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Somaliland: Shadows of the Past As Human Rights Deteriorate

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Truly disturbing and worrying to say the least of the latest news coming from the good old land of Somalis – Somaliland this time round.

One sees similar events unfolding and incidents taking place in Hargeysa that had taken place in Garowe, Puntland around the time when the opposition camp rejected the proposed extension of the office of presidency for the ruling team around this time in 2001. When are the Somalis going to learn respecting the rulings of supreme courts and decisions reached through consensus and parliamentary proceedings for the good of the majority? And when are going to learn the concept of conflict resolution ending in a win-win situation? Does it ever resonate with the nomads?



Ciidan Boolis Ah oo Xoog ku Galy Guriga uu Dagan yahay Wasiiru-Dawlaha Maaliyadda.


Hargeysa(Jam)-Ciidan Booliis ah oo watay saddex baabuur ayaa casarkii jimcihii ee doraad isku xeeray guriga wasiirul dawlaha wasaaradda maaliyadda Somaliland Md. Nuux Sh. Cumar Sh. Muuse oo ku yaalla xaafadda Gol-jano ee magaalada Hargeysa, kuwaas oo galay gurigaas isla markaana ka baadhay dhallinyaro booliisku raadinayay.


Dhacdadan foosha xun ee wasiirka gurigiisa lagu baadhay oo bilaabay 3:00 socotayna illaa 3:30 galabnimo ma jirto cid lagu qabtay. Hasa yeeshee ka abuurmay buuq iyo sawaxan xoogan oo sababay inay guryahooda ka soo saaro dad tiro badan oo ay ka mid yihiin dadweynihii degenaa xaafadda kuwaas oo is hordhoobay guriga wasiir Nuux si ay wax uga ogaadaan sababata loo baadhayo, Amarka ciidankaasi ku hawl galay ayaa la sheegay inuu bixiyey wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Md. Ismaaciil Aadan Cismaan iyada oo toddobaadkii hore xabsiga loogu taxaabay toddoba xubnood oo dhallinyaro ah kuwaas oo lagu eedeeyey inay ku kaceen falal wax u dhimaya ammaanka magaalada Hargeysa.


Wasiirul dawlaha maaliyadda Md. Nuux Sheekh oo Jamhuuriya shalay wax ka weydiisay arrintaas ayaa ka gaabsaday inuu wax tafaasiil ah ka bixiyo isaga oo sheegay in dacwadda arrintaas la xidhiidha u gudbiyey madaxweyne Rayaale.


“Maanta (shalay) ka hadli mayo arrintaas oo madaxtooyada ayaan war ka sugayaa markaa ka bacdi ayaa jawaabta layga helayaa” ayuu yidhi Md. Nuux isaga oo la hadlaya weriyayaal ka tirsan Jamhuuriya iyo Telefiishanka Somaliland ee madaxa bannaan oo kula kulmay barxadda Hoteelka dawladda ee Hargeysa Club, si ay wax uga weydiiyaan arrintaas oo la sheegay inay khilaaf ka dhex abuurtay wasiirul dawlaha maaliyadda Md. Nuux iyo wasiirka daakhiliga Md. Ismaaciil Yare. Ilo xogogaal ah u dhuun daloola khilaafkaa labada wasiir ayaa tibaaxay in wasiirul dawluhu aad uga cadhooday dhacdadan Booliisku ku galalefeen gurigiisa oo ay xilligaas ku sugnaayeen odayaal iyo dhallinyaro tiro badan oo reer Hargeysa ah kuwaas oo u fadhiyey qayilaad, kuwaas oo la sheegay inuu qaarkood kala hadlaayey arrimo la xidhiidha dhinaca nabad gelyada hasa yeeshee iyada oo weli hadalku u socdo ayay si kedis ah uga dul degeen gurrigaas oo ay kala didiyeen dadkii, ilahaasi waxa ay sheegeen in ciidanka Booliiska ee hawlgalkaa fulinayey si fool xun ula dhaqmeen wasiirul dawlaha ayna ku gacan saydheen amarkiisii isla markaana ay gurigiisa xoog ku galeen oo baadheen.


Sida ay sheegeen ilahaasi goob jooga ahaa intii aan booliisku gelin guriga waxa wasiirul dawluhu Telefoon kula xidhiidhay wasiirka daakhiliga isaga oo ka codsaday inuu dib uga celiyo askarta inta aanay gurigiisa gelin maadaama isagu amarka bixiyey. Hasa yeeshee waxa la caddeeyey in wasiirka daakhiligu uu taa ka diiday oo weliba askarta ku amray inay isaga qabtaan haddii uu iska hortaago askartu inay galaan gurigiisa. Markaa ka dib ayaa sida la sheegay waxa wasiirul dawluhu la hadlay madaxweyne ku xigeenka isaga oo ku wargelinaya in ciidan boolis ahi gurigiisa badhayaan ka dibna uu madaxweyne ku xigeenku amar ku siiyey Booliiska inay ka baxaan guriga wasiirul dawlaha.


Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Md. Ismaaciil Aadan Cismaan oo aanu isna la xidhiidhnay si aanu arrintaa wax uga weydiino ayaanay noo suurto geli wayday.


