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The greatest war Muqdisho ever seen is immenant.

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Magaalada Muqdisho oo foolaneysa dagaal kala bax ah (Warbixin xasaasi ah)


Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Soomaaliya ayaa saacadihii u dambeeyay gashay marxalado ka duwan kuwii hore, iyadoo haatan magaalada ay la ciir ciireyso saxmad ciidamo aad u fara badan oo Dowladda KMG mar kaliya la soo baxday, kuwaasoo durbaba ku xoojisay goobaha la isku hor fadhiyo ee aagaga dagaalka.


Dowladda KMG ayaa maalmahan waday qorshe dagaal iyo guluf ay ku dooneyso in ay ku qaado Xoogaga Mucaaradka isbaheysanaya ee xilligan gacanta ugu jirta inta badan magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo ay haatan dagaalku ka yahay kal iyo laab.


Kumanaan Ciidamo ayaa Dowladda KMG ay ka soo saartay Xeryaheeda ay ku leedahay Caasimada, kuwaasoo qul qulkooda magaalada aad looga dareemay, waxaana saacadihii la soo dhaafay ay ciidamada ay raxan raxan u socdeen wadooyinka magaalada, iyagoo sii galaya aagaga dagaalka.


Ciidamadan oo ah kuwo cusub oo dhowaan Dowladda uga yimid tababar ayaa la sheegayaa in ay howl gal ballaaran ku qaadayaan saacadaha dhow saldhigyada Mucaaradka ku leeyihiin Caasimada.


Wariyeyaasha ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa soo sheegaya in magaalada ay gashay daruuro colaadeed, kaas oo u muuqda mid dagaal saacadaha dhow laga fursan karin oo ka qarxa qeybo ka mid ah Caasimada Soomaaliya ee dagaaladu ay wehelka u noqdeen.


Ka sokow gulufka ay wado Dowladda oo ah mid iska shaacsan, isla markaana Mas'uuliyiinta Dowladda ay nolol maalmeed ka dhigteen in warbaahinta la hortaagnaadaan wararka ku saabsan duulaanka Dowladda ayaa hadana waxaa muuqata in Xoogaga Mucaaradka dhankooda ay ka feejigan yihiin.


Xoogaga Mucaaradka ayaa iyana si aan horay loo arag u soo buuxiyay aagaga dagaalka ee ay difaaca ugu jiraan, waxaase dhinacooda markan u muuqdaan kuwo difaacanaya deegaanada ay gacanta ku hayaan, bedelkii ay horay weeraro ugu soo qaadi jireen goobaha ay Dowladda ku sugan tahay.


Shacabka Muqdisho ayaa saxmada ciidan iyo dhaq dhaqaaqyada soconaya ka muujinaya cabsi iyo wal wal hor leh, iyadoo dadkana ay kuu sheegayaan in meeshii labo maroodi ku dagaalanta uu coos ku gacan galayo, iyagana ay sidaas ula mid yihiin.


Lama saadaalin karo halka ay u dhici doonto gulufyada iska soo horjeeda ee ka jira Caasimada Muqdisho, hase ahaatee waxaa ay yihiin kuwo qorsheysan oo ay mar horeba ka baaraan degtay Dowladda KMG, sida ay ka dhawaajiyeen Madaxda ugu sareysa Dowladda oo ku hanjabay in ay tallaabo ka qaadayaan Xoogaga ka soo horjeeda.


Magaalada ayaa u hada u ek mid foolaneysa dagaal lagu kala baxo, tiiyo Dowladda ay hanjabaadeeda ay sii badaneyso iyo Xoogaga Mucaaradkana oo dhankooda riyo iyo qaraw ku tilmaamaya, waxaana isu bir tumashada iyo dhaq dhaqaaq xaga ciidamada oo ay wadaan labada dhinac uu yahay mid soo dedejin kara dagaalo lagu hoobto.

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Trust me this will be a waste of resources and lives as the usual they say. Nothing will be achieved from it as usual as they say.


Neither will see it through. Fighting over rubble and power without the people's interest if there is to speak about in the first place as there are no people anyway well for the odd 'Suuqa Bakaaraha' vendor and few other hardened people, everyday dozens leave by the hour, minute and eye wink.


What for? The usual as they say, the usual.


Eventually there will be no more Alshabaab at least not in the name and stature as they do now but like the rest they will eventually leave the scene.


Well for the engulfed TFG who is surviving on its nails hanging on literally will also be gone inshallaah they are just here until once again as the usual.


So the best they can do is fit, sit and rob. Sign a few deals here and there as this bunch is not about rescuing a country but rather transiting until there two year term end. (In real terms 1 1/5 years)


The gullible are easy to fool they say and so it is 'as the usual'. So nothing to get excited by unless of course you are into military action movies, which then I would recommend you stick by and watch the 'show' TFG's Shariif and their so-called 'enemy' which is not know anyway who is who which is rather 'unusual' and thus far suspectful why some elements have a tie to both sides and the underhand dealings that go with it that even resulted in a UN's investigation to why its arms and that of the International Community land in the hands of Al-Shabab militias. Rather weird and very unusual in a rather very usual setting.

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Let the TFG have thousands of troops if they want, the only ones who can defeat the khawarij are mas cunayaal (something Somalis lack these days).

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lol@ mascunayaal...oo xaggee ka dhex imaan lahaayeen? Soomaalida dhexdooda lee ma ahoo. I think ciidan tababaran oo leh tayo iyo moral ayaa loo baahan yahay. Haddii dagaal la gelayana waa iin ugu yaraan 6 bilood hubkii iyo saanaddii ay ku dagaal-geli lahaayeen ciidammadu meel la saaraa!

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Allah save the TFG and the people of Somalia and pray for them. This offensive is long overdue and the best the TFG can scrape up, let it happen. All experts agree that country and govt security is needed first and foremost before any other recovery can begin or start to take place. Take back, secure and hold Mog. All you donor nations that have promised the other $200 million you havent sent, now would be a really good time to send it.

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Originally posted by Khayr:



JB, Plesase delete the above post. It is a sign of childishness.

ninkan wuxu ka naxo ama ka xishooda iskaba yar. Magaciisu waa JB. :D

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