] [Razz]

They cant just seem to understand that, its quite to think that their enclave is seperate from Somalia.

So sad, when thats not the reality and wont be either.


As for the article it talks about how symbolic the event was for the people, it did not say it would fix our problems.

The emotional outbursts from the Somalidiids shows sheer dislike towards our flag.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

Oodweyne do these people like nafaqo. Yo Yo the flag has been raised , Somalia will be fixed African union troops will turn into xooga dalka , and shabaab will assist them as true angels of Somalia. And their foreign fighters will be ambassadors, to the waving flag country


And miraclesly the pirates from the clan enclave will operate as the Somali navy , thanks to wave the flag. And sh dalxiis would for the first time fly with the Somali airlines if he is leaving Mogadishu, for a foreign country , waving flag indeed

And the donkeys in Mogadishu stadium will sing waving flag


waving flag it is

Whatever you've been smoking aside, you are not making any sense at all.

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Its called an emotional outburst :D

After he was humilliated in that other thread, they called him what was it again.

Candhuufta! :D

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^ War kaa dayaa wilka,it was a moment of emotional outburst.


I believe their [xaji and Oodweyne] bitterness stems from a deeper place - their sense of injustice,unfairness [the blue flag reminds them of] which has fueled the seccionist agenda is perhaps blinding them to just see that moment for what it was..a moment - perhaps very significant and perhaps not.

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Xaajiyo Malika must you chase away Oodweyne and xaaji xunduf (or it was Candhuuf :D )


They are embarassing themselves in this thread ha la daayo

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thanks for the laugh Nassir perhap next time i should wave the somalia flag in my local area then perhap i will see on the news "Libaahe kept somalia's hopes alive" lol.

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:D:D:D:D @waving flag country. Sadly the country that is/was Somalia has been reduced to flag waving; Dadkiisii waa Iska xaabo.

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