Hawlgalkaas oo ahaa mid u muuqday xaalad abuur nabadgelyada lagu khalkhal gelinayo waxa uu dad badan dib u xusuusiyey falalkii argagixisada ahaa ee taliskii Siyaad Barre dadweynaah reer Somaliland guryahooda kagala bixi jiray.

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The new government is trying to get a good grip on power and with that always comes the un-fettered crackdown on anyone the government sees as being involved in "malfeasance". It is very common in Africa.

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thanks for the article hornafrique,

I agree with you libaax when you say

The new government is trying to get a good grip on power

Also there are definitely some legitimate issues to be concerned about. I'm glad the author has put some of the events into writing for the rest of Somalilanders to read. However I don't see these situations as "grave", I have a feeling the author has somewhat of a political motivation himself. These are definitely some trying times for Somaliland, and I hope the government can maintain peace in a orderly and lawful manner. I hope the president and the members of the UDUB party can address some of the issues raised by this article, I for one believe that government critic is part of a healthy democracy and should never be hampered . No democracy is ever perfect and Somaliland is only in its infantile stages, and yet we take great pride in being light years ahead (in democracy) of 90+% of African countries.

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Somaliland is peaceful, so far nothing has changed from the status quo. This hysteria is being created by those who seek to benefit from the fiasco of the election.


We hope for the sake of our people Somaliland stays peaceful.

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Now now this is a first, HornAfrique has actually written in a believable story about Somaliland "lol". You know what they say "its never too late", I guess its never too late to change but then again "a leopard never changes its spots".


On a serious tip, I think we (Somalilanders) should remain ctirque of the situation back home. I strongly believe the voices of the people should be heard and respected and thus if issues as this arise allbeit a propoganda note, we should demonstrate that we will not accept such repressive regimes and that a Barre style goverance will not be tolerated. Therefore, Mr Afrique, thank you for bringing this to our attention, I have forwarded this article to several other Somalilandforums and the responses have been impressive.


One thing I pray for and I know Somliland will attain forver is peace. I hope to god Somalilanders do not indulge in greed and misgoverance as this has been the downfall of many of great nations (Congo per say).


I am amazed mr Bari_Nomad or Baashi- Self confessed anti_Somaliland are not jumping on the wrong side of the debate again and shouting foul all over Somaliland. Maybe I spoke too soon. Oh well only time will tell.


Dusty icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Angel-Dust:

I am amazed mr Bari_Nomad or Baashi- Self confessed anti_Somaliland are not jumping on the wrong side of the debate again and shouting foul all over Somaliland. Maybe I spoke too soon. Oh well only time will tell.

I am not Anti-'Somaliand'; I am Pro Somalia. ;) BTW, Is there such a thing as a "wrong side of the debate" :D


P.S. The only people surprised by what is going on in 'Somaliland' are the young idealistic 'Somalilanderz' living in diaspora.

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you kept me waiting for ages, is that the best you can come with?



I don't see what's so humorous :confused:

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Angel-Dust, I think you are being little unfair to Baashi and Bari_Nomad. :D


I don't think that Lander and Gediid have anything against Somalia. It would be absurd for me to suggest so.


I think it is nice we have nomads with all kinds of opinions on this politics forum and we ought to respect that.


These debaters are all decent nomads who respect one another.

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I have a feeling the author has somewhat of a political motivation himself

^^I agree, African Rights got issues with Riyaale, wasn't the director of this orgination who wrote the damaging article about Riyaale's bad record right b4 the elections? they are bais.

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We the so called "idealistic" Somalilanders are not surprised with Udub, we will handle them by our laws and not with violence and many of those who are "Pro Somalia" or "Anti Somaliland" which ever way you want to say it would have you believe.


I have read from my friends and yes it was happening, and why do you think that all of a sudden Riyale is trying to work something our with Silanyo, because the public is angry with him, democracy is taking place slowly but surely.


Its easy for people who dont have democracy (Pro SOmalia folks) to talk ill of those that are actually trying to make it happen.


One word of advice, when you get up off the couch, and try it yourself, then talk, till then, shhhhhhhhhh.


I believe this is a trying time for SOmaliland, but like I said, when have we ever refused a challenge soo great, and when have we lost?


Our history serves as a blue print to our determination, and our public in Somaliland, and those abroad, will do everything in their power to make things better for those back home especially but for ourselves too.


I wish that other SOmalis would stop wishing doom and gloom on us, and try instead to do what we have done, and fix the home they are squating in.


-Citizen Sami

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A little feisty tigress, yet a bit on the sloping side of things. Which of the 101 issues you raised in one stride do you wish us to observe: the Udud, the Kulmiye, the Riyale, the public, the idealists, the anti-Somaliland camp, the emotions and wretchedness tone in your prose, the quoted history, the pro-Somali folks, the untoward rubbishing of others, I wonder. Pick one to approach objectively, and let us see where we could go from there on.

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Libaax said

I don't think that Lander and Gediid have anything against Somalia. It would be absurd for me to suggest so.

You just can't keep living in the past whilst the future awaits.




Since it has become customery on your part to report all thats postive from Somalia and all thats negative from Somaliland I thought I might as well help you with the best website to get all the negative news regarding choice and I'm sure it will be your favorite...Dayniile.comThey even sometimes bring reports of Eeyda Hargeysa ku dhintey just to show how UNSTABLE Somaliland is when they have nothing else to report.

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