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The allegations in this clip (if true) is a damning indictment on the President. Some of the students' questions obviously touched a nerve. The questions asked were all quite legitimate. His inability to convince simple college students raises serious questions. Given his performance with these students, how on earth is he going to persuade the likes of Sh. Aweys? The guy seems to have lost both his calmness and oratorical prowess.


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These youngsters raised good and valid questions and now that we have listened their part of the story we now need to listen to Mr. president's part. Since the president's office was not available for any comments and in order to reach a verdict here they, the youngesters should back up their claims with video evidence or recording.


Mr. Justice: Bartamaha got 14 days to come up with evidences to backup their claim. Court closed!


Gaurd: Every one raise up!

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Ilmahan are lost and confused asking questions to which they have no right to get answers for?


Lol. Edeb daranaa? Maxaa nin hebel isku dirirteen ma hadal baa? Kaw!


Yeey is moodeen loool.


PS: Cunugta yar looks like my little sis. I need my glasses to see clearly. Sug aan la hadlee.

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Smart ayey iska dhigayaan oo waxay maqleen meel inta lasoo istaaga su'aalo cantrabqash lasoo ban dhigaa? waar ninkan kaba ka wayn ayuu gashaday markaa asagaaba tiisu meel ula su'aal mid yaroo bariis iska cunayaa in uu waydiiyo waaba qalad.

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The Zack   

^Questions like: Dahir Aweys waa la socon jirtee maxaa argagixiso u dhahdaa hadda? Adiga iyo Dahir Aweys maxaa isku dagaasheen?

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su'aalo aywsan laftiisu jawaab cad u hayn bay waydiiyeen marka la yaab maleh inuu ka kululaaday.

shariif muxaadarooyin bas buu hayaa.

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MMA, Su'aalaha waa intuu Zack sheegay.


Arin kale oo eey Ardaydu ka xumaadeen waxeey aheed in su'aalaha badanaa eey asxaabiitsa kale ka jawaabeen, iyagoo Sh. Sharif ka filanaayo jawaab.


They also say that he rebuked them for daring to even ask the one question he ended up addressing directly. All in all, the students felt that the Sheikh was being a bit arrogant.


PS - Mahadsanid Zack.

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The Zack   

Adaa Mudan, Bilaalow. I met the president myself in that same Hayat Hotel (representing different kind of Students Group). The time was very limited. They told us we had 15 minutes but ended up giving us only 10 or less. And yes those kids are right, Shariifka was avoiding to answer the questions and hardly answered any. The other Shariif (I think he is the current Ministry of Finance or something, the dude that used to be the speaker of the parliament) was answering most of the questions for the president. When a controversial or complicated question is asked you could tell from the president's face that he was asking for the other sharif's help. Overall, it wasn't bad at all.

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The other Shariif (I think he is the current Ministry of Finance or something, the dude that used to be the speaker of the parliament) was answering most of the questions for the president. When a controversial or complicated question is asked you could tell from the president's face that he was asking for the other sharif's help. Overall, it wasn't bad at all.

That is why he, Shariif Xasan Sh. Aaden, is always with him, Shariif Sh. Axmed miyaa?


Bilaal iyo Saak, laakiin if the only questions they asked were those listed above, then those su'aalo were harmless and less heated questions. Wax simple loogu jawaabi karo waaye, oo wax laga caroodaba ma'aha. Mise su'aalo kale jiro oo la sheegin? Ama si afgarad la'aan kale dhacday, yacni knowing barbaartaan inta ku barbaartay are a bit more independent, and that independence might have been perceived or interpreted by those around Shariifka as a disrespect gesture towards Shariifka.


Shariifka should have answered them, though. Aniga ayaaba hadda ka jawaabi karo anigoo waliba ka fikirin, yacni ugu jawaabi lahaa su'aasha ku saabsan asaga iyo Aweys kala fogaanshaha ku dhacday. Fursad weyn ayeeba ahayd uu ugu sharxo qorshahiisa. Saan camal ugu jawaabi karay:


Walaalkey Aweys iyo aniga shaqsi ahaan kuma kala tagin, ee waxaa ku kala tagnay isku aragti la'aanta, aragtidaas oo ah dalkeena wax xaal nabadeed u keenaayo. Taas ugu horeyso ku kala duwanaanay.


Waxaan xaal u arkay qori caaradiisa kaliya inay nabad keeneynin, oo nabad raadinta meel walba loogu tago, meel walbana laga raadiyo. Waa sababta igu kaliftay aniga iyo asxaabteyda kale inaan ka qeybqaadano shirkii Jabuuti, maadaama xaal raadin ahayd. Aweys taas buu kasoo horjeestay.


Ilaa hadda irida nabadadeed wey furantahay, oo qof walba nabad iyo xalinta dalkeena rabo meel Alle waa ugu tageynaa. Dowladaan waa dowlad nabadeed, waxaana jecelnahay inaa ka duwanaano kuwii hore soo maray oo qori kaligiis wax ku raadin jiray. Midaan waa mid nabadeed, qof walba oo nabad la rabo dalkeena wey u banaantahay, waana la kulmeynaa...



Shariifka dad iska hadlo ayaa si u dacaayadeeyo, dacaayadooyin raqiis ah, marka saas camal mooday ardeydaan waxee ka cabanayaan saas camal tahay. The funniest criticism against Shariifka that I did hear was this: Muxuu ugu qudbeeyaa ama ugu hadlaa lahjad dadkiisa (read his fellow clanmates) ku hadlin.


It is the funniest, yet most ridiculous one aan maqlay. Nothing wrong with lahjadaas, wuuna ku hadli karaa laakiin isma weydiinin filaa qof walba meesha uu kusoo barbaaro uu ku hadlaa waxa meeshaas loogu hadlo. Not every fellow clanmate of Shariifka speaks like Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow.

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